
Saturday 28 February 2015

Indonesia claimed popia why?

spring rolls or in Indonesian language called lumpia is a type of fried food that we can find in the market, night market. I do not know why this thing just made an issue by a handful of Indonesian society, so they made a demonstration in front of the Embassy of Malaysia. It was simply a type of food and eat free at all. It does not matter to him to Malaysia to Indonesia to Papua New Guinea china or even people from the north and south poles. Whose Problem lumpia claim tu tu thing I think I should actually be an issue. Food is one thing that quickly spread throughout the country.

And until now I think that the rice had we not know who first planted. Country asia reason he is the staple food rice .. Sigh spring rolls or spring rolls. if you open the history before the reign of the British in Malaya and the Dutch islands of Java and I think almost all the educated or in English "well educated" will know that no state formation again. Unless Land archipelago islands and ideas wither. This is the fact that all people have to face. First days of our grandparents .. they can go where sampan ride no need to apply passport yet. So it will happen because of cultural assimilation occurs mixed marriage. Malay people khawin with Java, or Java people khawin with the Scots.
And coupled with the transfer of the Chinese and Indian people in the early 20th century (if not mistaken) .They also bring their culture to us, and this includes their own traditional food.

For example

kari kari ... we all know is from india

and according to sources spring rolls or spring rolls is derived from china.

This matter should not be exaggerated. I'm sure many people in Indonesia who both good and aware of the fact that history is undeniable them.

why so serious ??? it's just a food.

Do not easily provoked over little things like this.

P / s: Why should mortgaged for a food security? :)

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