
Thursday 4 September 2014

Those who take the streets are not FARIGH!

“They are not more than 10,000. I don’t think they can change anything.”

“Those who attend protests are actually farigh. How on earth somebody having a reasonable job will take leave for such activities.”

“Youth likes fun, entertainment and drama. When it comes with a political flavor, oh boy, it increases these attributes to multiple folds.”

At workplace, I was going through the pain of listening to such comments regarding current political situation in the country. The 9-to-5 people were too worried about tranquility of repetition of their daily routine. For them, continuous submission to political exploitation is way better than raising the voice against it. I still remember some of those ‘rational arguments’; there is no point in taking to streets as somebody can get expire in the ambulance due to traffic congestion problems; Children can’t get to school and there is a severe loss of education which countries like Pakistan can’t afford at all; Labor on daily wages has to look for other means to make up for the loss; Whole city comes to halt and business has to shut for one complete day, denting the already crippling economy; so on and so forth.

I neither support PTI nor PAT. I am neither a victim of IK’s personal charisma nor I am spell bounded by debating skills of TuQ but I totally support the idea of taking to streets to get your demands fulfilled. For the same reason, what hurts most is the attitude of apolitical people who think that every person protesting out there is either a jaahil or he is being paid. It is hard for them to believe that people chanting slogans out there have got a family to take care of, they have a job where they will have to justify their absence from office and they also got the same 24-hour day which is, for apolitical people, is too short for managing too much activities. Believe me, sitting in air conditioned office and having a running commentary with sip of warm coffee is one real bad, and also, the easiest thing to do. What makes it worst is the apathy of such people towards protestors. Sometimes, it really seems that they are more interested in the failure of whole political activity so that they can crack jokes and make fun of those who put their security and safety on the line for the future of people.

You don’t need to look too far back to understand the importance of people on the streets. Without going into discussion of whether Arab Spring was hijacked or not; it clearly highlighted the power of people, and most importantly, the power of common people. Rulers are disturbed most when they see the ruled chanting slogans right at their palaces, challenging them to come out of their safe houses and get accounted for their wrongdoings. Situations like this make rulers realize that their authority and power can only be retained, if and only if, the ruled allow it.

For me, one man on the street is worth more than thousand of those who sit in their comfortable drawing rooms, hold discussions and whatever is the result of that discussion, they never come out on the street. These apolitical people are not ready to take even a minimum amount of risk to change this country and interestingly, when you talk to them, they will definitely entertain you with in-depth political discussions that lead towards ‘zero action’ point.

Those who take the streets should be looked at with respect; you may disagree with them but being apolitical doesn’t give you the right to suspect their sincerity with their cause. I will end with a quote, “There is a one major difference between humans and animals; animals are apolitical.”

Getty Images sues Microsoft over Bing Image Widget

NEW YORK: A new Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) product that allows website publishers to embed digital photographs on their sites is a “massive infringement” of copyrighted images, Getty Images Inc claimed in a lawsuit filed in federal court in New York on Thursday.

The “Bing Image Widget,” released on Aug. 22, gives publishers the ability to create a panel on their websites that displays digital images supplied by Microsoft’s Bing search engine, according to the lawsuit.

Rather than draw from a pool of licensed images, the lawsuit claimed, the product grants access to the billions of images that can be found online, without regard to whether the photos are copyrighted.

“In effect, defendant has turned the entirety of the world’s online images into little more than a vast, unlicensed ‘clip art’ collection for the benefit of those website publishers who implement the Bing Image Widget, all without seeking permission from the owners of copyrights in those images,” the lawsuit said.

Getty, which produces and distributes photos, video, music and multi-media products, is asking a judge in U.S. District Court to block the widget immediately and award an unspecified amount of damages. The actual injury to Getty is “incalculable,” according to the lawsuit.

In a statement, a Microsoft spokeswoman said the company would consider whether Getty’s claims had merit.

“As a copyright owner ourselves we think the laws in this area are important,” the spokeswoman said in an email. “We’ll take a close look at Getty’s concerns.”

John Lapham, general counsel for Getty, said his company has been engaged in discussions with Microsoft for more than a year about what he called the “erosion” of copyright protection for online images.

The widget, he said, goes well beyond a search tool by helping websites embed copyrighted images for commercial use. Getty’s own embedding tool, by contrast, is only available for non-commercial websites and includes photographer attribution, he said.

“Now you have someone else’s picture in full, beautiful display on your website, having never paid for it and with no attribution to the photographer at all,” he said.

The widget is already in use by websites around the world, the lawsuit said. Getty owns or represents more than 80 million unique digital images, according to the lawsuit.

The case is Getty Images Inc v. Microsoft Corp, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, No. 14-7114- Reuters

Palestinians condemn Host dies after coma

Celebrities and lawyers from the United States, Joan Rivers reportedly suffered breathing problems severe enough, after a week stay in a coma after his final surgery Joan died.

This was confirmed by his son Melissa accompanying her mother during  Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan since last Thursday.

Rivers has nmencetuskan controversy with comments related to the Israeli invasion of Gaza.
He issued a statement that the Palestinians deserved to die. Joan Rivers parents are Jewish-Russian also insulting Palestinians who were killed.  "Those who are killed are those with low IQ,"  he said in an interview.
He also had underestimated the maturity of Selena Gomez with questioning from the university where he received his education because of not understanding the real issue is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

Lovely runner so the focus of the world after a beautiful volleyball players

After the phenomenon of dainty slap footballer from Kazakhstan  Altynbekova so Sabina world depends on each occasion accompanied her , this time appeared a graceful runner who became the foundation of the world every time the show is on sertainya runoff.

Russian runner named  Denisa Rosolova  now become the focus because she has a beautiful look with a high body and attractive.

So every time she participated in the event olaharaga he will become the attention of many with her beauty and ability he also offered a model due to her beauty.

5 Photos: Undergraduate own Twitter with a picture of L ucah itself

A teenager believed to coed Indonesia who loves sharing nude photos on social networking sites, but the funny thing is, the lid is not removable head.
If your Twitter account is a fake account mendajalkan teen wants this, the main question is why such a lot of nude selfie taken.

Even more sad, some pictures of this girl has been shared on social networking sites to become a laughing non-Muslims.

Shame: Girl proud for action eham - eham night free

What teenagers want to be with right now .. people celebrate independence with a patriotic way .. they are proud to do marvelous things in the night.
They are proud of their extreme upload pictures to share with their friends on social media, so that they may realize their outrageous acts can embarrass themselves.

S ex in the car: Couple arrested after fleeing from police 1 hour

Petaling Jaya:  A pair of lovers were arrested after breaking several vehicles merely to escape from the police who track them are doing sex in the car.
District police chief ACP Azmi Abu Kassim said the incident, 17-year-old suspect behaving suspiciously when approached police patrol at 10.30 pm at Jalan Teknologi 3/6, Kota Damansara, here on Tuesday.

"The driver memakir Inokom Atos blue in the dark and quiet.

"Suspicious, a member of a police patrol approached the vehicle and asked them out, however, these youth continue to accelerate the car," he said on Wednesday.

Azmi said, however, after an hour of his track vehicle near Toll Plaza Damansara in mangled when it was involved in an accident with a Honda Civic.

"The suspect was arrested immediately at the scene.

"Both of them suffered minor injuries and was sent to the Sungai Buloh Hospital for treatment before being detained at the lock-Shah Alam," he said, adding that several other vehicles were damaged by acts of teenagers involved.

He said the case was being investigated for dangerous driving and prevent civil servants carrying out their duties.

Suicide with a headband on poles continue sprint car

Bronx (United States): A man cut off his head in a suicidal act as binding his head on a pole before the car accelerates.
Police said the man, Tomas Rivera, 51, of Port Jervis, tying the end of the chain to a lamp post and another on his neck before speeding Honda CRV.
Once the car is moving fast, the chain wrapped around his neck, causing his head cut from his body while the car crashed into several cars moving around the area.

A police source said: "It was absolutely horrible. He wanted to ensure successful action. "

Initial investigation showed that the man had committed suicide, and police do not suspect there are other people involved. - Agencies

5 photos of beautiful girls marry dogs

New Delhi: A woman marries a dog in a grand ceremony attended by at least 70 people just to 'throw shit' being conveyed.
Mangli Munda, 18, agreed to do so after the old people in the village to tell her parents the only way to avoid the kids bring destruction to families and residents.

A driver brings a stray dog ​​named Sheru to the council before rousing welcome guests.

Mangli who never attended school admits sadly had to marry a dog, but is willing to sacrifice in order to alter the fate and future.

"The old man in the village believe that bad things will happen if I married man now. Choosing a dog as a bride would mean bad luck down to the animal.
"This will ensure that the man I later married lucky and longevity," he said.

His father, Sri Amnmunda agree with the opinion of the village and also look for 'groom' to Mangli.

"We have directed the wedding as soon as possible to eliminate the curse of my son," he said.

Believe it or not this is not the first time that such a marriage was held in the village.

"It is also done in other villages. Of course we all believe in the curse like that, "said Sri.

Seema Devi's mother said the family spent a lot of money for the event, as well as provide full tribute to Sheru, the same as any groom.

Marriage does not affect the life Mangli but he can marry later without having to divorce 'her' it.

"I was told many girls do a wedding like this and be able to live happily thereafter. So I can marry the man of my dreams, "he says.

He now has to take care of the animals for the next few months.

Artists pretty tough divorce because contract toiletries products

So long in fact the issue of domestic upheaval beautiful artist with her partner, but the general said the mother of two children has never once said that it did not matter.

While never denying divorced, but rural communities still riddle. Some say the couple do not live under the same roof already, and some say they are still living together.

But yesterday, the Metro newspaper reported Sunday, the latest news that is obtained from the source to say celebrities are forced to postpone the divorce as bound by the contract as brand ambassador toiletries.

Company toiletries producers chose Dynas as the face of their new status as a wife and her mother. Therefore, it is very important for him to remain displaying the image and lifestyle of a happy family.

Because of this, Dynas and her husband agreed to resolve the problems between them when the contract expires. In order to avoid the contract is withdrawn, they had to keep whatever happens from public knowledge. In fact, Dynas and her husband agreed to resolve the issues between them when the contract expires soon. - Daily Quote

Hmm if you follow the logic, it makes sense this is also what is communicated. No wonder Dynas mouth lock tightly when asked about his marriage. But as long as you have yet to confirm the body's own this thing, just consider this as a rumor.

Tazkirah right b0gel secure themselves from being raped

Kuala Lumpur: A man who was membogelkan classmates abandon rape victim immediately given a "religious classes" on major sins are to be borne.
In the incident at 10pm on Saturday, the suspects in their 20s rather apologize, and help victims put on a robe before it is removed.
Police sources said the incident began when the victim left in a car MyKad suspects immediately boarded the victim returned from attending classes at a private college in Cheras.

He said the 23-year-old victim was later contacted the suspect and asked to be sent back to her MyKad.

However, the victim is asked to meet at a nearby restaurant to retrieve a MyKad was an hour later.

Upon meeting with the man, the suspect gave the victim MyKad reason left in the hotel room. He then asked the victim to follow him to a hotel room, he said.

He said the victim is pushed onto the bed before attempting to rape, but the victim managed to give classes and men were constantly changing his liver to save themselves and the dignity of the victim.

Korean artist killed in horrific accident

S Korean man and artist members of the  Ladies Code  of EunB killed after multi-purpose vehicle (MPV), which boarded involved in a freak accident on Tuesday night.

portal  Soompi  reported EunB, 22, suffered serious injuries in the accident and failed to be rescued by the paramedics once they arrived at the scene.

During the event the vehicle is believed skidding slippery road conditions to hit the road divider.

EunB addition, two other members of the group and the Rise Sojung suffered serious injuries but their condition was reported stable.

However, two other members of Zuny and Ashley luckily suffered only minor injuries but the trauma of the incident upon them.

"We are deeply saddened by this incident because we lost EunB Rise and Sojung while being treated in hospital.

"We are shocked by this incident , "said the group's management company representative to media.Mstar

Hot social media photos b0gel say Hollywood

Chaos in social media personal photos of Hollywood celebrities shared on social media after hackers managed to bypass the system reliable data storage iCloud cloud computing.

condemn Many hackers made ​​when personal photos were shared on the site 4chan.

Among the celebrities who are impressed Selena Gomez, Scarlett Johansson , Kim Kardashian, Victoria Justice, Kate Bosworth and Oscar winner, Jennifer Lawrence.

dismantled personal photos through iCloud storage including nude photos taken for personal savings.

supply that made ​​hackers condemned for not agreeing to share personal files to the public.
Most stole nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence, which has caused people to want to bring offenders to justice.

Some are advising people what they feel if it happened to their family members.

Blogger Perez Hilton famous Hollywood also apologized for sharing nude photos of Lawrence and Justice.

Hilton then remove the picture from his blog, but insisted made ​​not because of the particular pressure.