
Friday 1 May 2015

Not self-accusations are unfounded, concentrated work - Najib

Najib: I do not like to entertain allegations that are not quite right end of the base.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak once again defend his leadership by saying that his focus is on developing countries.

He stressed not like to entertain allegations would only divert its focus in developing countries.

"As Prime Minister, I am more focused on how leadership works to develop the country. I do not like to entertain allegations that are not quite right end of the base.

"This is because in the era of social media, the issues are pleased without restriction. Treating these issues all the time I'll just divert attention from efforts to develop the country,

"To increase productivity, we need to focus on the job," he said in a recent entry on the blog entitled "Focus on the work to develop the country."

Najib added that he would continue to provide information on issues that arise from time to time.

READ: I will not ever give up - Najib Razak

"But we must not lose focus on the responsibilities for being too preoccupied with the issues raised are endless," he said.

He also commented in the same time the government's achievements to date.

"Within five years, the project Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is about 60% completed, the lock houses built under PR1MA housing schemes delivered and the second Penang bridge completed.

"The economic sector is now an opportunity for the 1.5 million new jobs over the past 5 years."

Najib added that human capital development programs such as TEKUN, SUPERB, TERAJU, 1AZAM and SEED started producing quality talent and success.

"Programs like the more important transformation in improving the quality of life of all Malaysians," he said.

PBAHB confirm RM2.5 million fake checks

(From left) Joyce, Página PBAHB director, Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim shows a police report and a copy of the Facebook page to upload a picture that counterfeit checks applicable

GEORGETOWN - General Manager of the Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBAPP), Ir Página Maidinsa verify checks issued by the PBA Holdings Bhd (PBAHB) amounting to RM2.5 million two days ago is false.

He said the checks were written in the name of the Chairman of the Penang PAS Youth, Mohd Yusni Mat Piah was clearly false as it is dated May 29, 2015.

He also denied having signed any checks amounting to RM2.5 million previously.
Accordingly, he and former financial manager PBAHB, Joyce Lee lodged a police report at the District Police Headquarters Northeast (IPDTL) earlier.

"This is serious because it affects the reputation PBAPP than they used my signature, Joyce and PBAPP chairman, Lim Guan Eng. More disappointing, Joyce was transferred to the Corporate Services Department PBAPP on 1 March and he had no authority to sign any check PBAHB after that date.

"I do not know the motives of the parties to do so. I also do not want to comment because I am not political politicians. Let the police are investigating," he told media before IPDTL earlier.

Yesterday, PBAHB written checks issued in the name of Mohd Yusni the number of RM2.5 million to viral on social networking sites including WhatsApp and Facebook.

Checks signed by Página, Joyce and Guan Eng said the statement issued after the U-turn made by Mohd Yusni respect Penang Pas Youth support the PKR candidate for PRK constituency.

Earthquake Nepal: Score over 10,000 people may die

The destruction caused by the earthquake in Kathamamdu, Nepal.

KATHMANDU - The death toll in a powerful earthquake that rocked Nepal on 25 April, can exceed 10,000 people, according to the Nepal Army.

"Our forecast is that the number of victims could exceed 10,000 people were killed," said Nepal Army chief Gen Gaurav Sumsher Rana told a media briefing to a group of senior journalists in Kathmandu on Friday.

So far, the death toll had reached 6,204 people are reported injured and another 13.932.

"However, these figures certainly increase as rescue teams continue to find more bodies," said Rana.

A total of 161.386 houses were damaged, including 24,182 totally destroyed.

Nepal's army chief expressed satisfaction with the rescue operations and relief.

"We have done our best during this terrible tragedy despite having limited resources," he said.

He also commended the international community for assistance to the government of Nepal in rescue and relief operations.

Crisp own request Umno branch recently

Mohd Zaidi showed a letter from the dissolution of Umno Umno Malaysia Guar Soaking Jaya branch.

Investment PAUH - "She tried looking for cheap publicity. It described the constituency Investment Umno chief, Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said was asked to comment on the allegation branch chairman Guar Soaking Jaya, Asri Ahmad, 44, who announced the dissolution of the branch today and switch support to PKR.

Mohd Zaidi said Asri itself apply to the Umno Malaysia to dissolve the branch on November 17 last year after being inactive and having trouble expertise.

He said Asri, previously lost in the selection of the Branch Head Guar Soaking to Suhaimi Sabudin act establishing new branches even in the same area.

"In one village there are two branches do not necessarily ... she Actions (Crisp) establish new branches such as like Umno divisions in the area.

"However, the industry was not well received and he himself was seeking to dissolve the branch last year and not today," he told media at Wisma UMNO Transformation Investment constituency here today.

Earlier in the press conference room PKR movement, Asri Ahmad, 44, who claims to be a member of the Umno for over 30 years, said that the branch was established in 2006 with 68 members disbanded because Umno supreme leadership ignored.

He said they are currently considering whether to join a party or not in the near future.

Elaborating, Mohd Zaidi said Asri action with some of his followers were not in the least affect the spirit of Umno and BN to continue campaigning to ensure victory in the CRP constituency.

He said Asri may have a personal interest and is under pressure from some quarters for being state employees.

Polis resistant participants and activists #BatalGST

Among the so-called Ambiga Sreenevasan, Anthony Loke of DAP and the Secretary General of the Socialist Party of S. Arutchelvan.

KUALA LUMPUR: Police have detained several participants #BatalGST who held a protest rally at City this afternoon.

In addition, several opposition leaders and activists were also reported to have been summoned to the police headquarters of Dang Wangi taken evidence and assist in the investigation tonight.

Among the so-called patron of my country, Ambiga Sreenevasan, DAP secretary-manager, Anthony Loke and Secretary-General of the Socialist Party, S. Arutchelvan.

According to lawyers Lawyers for Liberty, Latheefa Koya found in the compound of the Dang Wangi police station there were 59 people have been detained until 7.30 last night.

The investigation is believed to be made under Section 143 of the Penal Code relating to holding an illegal assembly.

READ: Thousands join May 1 parade #BatalGST

READ: #BatalGST: Participants of the rally violated a rule, will face action

Meanwhile, Bernama reported that the police confirmed a total of 30 individuals including former co-chair of the Net, Datuk S. Ambiga detained.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Tajudin Md Isa said those arrested were aged between 17 and 60 years were investigated under Section 143, Section 448 and Section 427 of the Penal Code and Section 4 of the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Explosion 1985.

"Ambiga held at 10pm at the headquarters of Dang Wangi police and remand petition against the suspects will be made tomorrow," he said in a statement.

Earlier police told to take action against the protesters believed that includes vandalizing public property and use smoke bombs and bring the children when the rally.

#BatalGST Rally was organized by a group of NGO Committee on May 1 and starts at various locations around Kuala Lumpur including Central Market, Masjid Jamek, Sogo, Merdeka Square and Masjid Negara around 2.30 pm before marching to KLCC.

It is to protest against the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which began April 1, which is said to burden the people.

Kit Anti Histeria mula dipasarkan

Araz (left) explains the hysteria to Asthma Anti Kit (right).

PUTRAJAYA - Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) launched the Anti Kit to treat hysteria hysteria frequent problems faced by students in boarding schools or universities.

Islam and director of the Center of Human Development UMP, Dr Araz Ismail said the kit was developed after a review of the disease for five years.

"The disease of hysteria not only in this country but also occurs in the United Kingdom, the United States, Taiwan and other countries.

"This kit is made in accordance with rule Al-Manarah Medical Centre, Rawang treating hysteria and costumes. This method has been used the center more than 20 years, "he told reporters after the launch of Kit Anti hysteria by the Director General of Higher Education
Ministry of Education, Datuk Dr Asma Ismail yesterday.

According to him, it had to try the kit in 11 schools throughout the country and all patients were successfully cured hysteria safely.

He said there are four ingredients in the kit consists of wooden chopsticks, black pepper fluid, liquid formic acid and water that has been recited verses from the Quran.

According to him, the kit is priced at RM8,750 each box.

He said the price it is a course that will be given to buyers of the kit.

"This course covers how to use this kit and what to do to treat hysteria," he said.

Araz said, any party that wants to get the kit can contact the company Ranum Merah Sdn Bhd as its authorized distributor.

He has the right to silence themselves

SHAH ALAM - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has the right either to choose the action silence or criticism voiced against the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak said the people of this country can not be impunity questioned Najib who chose to remain silent in response to criticism of Dr Mahathir.

Obviously, he is not able to respond to the attack Dr Mahathir, instead try to show the best examples of civil society in action.

"This is not how things work in a democracy and civil society. He (Najib) remained calm even as he accused of ignoring the issue and did not answer all the allegations leveled at him for his respect for Dr Mahathir.

"But if he does not answer the criticism of Dr Mahathir, he is now accused of provoking and extends the issues that have been documented as well," he said in his blog excerpts yesterday.

He added that, as the people are given the opportunity to criticize, people of this country should also provide an opportunity to receive and reply to Najib leveled criticism.

"No doubt Malaysians have the right to criticize. However, in the meantime, also criticized those who have the right to respond to such criticism. Rights works in two ways.

"We can not criticize him (Najib) for silence, and then, we criticized him for his 'open mouth'," he said.

Gadis Melayu real story, Zara Shafruddin The Married In Church

Gadis Melayu real story, Zara Shafruddin The Married In Church | An attorney in Clayton, Zara had educated him Shafruddin College of Law (NSW), Griffith University and Jerudong International School (Brunei).

Although she said the Malay nation, he believed the Islamic Brunei and if he, most likely she had been offended.

(6) Zara Aisha In Set Up Charming Maternity Bride

The famous actress, Zara Aisha's no denying it pretty and charming men like the angels. If the wrong day, these frogs can fall faith. Thanks

Most recently, Zara Aisha has been featured in a set of elegant bridal dressing to make the cover of this month's issue of Brides magazine.

Regardless, frog display multiple images for viewing crowd were already missing person named Zara Aisha's. ong gedek gedek

Aisha Zara Boyfriend Who?

Increasingly frog look versatile actor who became a public craze girl, Aisha Zara increasingly unhappy with his life. Certainly there are hidden secrets that Zara Aisha hide from the fans about the source of happiness. Anyone agree ???

No need to look further into this crowded living aktress pet, please see the face that often adorn Zara Aisha on television every single day we know that he really is happy with his life.

Rumored, Zara Aisha have a boyfriend that always accompany Zara Aisha to live anywhere and not only that, her boyfriend also helped him maintain a good mood every day.

The question is only one moment, when Zara Aisha to reveal the identity of his friend's heart to the fans?

Real Zara Aisha source Menyepi

Beautiful actress who is craving frog, Zara Aisha admits his focus to film projects this year have caused it rarely appears on television since lately.

Zara skirt mother Aishah Create Sulking

Zara said, however, that does not mean she no longer wanted to act in the drama instead will accept the offer if it is suitable.

"I look quiet as possible because rarely acted drama on TV3 this year as previously lot of my acting for broadcast station.

"In addition this year is I focus on film projects and is filming schedule very solid," he explained.

In the meantime, Zara said he was not worried about his popularity fell because rarely appear on television because many do not realize it show recent works.

Zara clear, he also saw the positive side of things because if too often appeared worried it will make the audience bored.

"If people are afraid to appear too often bored again, and let it be an appearance of a difference to the audience," he said.

Meanwhile, Zara said, he is currently in the process of preparing the five films and compact enough to admit his schedule so no time for himself.

But Zara said, trust is an opportunity for him to prove his ability as an actor and recognized gain knowledge of the directors he worked.

"Thank God this year's provision deals with various film and I trust they will not waste it," he said.

Zara will appear with five films namely Showdown The Movie, Sejoli, Pilot Cafe, KL Zombie and Balun.

4 Latest Zara Aisha The Cute

Any man who is not familiar with pretty and cute actress named Aisha Zara is right. Actor who became popular with drama Vanilla Chocolate has become madness of her cute moreover Cute Frog.

Before Frogs ridiculous even longer, nice crowd Terjah Latest Zara Aisha below.

(17 images) Fahrin Ahmad, Aisha Zara Neelofa In Film And Pilot Cafe

Another film adaptation of the novel of famous works of love, Ahadiat Akashah the Pilot Cafe. The film was played by some famous actors like Neelofa, Fahrin Ahmad, Aisha Zara, Dato 'Yusof Eizlan and many others.

To the knowledge of the reader, this film is still in the process of filming.

Let us look at some interesting pictures during the process of filming the movie.

Police seized 410 kg of drugs in Bukit Bintang

SHAH ALAM - Police make drug seizures totaling 410 kg Sarimin 5 in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday.

Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar through the microsite Twitter this afternoon, said eight people were arrested in the operation that created the Special Forces and Intelligence Tactical Narcotics Police (Sting).

"Well done to the team that captured the Police Sting eight people and seized 410 kilograms of drugs in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur," he said as quoted by Twitter page.

Khalid said, the number of seizures was 1.4 million pills worth RM21 million.

Thousands join marches #KitaLawanGST May 1

The march was organized by the Committee on May 1 -Photos Astro AWANI / Shahir Omar

KUALA LUMPUR: A total of about 1,000 participants gathered today at the Central Market to pressure the government to cancel the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Group of the NGO Committee on May 1 as part of a collection of various different locations #KitaLawanGST marching towards the KLCC.

The agenda set out in the audience reading "May 1 Declaration" which demands 10 items of government.

LENS chairman read out a declaration that, Shukri Razak, whom demanded that the GST be canceled, terminated TPPA negotiations, revised minimum wage, union rights strengthened, upheld the rights of women workers, rights of migrant workers are not exploited, basic service such as water privatization is stopped, media freedom upheld , price controlled goods and AUKU repealed.

The group then marched from Central Market to KLCC and arrived in at around 4.10 pm to meet with participants in another assembly.

Present alongside the Committee May 1 was the Secretary General of the PSM, S Arutchelvam, Datuk S Ambiga, ABU activist Haris Ibrahim and representatives of students, workers and NGOs.

Assembly members also heavily guarded by police.

In addition, the assembly is also monitored by the Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) and the Council of State.

Gathering was also attended by the Association of Green, Clean, Union of Bank Employees (NUBE), civil groups, young people, students, indigenous communities, urban settlers and plantation workers.

Astro news presenter AWANI Ashwad Ismail, the King married Nadia safe

Astro AWANI news presenter, safe Ashwad Ismail married publisher radio station, Raja Nadia Salwana morning.

KUALA LUMPUR: Astro news presenter AWANI Ashwad Ismail, 30, with one pronouncement was safely husband to the woman of his choice, Salwana Nadia King, better known as Nana, who is also the publisher of the ERA fm radio stations.

The pair was safely married at about 10:18 am with a dowry of RM300.

Interestingly about this couple, both of them had met a mate on the individual interests of the sport of tennis.

Congratulations and best wishes to their marriage lasting until the end of life.

Again chlorine gas attack in Syria

Chlorine gas poisoning victims get the same treatment as reported repeated incidents of attacks in Syria before.

DAMASCUS - SYRIA. Networking Group for Human Rights in Syria, yesterday claimed another attack of chemical weapons believed to have occurred in the northwestern Idlib.

According to witnesses several helicopters owned by government troops rescued at least two barrels containing chlorine gas on the town of Saraqeb to cause about 12 residents suffer from shortness of breath.

In a statement, the head of Syria's main opposition reveals he received the report during a closed and informal meetings with the UN Security Council (UNSC).

"I urge UNSC to act decisively against the resolution issued by them against the use of chemical weapons in Syria, including the new force in the last month," said the president of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), Khaled Khoja.

Previously, many people have accused the Syrian government responsible for orchestrating the attack of chemical weapons since the civil war erupted in the country in 2011, but was denied by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

It is understood that chlorine gas has not been declared as chemical weapons under an agreement with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which stipulates all Syria's chemical weapons destroyed by the date set by international agencies in 2013.

Digital TV transmission in experimental stage

ROMPIN - Transmission of digital television broadcasts currently in the experimental stage with the use of transmitting stations in some parts of the country.

Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said the ministry is committed to the transition process systems television (TV) system analog to digital TV broadcasting in line with the development trend of the world who want a more interactive design.

"When digital TV has successfully implemented later, two million set top boxes will be supplied free of charge to low-income groups to enable them to enjoy better television broadcast," he told reporters after visiting the three districts of the Central Voting in Ivory, Kedaik and Keratong after PRK Rompin Parliament here today.

Speaking on Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), the minister said the country's broadcast stations should broadcast more news on the concept citizens to make their voices continue to be heard.

"In addition, RTM should create news channels are 'breaking news' and 'real-time' required the audience mainly by the digital era.

"The concept of prime time at 8pm already considered outdated and this latest news is a new method in the world of broadcasting which people want more news is 'live' directly to the audience," he said.

He said workers and employees RTM also have to change in work culture news continued to show to the people.

He added however RTM news channel began broadcasting a new format since September last year published on TV1 known as BES 5-10 '(News Current Affairs).

Through broadcasts may be, RTM is not only to provide in-depth coverage of the government's policies and plans, and even displays the activities of the people that are taking place throughout the country.

"It used to 8pm only monopolized by BES news leader with more than 5-10 we have to publish folklore such as the development of Felda, the House of Representatives, the fishermen and others," he said.

Famous supermarket alleged crime ladies fingers

SHAH ALAM - A well-known supermarket premises will be first brought to court under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 as beans okra raise prices more than 50 percent, four months ago.

Deputy Director of Enforcement of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (Ministry), Datuk Iskandar Halim Sulaiman, said the supermarket located in Bangi it will face charges under Section 14 (1) of the act.

He added, it detects the increase in the price of vegetables is the result of complaints from the public and find a supermarket owner has raised the price of cabbage on around January.

He said the allegations were made following a detailed inspection which showed the price of oil had increased from RM12 per kg, which set market prices to RM18.60.

"The owner of the supermarket will be charged on Tuesday because of profit of RM6.60, higher than the margin should be," he said when contacted here today.

According to him, the owner of the premises upon conviction may be fined under Section 18 (a) of the same Act which is a fine not exceeding RM500,000 for the first offense and not more than RM1 million for the second offense.

Ranking Chong Wei collapsed in the 45th position of the world

Ranking former world number one Datuk Lee Chong Wei fell to 45th place in the ranking of the Badminton World Federation.

KUALA LUMPUR: After sentenced to eight months of suspension due to doping offenses cases, the position of the former world number one Datuk Lee Chong Wei fell to 45th place in the ranking of the Badminton World Federation (BWF).

The national badminton champion fell behind Chong Wei Feng, ranked 31st with 35.199 points, while free players Zulfadli Zulkiffli ranked 41st after collecting 28.910 points.

According to the ranking published in the BWF's official website today,, Chong Wei is now collecting 27.631 points earned before tested positive for using banned substances 'dexamethasone' at the World Championships in Copenhagen, Denmark in August 2014.

The number of points gained through Indonesia Open, Japan Open and World Cup silver medalist Thomas before the Olympics twice was suspended by the BWF from 30 August 2014 until 30 April 2015.

Following the suspension will end at midnight tonight, Chong Wei will make a comeback in the Sudirman Cup in Dongguan, China from 10 to 17 May, prior to the games in Singapore in June.

Ranking announcement puts the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) players who will need to determine the country's challenge at the World Championships 2015 in Indonesia from 10 to 16 August

"BAM can only choose two players in the men's singles. I can not announce right now. However, if Chong Wei was elected, he would be the best option," said Technical Director Morten Frost Hansen BAM when contacted by Bernama today.

Previously, Frost said Chong Wei should play in all the Super Series tournament to regain his status as world number one.

Chong Wei of rival Lin Dan of China ranked second in the world rankings after collecting 75.050 points, behind compatriot Chen Long, who won 91.061 points.

KDN action to seize the book in no wise Book Fair

Among the books seized were Gerakbudaya circulation Logging Money, Live Like a Flowing River; Marx the revolutionary educator; Earliest Hinduism Religious faith ?; Gautama A Prophet ?; Shiite Islam; and The Holy Quran.

KUALA LUMPUR: The act of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) seized several books on site Gerakbudaya outlets in Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair today is definitely not wise, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation of City of Books, Syed Munawar Sayed Mohd Mustard.

He said it would only spark more of a hook on the market than to build controversial and gives a negative perception of the government.

"In a world without borders, naturally when a Book was published illegally, the book was promoted," he told Astro AWANI.

According to Sayed Munawar, seizure of books such as Money Logging will also lead to the perception that illegal logging on a large scale indeed occur.

"Books like 'Hinduism Earliest faith?' and 'Gautama A Prophet?' may be understood why it was confiscated, but the book 'Money logging why it was hijacked? " he asked.

Although he said the ministry has the right to investigate the books and do not have to clarify about the seizure was made, but he said the public should also be aware of their jurisdiction.

"If only caused negative perception, stylist," added Sayed Munawir.

Meanwhile, the founder Gerakbudaya, Chong Ton Sin when contacted, said the books were confiscated books is not new as some who had been issued and sold.

He said the book such as 'Life Flowing Like a River' has been on the market for over 10 years.

According to Chong, who fondly called Pak Chong, he was informed the ministry that the books were seized on suspicion of breaking the law under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

"The ministry said he would check, I believe he will return," he said.

Asked about the number of books confiscated, Pak Chong said total bit much though he had asked the ministry so that only one copy of each book.

"Many .. there are 17 copies, some 19 copies. Books like 'Life Flowing Like a River' is not a new book .. The book was long, it had been 10 years," he explained.

KDN on Thursday has made a seizure of several books on Gerakbudaya owned outlets in KL Book Fair.

Among the books seized in the operation conducted in the afternoon, including Logging Money, Live Like a Flowing River; Marx the revolutionary educator; Earliest Hinduism Religious faith ?; Gautama A Prophet ?; Shiite Islam; and The Holy Quran.

It is believed that the seizure of the books was first made in the book fair held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). Efforts to contact the ministry failed.

Put the stuffing prepaid cards such as price before GST, said Ahmad Maslan

Telecommunication companies (telcos) in the country are advised to remain price of prepaid cards like before Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the price reload

KUALA LUMPUR: The telecommunications company (telco) in this country are advised to return the prepaid card as prices before Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the price reload as decided at a cabinet meeting on 3 April.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan said there should be no increase in tax rates applicable as 6% 6% GST only replace the SST.

"I said there is GST, for the first topup there SST. SST 6%, we exchange, replace it with the GST to 6%. Topup should not go up in price, and they ask for a month for study, a month and a month to make changes to it must be up to the beginning of the five is not it?

"If they can give bonus RM10.60, RM9.43 so they can give the bonus to make up credits to RM10 was not okay. The application and request the meeting alone, "he explained.

Previously danMultimedia Communications Commission (MCMC) on Thursday to explain the price stuffing semulaprabayar atasharga remain subject to GST to reload.

Its chairman Datuk Seri Dr Halim Shafie said in a statement impossible prepaid card price will return to the original price before the GST on 1 Meikerana difficult for the provider to carry out the exchange in the next two days.

He also said that the findings have not been found yet and it is too early to make any decision at this stage also contributed to the price factor kadbrayar can not go back to the original price before GST.

"It used to refill any SST. SST 6%, we exchange, replace it with the GST to 6%. Topup should not go up in price.
- Datuk Ahmad Maslan, Deputy Minister KewanganDalam at the Ahmad Maslan said the telcos and the Commission should be more serious in complying with the directive by restoring the original price of the prepaid card.

"On 2 April, the Director of the GST, the Royal Malaysian Customs (RMC), Datuk T Subromaniam met Chief Executive Officer of the company and its decision telco billing is RM10.60 and RM1.20 will get bonus.

"Then, on 3 April, I met with them for passionate people who want to return it back to RM10.

"At that time, the cabinet also met and decided, that the company picked touched down on the original price, plus GST after. The problem is why the Commission is not conveyed to the telco? The cabinet decision must be complied with, "he explained.

He said the matter, it has seen an inconsistency occurs.

"Customs has reminded them of two days ago, but has suddenly noticed that they had lived for two more days (to return the original price). Why? Whereas there are press reports that reported Datuk Hasan Malek (Ministry of Trade Domestic and Kepenggunaa) to ask the price of this telko back to RM10. "

He added that, should the commission and telecom companies should have to take action after the cabinet announcement was made on April 3.

Ahmad Maslan said this in an interview after the completion of Agenda AWANI. --BESTASIANNEWS

Another site Casanovas social injustice girlfriend, line RM65,000

KUALA LUMPUR: A social networking site Casanovas 21-year-old acquaintance of cheating and intimidation, causing loss of RM65,000 in cash in the Taman Setapak Jaya incident since 21 April.

Wangsa Maju police chief Supt Mohamad Roy Suhaimi Sarif said the suspect called Hou Kong Woon, IC No: 940612-01-6629 and his last address No. 11, Jalan Pretty 2, Pretty Park, 86200 Rengam, Johor.

The suspect and the victim 20-year-old first met through the social networking site WeChat since last month.

"In the first incident, at 10am on 21 April, the suspect came to the victim's house in Taman Setapak Jaya and threatened the victim with a black iron before asking her to give up a number of RM30,000.

"The suspect threatened if the victim refuses to do so, he will serve half nude photo spread in the internet. Victims are afraid, then go to the bank before issuing the money and handed it to the suspect," he said at a news conference at police headquarters in Wangsa Maju
here, today.

Mohamad Roy said the next day, the suspect again went to the victim's home and demanded money RM35,000 again using the same tactics to scare the victim.

The results information from the victim, the police investigation found that the suspect had cheated another contact on social sites before.

Additionally, the suspect is also wanted by the police in two cases, namely in Taman Pelangi, Johor and Kulai.
Police urged anyone who has information on the matter to contact Insp Fakrul Razi Mohd Sayuti in the Criminal Investigation Division Wangsa Maju in online IPD 03-9289 9222.

Australian gallery removes Widodo portrait after executions

National Portrait Gallery director Angus Trumble said in a statement late Thursday he had removed the photographic portrait of Widodo given the strength of feeling about the executions.

SYDNEY: Canberra's National Portrait Gallery has taken down an image of Indonesian President Joko Widodo following the execution of two Australian drug smugglers, saying it feared for the artwork's safety.

Andrew Chan, 31, and Myuran Sukumaran, 34, were shot by firing squad in Indonesia on Wednesday over their role in the so-called "Bali Nine" heroin smuggling ring.

The executions of the two Australians, along with five other foreigners and one Indonesian, went ahead despite international criticism and calls for mercy from Canberra.

National Portrait Gallery director Angus Trumble said in a statement late Thursday he had removed the photographic portrait of Widodo given the strength of feeling about the executions.

"My feeling yesterday, on Wednesday morning, was that in view of the circumstances and our operations, and my best assessment of the risk of damage to the work of art, it was necessary to remove it from public display," he said in a statement.

"Also, I was swayed by the statements of both the prime minister and the leader of the opposition and of course the position of the parliament and the recall of our ambassador."

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Australia deplored the killing of the men which he said was "both cruel and unnecessary", and recalled its ambassador to Indonesia.

Trumble said the removal of the image was a "temporary measure" and there had been no incidents relating to the work.

"My primary responsibility is the care of the works in our collection and the safety of our visitors," he said.

Trumble said he respectfully disagreed with the views of the artist who created the portrait, Adam Ferguson, "who feels the work should remain on display". --BESTASIANNEWS