
Saturday 14 February 2015

Funny for the day: IDA and the FROG

An older lady named Ida was somewhat lonely since her cat died and decided she needed another pet to keep her company. So, off to the pet shop she went. She searched and searched. None of the pets seemed to catch her interest, except this ugly frog. As she walked by the jar he was in, she looked and he winked at her.


Ida figured, what the heck!
She hadn't found anything else. 
So she bought the frog. 
She placed him in the car, on the front seat beside her. 

As she was slowly driving down the road,
the frog whispered to her:
 So, Ida figured, WHAT THE HECK, and kissed the frog.

IMMEDIATELY the frog turned into 
an absolutely gorgeous, sexy, young, handsome prince.













the first Holiday Inn

She's old...... NOT DEAD!!!!!


Payback time for teachers?

Not only the teacher can fine slaves tu write 100 times ever!

Ok folks, don't take it too seriously. It's just to cheer up your morning.

The truth about smartphones

Who is the master?

Of course, you are the master. LOL

Death slashed lover

Yahaya (middle) shows slabs of dried marijuana leaves wrapped in transparent plastic.

Wee Meng sought to assist investigation into murder.

SHAH ALAM - Police hunting for a businessman to assist investigations into the murder of a woman citizen of Vietnam, 6 January.

In the incident at about 2 am, the victim identified as Tran Thi Kim Sang, 21, is believed slashed his girlfriend before being thrown from the 25th floor of an apartment here.

Subang Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Yahaya Ramli said the victim was working at a nightclub in Klang Selangor, was found dead by a security guard on the first floor of the building.

"However, the results of the autopsy found, the cause of her death was not due to a fall.

"Instead, we believe, the first victim was killed by the impact of circumcision sharp objects on the neck and head of the victim," he said at a press conference launching Ops Selamat District Police Headquarters in Subang Jaya yesterday.

According Yahaya, an investigation into the house, there are some blood stains but no weapon was used suspects were found.

"Examination of recording closed circuit television (CCTV), revealed that the couple arrived at the building together at 12 o'clock midnight, before her body was found two hours later.

"We believe the victim lived with her boyfriend. But the man had been missing since the incident. We wanted people to believe they are in the country, "he said.

Police seek Chan Wee Meng, 54, a project manager at USJ 1, to assist in the investigation and those who know where he is asked to contact the investigating officer ASP Nazri at 019-3555507.

Tragic life story of Alan Turning

IF weeks ago, the story of the life of an Olympic runner named Louis Zamperini, who was imprisoned by the Japanese during the second world war filmed by Angelina Jolie.

Now the same format film takes you to surf the real life story of a man named Alan Turing clever mathematician, logic, cryptology and computer expert, who led the effort to break the German Enigma code that allows the associate win World War II.

He continued its efforts after the war in cooperation with the University of Manchester to develop computer technology.

The film also portrays the life story of Turing including bitter during his youth, when the secret of winning the war and the story he was arrested and prosecuted by the government for committing homosexual acts in 1952.

Copies of historical thriller is directed by Morten Tyldum and adapted based on the biography, Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges.

The film features a terrific actor famous for playing a detective in the series "Sherlock" which Benedict Cumberbatch and was organized by Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode and many more.

Overall in the author's view, it is an interesting story to be appreciated. How a man who specialize in mathematics, considered the father of computer science and artificial intelligence pioneer.

Being an individual who played an important role during World War II and through life quite tragic.

This film will take viewers to surf Turning life, how he started and how he finally thought of something that was not contemplated by the Axis which in turn leads to the breakdown of his success Enigma code.

Sadder how a great man who is admired and has a beautiful fiancee, finally admits that he is more interested in the same sex.

Although the film did not leave inspire the audience through the story of a negative-like tendency Turning sexuality, but on the contrary it inspires people today so earnest in doing something.

Even people like this unexpectedly managed to carve his name in history and is remembered till now even covered a personal story that can not be emulated.

This film journey on the author's views on the story quite well even though there are a few comments and criticisms argue journey this film has been exaggerated to impress the audience.

But it was not surprising since become a habit in a film when screenwriter or director needs something that adds drama or attract the attention of the audience.

But adding a whole does not interfere with the storyline or change the overall storyline of this film.

Great acting Cumberbatch

Coupled with a set design and costumes that match the era along with shots of the second world war beautify the entire storyline of this film.

Another interesting thing for a writer is certainly great acting 38-year-old actor.

What's more, bringing the character of individuals who have 61 died this and only refers character and story by reading Alan Turning certainly not an easy task.

However Cumberbatch prove nothing is impossible when he managed to translate Turning style with distinctive and effective manner once.

Effectiveness emotions and character that brought a lot of influence viewers to remain faithful witness Alan lives Turning up to the end of the storyline.

Samsung Galaxy S6 reportedly drops bloatware in favor of Microsoft apps

Quite a few smartphone fans will tell you that a Samsung phone's Achilles' heel is its software -- you'll find a ton of (frequently unwanted) apps and features that do little besides chew up space and slow things down.

You may get to wave goodbye to that cruft when the Galaxy S6shows up, however. A SamMobile source claims that Samsung is yanking a lot of its usual pre-installed bloatware, making the GS6 "amazingly fast" compared to a weighed-down phone like the Galaxy Note 4.

The titles wouldn't go away forever, but you'd have to download in-house apps if you did want them. Instead, the focus would be on a host of included Microsoft apps: Office, OneDrive, OneNote and Skype would give you some solid productivity out of the box. It's not clear if the Microsoft deal has any connection to a recent truce with Samsung over patent royalties, although it wouldn't be surprising.

There's no certainty that the rumor will pan out, so don't start budgeting for a new Galaxy just yet. If the tip is accurate, though, it'd represent an about-face for a company that likes marketing novelty features (eye scrolling, anyone?) and was once bent on customizing virtually every aspect of Android. Google may not be all that happy with the changes, mind you.

The tech giant spent a lot of time reining in Samsung in hopes of steering people back toward its own services, but there's now a chance that Samsung might drive those users into the arms of Google's biggest online rival.

Students were surprised with the treatment of 'male arid'

Place the victim waiting for his mother along the road near the gas station. Thumbnail: Season when recounting the incident to the media.

SEREMBAN - A female form five students at a school here, was surprised with indecent treatment of a man arid when the victim was waiting for his mother to pick up from school.

Victims who declined to be named, said the incident occurred around 3.30 pm on Wednesday when she was alone before shocked by the presence of a Proton Iswara car stopped suddenly on the edge.

"While we were waiting for mom to pick me up at a gas station, suddenly there was a stop on the edge of my car.

"I do not know why the car was stopped close to me, but I saw the driver's like talking to someone on the phone," he said.

However, the teenager said, she was shocked to see the man unzip his pants and holding his genitals.

Worried and scared by the incident, the teenager fled the scene and wait somewhere else before informing the mother who then lodged a police report at the police station Campbell.

Meanwhile, the victim's mother, who declined to be named, said he was not sure whether the actions of the men was addressed to her or not, but described the ill-treatment, as it is not fair.

"My son had to take the registration number of the car the man and that's why I took him make a police report so that action can be taken," he said.