
Tuesday 13 January 2015

The real story behind the students Galas Box bag?

Today, the image of a school pupil menggalas bag made of boxes scattered on social sites.

Then many who feel sympathy and say supposedly where government assistance.

The fact is that social media users fooled by the pictures without knowing the true facts.

Actually, these students bring home a box of milk given by a government session on the last day of school in 2014.

A Facebook user named Rozali Salleh, he explained.

"This picture was taken during the last day of the school term at a school in the school district will Tampusison ... mamandangkan ended, teachers distribute to the students of the school milk stock ... because there are no former students to bring home the milk ... then with her own creations using the box and use the rope to take up his bag. "

Remember yes, you should first pursue the validity of a matter before making various allegations in some quarters.

In the meantime DIRECTOR Sabah State Education Department (JPNS), Datuk Jame Algemeen confirm the picture bears the boys 'bags' box scattered on social sites and applications WhatsApp recorded at a school in rural Tampusison in 2014.

Pupils involved in doing so to make it easy to bring home milk 1Malaysia and not because they had no school bags.

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