
Wednesday 18 February 2015

6 Tips For Pregnant Mothers

It is natural as a mother or father who wants a child must all smart because this is the 'ticket' to a brighter future. Hard work pays off when they seemed to raise the child brought home a success.

However, if they are smart, talented, genius or prodigy? Here I want to share some tips and secrets to want offspring yan smart clever. whereas it is already written humans were created on earth is as caliph

"All children are born intelligent but that impact is the way we stimulate them. Parents must have a clear mission determination to plant shaping the future of children "

Let's observe the tips below Hopefully successfully:

1. Plenty to read Surah Yusuf and Surah Maryam.
Parents affected practice time mula2 pregnant .. More good practice to give birth .. Surah Yusuf wants to be a pretty boy face and morals .. Do not forget to also read Surah Maryam to facilitate childbirth ..

2. Eating dates and raisins.
New time pregnant moms are encouraged to maternity, avoid junk food like cake, food that does not contain healthy proteins

3. Drink a bird's nest.
Good practice start time pregnant because it will make the baby's skin brighter, smoother and the baby's body to be more powerful than other babies and mothers jugak recover quickly after we see the child bersalin.Cuba orang2 china, a beautifying skin because they have good eating bird's nest ni since started pregnant lagik ..

4. Drinking coconut water.
Coconut water should not be drunk or familiarized mula2 pregnant at the time, can be observed when the content has embraced 7 or 8 bulan..Orang old baby nice word for beautiful skin smooth and simplified for delivery ..

5. Eat eat fruit
Actual properties are in fruits, therefore overestimate the mother is encouraged to eat fruit no matter how much you can afford for a day, because the fruit is the best source.

6. Taking Fish Oil
It does not matter what brand even as Omega 3 - DHA and spa can help shape the infant brain. A balanced diet is more important, eating well and daily activities, do not be too extreme in doing any daily activity, due to health Mothers can also affect the growth of the fetus in the womb.

Please dikonsikan what extent can help mothers who first conceived anak..dan luck.

Coffee can help you avoid from skin cancer?

You want to avoid sleepiness get a cup of coffee, if you can let me concentrate directly as long as you do not feel sleepy. That is normal. But if you believe the authors say this coffee has a great influence on our skin? Abstruse not?

A study shows that drinking coffee can help you avoid skin cancer. Through studies mention that those who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower probability of skin cancer, compared to those who drank no coffee.

This is because coffee contains several substances (one of which is caffeine) are capable of countering the growth of cancer cells in several ways. Among these are:

1. Pressing the cells in our body that has the potential to become cancerous when exposed to sunlight. These substances can also reduce inflammation, oxidative stress parry (condition in which the body is exposed to too many free radicals), and prevent DNA damage.

2. If you include active workers in the sunlight, nutrients in coffee has been able menjadi'sunscreen 'for your skin.

3. magical substance contained in coffee can reduce carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) in the body.
However, do not forget to keep in balance the body by drinking mineral water is also yes.

Latest Fashion 'Torn Dada' Juliana Evans Criticized Poor Nitizen On Instagram!

Latest Fashion 'Torn Dada' Juliana Evans Criticized Poor Nitizen On Instagram! - Surprised to see the latest fashions admin when Juliana Evan mark IG die while ago ...

The average follower Juliana condemn him wearing a tight black dress that reveals her breasts. Right sexy!

"I love this photo fcking but trust me it will be a big issue in another few minutes," said one of his fans.

Normally kan dah when an artist, whatever clothing worn certainly would be a concern. Btw, do you still look beautiful and charming dress tu. Hopefully Juliana Evans continues to move forward in the world of entertainment.

Recognition Akim Ahmad Sex With Stacy

After long BPU puzzle with fans about their relationship, eventually Akim Ahmad itself appear to provide an explanation of the current status of his relationship with a close friend, Stacy that has lasted so long.

 Through interviews with Era FM radio earlier today, Akim Ahmad admitted that he could feel the love of Stacy and their lovers, but now is not revealed since when.

 "I am indeed very closely with Stacy and I can say the feeling is the feeling of love. Thank God, I can feel that feeling and he can feel and I hope our relationship can be the blessing of everyone and Stacy will open hearts one day "

 Are open-minded to marry someday? Who knows. Hopefully we daoakan pair Akim Ahmad and Stacy will be up to the dais soon overwhelmed and this news was well received by their fans.

Taylor Swift Unearths Old Dance Footage With Jimmy Fallon

You’re in a for a real treat. Taylor Swift and Jimmy Fallon took a trip down memory lane on “The Tonight Show” Tuesday night, and we got to see them revive old dance moves from when they would go to sporting events together. Sort of.

It in a cute bit, the two pretended to unearth some old jumbotron footage of them dancing vigorously next to their courtside seats. As the camera cut from one embarrassing sports fan to another, once in a while, it wold pan to Swift and Fallon, who would spill their popcorn and other various snacks and hop right into some synchronized routine. You have to admit, their robot moves are on point.

Wolfie Van Halen solo album making

Eddie says bassist son’s work is mind-blowing
Eddie Van Halen has revealed his son and bandmate Wolfgang is working on a solo album.
And the guitar icon says the material he’s heard so far is strong enough not to need his support.
Eddie tells What It Means To Be An American: “Wait till you hear his record. This isn’t Pop talking – this is real talk. It blew my mind.”
No completion or release date has been confirmed, but Eddie adds: “They just started. Probably the end of the year.”
Wolfgang, who appeared on Van Halen’s 2012 album A Different Kind Of Truth, has also worked with Alter Bridge guitarist Mark Tremonti’s solo band. Tremonti last year said: “He’s such a quick learner – he gets everything in two seconds.”
The chances of a new Van Halen album remain in doubt, with Eddie saying he hasn’t been in contact with frontman David Lee Roth recently.

Who is the woman who Prayer edge ni coffin?

SURE many wondered who the woman in the picture at the top and bottom of viral seen humility in carrying out the commands of Allah but there beside the coffin with a cross-shaped flowers in front of him.

Browse Mynewshub found, the coffin was actually placing the body artist Indonesia, kadex Harahap, who died on 9 February in Singapore after suffering from bone cancer and stroke.

He was a Christian married Muslim woman named Lily Kuslolita.

As we understand, Indonesia allow marriage between Muslims and Christians (which have been interpreted as a scribe there) without any need to convert the pair respectively.

Veil woman who prays beside his wife Viki is it.

Died at the age of 65 years, the picture above was taken before he was taken to the cemetery for burial.

He was one of the members of the pop group The Mercy's famous in Indonesia and Malaysia in the 1970s.

Face kind of sculpture but a wide body badang

If you just look at his face, you might equate him with a statue of Barbie.

Essentially, you may be terlopong immediately if watched the whole body.

What is least, physically Russian girl named Julia Vins, 18, this instance Adiwira Hulk character, in accordance with kerjayanya as a weight lifter.

People recognize me as Muscle Barbie. I sukakannya. I have big eyes and a beautiful addition to wearing solekan. But, at the same time, I am a handsome.

I should lift weights so that 180 kilograms. I mahu build muscles of my body for that may be, he who is also the holder of three world records in the sport.

Asked about the negative views of some guy with her body, she thinks they are just jealous of his achievements.

Hmmkalau this beautiful girl can have a body like this, Amacam men out there?

Needless to feel challenged?

Yakuza Tattoo Maker Now So Imam

Taki Takazawa, if seen from its name already be known that he is Japanese. With characteristic long hair and a body full of tattoos, making it look like a member of the Japanese mafia gangs, the Yakuza.

He is a former tattooist for members of the most feared gangs in Japan. Working as a 'tattooist' it has done for 20 years.

But a negative outlook on its physical appearance is changed when he declared Azan. Takazawa now become Imam at a mosque in the capital city of Tokyo. After saying the two Shahada, the Muslim name Abdullah Takazawa use, which means servant of Allah SWT.

He inadvertently menhenali Islam in Shibuya district. Takazawa see someone with white skin and beard. The man was also wearing a shirt and a white turban.

"The man gave a paper and told me to read the sentence inscribed with him," he said as reported by the website

It is the confession, the confession on the lonely Allah and Muhammad as his messenger. Although not understand overall, Takazawa never heard cursory Allah and Muhammad. Like most people in Japan, before embracing Islam Takazawa menganutaliran Shinto beliefs.

Meeting with the white berserba it is still in memory Takazawa. Two years after converting to Islam, he met again with the man who became his inspiration. "He never became Imam at Masjid Nabawi in Medina, Saudi Arabia. I am grateful to be able to meet him," he said.

Imam Masjid Nabawi it asks Takazawa to become Imam at the mosque in the Shinjuku area. He has performed the pilgrimage and studying a few months in the city of Mecca. Takazawa name became famous and he became one of five major mosque imam in Japan.

Melvin Syatilla Nafi Sindir Alphard?

TWO years ago, a lot of rumors circulating about a love affair between the actress, Shaheizy Sam and Alphard.

However, both denied in matters concerning. But late last year, Nur Alphard expose the reality of the matter through the program, Facing Up To Alphard.

Admit, they start to close while filming the movie, Sweetness Love In Cappadoccia, but that relationship broke up in the middle of the road when each bringing their own direction.

Although it is only an old story, but many are trying to connect the Twitter status beautiful actress who is said to be meeting with Sam, Syatilla Melvin, referring to the actress.

However, Syatilla or more affectionately called Tilla denied it and said that it does not refer to a person.

"'Tweet' Tilla's got nothing to do with any associated parties. If there are those who feel, I can not do anything," explains the actor drama, Julia's.

Asked about the relationship with Sam, Tilla tell, that relationship is well established, but there is still no any planning towards more serious.

"Currently, our relationship is still running as usual. But, Tilla and Sam still have not planned anything yet.

"However, no matter what happens in the future, Tilla receive. We're human, do not run away from making any mistakes," he said.

Previously, both Tilla even Sam, each declined to elaborate on their special relationship and more comfortable to let it be an enigma.