
Thursday 12 February 2015

Interesting! Photos Porsche

Greetings to all readers of this blog zamrispon times zamrispoon want to share pictures of weird, wacky and funny for us eliminate stress after a long day we live our lives

These images are collected in internet, for display in this blog zamrispoon for us refresh our minds. Congratulations and welcome to watch and enjoy yourself.


Do you know what the disease Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a state of loss of bone density that causes bones to become brittle and break easily. This disease usually applies to parents and women after monopaus when the body is no longer able to replace old bone tissue tissue with new, healthy tissue. If your age increases, you will experience a shortage of bone density cause bone thinning. Thus, the bones will become brittle and easily broken, especially the spine, wrist and hip bone.

Diet Tip: do not eat the rice was ok

If I name someone Malaysia, rice is the staple food dah so we kan. There are some that if they do not eat rice a day is not valid. But, nowadays people are dieting ni dah tak take rice in their daily menu. Various ways they do. There are of course not take rice at all, but there is a note jugak in small quantities.

That can actually je tak nak take rice during dieting. But, are liable strong spirit and resist the temptation. We can replace rice with other sources of complex carbohydrates and taken regularly even apparently healthy. Refers to articles Diet Club room (Women's Magazines) there is an advantage when we go on a diet without rice. Haa .. This is what Saung want to share.

(1) can reduce appetite for rice contain carbohydrates that increase appetite. It will cause a person to want to eat and keep eating up hard to avoid. So, if touched senses really want to go on a diet without rice. If there is indeed a memorable stay jelah hope soon ... Hehehe ....

(2) the weight down quickly because a lot of carbohydrate intake contributor to obesity. Replace carbs with protein so that weight loss occurs rapidly.

(3) can solve the problem of constipation because even rice contains fiber but the contents are the lowest. Replace red rice because it contains more fiber, which can mount the digestive system.

(4) helps control blood sugar levels. So, for diabetics they are encouraged to take the rice in large quantities to keep blood sugar levels so that in normal circumstances.

If any at Saung want to take the time to diet rice shall limit the intake appointment. If you do not already, replace rice with other carbohydrate sources that our bodies are still getting the resources even got out of rice. Let us go on a diet. But remember, a healthy diet, not punish yourself ever ....

Image from Mr.Google.

Tips to save money at home

Today ni goods prices rose sundries. With kitchen items including dry goods and wet goods all gone up in price. Nak-dah nak their families, where they want to be responsible for household expenses, school expenses and other. Blackouts can be made every month. Hehe .... Not what, like Saung own pun dah "feels" will be the challenges of managing home shopping, as only Saung husband was the only one working.

People say, everything should start from home. So scroll down and read the draft budget ni. Not what it can reduce depression and stress every time I think about the cost of living is rising. Oklah, Saung want to share some tips on how to save money .....

(1) wise use of power tools. For example, when loading washing clothes in the washing machine it was full. Like that if we scroll down and read ironing. Rub a lot and avoid rubbing a little-bit and every day.

(2) cover electrical switch if you do not use. There are some people like to let the TV in "standby mode". Showing a computer like that. Such methods will not be able to save even wasteful. If I'm off, hold off.

(3) the exchange of online bill paying because I think it is more economical in terms of time especially.

(4) do not buy unnecessary items. There are people that shopping for groceries, it was full of je cake trolley. The JAP in the list already exists. Dah run budget.

(5) select the quality of the brand. Because sometimes things tu expensive because he brands. Having been more or less with the quality of goods "less" designer, you can buy cheaper goods.

(6) save fuel consumption. But takpelah, oil've already dropped the price. Hehe ...

(7) pay the debt with discipline. Do not miss mengelat otherwise pay interest payable dah dah. Kan dah nak kena waste of money to pay the fine / penalty wrong ... So, act wisely.

In conclusion, everything in our own hands how to deal with. Oklah, so first, may be useful. Thanks .....

Image from internet. Sources from the Women Magazine / Convertible & Sen.

Men also "make up" ???

Before Saung read the article (Source Skills Magazine Women of the room) about "men make up any" ni, indeed Saung did not even think men are like women. Saung purposes, they are not actually affected by asserting "beauty" himself, just like women. Sita but it feels just like women coat, if she is indeed very obsessed. Hehe .....

Do not remember JAP men skin problems like some women, they face as well. Eg acne, uneven skin tone, freckles and other ... So, typical for the guy-guy exterior tu kat, Saung want to share some tips to accentuate the appearance that seemed upbeat and always looking ...

(1) Wash your face - for the 3 basic steps such as cleaning, moisturizes and refreshes. Time to wash your face follow the order of the circle to get rid of dead skin cells. Find a moisturizer that contains SPF 15 and above around the face to the neck.

(2) foundation - foundation in order merely to raise a series of faces. Do not use an excessive and thick.

(3) concealer (impostor stains) - used to conceal blemishes on the face. Time would choose a concealer, test the wrist to find a color that is compatible with the skin. It also serves as a cover acne, dark circles under the eyes and red spots on the skin. Fingers to rub concealer longer happy.

(4) lip balm (lip balm) - to protect the lips from dryness and flaking. Choose a colorless lip balm.

For Saung, not one man coat kid "vanity" but not very kind woman over dah. Enough bad je rate, just to repair and protect what appears lacking. Not later appeared again confident when dealing with people .... Right? Oklah, so first ... Thanks ...

Image from internet.