
Tuesday 23 February 2016

Innovation Management - Why Should the USA or EU Come Out on Top?

There is a momentum of thought in the USA and EU that implies that either of the two continents should come out on top in the innovation game. Perhaps this is related to the number of articles that appear in distinguished journals or the historic technological lead each has possessed in various fields...who knows...but whatever the reason, this is not good thinking:

a) Successful innovation is related to intellectual cross-pollination. As there many more people in China and India than both the EU and USA put together, it follows that those countries have the greatest potential.

b) Successful innovation is about intellectual cross-pollination. As the EU and USA are hell bent on patenting and restricting knowledge in various forms of intellectual ownership, they are inadvertently shooting themselves in the foot. China and India have not reached this stage of intellectual enforcement.

c) Successful innovation is about combining depth and breadth of knowledge. This is related to education. Presently, there is no clear winner as to who is the best educator. Though the USA's Ivy League institutions feel they have the edge, this is hubris more than reality.

d) Successful innovation results from a reduction of barriers to it. One of the most powerful impediments is lack of finance. Where finance for R & D is greatest, there lie the highest probabilities. Presently, the USA is the leader in financing ventures.

These and other topics are covered in depth in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity & Innovation, which can be purchased (along with a Creativity and Innovation DIY Audit, Good Idea Generator Software and Power Point Presentation) from

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Kal Bishop, MBA


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Stop Teenage Gambling Education Needed At Local Schools

For the past few years teenage gambling has been increasing at an exponential rate. The increase in gambling can be contributed to family members who gamble, multiple television programs like poker tournaments and skillful advertising from the gambling establishments. It’s becoming an epidemic among our teenagers with no real solution being presented to the educators of our schools systems.

The new stream of commercials related to stop gambling has had very little affect. The commercials are geared towards helping people stop gambling but are not geared towards the individuals who have not experienced gambling at this point in time. The stop gambling commercials have not been able to reach the teenager with a compulsive gambling addiction. They however may reach the parents who may realize their child has a problem.

The only way to help our youth is to educate them in the classroom and at home. I remember years ago in health class they educated us on smoking and drinking. This was very effective on those individuals who never started. But the ones that were already addicted the educational programs were unable to reach them.

There following educational curriculums will be available to ship by August 2005 in order to give teachers the proper resource tools to deal with this growing problem:

a) Helpful Resources for identifying teenagers who may have a compulsive gambling addiction.

b) Helping Teenagers identify their compulsive gambling addiction

c) Educating teenagers on compulsive gambling addiction. This one is my favorite because this has the best opportunity to prevent a teenager from gambling, helping teenagers identify the signs of compulsive gambling addiction and if the teenager has a problem with gambling.

d) Giving Teenagers the tools to identify others who may have a gambling addiction like their parents. This one has to be handled sensitively. I have received numerous emails from teenagers who did not know where to go, who to talk to in order to help a family member.

e) Educating Teenagers on the resources available to get help by giving them the local stop gambling telephone numbers and helpful stop gambling websites.

f) Understanding Compulsive Gambling Addiction

g) Practical exercises for teenagers with addictions to learn about self esteem, trust and more.

The above educational curriculums are to be used as a guide for professionals who want to educate the teenage population. The curriculums were based on real life situations. It’s their goal to reach these students at the age where gambling is most likely to affect their future and to help teenagers who have a compulsive gambling addiction.

More educational information can be found at the website [].

Teenagers that have been negatively affected by compulsive gambling addiction exhibit signs of self destructive behavior and an apathetic view towards school. By noticing the warning signs early, helps a teenager’s recovery to accelerate.

Our future is in our children. By giving them a good education and family foundation we will help them to survive in this world.

Another website that deals directly with compulsive gambling addiction and also has stop gambling resources is the I Stopped Gambling So Can You This website can help the family members and friends of gamblers. It also has self help books available.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that they are unable to reach.

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Where are the Nicest People in America?

Having traveled to every city in the United States and met all sorts of folks I have found the rural Northwest to have the nicest folks of all; that was until I had the opportunity to spend some time in South Texas to warm up during the last winter. I would like to discuss the attitude of the people of South Texas. I would say that that friendly attitude is a model of what all America should be.

In many of the big cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. people self segregate, are relatively unfriendly to strangers; sure they are great with their friends, but just get on a freeway in Baltimore, Boston, Seattle or San Francisco and see how long it takes you to find out you are number one? In South Texas no one flips you off while driving, maybe because Texas has the reputation that everyone carries a gun? But that is not it; it is the people and their humble and positive attitude. They drive polite; much different than in the largest American cities where they are not polite when driving, do not start conversations with strangers and are not promoting goodwill towards their fellow man.

In South TX and I am discussing parts from Just South of Austin to Brownsville including Laredo and the like, people are just down right nice. WOW. That is good. That promotes tourism, that attracts business and that brings us back together and then we can stand united. Why is this attitude not contagious? It is when you are in Texas; why not other large cities. San Antonio the people are nice, yet in other large cities including the other cities in TX, it just is not like that. I think the hospitality in South TX and many parts of rural Texas it is to be admired and you should go there and see for yourself. It is a pleasure to do business in many of these South TX markets. We thank you for the Big Texas welcome and we are finding it a pleasure to get to know Y'all. Thank you South Texas.

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Environmental Liberation Front, ELF, Eco-terrorists

The environmental liberation front is a group of very weak people who cannot get a job unfortunately so they sit around and smoke weed all day and do drugs. Often since they have no jobs they make their own drugs like crystal meth and then dump the toxins in the forest as hazardous waste. This is typical of such unworthy humans as we often see when we study misfits and problematic low cranial capacity individuals who cannot seem to get it.

This ELF Group is a problem, they are environmentalists, who go around screwing up things to make a point. Burning down brand new homes being built on what they believe should remain non-developed, etc. things of this nature. FBI thinks they may go after bigger projects such as attacking major infrastructures like dams, timber mills, refineries and power plants. Or if they really are that would be terrible to have an infrastructure problem sending everyone back into fear mode during the next holiday with the out of control media. Not sure if this is reality or a reason to go seek them out, but either way these low IQ individuals are not good for America. Not good. We may be giving them ideas through the media or egging them on, but with such low cognitive abilities, who knows what these folks are really thinking or even if they do still have such abilities.

What is very unfortunate about this, is with the changes in government recently, these groups will cause a problem in the balance of security, Rep/Dem., and the general agreement amongst most of the population that we all need to do basic things like recycle, stop dumping, clean up the water and pay attention to discharges into the air. We all want our freedoms but these folks are disrupting our civilization so it is important for us to catch them as soon as possible. If you know of any eco-terrorists foreign or domestic or have friends who do, it is important you turn them in to prevent them from polluting the environment.

If these groups continually disrupt to prove as point, they will ruin any chances for positive changes in the minds of the masses to do the right thing and thus politics of mankind will not follow suit in the proper direction.

I bet we could infiltrate this group and talk some reason into these people using the web sites you have? This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad, but this level of high energy could be good energy and what America needs, but it is so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things that we should all be thinking about for the betterment of all.

My thoughts are this lure the members of the group into the web sites, and one by one infiltrate the group to do constructive and positive things and disband it without the media involved. The media will blow out of proportion anything they do, making them even more excited to do more and gather more crazies to their side. By keeping it out of the media and getting these people to grow up, everyone can win. But these guys are definitely international and domestic terrorists and that is bad for America right now, and to call them the most dangerous domestic terrorists is even worse for everyone both short and long term. Lets throw the leaders in jail as they are criminals, along with any who have committed any acts thus far and disband the rest, as that is what would be best for humanity.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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