
Monday 27 April 2015

Ta Che slowly art career

Facebook and Instagram collection Rozita Che Wan

This figure NAMA in the field of acting is no stranger. Cooking does not, is not only known for her role effectively, 'trademark' eyelashes also makes him one of the other actresses of others and is in a class of its own.

Evidence, most drama and acting telemovie often remembered and concentrated Northern accent sometimes makes the 42-year-old woman was pleasing anyone.

But after years of working hard in the field of acting, Rozita Che Wan admits he now began to feel tired and lazy to pursue acting as a career long ago.

Furthermore, since the blessed light of the third eye and the first result of her marriage to actor bloody cross, Zain Saidin ie Aaisyah Dhia Rana, Rozita or more friendly at Ta Che who call him now share more comfortable working behind the scenes through his own production company, shower Production.

"I want to correct my little statement issued by a magazine (not issued Economist Media Group), which is to say I've left the world of acting.

"I did not say you want to stop, but I had actually started to slow her acting career. To be honest I've been lazy and tired, not to mention previously that time was acting erratic, "he told reporters when met recently.

Elaborating further on the decision, Ta Che said, he still received offers to act is still not as often as it used to and more selective.

"Now there are many things I want to do and have fun with my own publishing program, in addition to busy with online business.

"After acting is not something I like. My first act as coincidence deals come with a lot and then I do not what's up, what to do.

"After this offer to act if there are any, I do not mind to accept Production of Zeel because they are like my own family," he said.

Share the latest developments, Ta Che launched a new program production issues, I Yang Kau Yang Hot Cooked recently.

The cooking program is the third publication of its projects after program Enchanting Recipes husband and telemovie, dear Wak Lu.

"I know Malaysians love cooking program and I also inject a little disorder in which the delivery is more relaxed and examine the artists involved about the cuisine. There are artists from the empty hold great knowledge about cooking in the kitchen.

"Besides, my production company will begin filming program Enchanting Recipes husband's second season begins later this month," she said.

Not only give attention to areas behind the scenes only, Ta Che also busy in the field of on-line business through the lid and recent sales, perfumes.

"Soon I will be launching my perfume product named 'Precious RCW' and so far the response has been very encouraging.

Imagine, in a week or promoted on the site Instagram, 5,000 bottles are sold out.

"This fragrance combines the scent of roses and vanilla and I sell at a price as low as RM29.90 only.

"At the same time, God bless you my scarf business is also getting better and now we are producing the latest designs in conjunction with this Eid," he said.

Upset child currently used

In the meantime, Ta Che had expressed dismay at the attitude of some dealers in social media using her image Aaisyah Dhia Rana voted on their products without permission.

"I do not make Instagram for Aisha but the pictures shared on Instagram has only 'hashtag' alone.

"But there is also the opportunity to take a whim using images Aaisyah to review their products. There are apologizing but then they still use too, "he said.

The question of the development of children, now aged five months, Che Ta said she was overwhelmed when there are parties willing to sponsor a birthday party Aaisyah, although the first anniversary of Aaisyah will come within seven months.

"Bids for Aaisyah is plentiful. If we did not mind sponsorship to receive.

"But when it comes to other offers, I submit to Laugh Out Loud Entertainment (LOL) to manage because they are more familiar. After all I got to say selling children Nah, this is just sustenance to him, I do not want to block, "he explained.

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