
Friday 20 February 2015


Liyana positive with the presence of new actors who are deemed able to boost the industry. Actors Oh do not feel threatened by the presence of new entrants into acting because they believe that their livelihood is spacious enough for everyone. Reeves, 26, said she experienced as a positive actor in the presence of new actors because it will boost industry in this country.

"I suppose the presence of new immigrants in our industry from the point of view positive for sustenance it will be for everyone. "In my more lively entertainment industry with our new look and the actor who has long been in the industry do not have to feel threatened," he told mStar Online. The actor will appear with the latest film titled Love Signals directions Bade Azmi who also featuring Adi Putra and Fizo Omar. Liyana will appear with the latest film titled Love Signals. Signals of Love tells the romance of youth with deaf and deaf-blind girl that will be dipawagam begins March 19 front. Even Kate said, at the present stage is no longer a priority in popularity because they want to focus more on work than you'd best move as a successful director and producer. "I started in the industry since the age of nine years and have tasted the bitter sweet variety as an artist. Popularity or want to compete with others is no longer my priority. "Most importantly, now I want to become more mature and developed in order to provide the best project I'm doing," he said. In the meantime, talking about his involvement signals through the film Love, Liyana explain admit it is not easy to portray the character as a blind girl and it is the biggest challenge for him. But Kate said, before entering the set filming he had learned the Braille system at Youtube than looking to dive into the lives of these people. "Preparation is very important to me in the success of a character and not the exception for the show I Love Signals lead role as a blind girl. "I learned Braille and see for yourself the life of these peoples to understand my character in the film and hope the audience can feel it," he said. Reeves teamed up with Omar and Fizo Adi Putra in Love Signals. Only RM100 Charity Premiere On March 4, 2015, showing charity film premiere of Love Signals organized by the Association of Journalists and Authors Entertainment Malaysia (WHAM) will be held in cinema Cathay e-Curve, Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tickets are exclusive This initial impression witness of charity is of RM100 which among other things aims to raise funds to help victims of flooding in the East Coast states. Viewers who participate in this charity project will have the opportunity to be the first person to watch this film than can bersamah friendly with artists. In addition to enjoying free dinner and get some other prizes, donations were distributed to charitable activities. For ticket reservations and inquiries about the impression this charity please contact 017-2429699 (Bohari) and 012-2578884 (Amie).


Sunday through Melodi program, Azwan Hj. Ali revealed that he had been bewitched by a veteran artist name berperwatakan gentle with J and the next day Azwan Ali upload some pictures with words Onn Jaafar unpleasant. Without naming names Azwan Hj. Ali in an interview with Artis Stall, Jaafar Onn has called for the controversial celebrity repented because it has reflected the weakness of yourself.

"I want a message here, I'm a parent. If you want to say something, to say something, think first words were, "commented Jaafar Onn regarding abusive words like fagots and old dog put to him by Azwan Ali in Instagram. Jaafar Onn also answer allegations that he had been bewitched by Azwan Ali said they had not dealt and there was no reason for him to do magic. "What is the goal I want her magic? Who is she? I never had any dealings with him already? So should accuse me of such. I vowed not doing it, "added Jaafar Onn again denied allegations Azwan Ali.


Siti Pelakon Elizad yang turut membintangi filem 'Coverina' memberitahu day mengakhiri bahawa bakal solonya pada tahun ini belum zaman tetapi menetapkan tarikh muktamad disebabkan kerjayanya komitmen yang kini Semakin mencurah-curah beberapa menyepi selepas tahun.

"Insya-Allah ini akan saya Tahun berkahwin. Tapi saya Lebih senang bekerja (berlakon). Buat apa-apa pun saya suka Lebih lebihkan kerja dahulu. Saya yang lain-lain serahkan pada keluarga"

"Dengan Arwah dulu mak saya pun, kalau semua cakap apa-apa saya Sahaja Ikut. Kahwin atau tidak saya masih bekerja," Katanya ditemui selepas yang di GSC tayangan filem Coverina NU Sentral kelmarin.

Jelasnya lagi, bakal suaminya ini yang tidak pernah jenis Memahami give menghalangnya untuk sekiranya mereka sudah berlakon berkahwin Kelak.

"Dia jenis kerja yang saya tak mengganggu. Umur dia sudah 43 tahun give Matang. Kalau dia pun tak sudah berkahwin saya saya ini untuk menghalang meneruskan kerjaya lakonan. Tapi saya suka dia tahu memang berlakon," Katanya.Menceritakan Detik perkenalan dirinya bakal bersama suaminya 2 anak yang ini berstatus doubt, adalah menerusi abang kandungnya sendiri dengan yang baik bersahabat bakal Elizad swami.

"Sebenarnya day abang kawan saya. Abang kenalkan day dengan saya sendiri given day pernah berkawan dengan abang. Ada anak orang Day 2, tapi dia dah sekarang bujang. Berkawan dengan saya jadi day. Dia tak Kacau kerja yang saya give senang lagipun dia tak banyak berumur songeh give Masalah untuk dia saya tak cari, "tambahnya.

Mengikut Perancangan Awal, mereka akan bernikah April pada bulan ini, tetapi jadual disebabkan Elizad terlampau sibuk sendiri yang masih lagi membuatkan mereka menunda tarikh Pernikahan masih lagi yang belum mereka diputuskan. Elizad sendiri masih tidak lagi membuat sebarang Persiapan give hanya segala menyerahkan persiapannya itu untuk kepada keluarganya diuruskan.

"Pada April Sebenarnya ini, saya tetapi jadual padat give tak tahu apa bila nak jawab orang bertanyakan tarikh nikah. Masih tidak mempunyai sebarang Persiapan cuma kerana saya beruntung kakak ipar banyak membantu menguruskan segala-galanya saya, "Katanya.

Elizad memberitahu turut bahawa bakal suaminya merupakan salah itu di seorang Pekerja Syarikat Permotoran Harley Davidson, walaubagaimanapun Nyepi day mengulas Lanjut mengenai suaminya bakal itu.


Lawyer, actor and entrepreneur Dato 'Shiro explained that he would open his own broadcasting company next April. He will launch the first online TV station in Malaysia was real excited to run full operations will start around March. "In the business world we always do things we always wise. I kind of already existing and Danok hotel in Bali. Now it is time for me to get involved in the world of online TV broadcasting with be launched in April, "he said. The idea to open the first online TV station in Malaysia erupted after he was involved with the entertainment world for 23 years and wanted to give a chance to new talent. "It 23 years I have done all in the industry. There is one thing that is so platform for new artists and songs that are no longer plans to open a platform for musicians and that only exists now is Music Music and the only awards show, "he added.

Get the Look Astro, Still Remains As a lawyer Dato 'Shiro No soliciting views from the Astro on stations that want to run this and he would not budge from becoming a lawyer or anything involving her job today. "I will continue I work as usual. Furthermore, I am an artist Astro and this will not interfere with my work to another. It's hard when you want to open a new station in terms of marketing. Astro there is also helpful in terms of experience " "In terms of cost it is also great because we need cameras and other equipment to existing standards," he said, choosing to keep the overall cost to build the broadcasting company. Meanwhile Dato ' Shiro will open up opportunities for people out there to attend the auditions to find a lawyer and a DJ that will take place on March 1st at the Hotel Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur.