
Monday 16 February 2015

[18sx] For Husband and Wife, 9 Mechanical Latch Right

9 Mechanical greatest idea for the guide and add in an intimate relationship as husband and wife, this is the rule for a long time to stay in the relationship of households should we share, but only for viewing by persons who are married ye:

1. Firstly, kissed the outside of her breasts. Make sure your lips are moist time to do it.

2. Kiss her breasts while gently steer lips as close as possible to the nipple.
Exhale you just above the nipple, so that he could feel the warmth of your breath.

3. Use the tip of the tongue to caress around areolanya. Give equal attention between right and left breast.

4. Geletik nipples using the tip of your tongue. Make sure he enjoyed the game of your tongue. If he reads or climax suddenly, it means he likes you kiss.

5. When you feel her nipples getting tense, point and stick the tip of your tongue to her nipples, while moving the tip of the tongue up and down her nipples.
then, slowly insert the nipple into your mouth. Suction while playing it with the tip of your tongue.

6. Ramas breasts while playing with both nipples. Do not forget to stimulate the bottom and in between the two breasts.

7. Let the wet nipples, when you switch to the other breast. As you suck, do little nip and touching her breasts.

8. Always listen to each desahannya or body movements. If he gets to enjoy it, then you allowed your hobby anytime soon.

9. Avoid the habit of kissing the same breast.

18 Year-Old Girl Selling Dara RM94,410

A teenager reportedly selling their virginity at a price of US $ 30,000 (RM94,410). The 18-year-old girl, known only by the nickname Shatunigha, advertise sale online, with Describing himself as a 'new and never used.'

Originally from Siberia, he suggested a meeting at a hotel in Krasnoyarsk, where he hopes to receive payment before sleeping with men who are willing to pay more than the minimum price offered.

Russian police said they would not investigate the case because the buyer was not breaking the law.

"I need money and therefore I sell my most precious thing," he said in an auction site. according to the newspaper The Siberian Times.

He also demanded that the money was given in cash. Man who allegedly bought their virginity is Eggeniy Volnov. However, no further details are published. He paid less than the price fixed teens and auction it just ended one day only.

"No crime committed. It also does not belong to the offense prostitution, "said a police spokesman.

According to reports, the teenager never bargained sell their virginity last year.

Action Holocaust In School Toilets Spread

Sex slaves school crowd in female toilets where a little boy who was involved in sex is hardly surprising us. Always we hear, a little girl "dikendurikan" by a group of boys.

But also a bit different this time when a boy mengendurikan yourself with some of the girls in the school toilets.

This has been the concern of parents about the safety of children even in the school grounds. Therefore advise children to always be cautious even where they are.

Arid wife Zamira recognition Tak Tahan Agoda

ALREADY almost a year, her husband worked in a country in the North Pole. Stay Zamira (not her real name) with her three children in the capital with life as usual. Factors are not familiar with the weather too cold makes Zamira choose to raise children in our beloved country only.

Where previously he only became a full-time housewife, Zamira also choose to work for eliminating boredom at home.

The 31-year-old woman was finally able to get a job as a customer service officer at a telecommunications company.

His children aged between five and eight years has started to go to school, because of the ideals of retained ago, Zamira also enroll as a part-time student at a local university majoring in business administration.

Zamira life is full of activity, every Monday to Friday from 8 am to 7 pm he will be in office.

When I returned, nor did he manage completeness children to go to school tomorrow and weekends Zamira attend classes studying at degree level.

"" My husband suggested I meet there is indeed time so I will not feel bored and miss her. Indeed, since the fuck we never direct separation and never parted even for a day.

"So after her husband was assigned to overseas is something very difficult for me to let go. For that reason I asked the husband to continue their studies and work so that there are colleagues who can amuse, "Zamira story at the beginning of our meeting.

Fortunately Zamira also have a maid who was kind and honest so Zamira not have the pressure of thinking about things at home and her children at home.

Due to the remote, Zamira husband would only return to their homeland about five months. Zamira longing and children on the husband be released exclusively through the internet or video calls.

"Almost a year my husband worked there more adaptable life without it. Before, I could not drive, now I've managed to have a driving license and my husband also bought a luxury car just to delight my heart bleed keep children out of the country during his legacy.

"The more I enjoy stylish with a car and a career that requires interaction with the public. Until one day I met a male customers aged over 30 years. Initially just a customer relationship, we are friends for a long time anyway. He took me out for a drink and without hesitation I accepted the invitation, "Zamira browser.

Although busy with various activities, Zamira admits his soul so empty without male friend named. When the longer her husband abroad, feelings dependence becomes thinner and Zamira is now truly independent.

"Although only two times out drinking with Irfan (not her real name), I can not deny their feelings. I know I started to like it, does not mean I want a divorce with her husband, but I assume Irfan friend in tense silence alone, and not more than that.

"Irfan local hero is not exactly handsome but for me he has a charm of its own. While he was two years younger than me, mature stands. Also general knowledge widely, from conversations with him I knew he was a voracious reader.

"At least I'm interested in him is his attitude that really cares. One day my car was broken, Irfan quickly came in to help, my feelings for her increasingly strong that I was more berSMS with their husbands, "admits Zamira.

Two months passed after recognizing Irfan, Zamira feels very cheerful life. Soul felt as if the new girl came to know the meaning of love, an exciting feeling Zamira every day and he is excited to office just to have lunch with Irfan.

Awoke from his dream

Camaraderie and Irfan cause liver infusion Zamira there to get married with Irfan. He began designing strategies to find a reason to part with her husband. Until one day the eldest Zamira dengue fever, how Zamira panic because her son in the hospital had to manage alone.

"In the hospital to see so many people sick, worried about my heart. I increasingly overwhelmed seeing the sacrifice of a mother who care for a sick child and husband in hospital. So courageous mother whose age was as if my sister alone. Share this story with my sister, when I awaken from the illusion itself.

"When I started remembering the mistakes yourself, no matter how much I already did not arrive alone with Irfan in solitude but I feel as if a great burden to bear my sin.

"When taking care of children in hospital, contact Irfan there several times but I have no heart to answer. My husband complained to the annoyance heart of a sick child and I finally realized personal fault.

"I do not connect with Irfan and finally I chose to stop working. I change my phone number and sever ties with Irfan While the social networking site. While waiting for the notice to quit, my son also much healthier and my maid also like to stop work because it will get married.

"Arguably one of the best prepared wisdom almighty creator, I'm finally back to nature a wife. Even quit my job and household chores I feel satisfied because it can contribute to the husband.

"My husband never knew about what had happened and accept my decision with an open heart, that's what's best for us," he ended the talk.

Second Cheating Wife In 'Live'

LOS ANGELES - A man who was disappointed to learn that his wife cheated on him, has decided to share it to the general disappointment with open blog and tell every second of the `live 'to the public.

The poor man's use of online community Reddit to tell about what happened with the pseudonym MyLifeSuxNow.

"I detect cheating through the messages in his mobile phone. I know he did not know that I have detected the imposture.

"She and her boyfriend always on at 1 am to 4 am, at which time he thought I was asleep," he said, then started to tell what happened.

The man and his wife were married eight years ago after graduating from university.

MyLifeSuxNow Reddit community was also asked whether he should divorce his wife, though he claims he still loves the woman.

He then proclaim that an investigator was hired to investigate and obtain evidence of cheating wife.

"Jenny met the man in an apartment and they kiss, then went into the house. Legally they cheat, '' he said adding that every second movement of Jenny in the blog.

About 15,000 people give advice to MyLifeSuxNow to deal with situations where his wife cheating and what should dilakukannya.Ada requesting that she divorced Jenny.


Never spray water into your urethra .. you might assume that it cleans the inside of your genitals anda..TAPI BOHSIA! Actually you have open air space in your genitals! This can lead to the occurrence of air space, causing 'Vaginal flatulence' or better known vagina or vaginal fart ringtone is a condition where the penis is difficult to be female remove the air and produces sound like fart.

Fart often occur as a result of air trapped in the vagina or in the crevices layers labia majora and released as anal fart occur.

Vaginal farts can be caused by weak muscles around the vagina which can cause easy air flow in and out when doing any activity.

If that is not the fart that smells 'Odourless' it is likely that the vagina is already infected mikoorganisma that cause odors earnings surprises. Unlike anal fart, fart vagina should not smell.

Vaginal farts can be overcome with;

Wear underwear that is not too loose which can allow air outlet.

Practice kegel exercises or exercises to strengthen the muscles mangal around genitals

Wash and clean the private parts well and make sure it is not always moist.
Avoid eating sejuk2 and watery. frozen food, watermelon, ice

Fart species is still considered normal although many thought fart vagina only applies to anyone who has lost a dove.

This is so because, the movement of the foot during walking or when any activity whatsoever, it can provide an opportunity to air out into the vagina if the vaginal walls and channels were not so strong.

Therefore, you should not assume they are experiencing vaginal fart is shorn like a virgin because other organisms, each suction sure there will be a blast.

Trading of Malay Can Work Experience

Private employees working for the company owned by the Chinese certainly many who were happy.

Maklumlah time - time is at hand with the new year he, this time Bonus, AngPow, incentives and salary will be once.

Listen to stories there lavel supervisor who can buy cars cash proton if he wants to.

In fact it can be a lot or a little depending on the providence of God they are talking about. What is important as employees, we must strive to build the company and if possible can benefit many times over.

From my experience, this china employer other than our graduation certificates, they also like the "business minded". While you are in the technical field you also need to know how to do business.

Make their company as your company. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES get as much as munkin. Who knows if you are starting your own business, you are happy because you have the experience and habits to find more work still exists even in the hands of another job.

(NORA DANISH POLICE REPORT) TERRORIST masked Isis Malaysia 69, Extortion While Hold Image Nora

Kuala Lumpur: Actress Nora Danish will make a police report following the use of the image in a video on YouTube by four masked men who threatened to attack the court this Wednesday night.

Nora, 33, said he recently learned about the use of the image of the man who held a second video in 1 minute 2 seconds, the afternoon after being informed of a friend.

However, he said, the video recording did not even mention or involve itself directly in addition to the picture only.

Obviously they do not mention my name. But also talk about things that have nothing to do with me.
"I do not want to comment in depth. Just do what I said I would make a police report, "he said.
Dissemination of video footage featuring the four men known as the Isis Malaysia 69 on YouTube caused a stir when Nora held a picture of the group members.

While it clearly has nothing to do with Nora, use the actor's image indirectly affect the reputation.

Trend Now - Women hijab but sexy. Why ??

One of the signs of Judgment Day was nearby, dressed like a naked woman.
In other words more easily understood is dressed in a revealing sexy body shape and not less veiled women who did not run full of people like this.

They cover most of her body and reveals some others. This will make the adam or man can not get rid of them and lust will see that there is beauty in women who would open the door adultery and rape.

8 Pictures Around the wedding ceremony Yana Samsudin & Fadzil Zahari In Yong Peng

Thank God! Yesterday Yana Samsudin & Fadzil Zahari was safely husband and wife with one pronouncement. Yesterday the date the February 14, 2015, a reception was held at Dataran partner Gemilang, Yong Peng, Johor equally special to celebrate his fans.

Yana and her husband attend the all-white dress and was so graceful but never cracked a smile looks out of this pair during a reception held. It is understood that more than 4,000 flood plain scintillating Yong Peng watched the wedding Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Zahari.

Whatever we say congratulations.

Is this true Kamal Adli new lover?

SINCE love affair that was built nearly six years with the beautiful actress, Intan Ladyana, lost in the middle of the street, the handsome star is often a controversial game.

Despite its name in acting gaining, but many are more interested in knowing about privacy and friend Kamal Adli replacement.

Has been linked with actresses, Emma Maembong and also dragged into the arena of conflict relationship with Emma Zizan Razak became the third person so accused, Kamal name back in the limelight.

Despite all efforts to dispel rumors of love, but again, Kamal rumored to have found a new love with a girl when her photo spread.

However, refusing to let the fans continuously riddle about his status now, film, Mission Tawan Baby denied the allegations.

"When did Kamal no new lover ni? Who brought the story about? About the photo spread in blogs entertainment, it is just gossip and slander per se.

"The woman in the picture was merely fans only, no more than that," he said.

Prior to this, Kamal told that no further time for him to find a replacement and more comfortable to fully concentrate on his career.

"For the time of life, I'm too lazy to think about love again. Let me a bit. Not vengeance, but more careful. Maybe after this, I'm going to fuck lazy long.

"If there is a match, I only want to hold a wedding," says the actress drama series, this antidote.

Dato Siti Nurhaliza Listed Top 3 Richest Women In Malaysia

The famous singer and entrepreneur, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza Tarudin listed as the third richest woman in Malaysia.

The 36-year-old woman had a total income of more than RM4.9 million on sales of albums and won more than RM50 million from the profits of the business.

The list is original reporting a financial website, recently that puts the wife of the late businessman Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua as a woman who has the highest property assets followed an international celebrity, Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh.

Siti was born on January 11, 1979 started her career at the age of 16 years.

Originally from Kuala Lipis, Pahang, he has produced over 15 studio albums that have songs in various languages such as Malay, Javanese, English, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi and Japanese.

The singer-songwriter's golden voice has received recognition twice from Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) for its achievements at the local level and also the country's name in the international music arena Nusatara and ...

Snare singer of hits such as Love, In Situ, No Ordinary Love, Sam, I love you, Afrobeat, Keep Him For me and most recently, you also won Best Music Industry Award of 37 awards, Anugerah Bintang Popular (23 awards ), Planet Music Awards (26 awards), Anugerah Juara lagu (18 awards), four awards at the MTV Asia Awards and three awards at the World Music Awards.

Siti is Malaysia's second child after the late Sudirman Hj Arshad who held a concert on the stage of the world's most prestigious Royal Albert Hall, London in 2005.

As a public figure, I not only have many fans even highly respected and his personality is always an example in public.

Throughout its involvement in the arts, celebrities are also skilled at dealing with gossip or controversy every time his name associated with his name.

Siti also one of the artist's homeland which has 1.2 million followers on Instagram page.

Own brand of beauty products this SimplySiti establish rumahtanga with famous entrepreneur Datuk Seri Khalid Mohamad Jiwa on August 21, 2006.

However, the pair is still not blessed with a baby boy ..