
Wednesday 15 July 2015

Death swallowed dentures when sleeping

Who would have thought a tool that allows us to look attractive can be fatal. Unfortunately it did not smell.

GEORGETOWN - A contractor who wear dentures when sleeping reportedly died after swallowing his teeth at her home in Greenlane, Air Itam here this morning.

In the incident at about 2 am, Choo Hock Meng, 44, is believed to snore before swallowing, coughing, causing her teeth and had difficulty breathing due to tooth stuck in his throat.

According to police sources, the incident realized that his wife Wu Huiling, 42, who discovered her husband had difficulty breathing and her face turned blue.

Before the incident, the victim and his wife were watching TV before going to bed earlier period.

She went into the bedroom soon after when he heard the sound of her husband like he was having trouble.

"The wife of the victim later found her husband swallowing false teeth, then he called an ambulance for help. Her husband was found dead by a member of the ambulance arriving at their home," said the source.

The body was then taken to the Penang Hospital and confirmed dead as a result of swallowing his false teeth.

"The autopsy revealed that the victim of false teeth in the upper jaw with three teeth buds stuck in the throat causing difficulty in breathing," he said.

Victims are said to wear dentures for over 20 years.

Deputy police chief Timur Laut, Supt Ismail Idris, when contacted, confirmed the incident and the case was classified as sudden death.

Lahad Datu siege ends as 14 people were killed, 3 injured

Well, I'm not sure if this is the end.

But they shed no more blood and intelligently deal with it that our security forces will be praying. Lahad Datu RMAF slain in our hearts, brave and dedicated men go to members.

Lahad Datu siege ends

KUALA LUMPUR, March 1 - Lahad Datu, Sabah three-week siege by rebels armed Filipino, Malaysian security forces were killed and 14 injured after an exchange of fire with the rebels ended today with three, police confirmed today. .

"We in the incident, which is bloodshed, because it wanted to prevent, in fact I am very sad about what happened," Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as saying today by the Star online was quoted. The Philippine and Malaysian armed commandos were killed. Three Malaysian policemen were injured.

Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib said the Malaysian security forces who opened fire on the rebels, saying the Filipino star was quoted by line.

"Our men to return fire, forcing the police, who opened fire on the intruders, many stumble," Hamza said. Agbimuddin Kiram a son of the rebel group leader, however, it was the first shot at it before it was Malaysian authorities said today.

The number of injured among the Filipino group is unknown at press time.

The death toll from the southern Philippines ,, Lahad Datu gunmen believed to be entered and robbed local branch of Standard Chartered Bank before firing at random shoot-out 1985 where 11 people died crossing. Philippines Philippine Daily Inquirer online news site 10 rebels surrendered to the Philippines today, saying, Mohammad Zamri Mohammad Kassim, the Malaysian ambassador reported.

Filipino nearly 180 people, including 30 armed rebels invaded Sabah, 9 February and the governments of Malaysia and the Philippines despite pleas today before the fatal shootout had refused to leave.

Philippine government can provide medical and consular assistance, the Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said that the alleged rebel group today for full access to the application.

Philippine Daily Inquirer where the rebels were hiding near Kampung Tanduo ,, 17 oil palm plantation of Felda Sahabat an "uncanny silence" was filled with as telling Radio Free Sarawak quoted.

, a "ghost town" as was described. A Filipino Muslim rebel group, a faction of the armed group suspected of being solo Empire "Imperial Army" claim to belong.

A system that stretches back to British colonial times - Malaysia Sabah Reuters news wire "rental" Sultan of Sulu each year to pay a token of that report.

By George Washington Gale Ferris Wheel Ferris

Your George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. do?

No matter.

Have you ever ride a big wheel, the Singapore Flyer, Malaysia's Eye, the Ferris wheel? Yes, that's what we're talking about here wheel. Today Google front / landing page and you click on the George Ferris, Ferris wheel creator's birthday that will be told.

Ferris, which is famous around the world on Valentine's Day February 14, 1859 was born. So, on this day dedicated to a little bit of space I do.

The World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893 (Wikipedia) to the original Ferris wheel is the most famous.

In the famous city-state of Singapore, the Singapore Flyer (ferris wheel). Source

Who was always kind to others and become a source of inspiration for others there is a place for people. George Ferris, who died in 1896, but this piece of work by people of several generations will enjoy.

Medical humor - Is wrong spelling a problem?

Aoccdrnig to a rseearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are witren, the olny iprmoatnt
tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be
a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as
a wlohe.

So wuold you pealse hit 'Share'
if you can magane to raed tihs.