
Tuesday 9 December 2014

Photos of the last day of the late Datuk Fuad red Datuk Jalaluddin Hassan

Kuala Lumpur: The return to Rahmatullah Director General of Special Affairs (JASA), the late Datuk Fuad Hassan, earlier today from a heart attack, shocking many.

The late Fuad, 62, last exhale about 12.20 hours last night at the side of her family members after unconscious since he was admitted to the Hospital Tengku Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, early yesterday morning.

He previously suffered a heart attack while attending the closing ceremony of the Resettlement Program Transformation Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in Awana Kijal, Kemaman, Terengganu, at 11.15pm yesterday.

Looking back at the last day with the late, Zakaria said Fuad did not show any abnormalities in the day and always take Ippadi and mobile bag to anywhere and very friendly with all the people he had met and interacted during the settlement.

During the luncheon, said Fuad who ate at the same table with him and the chief editor of BERNAMA, Datuk Zulkefli Salleh; Director General of the Information Department, Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman; and Deputy Secretary II KMM, Datuk Che Azemi Aaron, enjoy the tasteful delicacies, including a plate of roast mutton, gado-gado and ice plus.
In the afternoon session, all participants met the residents of the settlement participated in the event Kemaman constituency and all department heads introduced to them by Ahmad Shabery who introduced the late Frank as "the most important person who ever watches from behind."
Finish the session, together with the CEO Fuad BERNAMA TV, Datuk Ibrahim Yahya, could play by motorbike ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) on the beach while taking a picture.
Sister of the late Datuk Jalaluddin Hassan said he received the news about what happened to her brother's midnight before heading to Kuantan yesterday morning with his other siblings.
"I was with other siblings to the hospital early morning hours of 9 am and during the Abg Ngah when it still existed in the unconscious but in stable condition.
"However critical condition yesterday evening began with experience low blood pressure and kidney function prior to the last exhale midnight last night," said the actress.
He is the younger brother of former Chief of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan,  Fuad He was Dato Tan Sri Hassan will be taken by the police and will be bathed and IPD dikhafankan in Kuantan. Once completed, the remains will be brought to his house at No.52, Jalan 4M, Ampang Jaya, Selangor. He will be buried as early as 11.00 am  in the Muslim cemetery in Taman Bukit Teratai, Ampang.

Sharnaaz Ahmad buying Arak while in Japan?

Hero drama serial husband Mr Squid, Sharnaaz Ahmad has upload pictures of himself with Hanezu Zalikha with each trolley while in Okinawa, Japan.

Among the crowd of fans, of course there are spies who are sensitive and privileged than others. A fan was spotted Asahi beer bottle designer.
"Hi. I want to ask about a picture of artist malaysia shopping in Japan and looks one embodiment of the beer in your cart. Beer is very popular among drinkers of  beer  in Japan, Asahi designer. Does  beer  belongs to the artist or? "

If the bottle is observed, obviously it is a popular beer in Japan named ASAHI as claimed sender. The sender may Malaysian students studying in Japan apparently.

There are various possibilities here. There is a possibility that not even their cart. Maybe they overlap display only. Both are probably the trolley theirs but beer is probably one of the crew who had.

Ban BNJ Inter Johor Firms (IJF) lifetime

Johor Football Association (BNJ) has today made ​​a decision not to recognize and outlaw Inter Johor Firms (IJF) lifetime of entering the Stadium Tan Sri Dato Haji Hassan Yunus and any stadium in Malaysia if there is a match involving matches involving teams from Johor state.

The action was accepted by Brigadier General DYAM Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor to prevent any involvement IJF since been menemarkan image Johor state.

According Furnace Ismail,  "Parties responsible for providing images and shameful state of Johor will be dealt with as soon as extremist groups are not recognized as citizens of Johor. People like this who have given a bad name should be strongly condemned by all people of Johor ".

BNJ parties will cooperate with the Royal Malaysian Police to prevent the activities of extremist groups is more likely to cause chaos in football.

BNJ took this decision not because of the incident at Stadium Shah Alam yesterday but is due DYAM Tunku Mahkota Johor and President vehemently condemn BNJ -kerasnya any organization that practices ideology 'Hooligan' in declaring their support for the team.

From yesterday's news about extremist groups 'hooligans' is diperayai been involved in a fight at Stadium Shah Alam yesterday after Malaysia lost 1-2 at the hands of Vietnam, they diperayai Vietnam has been hit supporters celebrating their victory.

This problem is seen quite uncivilized because it can be dropped and scratched the dignity of our country which is recognized around the world. This action football hooligans should not be brought to our country as opposed to the eastern and religious terms.

Zara sister Aisha, Ivana Arishah the h0t

Duta products and actress, Zara Aisha has a younger sister who hot, sexy and beautiful like her sister named Ivana Arishah.

Her face is very beautiful and has something like a truly star bollywood women it is Ivana Arishah.

Did not fail her sister  Aisha Zara is very beautiful just like her sister who is now trending in love with Children Datuk K, may also  Ivana Arishah this talented as his brother was the one we certainly do not.

Last Order Corporal Azman before dying in Lebanon

Melaka: Early last Saturday morning, my husband had told him to not take his salary in January, instead of waiting until the end of February, she returned because the money will be used for our umrah end of June, "said Corporal Azman Che Soh wife, Fatimah Senik, 30.

It was the last message in the Commando Azman, 34, of 11 Special Forces Regiment, Camp River Prawn, who joined MALBATT 850-2 in Mission United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) in Lebanon, died after unconscious when in service, yesterday.

Fatimah said, other orders, the spirit also asked to keep themselves and their three children, Nor Najwa Yey, 8, Khairul Farhan, 5, and Nurul Atikah Zulina, 4, when making a video call around 2 am on Saturday.

"At that time, we had a long talk and he will return at the end of February, had advised that the salary in January was not taken because it will be used as additional money for our Umrah June.

"When a video call is disconnected, the ghost of continuing the conversation using Wechat application until 5am, but I asked for permission to go to sleep because you need help neighbors who hold their wedding ceremony that morning," he said when met at his house in Taman Bertam Indah, Upper Bertam here, overnight.

Wife husband always dreamed of consummate spirit

Question: Rick, my husband passed away about three months ago. However, since lately there's something weird happened to me, that every night the spirits to come and hang out with me. My concerns;

i) Can a husband who passed away, come back and hang out, as they live on the night the day before his death?

ii) Can the spirit of my husband to visit her family members, visiting homes or homes?

iii) What is the true spirit dead, can enter the body back family members, as if to interact with the living.

Hamimah Abdullah
Banting, Selangor.



Answering the first question, here there are two episodes of this question, first, went to his wife after her husband died of 'sleeping together', may apply to be a sweet dream or both, really occur in conscious and convinced that it was her husband who earlier .

If accepted it on behalf of a dream, of course it's something that might, moreover happen to my wife who loves her husband, who had gone to meet God before him.

The wife went to the point he really aware and convinced that it was her husband, then this probably is not and can not happen because the person who has died has moved into the realm of baqa '- Salamul khulūdi - starting from the tomb.

Prophetic call (which means), "Natural tomb is a place of temporary residence, place a stop of places that will be passed, leading to the nature Hereafter, the grave is part of the barrier, which was then put into the grave will were in it until the Day of Judgment is not possible to return to the natural world. "
As happens after that is claimed by many people, especially to me, madam must be sure that it's not a real husband.

If applicable vast, it will happen, but not from her husband. But it was done by a creature named Qareen. Qareen exist, in al-Karim Qurannul, there is a term Qareen 12 times. For example we refer to Surah as-Shaffaat, paragraph 51, which means, one of which has passed the face of God replies, acknowledged by saying that, is there myself once Qareen.

Qareen in interpretations such as al-Qurtubi and al-Maraghi, referred to as a friend or a friend so close. That is, people who make Qareen as his close friends he has got the worst companion. Qareen is one type of species or Devil Jin.

In general, when people are friends with the devil and asks for help from it and many other things, and he was Qareen. Therefore, after the death of a man, Qareen this will do a lot of bad things can disrupt family including her deceased husband went to his wife as a way earlier.

Because it is not supposed to believe that 'she' is your husband, because your husband is actually passed away.

Regarding the second question, the person who has died, his soul returns to God who termed the sentence will be, it is the nature of the Hereafter. Thus people who have gone to him impossible and can not be returned to the natural world because it means separating sentence or barrier. It is like a strong wall separates the two worlds.

Those who have returned kerahmatullah or go back to this sentence, he can not go back. In Surat az-Zumar, verse 42 which means, "God with dead soul separates from His creatures and that was definitely hold off on this by not allowing it to return to the world."

Ayat al-Quran and others have mentioned, "That after death, they will be returned to the sentence until the day of resurrection."

Many verses of al-Quran and al-Hadith, which shows that the spirit of the deceased were in an enclosure that sentence will not be able to return to the natural world. As to the nature of the world we can not get into the sentence (without any reason).

Logically we can see, if the spirits of the dead can come back to the world, can do various things, of course, those who had died was as if no punishment of the grave, and no consideration as if they were free to go there to mari.

Therefore, we must be sure that the spirit of the deceased can not come back to visit his family, his home or the like.

To the third question, on my dead can not come back to the world. Remains are relics of the past, so he called back to his death. Whether he (the deceased) are in a state full of nice sentence that starts from the grave, or start with grave punishment like a crescent in the texts of al-Quran and as-Sunnah are obligatory to believe in the existence of grave punishment.

In both cases, the deceased was not likely to return to this world because he is in the sentence.

However happening in this world, people say the spirit of the dead, back into the world and borrow certain bodies, so just like people lost their minds, talk with tone, rhythm and behavior of people who have died.

From my experience, there is also a medakwa his Prophet Khidr, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Wali Songo and so on. There are also certain parties who treat patients, teach sciences nigth allegedly taken from the dead.

Overall this is not true and is rejected by Islam.

As if the existence of affiliation to restore the soul, in the Arabic expression called tanasuthil spirit - reincarnation -. This belief in Buddhism, Hinduism and ancient beliefs. Islam is net of all faiths.

Muslims must believe that the soul is to him alone and can not be entered in others. The body of the soul, when separated, the body will stay in the natural world, the soul back into the sentence.

Upon arrival later in the last days, the body will be made whole again and will look for imputed by God Barzakh is an environmentally sealed.

Therefore in my opinion does not arise at all man who has died, his soul may disturb or injure people.
And Allah knows best.

Almost swallowed uri baby in the beverage tin

Balik Pulau: An owner of a diner in Teluk Bahang here almost swallowed a foreign object as if that resemble jelly babies in the water uri tin kelmarin drinks.

The woman who only wanted to be known as Remli, 30s claimed, the incident occurred when he was drinking tea flavored water before interest is found that there is something in his mouth.

According to him, he then stopped from continuing to sip his favorite drink is before expressing object.

"I know he does not drink any other content than flavored water only.

"However, after a sip, I feel it's a little weird and seems no objects like jelly led me directly to express what has been drunk," he said.

Enforcement Putrajaya allegedly stolen goods hawker

Kuala Lumpur: Perbadanan Putrajaya enforcement actions that allegedly did not follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in discharging their duties, have scorn users of social networking site Facebook.

Status records were uploaded 'My dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad', in which a total of 263 users and more than 700 comments were loved.

Dissemination images uploaded a Facebook account owner, Zahid RozahanTg show several men in uniform who claimed the enforcement Perbadanan Putrajaya being questioned hawkers and also children who were there.

Rozahan said his son approached the power amplifier, while roller blading in front of the square circle Putra Mosque.

"When my son was playing in the square, he was feared enforcer Putrajaya Corporation. Toys that let hawkers in the square, they confiscated exhausted.
"Children who were playing already, one-on-one questioned. As a child I was asked 'roller blading who he was playing it.
"Son, I replied, 'roller blading was purchased, but diterjah with the phrase' Do not try to cheat 'by enforcement involved," he said.
The People's Post observations in the comment section to find, many who disagree with an enforcement action involved and ask the management Perbadanan Putrajaya appear immediately provide an explanation.
In fact, there is an agreed enforcement action involved due to the plains Putrajaya is not the place to do business hawkers, let alone in front of Masjid Putra.
However, there are also attempts to create tension, when racial issues raised.
There are also those who consider the presence of hawkers, enliven the atmosphere in the plains of Putrajaya.
These are some of the comments that have been taken to note:
Usther Alex: I think the Chairman of Perbadanan Putrajaya itself MUST come forward to make a statement .. BGI prevent people from making off bg putrajaya city folk. For law enforcement agencies. We understand you run a task but let jealously ethics and prudence! Enforcement is not for jd thugs.
Roime B Puniran: Why putrajaya tu plains net of hawker. Nak lg meniaga many places. Not in front of the mosque. The area was supposed to be a recreation area for families. I support enforcement Perbadanan Putrajaya carrying out their duties. If possible, the parking kereta2 also guarded and monitored so as not to jeopardize public safety. If the first dealer organization only a few, therapy now dah dah kinds funfair girls I amik. Full of traders. Ready for dealers who sell soap bubbles semata2. Space for recreation and relaxation smaller. Whatever, ni kanak2 scold enforcement is not fit. But that does not mean all that kind of enforcement. BTW peniaga2 there is not an outsider or people with low income. Most of them are civil servants are interchangeable and kecil2 meniaga license. Monthly income can reach 3k. Gift buying lights Hilang RM 1.00 mark but selling budak2 RM 10. Do not ask me how I know. If the area is closed for business, many other areas can trade lg. Umpteen
Fizrul Shawal: ade bende2 reasons mcm ni kan lah lah plains tu create something so small can berniaga..bukan peniaga2 in tindas..yaa I know the ice cream of the crop is sold at try find solution..bukan suppressed ..
Syedferdaus Syedmohammad: Enforcement melayu only dare to act against Malay race !!! Source:  The People's Post

Men are willing to kill and rape the corpse stepdaughter

Pennsylvania: Because of the desire to have sex with a corpse, a man willing to kill his stepson.

Gregory Graf record he broke bodies act Jessica Padgett in the incident last month, prosecutors said Northampton County John Morganelli.

In a statement to the court yesterday, Morganelli said the video was found in the computer of the accused.

The last time Jessica, 33, were seen on November 21 when he left home to go to work.

Graf was arrested five days later after police found the body of his stepson was embedded in the back of the house where she lived with her mother Jessica.

10 Pictures supporters Malayan tiger is embarrassing tantrum

Shah Alam: first semi-final match of the AFF Suzuki Cup 2014, last night a little tainted by the actions of a handful of supporters of the two teams that fight.

The dispute erupted when the game entered the 85th minute, and become intractable and protracted until the end of the match.

Witnesses told fights start of contention mouth by the handful of supporters of both teams.

The incident received a negative reaction from the Minister of Youth and Sports, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar who criticized supporters of action, and hope that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

He also expressed his sympathy and apology to supporters and Vietnam.

I hope they die like my son die - Mother

Petaling Jaya:  Taking his funeral at the University Malaya Medical Centre who died from severe injuries after being attacked by six men, mother of Mohd Farhan said he wants to face alone with her ​​killer.

"I want to ask him why he killed my child. I hope he will die like my child die", said Syria Asibi, 47, citing a report from The Star.

His son, Mohd Farhan Osmera, 18, ​​reportedly seriously injured after allegedly attacked by six men believed brothers in Permai Apartment, near Damansara last two days. After 12 hours of fighting a life in hospital, Mohd Farhan eventually died there. According to reports, the alleged victim had been at odds with his colleagues in futsal around 8pm. Although the dispute was successfully resolved by the people, the suspects attacked the victim of an hour later with relatives.

Ups and downs Cup FF14 Malaysia lost 1-2 to Vietnam

Shah Alam Malaysia lost 1-2 to Vietnam after 95 minutes of the match at Stadium Shah Alam, tonight.

No doubt the first semi-final match AFF Suzuki Cup 2014 successfully embody competing aggressively patterned and entertaining of the two teams.

But Vietnam is seen playing good defense and Malaysia failed to hold fast thrusts players playing on Vietnam.

Malaysia managed to open the scoring after awarded a penalty on 14 minutes and captain Shafiq Rahim calmly refused to sign goalkeeper, Tran Nguyen Manh.

However, their dominance did not last long with Vietnam took over the attack. Obviously, they have a response sweat when equalized.

The network attacker contributions, Voo Huy Toan in the 32nd minute for rebalancing challenge both teams.

Vietnam experimental results obtained winning goal striker Nguyen Van Quyet in the 60th minute, and the full results 1 - 2 Vietnam, they will clash in the second round on 11 December later in Vietnam.

Vietnam berjersi Kelantan supporters saw Cup FF14?

Tonight will last Af Cup Semi Final Matchf Suzuki 2014 at Stadium Shah Alam is definitely more than 70 thousand supporters Malayan Tiger will meet Shah Alam Stadium tonight.

But there are also supporters of Vietnam, who worked in Malaysia they also do not miss a great resistance force them tonight against Malaysia.

What's unique about them cursing his team jersey Football Kelantan and Selangor to the Stadium by wearing the circumference of the head with a copy of their country of Vietnam.

Maybe for them that's hard to buy the jersey of their country; thus, they chose Kelantan and Selangor jersey is red like the jersey of their country.

Or maybe they are football fans Kelantan or Selangor we definitely do not belong, what is sure a great match tonight and Malaysia must win if they want to clear it hopes to Final.

The bride will have the name of the 53 letters long

A prospective bride who will be getting married on December 13 has its uniqueness when self has a rather long name with 53 letters.

Various assumptions and opinions which on average say definitely groom will have problems to mention the name of his wife's will.

However Siti is not recognized as the longest name in Malaysia despite his woman named Nur Fathaniah as the longest name in Malaysia with 51 letters.

In Siti's husband would definitely ready to take the name of the current in ijabkabul in Pekan Nenas Pontian Johor later, hopefully in all his dealings simplify their marriage together.

Despite exposure to Abang Romantic Video - Princess Angel

After the clip 'Video To Abg Romantic' criticism and insults, the owner of the Facebook account  Princess Angel (Usni) today clarified the motives behind the rise of video uploaded yesterday.

The girl said, the video is actually just a parody and is solely intended for entertainment purposes only.

He was as interested in producing video parody style highlighted by a Singaporean man known as Red Romance.

"I do it just for the parody video alone, I really entertained when reading comments from you all. Some like, some hate it. Some are angry, some are scolding.

That's right you want to say anything. I'm not a bit angry, even amused by the comments given, "the girl said in his Facebook status on account.

Though she said it was just a joke and a travesty for entertainment purposes, but he has uploaded two video clips that are interrelated.

In addition to the clip 'Video To Abg Romantic' which lasted 1 minute 36 seconds, a longer clip, entitled 'Video for Abg romantic! Part II Answers dr Ina Ina silent .. why .. 'during the 3 minutes 57 seconds,

The first video shows a girl who refers to himself Ina expressed frustration against the defaulting partner, while in the next video she requested that her ex-boyfriend was returning the 'teddy bear' gifted.

It was unclear whether his explanation that both the clip just the right parody or just an excuse for being ridiculed.

Whatever be both viral and received rave reviews on his Facebook page yesterday.