
Saturday 28 February 2015

Conclusion, Summary and Reason

Old has arisen retreat .. Intermittent Intermittent sink so it can continue to shoot rawrr blog. hehe.
What is funnier than all the newspapers? should hopefully healthy. Blog too old Aida got jenguk, not what it used to work alone a private computer, computer Sigh park was deliberately ignoring boss routes so fun going online 24h (PDRM). Then so am unemployed approaching 36jam online. It happened this gomen staff, the scope of the work of many affected out, when sitting in the office taxable share ok lah tu dah computer again, this computer is such park right in front of the people passing by. If the last boss cemana? ha Think for yourself.

Behind the house is said to the spirit pulak nak update the entry .. thought had thought last-last fall asleep. Rotate dizziness symptoms so was the one who always experienced. Nie day furlough days there Lama spirit menghupdate son. Maybe off nie will sink arise behind .. but it feels kind of kid try mengagahkan yourself updated entry, jenguk korang-korang blog. habituate was cemana i try the best eh .. hehe.

Nothing whatsoever to korang-korang that dirindui thank you very much-much willing to stop aida although not update the entry, not jenguk korang blog .. maintain existing traffic. Terimas..terimas ..

make up tips: make stuff up can vary the function?

okay first cousin once counted so sorry because I've got blogwalking old. update any whims je nak update taknak update. I actually still in the mood beraya highway though I got home I was even a nurse or any member. vile behavior.

I will haipp melalut ni? nak said Prayojana make up tips?
okay want to talk about new ni.sebenarnya la je few days ago I saw a video of michelle phan. I'm sure many people already know her. actually make up tips from his ni ye are not of me, than I would if I write not to be feared such. lepastu ade am a riot ramai2 create a consensus. I got so coral Article 2 twin bomb hit her face ruin because the public. no .. I do not want that to happen. T_T

                                        BASIC MAKE UP

I love this so natural make up between one basic thing lovers should make up no, no .. I do not want to ram you traded it hahaha
2.lip gloss / lipstick
4.compact powder / mineral powder
okay look much?
korang actually do not need to buy anything.
if still working and need to always look beautiful
indeed come thick makeup touched up someone like lah nak beli
but as a group of 20 an * haha ​​* an 20 overnya
okay 21 an ..
mostly students, both thrifty and save money for the pleasure of the stomach pouch and the future
tak nak nak pretty but banyak2 shopping?
follow the way ni
just bought this
1. powder compact two way cake foundation, we can use as a powder and foundation. What type? slightly wet sponge and rub the powder compact little earlier, then rub on the face. God willing beautiful results.
2.eyeliner black, brown, red and white. black eyeliner can use as eyeliner, brown color to draw eyebrows if you got dark eyebrows and got my eyebrows bushy sorts, kinky red color can be used as a lipliner, and that little nub and flattened flange can create seemed pretty pink reddish lips without lipstick secalit .ohh yes I forgot, use eyeliner / brown color lipliner can also be shading in muka.korang create a small dot mark the edge of the nose, rub my back when tu.eyeliner white shading can be Sigh highlighter under the brow angle, the effect formed and It can also be used for under the eyes to bright eyes and a big illusion eyeliner :) I've got expensive buy cheap je rm2 a ok .. what?
3.lipstik: buy nude color lipstick or red color. ni liptik we all know the point to the lips but also can be other uses blusher, make two points he jaw cheek, then flatten it interesting towards the edge. It works like a cream lipstick blusher so.
exactly what I'm trying to say here, we do not need to spend much to make stuff up as more important is the inner beauty and also got to make up if we buy a truck but we are pretty little face of the scourge. He changed the habit of sleeping late tu * eh kinds mengata yourself la Sigh * because all invited eyebag tu, then, eat plenty of fruits vitamin c vitamin c not prick because I believe, vitamin c that prick prick must ade side effect, better we practice naturally. so it's only free lectures I want to mark papers. adios amigos babai.

Indonesia claimed popia why?

spring rolls or in Indonesian language called lumpia is a type of fried food that we can find in the market, night market. I do not know why this thing just made an issue by a handful of Indonesian society, so they made a demonstration in front of the Embassy of Malaysia. It was simply a type of food and eat free at all. It does not matter to him to Malaysia to Indonesia to Papua New Guinea china or even people from the north and south poles. Whose Problem lumpia claim tu tu thing I think I should actually be an issue. Food is one thing that quickly spread throughout the country.

And until now I think that the rice had we not know who first planted. Country asia reason he is the staple food rice .. Sigh spring rolls or spring rolls. if you open the history before the reign of the British in Malaya and the Dutch islands of Java and I think almost all the educated or in English "well educated" will know that no state formation again. Unless Land archipelago islands and ideas wither. This is the fact that all people have to face. First days of our grandparents .. they can go where sampan ride no need to apply passport yet. So it will happen because of cultural assimilation occurs mixed marriage. Malay people khawin with Java, or Java people khawin with the Scots.
And coupled with the transfer of the Chinese and Indian people in the early 20th century (if not mistaken) .They also bring their culture to us, and this includes their own traditional food.

For example

kari kari ... we all know is from india

and according to sources spring rolls or spring rolls is derived from china.

This matter should not be exaggerated. I'm sure many people in Indonesia who both good and aware of the fact that history is undeniable them.

why so serious ??? it's just a food.

Do not easily provoked over little things like this.

P / s: Why should mortgaged for a food security? :)

Picture Entry: Big Mistakes When Make Up and Make up look for you

Like many women actually make up but not many know about applying it correctly. Make up can make or break your face. The famous quotes by michelle phan makeup guru.

Among the big mistake made by a woman when using the make up is in part:

1) Brow
eyebrow Drawing blindly is a big mistake many eyebrows wanita.Lukisan should be balanced .Warna on the brow bone to be more concentrated than the base of the forehead. Painted eyebrows with too much pressure on the pencil makes your eyebrows look too thick. Remember ..
you want to beautify not destroy your eyebrows eyebrow.

2) Bluser
Blusher cheek is optional. for a more natural look beautiful and you are advised to buy a cream blush lightly textured. Light strokes are enough to brighten your cheeks. Common mistakes made ​​when using the make up is kind of powder blush color is not in conformity with skin tones and brushed excessively. It makes your face look like a clown McDonald.

3) Eyeliner.
It is mandatory for you to recognize the shape of the eye and eye type suitable for anda.Eyeliner wing points to a more circular shape and large. The wing liner technique used their astringent eyed, common errors made ​​when using this type of eyeliner eyeliner is used. for activities that will make it easier sweaty crowd, .car smudgy eyeliner that will not. For example, liquid eyeliner from silky girl. Easy je nak date .. no problem .. needless to panda eyes genyeh eye make up remover for hours merely want to remove the effect of eyeliner effect. Remember ,. eyeliner select appropriate in the circumstances.

4) Lipstain / Lipica / Lipstick
To lippies too common mistake is to not use a lip liner. For users hardcore lipstick lipstick .. you would know it is very easy to fade. For the student who can not afford ... usable only lip tint ..
If I'm feeling fancy shemancy .. usable lipstain of Nyx. Suitable for a fresh look. Do not use colored lipstick to class, when to visit the patient and when to work.

5) Foundation
Choose a foundation that matches the color of your skin. Mac is the right choice. Choosing a foundation that does not fit with your skin tone will only make your skin gray.

6) Eyeshadow
eyeshadow color selection is quite striking is one big mistake that you did. Yes .. we have to experiment .. but remember "less is more"
If you're feeling badly wanted to wear eyeshadow .. wear brown color as eyeshadow .. you will look more fresh and charming.

bonus tips

one of the secrets that make up the beautiful result is the quality of the products used and blending techniques are done. Make up the beautiful is make up a "blend in" with the wearer's skin tone.

Sandra Alwie: between the figures that I have known a long time in cyberspace.
Applications can make up simple ni practiced together.

Niena Baharun actress, models and textures that I'm interested in jugak. She has beautiful skin is dah
but he may be exemplified makeup ..Light, soft and sweet. Hijabster simple ni is the fashion icon i.
I do not how much love there spinning spun sepsis here .. be deadly choking game spun spun ni: D

This is such an example make up a little weight suitable for marriage
photography friendly. CREDIT: Abby BADJENID
from Instagram him. Ni is the bride that she make it up. Nice, right?

I, work and bussines. Oh dilemma!

I got an update Lama own face. Presents the latest developments berselendang version hosted blog. Dah lama who read this blog must know that once hosted this blog free hair. Now is the right way again. Actually the more we try to be better and bigger allegations that we face. I feel like a rewind je 3 story last year. You know I'm jobless 2 months? Bit error actually results

I stopped for the above reasons so strong he had to la incur as a result. As a human, sometimes lingering near the heart ni la jugak Why He really can not like everyone else? I mean there's no problem yelah work. But when I think back other people must never encountered allegations like me too. At least I have family who can bear me .. I can not imagine that so close to people who've got no one who mark the world.

I do bussiness is scroll down and read a little bit there I thought I was going to invest money to invest tu nak stock ambik aka vitamin product collagen .Vitamin tu ni really nice too. Product skinny he was good friends I've tried. Only I was able to sell drugs tu je la collagen. Skinny medication can not because I own fat, how am I going to sell? Unless I try tu medication first. I was a species that would not sell the things I never tried. In my opinion, customer satisfaction is very very important. You do not misunderstand, I want to sell vitamin tu'm not going to pretend to white to do .. But the reason I'm confident with the effectiveness of vitamin tu. The boy who touched notch mark in Kelantan tu face eating. Wow lovely little scars she lives je. White shining light. Founder wrong product melayu tu.

What products they are none other than ANZ vitamin products. Eh eh terpromot when I am not selling anything yet.

But if you want me to tell jelah mark. Hehehe I'm still in contact with her founder.

Former P0rn Actress Russia 'Captured, beheaded' Askar Ukraine

BERLIN - The Story of viral through the Russian version of Facebook, VKontakte recently really terrible when a young nurse who is a former pornographic actress of ethnic Russian, Sasha Serova lethal military brutally murdered Ukraine.

Local newspapers reported on Tuesday, the social networking site's account using the name Aid fir Donbas and do not clear the source footage Serova, served on the frontline in a bloody conflict with separatists Ukraine Russia.

The woman who will celebrate the 27th year of birth in the next month, believed captured soldiers Ukraine in the east of the country was dragged into a tent Ukrainian soldiers and severely tortured before he was beheaded with an ax.

Although the video footage was referring victims of violent action as Sasha Serova, the account administrator also publish photographs of a beautiful woman with dark hair with highlights quite sexy seductive eyes to man 'departure'.

Ironically, it is shocking photo Sasha Grey (in Russian: Serova), the woman in the photograph, as a former porn actress with a glamorous name Marina Ann Hantzis still healthy and now lives in California, United States!

Apparently it was a Russian propaganda and not a secret anymore conflict and civil war in Ukraine led to the country's television stations broadcast frequent police-themed drama with characters and villains usually must face the Ukraine.

Program series of investigations by Russian television lately even describe the Ukraine as murderers, rapists and thieves to compete with Western propaganda that always gives the image of the Russian character synonymous with evil characters.

Serova in it only to realize he 'killed' after looking more like 7,000 and 1,000 comments through the social networking site VKontakte, before rushing to send a message of enlightenment through Twitter accounts belonging to himself.

"I loved my millions of fans throughout Russia, but this time propaganda had gone too far," said Serova ever famous porn star in the film narrates the action entitled Nurses 'hot' sexy nurse in 2009.

He who has starred in 171 pornographic movies, and even won many international awards including Best Group Sex Scene in 2007, Best Oral Sex in 2008 and Best Anal Sex in 2010; very real angry with 'psychological warfare' Russian.

Influential German newspaper, Die Welt in 2013 had published an article by referring Serova as 'women's dirtiest' follow-up action he retired from the porn industry in the global start. - Agencies

Based on the study, 4 of the 5 British women do not shower in the morning

LONDON - If you have a friend or an English woman living in England, a recent study of a local independent agency, Flint + Flint sure to make you uneasy to be close to them after this.

The study, involving more than 2,000 respondents aged from 18 to 50 years revealed, British women generally did not care and hygiene aspects of body fragrances themselves.

The firm has even found, four of the five British women admitted to not shower every day, while 33 percent said they had not bathed in three days, and 67 percent did not clean up the face before going to bed.

Their reasons for feeling too tired after a busy day of activities and worse, one of eight women do not brush their teeth before bed than 21 percent of respondents quick morning shower every day.

Strangely though not shower, 57 percent of women admitted to the UK to choose how to rid yourself by simply wiping the body using wet wipes even know how it is certainly not very clean in terms of health.

Irony, 92 percent of female respondents claimed to be aware of the importance and benefits of having clean skin terawatt, even 76 percent of respondents understand that lack of sleep and dehydration have an adverse influence on the skin.

Portrait study found that 89 percent of women promised to be more hygienic in time will come and firm Flint Flint + disclose, busy job leads many women do not shower before going to work.

"We found that many respondents were not aware skip shower in the morning, can make themselves so antisocial and extremely unhealthy. They are very busy so had no shower as a way of life, "said the owner of + Flint Flint, Flint Maxine.

The research firm also involved in skin health care in Britain claimed that, if the trend is not sustainable bathroom, British women face will look older than actual age due to dry body of water in the body. - Agencies

Kim Kardashian Kongsi Rai Seductive Figure 27 Million Followers On Instagram

Demi celebrate Instagram followers who now number has already reached 27 million, Kim Kardashian West share pictures of sexy and teasing her dressed only in a red dress, accented with 'assets'. Photo is certainly to be commended many men.

Another story corner, Kim and her family who starred in the reality series Keeping Up With The Kardashians reportedly already signed the latest series which gives a return of RM361 million for the whole family.

The program also stars Kim's mother, Kris Jenner, sisters Kim and Kourtney ie, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie Jenner until now is still the number one program in the channel E! which brings benefits for the television station.