
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Spectacular Dance Performance in USA

Dance is considered as an art and each country or region has its own traditional style of showing dance. Every country enjoys its celebrations by including the element of dance in different forms.

However, dance styles vary from country to country or region to region and continent to continent. It holds too much significance when it comes to show the cultural and traditional way of celebrations.

Dance also has too much variety in it and people from different regions enjoy their traditional or geographical celebrations in their own dance style. It is an art that is used for recreation and amusement or entertainment purpose.

Because of its growing popularity, different countries also organize dance competitions and USA is leading such competitions. American Idol is one such dance and singing competition in which people from different states of USA perform to get fame and chance to reach on the highest level. Dance is also taken as profession and countless training academies exist around the world.

In the recording of this dance performance in the American Idol program a group of dancers surprised the world with their innovative performance. A female with her co-partners appeared on the stage and delivered an unforgettable performance.

The use of technology was amazing in this dance performance which created a huge impact not only on the audience but also on the jury as well. All the judges showed positive gestures indicating a marvelous performance of this group of dancers.

If you have never witnessed an amazing performance then this video will show you how to blend the technology with the physical skills and get tremendous results to impress the entire world in just a few minutes.

Amazing Dance in US Surprises Everyone

Dance has become a traditional element to enjoy the celebrations in a memorable manner and it has also become a part of culture around the world. Different countries or regions have distinguished dancing styles and the American show name ‘American Idol’ brings these styles together in the form of a competition.

                                              Video Source Link:

In the program American Idol, different dancers from different parts of America come and show their skills, which amazed the viewers from around the world. These dancers are then judged by the expert judges who announce the winner by awarding them points.

In this video, the most important thing is the innovation that this group of dancers introduced for the first time in this program. They expressed their impressive skill by blending it with the technology and created a spectacular impression on those who witnessed it Live or on their TV screens sitting in their drawing rooms in different parts of the world.

These dancers proved their worth in a way that surprised not only the common audience but also the judges who had already seen countless performances of different dancers. This dance was different in many ways which grabbed the attention of everyone and they got wonderful applause in the end from audience and judges as well.

Right from the start of this dance performance, a young female pulled attention of the crowd and her co dancers came along to take the show at its climax. Every individual who was present there in that hall found himself spell bound after watching this performance.

When this group of dancers finished up their performance, one of the four judges stood on his seat and gave a clap for what these dancers had done. This gesture was, in itself, indicated that the performance was awesome.  See what these amazing dancers did on the stage that amazed everyone around the world.

Female Teacher Expels Student on Proposing Her

You might have heard a boy proposing a girl at restaurant or any other event but it would be surprising for you a student proposed his female teacher on renowned social media website Facebook.

The student was flirting with the teacher and she felt embarrassment among her family and friends. She was not expecting such stupidity from her student and decided to punish him. The next day in class, the teacher asked the student to come on dais and when he came to it, she started exposing him in front of all students.

She insulted him and asked how he dared to flirt and wrote proposal on her timeline on social media website. The student was stunned by the response which he got from teacher and immediately apologized her but all in vain.

The teacher never stopped and bashed him on this childish act. It was the matter of her respect and repute among students and she wasn’t ready to compromise on it. It never ended just on insult of the student; she ordered him to leave the class immediately and expelled him from university later. The visuals of insult are captured by one of the students sitting in the class and he uploaded it on social media website.

The student was involved in such kinds of matters with other girls and female teachers. He was using social media website for wrong purposes and he might have thought that his young female teacher would respond in a favorable manner.

But this time his luck didn’t favor him to escape from the punishment. He chose the wrong person and possibly he didn’t have the right idea about the nature of teacher.

This response from female teacher wasn’t surprising and neither the result. If she wouldn’t respond like that then it might hurt her repute badly and it was also necessary to teach the lesson so that student will never think about disgracing teachers.

Student Gets Furious Reaction from Female Teacher

A male student got furious reaction from his female teacher and she insulted her in front of class on receiving proposal from him on social media website. The young teacher exposed the real face of that boy and told the class about his unbearable attitude towards her.

Video Source Link:

According to the teacher, the student tired to damage her repute among students as well as family. The visuals of this classic insult is recorded by one of the students and shared it on social media website. In the visuals you will clearly see the furious face of the teacher when she entered into the class room.

She called the boy to come on dais and when he was standing near dais, the teacher started to insult him. She told the class that he was on a mission to damage her repute and last night he proposed her on facebook where she had family members and students in her friend list.

The face of student grew red with embarrassment and he tried to defend him but the teacher didn’t provide any opportunity to escape from this mess. He wasn’t expecting such furious response and tried to settle the issue with an apology.

But the young female teacher was in mood to punish him so that no one has the dare to do the same ridiculous act in future. The boy didn’t get any help from his friends after doing such blender.

Young female teacher didn’t just stop on bashing him in front of his class fellows, she enforced him to leave the class and the management expelled him later after inquiry.

The flirt nature of the student led him to this bad moment of his life and he will remember this insult for lifetime. This particular incident reveals the bitter side of our society where students are forgetting their moral values where they don’t respect female teachers especially young ones.

You may be in a suit if NO PLAT like this

To vehicle owners in warning you might get sued if your vehicle registration number as above.

Vehicles have been issued summonses by the authorities because no registration is not in accordance with the size set by the authorities.

So to vehicle owners do not take lightly your vehicle registration number, make sure it fits with the size set by the authorities to avoid the lawsuit.

Glaze: Mother killed sacrifice their lives to save the children (7 photos)

Kuala Lumpur:  For the love of mother , a woman willing to sacrifice her life by pushing her son to the edge of the road and let him hit by a motorcycle in Jalan Pasir Panjang here, this morning.

In a heartbreaking tragedy, the pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Pasir Panjang Muhammad Izz Najmi Ibrahim, 12, who rose from the fall was only able to see the body of his mother, Dayang Che Abdul Kadir, 54, lying dead on the road tar.

When the scene around 7:15 am, the victim who hails from Kampung Pasir Panjang was crossing the street to send Muhammad Izz to SK Pasir Panjang after stopping drinking in a tavern nearby.

However, when crossing the road suddenly saw a motorcycle rider speed towards them.

It is learned that the victim was aware of the arrival of the motorcycle, pushing her onto the shoulder of the road before being hit himself.

As a result of the crash, the victim fell and hit his head on the road and believed to have died at the scene while the motorcyclist, a form four students only minor injuries.

Kuala Terengganu district police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Idris Rafar who confirmed the accident.

According to him, the case was investigated under Section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for causing death by reckless driving and dangerous driving.

Cartoon story heartbreaking miscarriage baby

While it is merely a caricature but the admin is really heartbreaking what happened to the baby in the womb of the mother killed in cold blood by those who are criminals.

What is displayed by the pathetic caricature whose baby is enough capacity in the fall of the brutal use of weapons by his mother's womb.

What's in the picture, right in this very sad caricature of anyone reading it, it is the fact that what happened in this modern world is greedy they throw their issue.

They never thought the guilt of what they do even if it is considered the most brutal killing their own children. Hopefully this partnership to benefit and respect for all who read it. By Samdell Cdm

Uproar: Men die together cows in the state B0gel

Tanah Merah: A farmer is busy looking for the missing cows was surprised when he found the body of a man believed to be locals in the nude in his cowshed in Kampung Panglima Bayu, here, yesterday.

In the incident about 4 pm, Mohd Hussin, 61, was looking for a cow to the barn after failing to find the location of it is pegged.

"From 9 o'clock in the morning I went out with a friend, khat Hasan to find a cow that was missing from the place where it is pegged.

"Our search continued into a nearby barn and when through the cage, I was surprised to see a man lying on side in the nude.

"Also is there is my cow is dead," he said.  Mohd said he and khat, 47, then made ​​a report at the Batu Gajah police station at about 4.15 pm.

The body was sent to the Tanah Merah Hospital for autopsy.

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This is a new method. Try to recover your Facebook accounts if you forget their password or if anyone hack your Facebook accounts then this is a useful method. Now-a-days Facebook change their entire setting  I use Facebook new setting method that's easiest an old one. Use this method and share post thanks.

Posted by: Samdell Cdm 
Credit: Samdell Cdm

How to Hack a Facebook account in 2 Minutes New Method 2014

This is the newest method please Try on your Friends Facebook Ids.
You will happy to get their ids.
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Posted by: Samdell cdmCredit : Samdell Cdm