
Saturday 22 November 2014

Feminist Hacker Barbie Is Just What Our Little Girls Need

There’s an illustrated book called “Barbie: I Can be a Computer Engineer,” and everyone we know hated it.

Packed with “Over 50 Stickers!,” it dreams up a computer engineering version of Barbie who seems better at taking praise for other people’s work than doing any actual coding. It prompted some serious outrage on the net this week because Barbie the computer engineer says things like “I’m only creating the design ideas” and “I’ll need Steven’s and Brian’s help to turn it into a game.” She also infects her sister’s computer, leans on these two guy friends to fix the problem, and then takes credit for their work. Bad Barbie!

Says blogger Pamela Ribon: “It’s a perfect example of the way women and girls are perceived to ‘understand’ the tech world, and how frustrating it can be when nobody believes this is how we’re treated.”

But the internet has fallen in love with Feminist Hacker Barbie. She’s the brainchild of Kathleen Tuite, an independent computer programmer based near Santa Cruz, California, who spent a half-day this week putting together a website where people could re-caption the original book, hacking it to fix all of its pastel-hued problems.

Tuite, who until recently was a University of Washington graduate student studying crowdsourcing, says she created the site out of disappointment and frustration with the official Barbie book. In the past few days, her Feminist Hacker Barbie has blossomed into a full-blown and extremely funny internet meme with thousands of captions, many of which we think would make great fodder for a real Barbie engineering movie.

Video: Model of sight without trousers in New York City

New York:  The footage shows a model walking around the neighborhood in Midtown Manhattan without pants but not knowing the people around me.

This painting was probably the best ever produced or citizens of New York sememangÂnya was immediately disregard what is happening around them.

Foot model is painted in the colors resemble jeans, complete with stitching effect.

Recording funny that part of a social experiment conducted by Model Pranksters to see the power of observation sharpness people in New York.

According to the Daily Elite, the model Leah Jung body art painted by the company The Body of Art.
Video that has so far been watched by nearly a million visitors in a single day, showing Leah subway ride, down the escalator in Times Square and lunch at McDonalds.

Throughout his journey in the place, no one realized that Leah did not wear pants.

When the best is recording when Leah entered the fashion chain Forever 21 and asked an employee where he can buy 'jean' whether she was wearing.

The employee looked at Leah and 'jean' then told him he was wearing might be available at lower levels.

Is, however, not all people are not aware of it.

When he bought the MetroCard, a man came over and took a picture of Leah 'jean' was wearing and then immediately left.

Leah had turned and laughed to see the situation because there are people who end up actually paying attention.

The same study also conducted earlier this year in northern France.

A model walks around town Lille deangan legs painted blue jean wearing only panties 'g-string.'
French model allows his friend, make-up artist to paint jean Marie P on his feet and out to see the public reaction.

Wearing only a bra and clothes tied to the waist, the model was started perjalanannya.

Uproar: Malay Inspector lodge a police report after the subscription P3lacur?

It feels a police report image descriptions assortment version of the social networking site is a very popular and often become public capital to giggle laugh sometimes read reports that it has elements of humor.

Today splashy spread also social sites regarding a police report lodged by a police inspector himself because his money had been stolen.

However, many did not expect such a bold inspector making the report and claimed that the incident happened after she has sex with a prostitute in a spa shop near Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.

According to the inspector, his money amounting RM1550 been stolen by prostitutes who subscribed when he went out to wash his cock in the bathroom.

Heck, we were reading it continues to shame and amused!

Many social networking site users, Facebook expressed surprised to read the police report because they do not think the inspector is bold enough to acknowledge the shame yourself.

More severe and sad, when the inspectors know is that Malays and Islam itself.

What's more, thousands of users of social condemnation questioning 'stupidity' man. There were also angry when viewed ban Islam seems belittled to unquestioned.

If true this happens, I hope that this inspector can quickly turn and take this incident as pengajaran.

Video: Jalore horses brought to the stage trending Worldwide Twitter

Mega 2014 has entered the second week of performances competing groups is indeed very fascinating, but for this edition Jalore Group has continued to attract fans MLM2014 after extraordinary in the first and second episodes.

Jalore group managed to become Trending Worldwide on social networking site Twitter on the second week of Mega 2014 (MLM 2014) which took place Friday night.

Apparently brought fresh ideas Jalore group consisting Rahim, Joey and Along become when they become the talk show tonight so #jalor were sixth place 'trending worldwide.'

In fact, the atmosphere of sea cucumber with laughter in the audience at the Theatre Hall of Selangor, Shah Alam when such competent Along Wak Doyok up to the stage before Joey came up with the character of Chris Tucker.

Jalore disorder displayed by using the 'props' since their performances in the first week sparked disorder because in the history of MLM, no participant dare bring 'props-extreme' on stage.

Uniqueness in the presentation Jalore have also strengthened their position in the first ladder MLM in 2014 for two consecutive weeks.

So far, the show has remained consistent and Jalore expected Joey, Rahim and Along maintains its position as the participants 'top 3' up to MLM Tennis Final 2014.

If you want to see your favorite band Jalore or survive until the end of the MLM arena, 2014, do not forget to vote Jalore!

Maharajala Mega 2014 broadcast live from Hall Theatre Selangor, Shah Alam on Fridays, 10pm on Astro Warna (132 ) and Mustika HD (135).

Browse to get the latest info program Mega 2014.

H0T: Old pictures Hanis Zalikha Mak Cik exactly?

Very excessive to face Kak nis first time, have the same right to his face with Mak Attach a spooky face in the story of a popular across the country in past.

But do not be angry article  headline  macamtu because Hanis or her child's name nis own Kak jokingly admitted that he did exactly Mak Cik in this photo.

"I never talk when there is a make-up artist for the magazine either do what he entitle a makeup artist for the magazine so lovely faces who've got lovelyhaniszalikha Then anyone who so badly?
We jugak very bad for the simple reason sow dissension talk Miscellaneous by pictures. If a million Malaysians believe the slander us then our sins million middle. Defamation tu sin. "- Ms. Hanis Zalikha

 Ha ..  That was the explanation given by Nani Rostam's Instagram page anyway. Perhaps the expression of feelings was done by her mother to answer allegations that the Hanis perform plastic surgery on the nose to make it more beautiful.
Ish.  Pepandai je ni never funnier. Mother would not BROADBAND that children who are born beautiful accused  surgery  right. So, it is expected that the answers given by the mother can satisfy you all ya!
Nothing whatsoever to admin Hanis Zalika stay beautiful and the most beautiful women celebrities in Mal aysia.

Figure 2: Fights thriller Secret Societies in Kildare

Temerloh:  A man died and four others were seriously injured in a fight between two groups of gangsters in Hill Caves near here early Saturday morning, according to police.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the State of Pahang Datuk Zakaria Ahmad said in a fight about 3:20 am, the victim P.Arasu, 44, died at the scene due to severe injuries to the head.

"Police believe that a motorcycle is placed on the body of a victim who was seriously injured before the motorcycles were burnt," he told reporters in Temerloh District Police Headquarters on Saturday.

Arguing in front of the house Welfare Association Sports and Recreation in Bukit Bendera it involves the use of sharp weapons such as iron and wood, he said.

Zakaria said the four victims who were seriously injured were sent to the Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Hospital here for treatment and will be detained for questioning.

"Police are hunting a group member who was involved in a brawl and the case is being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code and the offense of rioting,

Tunisia win a beauty pageant beauties Muslimah 2014

Yogyakarta  : Participants from Tunisia calls on the Palestinian liberation when she won a beauty contest specifically for Muslim women organized in Indonesia today.

The organization is far different from the Western mold pageant that saw participation of 18 finalists, including a career as a physician and scientist computer, which displays a lovely dress and manners.

Computer scientists, Fatma Ben Guefrache was announced as the winner and qualify for a prize such as gold watches, gold dinar, and umrah packages to Mecca.

"May God help me in this mission, and liberate Palestine. Please, please, release the Palestinians and Syria," said a 25-year-old in tears.

All participants of the competition should be obliged to wear the veil and they not only judged by appearance, even the judges assess their ability to read the Quran and views on Islam in the modern world.

"We want them to understand everything about the Islamic way of life, from the source they eat, wear and how to live," said one of the organizers, Jameyah Sheriff.

Muslim World Award ever attracted worldwide attention for the first time in 2013 when the organizers success as a protest against the Miss World event which took place at the same time in Bali.

Although Miss World event popular in some countries, it is often criticized for allegedly demean women, especially when there are conditions bikini parade.

Event finals pageant was held with Muslim backgrounds UNESCO World Heritage Mwapak namely Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta, Java. It as a sign that Muslims respect other religions, organizers said.

The event, however, faced some initial challenges such as Singapore participants who had to quit his job because the employer does not allow him to participate in the contest, participants who miss a flight and seven finalists who eventually had to cancel because of visa problems.

Thriller: Three killed, 11 severely burned mine blast in Sri Aman

Sri Aman: Three were killed while 11 others were seriously injured in an explosion at a coal mine in SILANTEK, Pantu here 11 this morning.

Those who died were identified as citizens of Burma, Korea and Indonesia.

Fire and Rescue spokesman for Sri Aman said it received a call at 11:32 am and six members of a machine to be rushed to the scene.

He said firefighters took an hour to arrive at the scene, a distance of 62 kilometers from Sri Aman Fire Station at 12:40 noon today.

"The blast occurred at a distance of 150 meters in the tunnel, and so far no victims trapped," he said.

Uproar: Python Anaconda 4 arrested in Kota Tinggi

A snake of Anaconda has succeeded in catching the L guard afternoon, City bidder. Kota Tinggi, Johor.

According to friends facebook  Hafizzi Mohd Ismail  who upload images involved in his facebook page.

These images have become viral on social media of various assumptions about the present invention there is said to be captured by farm workers and other girls again.

But what is certain to congratulate Hafizzi and friends to be able to catch a snake of Anaconda, but the real story behind the capture of the snake is not a clear story.

What's been eating kah-may have cost the village livestock is not our plan.