
Friday 24 October 2014

Response UAI hot video issues in his own say

Kuala Terengganu: Distribution Video Online  social networking site allegedly linked preacher and renowned speaker, Ustaz Azhar Idrus (UAI) is malicious parties to topple the country's clergy.

While denying actors in the videos that have spread is UAI, assistant Zulkifli Wahab said, it is a conscious effort by certain quarters to discredit the clergy as well as trying to thwart the spread of missionary efforts among Muslims in the country.

"No ... do not believe .. it is a conscious effort by certain quarters to discredit not only UAI but also in the country clergy.

"Lately there has been a trend as to discredit the teacher and scholar this.
"This is because the parties are not happy sitting like when you see Muslims in Malaysia are now increasingly hard to love and the knowledge to talk religion and missionary program has become a phenomenon now.

"Therefore, the specific purpose of this planning effort to discredit scholars dirty and pervert the faith of Muslims in this country.

"It includes the 'I Want To Touch A Dog' in the capital recently.

"They will do anything to harm Muslims," ​​he said when contacted here today.

Were receiving UAI of transmission like her porn videos, Zulkifli said, UAI continue talks as usual and are not affected by the spread of fake video.

H0T: The former personal driver Zahida Rafik alleged breach RM200,000

Kuala Lumpur: The former personal driver actress Zahida Rafik today pleaded not guilty in the Ampang Magistrate's Court on charges of criminal breach of trust monies belonging to the actress RM200,000 two years ago.

Noor Azman Azmi, 40, who now works as a taxi driver charged with criminal breach of trust after trust by Zahida, 40, to insert the money into his personal account, but the money was used for his own use.

Single father of two who was arrested today allegedly committed the offense at Lot 186 Lorong Kempas 2, Kampung Melayu Ampang at 11.30 am, February 29, 2012.

The charge under Section 406 of the Penal Code which provides for a maximum jail term of 10 years and whipping and a fine, if convicted.

Earlier, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Goh Ai Rene offers 50,000 bail with one surety and ordered the passport to be surrendered to the court.

Intimate picture of the speakers claimed popular now spread

Not cool story about intimate picture DAP Bukit Bendera MP, Zairil Khir Johari Prk candidate Teluk Intan Dyana Sofya, now this commotion was about sex video famous preacher like a pro Pakatan ..

Reportedly, a video about the individual title DJ tells me spread through several blogs and Facebook and WhatsApp group .. I do not know of any source, but since the middle of last night was the appearance of this video became a hot topic in social media ..

With the trend of sharing things in the bedroom like this now, do not have anything that is impossible for us to deny .. However, when I think logically make sense, would not be a DJ who often talk about religion forge his own sexual captures kann ..

Add-added pulak ni DJ is known and has a large following throughout the country .. And quite impossible jugak ni DJ deliberately want to keep things like this .. I think there's no sort of profit retained even if just for the memories ..

But kann .., what are we going to be very surprised with videos like this. Already many people feel famous in our country who have been involved with the spread of the sex video scandal in the bedroom ..

The earliest is Chua Soi Lek .. Later Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali .. And not forgetting the Secretary-General Mustapha Ali Islamic Party .. All videos either light middle or middle-light "for the project" with their spouses ..

And the answer given after widespread scheme involved video is .., "face like me .., but it's not me ..." It will even out the answer ..., "the video can not be used as evidence because it is safe .. "Or an answer like this ...," That's all for dropping defamation career and my image .. "

Whatever .., sex and men are the norm and no one can term a person is how crazy lust .. There's never been out of the news grandfather grandson .. rape, rape grandmother 70 years in a rubber plantation ..., and also disabled rape with teenagers .. not crazy to all that thing just because of lust ..

So what you want to be surprised with videos like this .. If it's there, what can we do except curse the perpetrator in congregation .. And if I'm not right there, what can we say other than curse also the creator congregational video again ...

In conclusion .., just look and take this is learn from what happened.

Face of cute twins Nurul Shuhada Nurul Ain

Personality  TV3  Nurul Shuhada Nurul Ain delivered a pair of twins, but they have not been uncovered face right away.

Through Malaysia Hari Ini program on TV3, finally face a pair of Nurul Shuhada Nurul Ain was disclosed to the public are very cute.

For information, Nurul Shuhada been blessed with a son and a daughter at the end of last September, one was born in a normal way and another surgery.

Nurul Shuhada going on vacation for 3 to 4 months to take care of the twins, may the two mummy will grow healthy. Congratulations once again to this pair.

My girl in the body of the father selfie in blasts

The actions of a girl sharing her sad picture in social media have a negative perception of his social media followers.

Girl known by the name Fify shared his grief with his social networking site, but this picture has become viral on social media.

Various negative perception was right to throw this girl from her selfie pictures, but in the eyes of the girl admin not involved share the pictures he might want to share the grief with his friends.

Admin hope this courageous girl makes her allegations that the journey ahead, together we kan charity   Al-fatihah in his late father's girl and sincere condolences to his family.

Hopefully what happened made us a good lesson for us to be right and the bad example that we have made the border.

Video: Crashed plane is not MH17?

A video was spread on social media and apps What Apps claimed second MH17 aircraft shot down is not true.

Pendedehan plane crash video on YouTube widespread recently, nothing to do with Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH17 shot down in Ukraine.

The video spread is actually an Iranian military plane crashed near Tehran, in 2009.

The accident occurred after the plane joining the air show to commemorate the Iraq-Iran war that took place in 1980-1988, on 22 September 2009.

Recording lasted 23 seconds uploaded it, filmed by the crew of a C-130 aircraft flying close to the fallen aircraft.

The true story of the picture viral spread eat FROGS

The true story of the picture viral spread eat FROGSRipples in social media some pictures in which the image appears to a group of students and a teacher are a disgusting meal that serves FROG.

But today through a page on facebook parties involved appear to explain the real story behind the picture eat FROGS involved.

Hi admin .. please sstv kindness admin to remove about eating frogs tu .. seb enarnya it demomstarsi survival program-operated by General Operations Force (GOF) at school. no eating frog program happen. The picture just a pose from the teacher.

Takda sapa tu-eating frogs. Mere survival knowledge sharing

I wish Ms. Atikah Ahmad apologize. the status of "unresolved issues arising issues already hold a dog is eating a frog." I hereby apologize for the error that occurred and I also want to apologize to the individuals involved.

I had no intention of insulting anyone just surprised to see the display picture seems to show the preparation of food to eat frogs.

I was surprised with this issue before (on issues affecting the dog), and then open a picture like this makes me surprised. With the confusion I humbly apologize to all the individuals involved in the display picture.
I apologize once again.


I hope all parties can accept this explanation, and not raise these issues, in this modern era brief an issue spread.

Not hold the slave woman was raped 30 times pleaded S3KS house bomb

London: A girl who was forced into sexual slavery by members of the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), appeal from the brothel where she was detained bombed, after claiming raped 30 times by a few militants.

It is learned that the victim's identity was not disclosed, was detained as a prisoner of jihad in a location in western Iraq, the militants ISIS when tragedy massacre Sinjar, in early August.

The victim is said to have contacted an activist group called the Kurdistan 'Kurdish Peshmerga' over the phone, to apply for a brothel that collect sexual exploitation, bombed to end their misery.

In addition to being raped, she also claimed torture, including not allowed to use the toilet.

He said the ordeal so terrifying that he planned to commit suicide, even after release.

Painful experience of the victim disclosed an activist Kurdistan, during the BBC interview in London.

Activists called Karam was discovered when he joined the demonstrations in the United Kingdom, yesterday, to raise public awareness of the plight of women in the Middle East.

Karam alleged victim answered his phone calls, an activist group 'Kurdish Peshmerga.

"If you know where we are, please bomb us. There is no life after this. I'm going to kill myself, because many have killed themselves this morning.

"I was raped 30 times and no break for lunch. I can not go to the toilet. You bomb us, "the story quoted Karam complaint victim not stop crying in the phone conversation.

Viral recipe: Sour Mango Pickle Boi Sure Mengiurkan

A day or two recipes Mango Sour Pickle Boi has become viral on social media and blogs, his name this recipe has been shared by many people to try it.

Because this recipe last admin was not a chance to try this recipe Pale Orange Mango flavor, this recipe a long time ago and there was only a day facebook page he has become viral.

The admin time between visits facebook is facebook Cik Jan  and there are 33K people "Like" this page Recipes Mango Sour sure Ms. Jan Boi themselves did not get much attention.


dried chilli
6 cups water
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 pieces of brown sugar
1 sack of salt
young mango

unify young mango with sugar water was drained and chilli paste ... just average mix ... add a bit of salt to taste ... enter into the bottle ... leave it for 1-2 days so that the sugar water and chilli ... delicious eaten cold seep ... so, keep in the refrigerator for better taste again ... this pickle can last 2-3 months if stored tp is often not until a week already exhausted

chilli brewed with water ... then, ground ... do follow their own appetites ... if you want spicy, prepare much ... if you want to reduce the spicy, remove the seeds can be used ...

quotes / quote / buy mango slices and young enough ... 4 ... if the fruit on a small, 2 on the go ... get rid of the seeds ... wash and rinse thoroughly remove the rubber ...

soak in a basin of young mango / large pot with a bag of salt for 1-2 days until the skin turns golden brown mango ...

4 pieces of boiled sugar and 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar with 6 cups of water over medium heat ... can add more water if the flavor is concentrated ... sugar water cooled.

That is the recipe from her Facebook Page admin to Ms. Jan, on their own do not have time to make this recipe can be completed orders .

Will open appetite and anyone who saw her eating already drooling admin view this sour plum mango pickle, quickly tried this recipe or order only.