
Wednesday 27 May 2015

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Signboard cuisine "homemade oyster soy sauce Grilled"

And one year aged soy sauce of my hometown, "Okamoto soy sauce's Osakikamijima", based on the Hiroshima oysters moment was processed at high temperature and high pressure process of "Kure Kawajiri-cho, Seto Tekko-san", was formulated the sake and mirin and our "secret" of I thoroughly marinated in sauce is a gem was grilled in luxury "Hiroshima boast of carefully selected food goods" to a charcoal ♪

He replied again criticized the GST, claims Dr M

KUALA LUMPUR - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today said further criticism made against him and his government, with a focus on the Goods and Services Tax (GST), and charges voiced former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In his latest blog entry, Najib said: "It is a connection to the FAQ (frequently asked questions) before."

On May 17, he lists 13 counts and allegations and his response through the blog, including charges related to the issue of Altantuya and 1MDB.

In his response to the criticism of the GST, he said: "I understand that some of the concerns voiced about the GST was introduced.

"However, as prime minister, it is my responsibility to make the right decisions for all Malaysians, even though it might seem difficult at the moment.

'This does not have to be extended' - Amy Search

Facebook has become the expression of opinion when motivator, Muhammad Lukman acted disobedience group Search.

KUALA LUMPUR: Facebook page became an expression of opinion as an expert motivational act libelous popular bands Malaysia.

Muhammad Luqman Al Hakim Muhammad acted holding group Search for 'ghost' in one upload it to Facebook about two days ago.

Comments expressed by the experts involved is the motivation of the group performing during the celebration Search Putrajaya Youth Festival on 24 May.

Although Muhammad Lukman has deleted the post but involved youth chief of the Muslim Association of Malaysia (ISMA) is fixed dirundum negative reaction from fans of the legendary rock group concerned.

Search vocalist, Amy upload Muhammad Lukman posting on Instagram punctuated with song lyrics, Hitchcock Titian Obsolete.

Photos - Instagram Amy Search

Actions A. Rahman Suhaimi owner's full name is seen as a way to criticize the actions of Muhammad Lukman.

Astro AWANI the opportunity to contact the wife Amy Search the reaction Nourish Hassan for 56-year-old entertainer.

According Nourish, Muhammad Lukman contacted on Tuesday morning to apologize.

Nourish the individual is also responsible for managing the career of her husband stating that Amy did not want this to be magnified because he had forgiven Muhammad Lukman.

"As long as I know Amy, he is a forgiving.

"This is a small thing and Amy hoped that no party continue to extend the story," he said.

Muhammad Lukman via upload in Facebook dated May 26 apologized to the fans of Amy and Search groups who were offended by his earlier statement.

Lawyers Kenya wants nuts Obama children with cows, goats, sheep

Felix Kiprono, who is a lawyer, offering 70 sheep, 50 cows and 30 goats as dowry to marry the daughter of the president of the United States, Malia

Kenya intends to propose a daughter of President Barack Obama with a dowry in the form of livestock, a newspaper in the country.

The man, Felix Kiprono, who is a lawyer, offer 70 sheep, 50 cows and 30 goats as dowry to marry the daughter of the president of the United States, Malia.

"I put my heart to it since 2008," said Kiprono in an interview with the newspaper The Nairobian.

When Obama was running for the presidency and his daughter at that time was 10 years old. Malia is now 16 years old.

"I would never go out with anyone since then and promised to be faithful to him. My heart's desire is to share this with my family and they were ready to help me collect dues, "added the lawyer.

Kiprono intends to inform his heart to Obama when the US president's official visit to Kenya in July.

This is Obama's first visit to his father's home country since he became president. Obama family members including his grandmother who is now aged about 90 years are still in Kogelo, a town in western Kenya.

According Kiprono, he will write a letter to Obama asking to participate equally in Malia visit.

"I hope the embassy (USA) will deliver a letter," he said.

Kiprono denied claims that he wants to take advantage of the wealth of the family Obama and said he did this because "true love".

The lawyer also indicated that the courtship is acceptable, they would live a simple life and he will take care of Malia to be like a woman's traditional Kalenjin tribe others - milking cows and cooking traditional food.

Not bad! Total assets 1MDB ended March 31 of RM51.4 billion

Parliament: Total assets 1MDB ended March 31 of RM51.4 billion

KUALA LUMPUR: The total assets of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) of the company for the financial year ended 31 March 2014 amounted to RM51.4 billion, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.

It covers current assets valued at RM19.5 billion and RM31.9 billion in non-current assets, according to a written reply to Wong Chen (PKR-Kelana Jaya) who asked the Minister of Finance to explain the matter.

Answer the call 1MDB has a strong assets, such as land for development and Bandar Tun Razak Exchange Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.

Other assets include land in Penang area of ​​94.69 hectares (234 acres) and 13 power and desalination plants in five countries.

"The value of the assets 1MDB supported by a valuation report or the books that have been certified by independent auditors (Deloitte)," according to the answer.

According to a written reply to Tony Pua Kiam Wee (DAP-Petaling Jaya) is also addressed to the Minister of Finance, the agreement between 1MDB and International Petroleum Investment Corporation (IPIC) is made freely, with commercial terms that are in accordance with market standards.

The information submitted by the management 1MDB to the Finance Ministry.

"The announcement will be made when appropriate final redemption value of options was completed and will be reported in the audited financial statements will come," said the reply.

Pua asking for 1MDB obtain guarantees from IPIC to publications bonds totaling US $ 3.5 billion, according to impose conditions that are so agonizing.

He also said the amount paid to redeem 1MDB options granted to a subsidiary of IPIC, Aabar Investments PJS.

The bodies were found in a forest berkapan Wang Kelian

Members forensic post-mortem found in the area near the camp which housed immigrants in Bukit Wang Burma, Wan Kelian recently.

Wang Kelian - The bodies of two reliable winter activities trafficking syndicates removed from one of the 139 graves discovered in hills bordering Thailand Burma Wang here, today.

Berkapan complete bodies were found after police forensics team dug a grave as deep as 0.4 meters at a camp site which is used as an area of ​​approximately 50 square meters and was brought out at 4:10 pm today.

According to Padang Besar district police chief Supt Che Ismail Rizani forensic team did not open the shroud. The body was immediately brought to the HSB (HSB) in Alor Setar to autopsy.

"Through investigations made, police believe the 37 structures found in the site is the tomb but today only one grave was excavated," he said at a press conference at the General Headquarters of the Tactical Response Team (PGA) here, today.

Police today also allow 63 local and foreign journalists who had gathered at the base since yesterday joined the forensics team and PGA uphill Wang Burma to see the illegal camps left by human trafficking syndicates.

The climb takes about two hours to reach the camp that the way has been cleared by the PGA to facilitate the forensic team and investigators up.

The survey found that media or camp site is located on the slopes of steep hills and deep in the woods and could not have suspected there was activity in the area.

Yesterday, Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar announced the discovery of 139 graves in 28 temporary camps trafficking syndicate between Kampung Wai, Kuala Perlis up Felcra Hole Ladder 100 in Retrospect, along 11 kilometers.

The first bodies were left to rot on the ground found in one of the site was carried out yesterday and sent to HSB for post-mortem.

Rizani said, all grave digging operations will continue tomorrow and is expected to be completed within three weeks.

According to the position in respect of the camps in steep area at a height exceeding 400 meters and approximately 500 meters to the top of the hill that became the line dividing the border of Malaysia / Thailand complicate operations and working down the body.

He was pushed by reporters who wanted to know about the recent arrests of the police investigation, said: "This is the responsibility of the employer."

"I was directed to provide information on the operation here alone. We can not give estimates of how many bodies were buried until all the graves were dug but our inquiry does not end here. If there is a discovery (dead) we will inform new," he said.

Thousands of torches were stranded on the beach

Giant jellyfish larger than life first appeared and were stranded around the coastline.

DEVON - BRITAIN. Water sports fans will now have to be careful when carrying out activities in British coastal waters.

This is because the report cites, thousands of giant jellyfish larger than life first appeared and were stranded around the coastline of the country.

According to experts, being measured over six feet began to 'migrate' from the Mediterranean sea to the coast in Britain due to lack of food in their natural habitat.

"More plankton can be found on the beach in a warmer climate. Therefore they (jellyfish) here.

"They have no problem to find food on the beach at high tide, low tide but when the tide they will be trapped here," he said as quoted by the portal.

Despite antennae do not endanger visitors, it still can cause a severe rash if early treatment is not obtained.

Wildlife photographer Steve Trewhella said, in a day, he could see more than 25 pieces Barrel jellyfish along the coast.

"This time the number of jellyfish that washed up here more than last year," he said.

Already resolved the puzzle Kamal Adli and Emma gives

Since the story appeared and farewell actress Emma Zizan excited Razak said, the name of Kamal Adli said to be the cause of these fractures.

Not only that, some claim as Kamal picked Emma up at the airport and then Kamal is said to bring Emma to meet and get to know his family was scattered.

Further strengthens the claim that they now love relationships, their intimate photos were strewn out along with the social networking site.

However, if before this both more comfortable giving an answer form, Kamal media discovered yesterday at an event to showcase a collection Melinda Looi Kingdom in Kota Damansara, finally resolve puzzles to play since the end of last year.

Recognizing oneself in the process of recognizing the 23-year-old girl, Kamal said it was too early to put any hope in this new relationship.

"What can Kamal said, she is the woman most closely with Kamal at the moment. We share many of the same problems and situations.

"Kamal understand the issues traveled with her as well. So many things are discussed together, maybe that makes us closer.

"But Kamal did not dare to want to say more because this is still a new relationship and what happens in the future does not dare to say anything else.

"Before this I was Kamal going through a very painful thing, and so is she (Emma)," he explained.

However emphatic Kamal, he does not become the cause of a rift Emma and Zizan since they began meeting when Emma started her own.

Kamal admits somewhat worried to talk about our relationship because so many people hit Kamal Kamal and suspected to be the cause.

"But it is absolutely not true as we begin to close after each other," he said.

Just like Kamal, Emma also admitted cozy with actor friends who became known through the drama Bionic.

Asks the fans understand the situation prevailing now, Emma said it was too early to set a target in this relationship.

"Yes, Emma admitted meeting with him, but for the time being in a relationship that we know the person first.

"But Emma banyakbanyak not wanna talk about it because if I do so people will talk about. So let time decide.

"The only thing that Emma ask, do not hit our fans understand the situation occurs because the new Emma in the process of recognizing," he explained.

Asked why he was pleased with Kamal, Emma said Kamal a crazy and they also had one head in some cases.

"Emma is not the kind of control pretty and if we get bored, we both like to play games. In fact, sometimes we like to spend time at the arcade to play games there," he said, now busy acting together through drama dating Kamal Side Door.

Made contact with people?

In the meantime, asked the news that he made contact with people, she said, she did not want to think negatively, even now in the process of treatment.

"Yes, I admit I am troubled skin so I do a blood test, the doctor said my blood is clean. But I think it is probably positive hormonal changes.

"Just a few other things that happened as a disturbed night's sleep and I often see strange things makes me feel uncomfortable." At first I thought I was tired, but the last treatment, the teacher did not tell anyone I was satisfied with.

"So now I just pray, pray and seek. We have no problem to continue," he explained.