
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Car hit a red light inrush school students

Chan: Accidents that occur at the intersection traffic lights in front of Chan Kelantan Police Station.

The incident happened reliable car running a red light and crashed into a school that was crossing the road.

Female student in a school who is the supervisor injured and unconscious, he was sent to hospital to receive treatment.

On the driver carefully in the course of the morning is because at that time the students on the way to sekolah.

Ainaa sister Amanda so she viral special person

School season has just begun, we will be able to see the diversity of children who started a year makes first day of school in the country.

No exception sister Amanda Ainaa shahzali special children that become viral on social networking sites today which has complained to his mother  "Mama .. they said mark adik..takda hand ... ".

Aina sister had suffered from birth defects hand again. But of eloquence speaks indeed Admin taste these children a clever and cute indeed.

Would you believe that most who watch this video must be a sense of "entry points Dust", "middle cut onions" and sebangainya.

Video shared by her mother just sharing common friends, however, has gotten the attention of many Facebook users who shared this video.

In the video it is Ainaa brother told his mother about his experience of schooling, which began yesterday. Some mocked on crippled hands, however, the word that makes the eyes admin "login dust" is the word of this.

"God of my kat la (no hands), ni body, when my body touched new JAP later hand out" .

Sister Aina has enrolled in the National School headman Shukri, Cheras, Selangor.

We pray for strength and perseverance Ainaa brother and a quality coatings that will inherit the future of the country one day.

Anyone who wishes to give encouragement to the sister Aina can to facebook page Ainaa sister Amanda Ainaa Shahzali.

Tourists in exile due to berb0gel while on a motorcycle

A British man riding a motorcycle in the nude will be evicted today as "polluting beauty culture" local.

Crawford Brown, 24, spent the weekend recently in jail after being arrested for motorcycle without clothes in Cambodia.

Police also arrested two other foreigners, Catarina Aarnio, 22, from Finland, and Giancarlo Allocca, 30, of Italy, which also posed nude with Brown.

Brown was a student of the University of the West of Scotland.

The three were reportedly stripped off their clothes before motorcycling in the area Leuk Daek, about 80 kilometers southeast of Phnom Penh.

A police spokesman said Chomkol Delta, foreign nationals was detected when they passed in front of the police station.

"Their behavior was outrageous even foreigners and they may not understand the local culture," he said.

Alvah tree in the emotional aftermath sorry too dear Datuk Ramli

You must remember about the story yesterday that said the husband Alvah, Datuk Ramli MS is now  married to another so that the singer feels his life is now ruined and felt stupid for this tricked her husband was not true.

With the latest update on Instagram, Alvah upload explanation by saying he was too emotional to send pictures of women who interrupt their household to Instagram but never remove the statement married another husband.

"I never remove the fact my husband marries tu. Forgive me for today. I could not resist emotional and I did not manipulate big.But mistake my story until everything is so not true, "he wrote.

So we can all come back calm as Alvah and Ramli MS are still together and this all happened because of the singer's emotional sendiri.

Jawi ask three veiled women appear to give evidence

Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (Jawi) to open an investigation regarding indecent acts that occur in concert group korea pop (K-Pop), B1A4 in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.

Directors, Paimuzi Yahya said he regretted the act of  hugs and kisses between K-Pop group members with respect to some fans that veiled Muslim women.

He said some fans of treatment was seen to transgress and violate the teachings of Islam and Muslims disrupt sensitivity in this country.

"Accordingly, Jawi enforcement division has to open an investigation under Section 29 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1977 (Act 599) Deeds Not Polite in Public Places.

"Those involved are asked to come forward to help the investigation," he said in a statement on Monday.

Action hugs and kisses between members of the group K-Pop is covered with three fans while on stage concert sparked controversy to be debated in viral and social networking site.

Paimuzi said, the act provides that an individual who acts or improper behavior that is contrary to Islamic law in any public place is an offense.

"If the conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding RM1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both," he said.

He added, Jawi will conduct a further investigation if there is evidence of sufficient evidence.

The real story behind the students Galas Box bag?

Today, the image of a school pupil menggalas bag made of boxes scattered on social sites.

Then many who feel sympathy and say supposedly where government assistance.

The fact is that social media users fooled by the pictures without knowing the true facts.

Actually, these students bring home a box of milk given by a government session on the last day of school in 2014.

A Facebook user named Rozali Salleh, he explained.

"This picture was taken during the last day of the school term at a school in the school district will Tampusison ... mamandangkan ended, teachers distribute to the students of the school milk stock ... because there are no former students to bring home the milk ... then with her own creations using the box and use the rope to take up his bag. "

Remember yes, you should first pursue the validity of a matter before making various allegations in some quarters.

In the meantime DIRECTOR Sabah State Education Department (JPNS), Datuk Jame Algemeen confirm the picture bears the boys 'bags' box scattered on social sites and applications WhatsApp recorded at a school in rural Tampusison in 2014.

Pupils involved in doing so to make it easy to bring home milk 1Malaysia and not because they had no school bags.