
Friday 17 October 2014

8 Photos Selfie deliberately mengg0da men see her

The men out there, just shut your mouth melopong with what we show this.

We know you may be upset with the sexiness and beauty of this woman in action selfie.

However, please cover line as little as selfie deliberately done to tempt you.

There are many more pictures of hot and sexy in post selfie in under article 101 Of The Hottest Sexy Photos Ever Taken Selfies.

Nurse suspected of killing 38 patients for heart pain

Rome:  A nurse at a hospital here suspected of killing 38 patients after being accused of injecting a potassium chloride using only because of the patient or their family annoyed.

Poggiali Daniela Lugo was arrested in northern Italy after the sudden death of 78-year-old patient admitted to the hospital because of fever.

Following the incident, the Italian police are investigating and expanding the scope for involving the death of 38 patients suspected of murdered nurse.

There are reports that she is killing patients using potassium, while a colleague was told, Daniela was asked to record a picture next to a new patient dies.

The 42-year-old nurse was also jokingly wanted to give potassium chloride to a terminally ill patient.

Daniela also allegedly had a bowel laxative drugs to patients before the end syifnya for deliberately want to upset my colleagues on the next shift.

She became a suspect following an investigation into cases of sudden death in patients under his care, Rosa Calderoni, 78, last April.

Tests showed that blood contains a large number of retirees potassium chloride, which, if it is given in high doses can cause a heart attack.

The materials used on the prisoners on death row in the United States.

Chief prosecutor Alessandro Mancini told a news conference, his face difficulties in the investigation of Daniela.

12 Photos: Celebrity women do not Wear C0li after 'No Bra Day'

Even less say in this country, there are many who know yesterday was 'No Bra Day' or Day Without Bra celebrated in western countries.

13 October, selected by breast cancer activists since 2011 as the day is celebrated to remind the public about breast cancer being the main killer of women.
On this date are encouraged to wear without a bra as a symbol of support breast cancer sufferers who managed to fight the disease, but the loss of an important asset for women.
The campaign is supported by encouraging as many people Conditioning share pictures without their bras on the social networking site yesterday with the hashtag #nobraday.
Below, we share some pictures of Hollywood celebrities are also showing 'no bra' as a sign of support for the campaign.

Actually if it was not for No Bra Day already, Hollywood celebrities have long been known to show love without wearing underwear.
But in Malaysia this notwithstanding the reason; no need to want to celebrate simulating No Bra Day jugak

when out of the house like women and Western celebrities nun.
It is not only illegal aga ma even violate the Eastern culture, manners and ethics of a woman.

Her last victim n afsu, after meeting through Wechat

Cat: Action brave arrange the first meeting with the new man is known by Wechat fatal when a girl from Baram target indulgences.

The incident reportedly occurred in a car in Jalan Astana here around 11 pm yesterday.

According to sources, students who rent a house in the New Town store Batu Kawa (MJC) is said to be acquainted with the suspect through a new application which is then invited him to meet Wechat.

"The suspect asked the victim initially promised only to wander in urban areas, but the suspect took the victim to Jalan Astana.

"However, the suspect then went on to open the pants and rape victims in the back seat of the car," said the source.

It is understood that the suspect sent back after the release of women involved serakahnya lust.

The victim then express the darkest in his life to his friend who then sends it to make a police report and a check in the Sarawak General Hospital (HUS).

Women react violently kicking police arrested

A woman was arrested in Kuching, Sarawak, early this morning as a result of his actions kicking two police officers after he had an accident.

The Borneo Post quoted a report today, the incident occurred at Jalan Wawasan 2020 near the church of St. Thomas.

She was 20 years old at first drove the car before losing control and hit a lamp post.
A community leader there, heard the accident happened and out of the home stores to help women get out of his car damaged before calling an ambulance and the police to the scene.

Two police patrol arrived on the scene and met with the woman.
However, there are some questions to ask the police to the woman failed to answer.
Genesis became tense when the woman refused to take an ambulance because he claimed he was not injured. Suddenly, the woman kicked police officers act as well as the rough with the medical staff.

Aggressive behavior is forcing police to act handcuffed the woman and arrest him.
He was taken to a nearby police station for urine tests to determine whether he tested positive for drugs or otherwise.

In the report, the woman was said to have originated from Mature and is now being held for further investigation.

What to Be? Students stain and burn the classroom (6 photos)

What has happened to the students nowadays increasingly bold acts beyond the control of school doodle and burn class.

According to what was told not satisfied with the result of an argument that took place in the social networking site, a student determined to burn a class and defacing classrooms and corridors with vulgar Secondary School (SMK) Toowomba yesterday.

Students who commit heinous act is believed to be a man of form five students had feelings of revenge against a group of students from five schools.

A student who wants to be known as Nabila said harsh words to strikethrough in the corridor class targeting specific students.

Students who do this should be punished do not let this bad boy school authorities should act decisively to such things as a lesson to others.