
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Exploring the Overlapping Junctures of Science, Philosophy and Religion

I enjoy studying the overlapping junctures of science, philosophy and religion because when combined I think unlimited potential remains untapped to benefit society and the general human condition. For example, I'm fully convinced that world peace is possible if we could accept and expand on the concepts I'm about to define, but that's just scratching the surface. Affordable, universal, non-invasive healthcare without the need for expensive and toxic pharmaceuticals is another benefit that I'll write about in future articles. But before I digress too far, let's begin exploring the overlapping junctures of science, philosophy and religion.

The first important data point we need to explore is Einstein's all-important equation: e=mc², which shows that energy has a direct equivalence to mass (and an interesting relationship with light). This equation states that as the energy of an object increases, so too should its mass. This may seem hard to accept from everyday experiences, whereby we do not seem to get heavier sitting in our car as it accelerates, but in the lab scientists have proven that objects do get 'heavier' and would approach infinite mass at the speed of light. Thus, sending particles faster and faster until they approach the speed of light requires a lot of energy. For this reason, the super colliders that have been built, like the CERN Supercollider in Switzerland, are exceptionally large, expensive and use amazing amounts of energy to propel some of the smallest elements in the universe - protons - up to a fraction of a percent under the speed of light.

And it is to the results of those super collider experiments that we turn next. What happens when two protons are smashed into each other at nearly the speed of light? They break into pieces, of course. But the interesting thing here is that those pieces are not smaller; they're actually larger (net mass) than the originals! Now this is counter-intuitive. If you throw a crystal goblet against the wall it'll break into pieces, but none of those pieces is larger than the original crystal goblet, and if you could put all those pieces back together again, the combined mass of those pieces would not exceed the original unbroken goblet. So how is it that when protons crash against one another at high speed and 'break' into new 'pieces' they actually create larger subatomic particles than the originals? Where does the extra mass come from?

The simple answer is that when we look for the ultimate stuff of the universe - that 'stuff' from which everything else is made - the only 'stuff' that exists is energy. Mass is merely stabilized energy. So the extra mass that resulted from the proton collisions in the super collider came from the gigantic amount of energy input needed to speed the protons up to near the speed of light. That energy transformed into mass. Of course the opposite is also true as seen in nuclear reactors where the destruction of mass via fission, or the transformation of mass via fusion both create amazing amounts of energy; enough to create stars and heat the universe. What we think of as 'energy' is merely the dynamic, usually invisible form of "matter" and mass is the stabilized form of the same phenomenon. [Note here the relationship of energy and light is also two-sides of the same coin - both are energy, but depending on the frequency spectrum of energy may be either visible (light) or invisible. Thus it may be equally true to assert, as do many philosophers and meta-physicists, that mass is merely stabilized light(!) and lending a better understanding as to why God (or Heaven) is often described as an unbelievably bright light by those who experienced a Near Death Experience.]

To understand why this is important to philosophy and religion, you need to take two steps further. First, consider Newton's First Law of Thermodynamics: energy can be neither created nor destroyed; it merely changes form. Second, you must realize that everything in the universe, both seen and unseen, is energy, so you are nothing but stabilized energy. The energy that makes you - you, cannot be destroyed. When you die, you will merely transition from wearing a "skin suit" to being pure, free, unencumbered energy; a conscious spirit, if you will.

Again, everything in the universe is energy - a gigantic ocean of unending energy. Within that ocean of energy, there are no voids. When you look up at the night sky, we may have an impression of a gigantic void, but really and truly there in no void wherein energy does not exist, and science has proven this point. There is merely a continuum with concentration increases and decreases, but the energy field of the universe lasts to the very edge of the universe. (See also: Quantum field theory for a more in-depth explanation.) What is that energy? It could be accurately termed ALL THAT IS, or more inaccurately but perhaps more manageable to the human concept of comprehension: God. Now I need to take you into philosophy to understand the next leap.

Rene Descartes famously doubted that anything could be known for sure except one singular conclusion: because he could doubt he must be thinking and because he was thinking he must exist: I think; therefore, I AM. Now, because you are energy and you are conscious, it is a simple mathematical truism via the transitive property (if A = B and B = C; then A = C) to show that the universe, which is also nothing but the same energy as you, and of which you are a part, must ALSO be conscious. In fact, philosophy has long asserted that nothing exists BUT consciousness, and more recently both quantum physics and New Age religion have also begun to reach the same conclusions (though ancient religions have long asserted the same).

So the entire universe, ALL THAT IS, is one gigantic consciousness, manifesting itself as energy, both seen and unseen, dynamic and stable and nothing can possibly exist outside of ALL THAT IS, by definition. This statement leads to a lot of amazing conclusions. For example, there cannot possibly be a devil, or a hell because all that exists must exist within God. There is no separation from God. There is no expulsion from God. There can't be - the consciousness of God has created everything -- and continues to reside -- within the phantom 'mind'/body of God. If it were theoretically possible to be expelled from communion with ALL THAT IS, that entity would immediately cease to exist, thus proving that hell could not be sustained in reality other than as a phantasmal concept used by Western churches to instill fear in their followers in order to exert control and influence over them.

Now let's explore another intersection of religion with this finding. You are a piece of God, by definition, and I am too. In fact, everyone and everything is a part of God. In philosophical terms, we are all One, or part of the One. We are thus One and the same at our very core - a piece of the consciousness of God, silently staring out and experiencing the miracle of life that He has created for His own benefit. Our individuality is an illusion, and any divisions between us are artificial and manmade - instituted and perpetuated by the religions and political divides with which we identify ourselves. However, if we could understand the true nature of reality, our true indivisible connection with God (We ARE Him), and feel the unconditional Love that He has for all of His creations, then we would be able to break down those divisions and live without religion or any other false barriers. When we can finally reach this goal, true world peace will finally be at hand. There will be no divisions, no hate, no prejudice. You are a part of me and I am a part of you so how could I hate you or feel anything for you but unconditional love? That is the blue print for heaven on earth and the direction Jesus was trying to get us to understand when He said the kingdom of Heaven is within us.

Life is an experience God wanted for His own benefit - to better understand Himself and to experience all that is possible. Within that creation, all is not perfect. Perfection is not possible because it presupposes that further changes to become yet "more perfect" could not occur because perfection cannot be improved upon or the original state would not have been perfect in the first place. If perfection could theoretically occur, the dynamic dance of energy that creates life would cease at the point of perfection, resulting in a collapse in upon itself. Further, life is not trial or pain-free, but it was never meant to be. We are learning lessons for God's benefit and those lessons require trials, and trials often involve pain and discomfort.

A key to enjoying life, even during the hardest challenges, is to see the events of your life as if in a play, from above or a higher (spiritual) perspective. You are the main character in the play of your life. Your body is experiencing challenges, but the Real you - the God within - can never be hurt; can never die. That God within wants to enjoy life and experience all that your life has to offer Him. He wants to commune with nature. He wants to love and be loved. He wants to experience everything that is and could be. So enjoy life - even the trials - and take a moment to sit back, relax, and see truly what a miracle it is that the real you - the God within - has created on Earth; so much beauty that we fail to see because (our focus on) life gets "in the way." Not only should you 'stop and smell the roses,' but treat yourself with love and respect, and remember that your neighbor is you, simply living in a different life play. Treat them with love as you would want to be treated and you'll help the world on its path to true peace.

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Progress" How Times Have Changed

If you consider how much life has changed in the last 100 years it is unbelievable, and what will happen in the next Century?

Are these modern developments "progress"

Medical Research, Flights and Travel, and Technology

The above have all made the world seem a smaller place, but is the disposable plastic world we live in, where craftsmanship has been lost in favour of flat-pack and value diminished, is the world a better place? Is this throw away society something to be proud of?

Pandemics can easily spread from country to country, aided not by birds but our ease of travel. More medicines are therefore pumped into both humans and our animal food chain to combat disease, which in turn is creating super bugs.

Technology has produced more waste products and rubbish in our seas and streets. Take-away cheap ready-meals are less nutritious with the added E's, salt, sugar and chemical preservatives added to make life easier for us!

People are stressed with this frantic pace we have set ourselves, but with little physical activity being expounded. In some ways, with all these gadgets people have become lazy or lethargic so that new sport venues and leisure activities have to be introduced to burn the calories to prevent people becoming fat. So that they can rush from work to the gym!

In my grandmothers day Monday was wash-day, all day was devoted to washing sheets and clothes. The copper was fired up with hot coals in the scullery, the equivalent to to-days utility room. Buckets of "bluebag", coloured water to keep the voluminous sheets white, stood in a row to rinse the clothes after they were washed by hand. The huge mangle with rubber rollers squeezed the soap suds and water like a waterfall into a bucket.

On fine days the sheets billowed in the breeze, on wet days there was an airer let down from the kitchen ceiling where the wet clothes and sheets were piled on to dry. Despite the hard times my grandma was fit and healthy until her death in her nineties. Washing wasn't the only hard chore, scrubbing floors and sweeping happened daily and people of her era had spotless houses and took great pride in their possessions polishing furniture and silver cutlery until they gleamed. They were so busy they didn't need a gym!

Well we cannot halt change and many wouldn't want to, but now we escape the rat-race for a few weeks holiday a year so we can slow down and become at one with nature again. We spend the money we have spent long hours earning, on flights to far away places, to spend our precious weeks unwinding!

The current dream for many is to retire to a less populated area and be self-sufficient, growing vegetables and keeping chickens. It seems the desire to move backwards to life centuries ago is inbred in us.

If setting up your own business anywhere in the world, with just a laptop and an internet connection appeals to you, start NOW and learn some new skills. Begin a hobby business online and work at your own pace in readiness for an early retirement and time freedom. You don't want to be tied to your boss until you are 70 plus do you?

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Has Opportunity Stopped Knocking for South Africans?

Just over 20 years ago, the world rejoiced with South Africa as a new era of freedom and opportunity for all, was ushered in. Today, that same world is distancing itself from a country, perceived as the example of misguided energy, ambition, and resources, which include its people. This is emphasized by the notorious despotic Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, "friend" of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and its leader Jacob Zuma, stating in effect, that South Africa must change its ways!

From the onset of the new-found freedom, South Africa became a country of great expectations. The leader of change, Nelson Mandela, was not only a motivation and inspiration, but a wise and realistic man who was fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead of the country, especially regarding the fair apportioning of wealth and development for its people.

He also realized that it was a time of opportunity for every person in this wounded and traumatized country. The world and its leaders was looking and focusing on the events taking place in this former pariah state, willing and eager to invest and reap the advantages and benefits of association with it. Mandela and South Africa became synonymous with what could be achieved by people of all races and status, no matter their personal environment and education; it was a turning point for the continent of Africa; the land of opportunity and good fortune for all!

The hidden menace

The words "politics", "political" and "politician" have become representative of manipulation, personal ambition, greed and critically for South Africa; corruption! It is not something that is new, associated with one particular country or environment, but it is a cancer that is an inherent part of life. If this stigma becomes an integral and accepted part of everyday life and part of a culture affecting everyone, the basic structure of a country and the welfare of its people are put at risk. Admittedly, great benefits accrue to the instigators and leaders who encourage and even design corruptive influences, sometimes in the guise of offering opportunities, but at what cost?

As with any great leader, such as Nelson Mandela; on their demise a void is created, to be exploited by ambitious and jealous opportunists, to their own advantage, relatives and those of perceived friends. The continent of Africa has been plagued by tribal conflicts and colonialism, which has in various respects, been both beneficial to development, but at the same time, disadvantaged the people by their exploitation.

The people of South Africa had expected and wanted their new world to transform them into the wonderful dimension of the modern era and the phrase "we want" "previously disadvantaged" and "our rights" saw common usage. "Previously Disadvantaged" formed part of the everyday vocabulary and was widely used by politicians and the media as a means of displaying their concern for the plight of the perceived poor people and gaining attention and support from the majority, of voters. This was a situation the Mandela government appreciated and pursued; to address the disparities between the races and develop a country, designed to support its entire people and not the chosen few!

However, as is the political norm, the worthwhile ambitions of leaders are subject to the whims and machinations of colleagues and friends. They are indoctrinated into believing they also have rights to advantages, personal gain and most importantly, power.

The silent sound

The line of investors wishing to become part of this new-found land of opportunities grew and the country looked forward to a future path paved with the gold of education and a productive working environment. The politicians though, were more concerned with their own path of gold and righteousness and on Nelson Mandela succumbing to age and entering a deserved retirement, the opportunities available to them, mainly exceeded even their expectations.

The following years proved another turning point for South Africa and its people, with an increasing flow of previously obscure, ignorant or ANC party influenced politicians, their cohorts and lackeys, being paraded and lauded to an often bewildered and accepting populace. Promises were made by the ruling party in abundance, but with no visible signs of being met. It was the time of opportunity, for those in favored positions, while the majority remained in blissful ignorance and poverty, as their country and previous suffering, were turned into political campaigning tools.

Hidden agendas were revealed, with many and varied allegations of corruptive acts being lodged against politicians and their minions. The results of these were however, indicative of things to come, as they were either ignored or insultingly settled with contemptuous penalties.

Divide and rule

Divide and rule, is a well designed tactic that if properly applied and controlled, can provide the directors with desired results. However, if the designers of this strategy are either lacking in awareness and refuse to acknowledge continuously changing circumstances, then the door is opened to potential disaster.

In 2008, the world was shocked by xenophobia outbreaks in that land of the free and opportunity, South Africa. It was a country that had thrown open its borders, especially to Africa and Asia; welcoming and offering work and investment to their friends and neighbors across the previous borders that had been so strictly protected. While it was regarded mainly as a show of their frustration by the populace, it was seen by a few as writing on the wall and ongoing calls for change and previous promises to be met became common place, but fell on deaf ears!

A further an d wider variety of promises, rules and regulatory controls were implemented, allegedly to help stop the ongoing growth of political corruption, which had seemingly become perceived as normal business practice by politicians, their advisors and business associates. Vast sums of taxpayers money, instead of being directed into relieving poverty and improving the economy, became the pocket money for obscene spending by the ruling politicians; by example, more than R250 million on upgrading the personal home of the president! This is an issue on which President Zuma is still being pressured to provide an answer; naturally, without success.

It further became apparent that while the population of South Africa, including opposition politicians and the media, have a great ability for discussing, lecturing and putting forward opinions; direct protest actions against the ruling party are extremely limited. They are generally confined to convenient targets; destruction of services, such as buildings, roads, transportation, schools and materials, as well as providing opportunities for looting shops and stalls. Ironically, these demonstrations are usually related to the lack of these facilities? The value of protest demonstrations is further enhanced by the future leaders of the country, or students, who deface statues of perceived previous wrong-doers, with human feces; this seems to be a charming cultural characteristic developed in the "new" South Africa.

Culture, is a word well used in the context of opportunism in South Africa and one that has been cultivated and obscured to suit and meet the demands and perceptions of the government and accordingly, the majority of its people. Murder, rape, children and women abuse, amongst others, have assumed a certain acceptance in this benevolent population. The high impact degree of these cultures, the lack of inherent and enforced disciplines, is reflected in the manner they are perceived by the population and supported by an uncaring, horrendous death toll on the country's roads.

Politicians and government lackeys have become representatives of deceit and perceived as totally lacking credibility by a cynical populace. Uneducated, bumbling, rambling and repetitive speeches, interspersed with riotous, childish behavior patterns have become the norm in the circus that is known as parliament. The president of the country, has become professionally adept and an example of how to repeatedly play both ends against the middle. The policy of divide and rule is practiced with skill, but assisted by a willing and submissive majority.

The new land of opportunity

South Africa is and has always been a magnificent land of opportunity, for those willing to commit. The majority of its citizens were led into the trap of acceptance, expectations, with false promises, resulting in general laziness, with a jealousy for the few, who are discovering and creating opportunistic business conditions. It is arguably, one of the reasons for the antagonism against African foreigners, who could be regarded as being more innovative and productive!

Just more than 20 years ago, this land of contrasts in many respects, had the world at its feet. It was a stage that few civilizations enjoy or experience in modern times, with conflict and turmoil in all parts of the world. The soccer world cup in 2010 rejuvenated a flagging economy, with a new sense of inspiration, motivation and a bonding towards a common and rewarding future. Since that time, this poor, abused country has been subjected to negligent ineffectiveness of an appalling degree; from a blatant disregard of the people and their lifestyles, to the furthering in the fortunes of the privileged few.

Despite this, the natural inherent resilience, in the people of South Africa can enable them to progress and rebuild. However, without sound and honest leadership, it is a task that is becoming more difficult as the months pass. It is population that does not appear to realize there are many and varied options available to them; that it's just a case of willpower and as in the not too distant past, the desire for positive changes in their lives.

Opportunities exist in abundance on the Internet. As far as many South Africans and other ikn different countries are concerned, they are not apparent and therefore, Self Work Action was designed to provide help and motivation.

There are many and varied countries with challenges like South Africa, but which still offer opportunities, for those willing to commit. he Self Work Action concept has been involved with online marketing and the opportunities it provides, for many years. During that time, the usual trials and errors associated with this type of work, have been discovered, reviewed and corrected.

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Compromising Our Values and Identities

A phenomenon is taking place in society today. Yet, no one else is talking about it. In fact, no one else seems to be concerned about it at all. However, the fact still remains. In the 1950's and earlier, it used to cause a pregnant unwed young woman and her family such shame that she would go away to have the baby in private before returning with or without the baby. Nowadays, young women proudly walk around displaying their fat bellies holding the hands of their lovers with no signs of distress or guilt upon their faces. Some young men and women are even planning to become parents before they become spouses. Call me old-fashioned, but that's just ludicrous.

Have we as a society forgotten about our values and virtues, or have we just conveniently thrown them away? No one's sure how it started, but slowly men and women in America have started to compromise their values and virtues. It used to be that a young woman was praised for remaining chaste until she was married. Now, society mocks, laughs at, and scolds such young women for not losing their virginities sooner. When we as a society started to compromise our values, we also started compromising our identities as well. Most people in today's society go along to get along and follow the bandwagon, without forming opinions of their own. What would happen if they didn't? America as a society compromises too much, and I'm tired of it.

It's time that America stopped compromising, started owning our identities, and upholding ourselves to certain standard of conduct and lifestyle. I've only compromised my identity and values a few times in my life, and those times were enough for me to learn not to do it again. Those experiences helped me learn to hold onto my values no matter what, and to never lose myself in search of a person, relationship, or friendship again. Compromising your identity and values for others won't be worth it in the end, and always leads to negative emotions. I made a decision a long time ago regarding compromise. I've seen it debilitating effects on society, and have decided to stay true to myself. I've decided to honor my convictions, beliefs, values, morals, and identity regardless of how different they are from the rest of society's. If only the rest of America felt the same way I do.

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