
Monday 27 April 2015

Tears almost immediately entered in the aircraft

The damage caused by the earthquake in Kathamamdu, Nepal yesterday - Photo EPA

Once the plane took off from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal all the passengers cheered and cried because there managed to leave the country affected by the earthquake.

That experience was a Malaysian Loy Yun Qing, 29, who managed to board the plane Thai Airways leave earth quake-hit Nepal yesterday to return to their homeland morning.

He did not expect his arrival to Nepal for the first time to join a trekking expedition to Annapurna on April 24 last, turned into a nightmare for him by the earthquake that occurred immediately after arriving there.

Yun Qing, who worked as a Sales Executive was scheduled to return home on May 3 after joining the expedition.

As soon as the earthquake occurred, Yun Qing had to cancel its intention to join the expedition trekking and scrambling to find transportation to the airport to buy tickets to return home.

"It is very difficult to find transportation to the airport for the average people there trying to flee coupled with small vibration-vibration that occurs every few minutes," he said.

Share experiences while at the airport, Yun Qing said the atmosphere was chaotic because when the average foreigners want to return to their respective countries due to the earthquake.

"When I arrived at the airport, we were told all flights had to be canceled and airports closed operations, all passengers had to wait outside until he was back in operation the next day," he said.

Once the airport back in operation, nearly all the passengers rushed to flee to the boarding gate for boarding.

"When it was no announcement, no screens on the flight information is missing because the system crashes, many of which revolve through the door in a hurry that there are up to a fight with security guards because of incomplete travel documents," he said.

Weak cell phone signal also makes it difficult to call the airline to book tickets because when it all came back to Malaysia tickets are sold out.

"I feel the opportunity to return to their homeland very thin though travel documents are complete as many challenges faced ... I almost gave up.

"However, the results of the experiment several times, I finally managed to contact my friend in Malaysia for help to book tickets for Thai Airways to fly to Bangkok before returning to Malaysia.

Passengers were told to only showcase tickets to get into the air as more of them lose the passport by the earthquake.

"We had to swivel in to the boarding gate because too many passengers wanted to get in one time and I finally managed to get out of the crush of people into the air.

"I almost tears of joy and felt relieved when successful entry into the aircraft," he said.

When the earthquake on Saturday, Loy with two friends who came from Guangzhou, China and guide locals were eating in a restaurant located on the ground floor of a four storey building, before leaving to join the expedition.

"We felt the tremors were very strong at that time, after which everyone rushed to escape the wind and the sound of buildings collapsing without interruption.

"When save yourself, I almost crushed by small stones and fragments of glass bottles falling from the sky, than human squeezed by the set ran to a nearby open space," he said when contacted by Bernama today.

Within seconds, all the buildings in the area collapsed in the earthquake and he still managed to save personal identification document was recovered in the vicinity of the building collapsed upon sahajakeadaan subsided.

"I can not imagine my luck if I am late to run out of the area," he said.

Yun Qing believe there are many other Malaysians who are trapped in Nepal due to the tickets sold out.

"I heard there was a friend of mine who arrived a week ahead of me to Nepal to join the expedition to climb Annapurna Camp Master but until now still no news about him there.

"Many have lost their identity documents by the earthquake and were unable to return to their country of origin. They are trapped there and had to live in a scary whenever quake struck," he said.

4 things to consider before buying Apple Watch

APPLE Watch on display at a store in Tokyo, Japan. - Photo by AFP

APPLE Watch has officially sold in the market even for Apple fans in Malaysia had to wait first for smart watches this Apple products.

The device is already available for purchase in nine countries, namely the United States (US), Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and the United Kingdom from 24 April at a price of US $ 349 (RM1,273) while the variant with packaging gold at US $ 10,000 (RM36,468) per unit.

Looking at the price is a bit high but for Apple fans, this is the price to be paid by them to get the latest technologies.

But for those of you who are about to buy this smart watches, think again whether you really want it or simply want to follow the current trend. The four comparison you need a refresher before buying this smart device.

1. If you want a smart watches that can be connected to your smart phone, Apple Watch answer is not the only device that can do so.

Android was first doing this through their operating system called Android Wear. Even smart watches from Pebble also already available even be connected to a smartphone with ease.

You just have to behave like motion smart watches with smartphone via Bluetooth connection no matter who uses the operating system iOS or Android.

2. Apple Watch also has a function that can be used as a fitness guard. Start of heart rate, distance running, and calories are lost. But again this also occurs in a few hours such as Moto 360 Android smartphone from Motorola that price is not up to RM1,000.

If you just want to find a tool to use when you're playing sports, the Flex Fitbit device may be considered because it is dedicated to fitness guard. But the one that least about Fitbit Flex, it does not have the reader heartbeat.

3. Apple Watch as a means of payment with Pay Apple Devices function. When Apple introduced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the company also introduced a payment system using mobile devices, called Apple Pay. The function is now also available in Apple Watch.

For those of you who are already using the previous Pay Apple, Apple just need to get closer to Watch payment instruments for payment purposes.

This online payment function is still unfamiliar in our country but as a comparison, there are several options smart watches that use Google's Android Wear of having a relationship with Google Wallet.

4. Apple Watch as a tool - makes this device is far different from its competitors. Apple provides a new way to communicate named Digital Touch. Through this function, you can send messages in a more personal like a scribble on the screen Apple Watch.

In addition to the functions Digital Touch, you only need to touch the screen Apple Watch, and your partner will instantly get messages like vibration. While there is still no smart watch that can do similar things like that offered Apple Watch this.

Hanezu Suraya has been uncovered?

Suraya Hanezu with her husband and stepson. - Photo courtesy of Hanezu Suraya

KUALA LUMPUR: New just returned from Umrah yesterday, the question of whether Hanezu Suraya will be covered once back from Mecca was also awaited.

In his Instagram page, image veiled shot at being there seemed to give the signal and the probability that he wants veiled.

Previously Rozita Che Wan also encouraging many parties when choosing to veil his return from Umrah with her husband, Zain Saidin.

So whether Hanezu will also follow the same trail? Contacted him earlier, fluffy white actor refuses to rush to make a decision on whether to pursue further veiled or otherwise.

Hanezu Umrah for the first time with her husband, Romie Adilha Razin and his stepson, Prince Adreeshah since April 14. - Photo courtesy of Hanezu Suraya

Hanezu Umrah for the first time with her husband loved Romie Adilha Razin and his stepson, Prince Adreeshah since April 14.

Umrah dream had long dreamed Hanezu and it is facilitated after the couple were married on 14 March.

"Indeed, since there, my heart is strong for the veil. What's more there, all veiled Muslim women. Then the momentum going so veiled getting boiled. In fact, I've started to think of how veiled style that fits this face. I also want to wrap the lid has learned well including Google search based view on the internet site.

DREAM Umrah had long dreamed Hanezu and it facilitated after the couple married on 14 March. - Photo courtesy of Hanezu Suraya

"The weather there in the summer just like Malaysia, so it is not a reason for me not to do the same if it were in Malaysia.

"They turned to the question of the heart. Sometimes the feeling is what my soul will be strong to such a work of art with images that I operate?

"The feeling for it to be stronger veiled plus I now seldom acted. So what else do I need to think. There was a good prayer always abandoned and so also with earnestness me to change for the better than before. The road already there, whether I want to continue or not, "said Hanezu.

So the question here is whether Hanezu actually been veiled or not?

"I dare not say enough. Anyhow, I just came back Umrah. In honor of worship that I do, I'm still getting used veiled like there.

"Whether I continue veiled or not, pray well. I hope it simplified. I am concerned I feel ripples.

"Let me slowly according to 'beat' the new. Even if you leave the house now I've been veiled. Only I do not want to talk with his mouth first. Let's see it ... see," he said.

Share experiences umrah, Hanezu admit fairly quiet during their stay in the holy land.

"I'm with a wonderful experience there. I've been told, if a visa has been approved course I'm going to pray. I want to improve and renew ourselves. If there is luck again, did I want to go again. If possible, every year I want to go there again , "he said.

Asked what was requested when they are there, like most other human Hanezu also crave happiness in both worlds.

"I hope this marriage partner will remain up to Jannah. Hopefully blessed offspring healthy and beautiful body. I also pray in a place that is said to be efficacious prayer as in Hijr Ismail," he said.

IS target the evil, government buildings

SHAH ALAM - Follow-up of 12 individuals believed to have links with militant groups IS and reportedly detained before, Principal Assistant Director of Counter Terrorism Bukit Aman, Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin reveal places vices in the Klang Valley are prime targets for attack group.

According to him, the group is also targeting government buildings in Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur.

"I can not reveal the specific target. But lead to places of vice alleged vices and government buildings are said to be the devil.

"Including government buildings, government departments in Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur," he told reporters after briefing organized by the IS Executive Threats Selangor Islamic Religious Department with the National Security Council Selangor, here, today.

Yesterday, 12 individuals aged between 17 and 41 years were arrested after allegedly planning to carry out attacks on strategic locations and stakeholders in the Klang Valley and plans were made in response to the call of the senior leaders in Syria IS.

Elaborating, he told the control and monitoring of government buildings have been tightened.

In the meantime, he denied the involvement of civil servants in the group who were detained.

"There is no civil servants. There are self-employed, businessmen, unemployed, students. Initial investigation, so far no one has ever left IS. But the investigation is being proceeded, "he said.

He had advised people not worried by threats such as preventive measures have been taken by the authorities.

"I think this IS a threat not only in Malaysia. Around the world there is any threat of IS. Sometimes there is an attack.

"Do not worry, we have taken proactive steps ... preventive measures. I'm sure we can deal with these threats. Do not worry, "he said.

All the arrested are suspected of committing an offense under chapter Via-terrorism related offenses, the Penal Code (Act 574) and will be investigated in accordance with the procedures under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Act 747).

For the record, so far 107 suspects have been arrested for allegedly having links with militants IS.

(FIGURE 4) Neelofa At Press Conference Rafflesia Pearl Wedding Ceremony From REDPhotography

Name Neelofa soared this year after winning the title last year Teen Goddess. This can be seen with the offer for the sake of acting offers received and so far there are 4 pieces of film acting Neelofa waiting in theaters. He has also shown acting talent through some drama that aired on local television stations, in addition to being a lawyer was elected Miss program on TV3, Neelofa also will write in a corner of the room Utusan Malaysia.

Most recently, Neelofa attended the press conference Cameron's Ezlynn and Adam Fahmy's Pearl Wedding at Hotel Crowne Plaza earlier. It was also attended by the photographer for engagement and wedding Ezlynn before which REDPhotography who have shared pictures of this Neelofa, so credit on his fanpage. Apparently because he Neelofa present their pearl-encrusted shoes for Ezlynn in the wedding party later. Great tu, increased again in the portfolio Neelofa now like shoe designer Datuk Jimmy Choo (thanks for the tip commentator slave blur).
Today Mstar Online also reported that Neelofa beauty secret is making collagen drinks and facials twice a month in Chemical Peel.
Whatever, bye beautiful person, so even simple tips can add more beauty. Another 3 photographs Neelofa with full read this gossip.

(FIGURE 44) Birth Anniversary Celebration of the 23rd Neelofa In Bora Asmara

On February 11, 2012 Last night, a celebration of the birth anniversary of Neelofa that all 23 were held in Bora Asmara, Jalan Penchala. Many who attended the ceremony, including a large Neelofa family, friends, celebrities and fans Neelofa called Lofers, who also organized the event. Among the celebrities who attended were Awal Ashaari which is also the emcee Ana, Zain Saidin and Precision Dinzly,

Actually there are some latest news about Neelofa, so we will senaraikannya in the form of points for your convenience diges: -

1) Neelofa commerce will launch his shoes. He was also ready to create and deliver custom rekaannya to the refinery, which produced the shoes products will dijenamakan with his name and first sold.

2) Neelofa has emerged as a model for the latest Avon catalog and looked graceful in the catalog.

3) Awal Ashaari and Scha Al-Yahya has chosen Neelofa as the designer for their marriage shoes that will take place this year.

4) Lakonan Neelofa in telefilem Ijam Non Yankee comedy together Awal Ashaari and Faezah Elai which aired in the slot on TV3 Saturday cerekarama off well received enthusiasts.
Image credit to REDPhotography, please like abuzz. Again 43 images after the jump.

Create julung time Fiesta Silver Cultural Arts (FSBP) 2012 will be held at the Silver country. Matlamat keep telling ie animate art and culture in the society, especially the people in the land of Perak. JKKN approach Empire State Silver and Silver via Majlis Cultural Affairs aims to introduce the products of art and culture through elements of musical art, theater, dance, visual, kraf hand and various other art elements again. This Fiesta aka lasted for 3 days ie 17 to 19 February (Friday -Ahad), 10:00 morning- 10:00 pm at Dataran Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh, Perak.

Further information regarding this program can contact the Department of Culture and Arts (JKKN) Perak at 05-2537001, daughter of Mrs. Fairuz Alias.