
Saturday 30 May 2015

The Minister challenged the paid RM900 for 30 days

Zuraida Kamaruddin

SHAH ALAM - Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim challenged to live a normal life with a minimum wage of RM900 for a period of 30 days.

Wanita PKR, Zuraida Kamaruddin said it to experience the pain of load and stress to be borne by the working women who earn minimum at the same time incurring expenses and daily necessities kitchen.

"He has (spiritual) must never have trouble with salaried workers. We want to challenge him to live 30 days as a woman who earned the minimum wage to RM900 with his family.

"Then after the 30-day period, we want him to make a decision whether relevant are to have more children when the cost of living is increasing," he said in a statement today.

According to Zuraida, every family needs to have a financially stable before are willing to accept additional responsibilities.

He added that it is also in order to avoid unwanted problems in the long run.

"It is a fact that the birth rate is decreasing. But at the same time, the quality of life should also be enhanced.

"... Instead of giving advice" should not be too concentrated on the quality of life ", the government should take responsibility for ensuring the quality of life in Malaysia to be better," he said.

Rohani said in reply to oral questions at the hearing of the House of Commons in Parliament earlier this week stated that the government encourages married couples in this country increased the number of children to support the improvement of the country's population.

According to him, most families have two children and found the matter affected by many factors including the problem of late marriage and fertility.

She said again, an ideal family is projected to have between three to four children, in this context, various efforts and encouragement by the government to encourage married couples to have more children.

22 skeletons removed from Bukit Burma

Members forensic post-mortem found in the area near the camp which housed immigrants in Bukit Wang Burma, Wan Kelian recently.

KUALA LUMPUR - A total of 22 human skeletons believed to be victims of human trafficking syndicate were brought down from the Mount of Burma's forests in Wang Kelian, Perlis, Malaysia-Thailand near the border, according to police.

Assistant General Secretariat of KPN (Corporate Communications) of the Royal Malaysia Police, Datin Asmawati Ahmad said the order may be sent to the HSB, Alor Setar, Kedah to process pathology at 9.45 last night.

He said the total number of bodies found skeletal remains of 35 people so far.

"Operation digging and removing corpses order will be continued in other locations of graves that have been identified," he said in a statement.

On Monday, the Chief of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar announced the discovery of 139 graves in 28 temporary camps trafficking syndicate between Kampung Wai, Kuala Perlis to Ladder 100 in Felcra Hole undertones, Padang Besar, along 11 kilometers.

Six lines of mice walked through the Malaysia-Thailand border detected

These routes have been used for trafficking syndicate of agents is believed to have existed for over 10 years.

KANGAR: About six mouse lines detected in the vicinity of the Malaysia-Thailand border in Perlis were believed to be used syndicates trafficking and smuggling of goods.

Chairman of the Village Development and Security Committee Syed Omar Nor Mahizan Kasim said the passage was adopted for trafficking syndicate of agents which is believed to exist for over 10 years.

"The route across the Malaysia-Thailand border has been abused is not responsible for the syndicate which was originally used by the local population due to the fraternal relations at the time," he told Bernama here today.

Among the short routes for crossing the border is Felcra Hole undertones, Felda Mata Ayer, Chuping Sugar Cane Farm, Wang Kelian and Kampung Syed Omar / Puju and Kampung Bukit Batu Putih.

Does not deny the lack of security at the border, Mahizan Nor, however, said the lack of authority that is not a weakness but the flexibility given to the intimate family relationship between the two countries.

"Not only is the relationship between local people and Thais who run a business but also the population of the two countries in the border areas, so flexibility is given.

"But some unscrupulous people have taken advantage of the relaxation and exercise brutal trafficking syndicates," he explained.

Nor Mahizan Sandi difficult in Kampung Syed Omar-Village Puju in Thailand is among the preferred route of human smuggling syndicates around the 1980s.

"Shortcut path across the border is among the most popular at the time due to the condition of mangrove trees are thick and most of the residents have orchards there.

"So there is no control as tightly as other routes because of the flexibility given to villagers who have orchards and even some of their villages are located within the boundaries of Thailand," he said.

According to him, it was also among the fast track route used in the 1970s for smuggling of livestock that when Malaysia was very tight in the safety of food imports.

LUSAKA - ZAMBIA. The country borders Zambia and Zimbabwe

LUSAKA - ZAMBIA. The country borders Zambia and Zimbabwe, there is a pool which is very 'creepy'. So much so that it became known as the 'Devil Swimming Pool (Pool Satan).

It is known that because the pool was considered the most dangerous in the world. Imagine that! Mini natural pool is located right at the 'lip' waterfall Victoria and has a height of 128 meters and an area of ​​1,708 square meters.

The pool was formed as a result of water erosion in the area, so as to form a circle to make it a mini natural pool.


In the rainy season, tourists are prohibited to bathe swim in the pool, because the level is too dangerous.

However, during the dry season, between September to December, the water is quite low. That's when the pool is used for swimming. It is possible that travelers 'suicide' to swim in the pool even though the risk is very high and dangerous.

For travelers are reminded of the dangers of the area, and steps should be emphasized careful to keep them safe.


This fall was gazetted as a national park in the two countries where it is known as a National Park, 'Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe.

While locals call this waterfall by the name Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning 'the smoke that was jarring, because of the heavy flow of water that seems to form a group of thick white smoke.

Victoria Falls name given by David Livingstone, an explorer from Scotland country. According to National Geographic, in 1855, Livingstone "discovered" this waterfall.

Because so fascinated by the beauty of this waterfall, then Livingstone gave the name Victoria.

Victoria's name is taken from the name of Queen Victoria, the Queen of England, who was then colonize Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Designs Brain, shell fragments scattered on the road

The accident occurred at Kilometer 277.7 LPT II in Cheneh.

KEMAMAN - East Coast Expressway Phase 2 (ECE II) as a way of death to the user when one after another fatal accident occurred.

It was not until a week following a horrific crash Involving four family burnt to death while another died in hospital in the event of LPT II Ajil, Bukit Besi, a horrific accident happened again today.

This occurred at Kilometre 277.7 in Cheneh LPT II left two dead and three wounded.

In the tragic accident at approximately 1:45 pm, the head of one of the victims broke causing pieces of his brain scattered on the road and grass on the highway divider.

According to an employee of the patrol LPT II, ​​Mohd Jeffery Baxter, though he has many times helped the victims of horrific accidents on the highway but this time, his heart was really touched.

"Although I was used to assist victims of horrific accidents, but this time made me feel quite sad.

"Feeling sad when major pieces of shell and brains scattered on the road can not be expressed in words," he said.

The incident occurred when the five victims were traveling in a multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) Naza Ria traveling to Kuala Terengganu.

It is understood that all of them from Shah Alam and heading to Kuala Lumpur for a holiday.

However, when arriving at the scene behind the car carrying tires burst causing the vehicle skidded and turned before three of the victims were thrown out.

As a result, Saiful Nahar Mokhtar, 40, and his friend, Khairuddin Yunus, 41, died immediately at the scene after suffering severe injuries.

While another is thrown, Shahrul Niza Mohamad, 29, also suffered serious head injuries while two friends, Rozaidi Ismail, 41, and Salsuriya Welcome, 41, only minor injuries.

Mohd Jeffery said, when he arrived at the scene saw pieces of bodies not far from the two bodies lying motionless.

Meanwhile, the Acting Chairman of the Kemaman District Police Deputy Superintendent Normansah Din who confirmed the incident, said before the crash occurred MPV carrying the cut Perodua Myvi.

"According to the eyewitnesses, namely Perodua Myvi driver, he saw the smoky rear tires SUV and MPV is fragile when in front of him.

"Following the SUV lost control and skidded, when Chevrolet MPV is believed to be twice hit the iron guard left the highway and the center divider in violation of the highway with three of the victims were thrown out on the street," he said.

He said the three injured victims were rushed to the Kemaman Hospital for treatment while two were killed sent to the Forensic Department of the same hospital for post-mortem.

In the meantime, the atmosphere in the Department of Forensic Medicine turned sad when the brother Saiful Nahar, Fahimi, 28, arrived at the hospital around 5.30 pm.

Fahimi, who works in Gebeng, Kuantan, said he only learned of his brother who lives in Shah Alam was like a vacation to Kuala Terengganu after receiving news of the accident.

"What made me very sad because he had no time to see who will face fourth child was born September," he said.