
Monday 29 June 2015

Melaka condoms in fashion!

This year's event but it is good to refresh.

Fashion condom before we have seen in China in 2011. This fashion show was held at Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall from but this one is in our own backyard. HIV / AIDS awareness campaign was said to be for the purpose.

Wow, Malaysia Maju!

Sweden's Ice Hotel: a work of art Truely (8 pictures)

A big igloo builders with several domes with the end result, a large set of Lego blocks, as if, 2 ton blocks of snow into ceilings and archways vaulted.

See Also:

Sorry, no incentive for the purchase of electric and hybrid cars

Implemented in the United States or other European countries like it - such as electric and hybrid cars - Malaysia's government energy-saving vehicles (EEV) as an incentive to purchase cash rebate does not intend to.

Large companies as their local manufacturing operations to establish incentives to attract them was the International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohammad's, currently, by customers To attract, the government has lifted import duties for EEV.

Why no incentive?

According to Datuk Mustapa:
"We used car dealers, we reduce import duty to consider the impact on public transport, as well as congestion problems must be considered."

New Zealand accident: Get well soon Datuk K

Widely publicized as the Internet and blogs, Datuk K, husband of singer Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, New Zealand was involved in a high-powered motorcycle crash.

These Jakarta, Indonesia, in concert "Expresi Karya there Gemilang" Datuk Siti final phase forced to cancel.

Two days ago, mynewshub Datuk K Southland Hospital, Invercargill, New Zealand had to be hospitalized for 10 days in an article that can be described.

It wishing Datuk K speediest recovery and return to their normal daily activities are.

Get well soon!

Beza from men and women came out of the grave (lunch)

Really like this until the end?

Lunch hour between men and women compared FACT

At lunch, eat the way
Shop sign
Thrust plate
Put rice
Keep fish
, To compete squarely rice and Air One
Rear or
Muslims go to the mosque

At lunch, the road to the shop
Note the road
The first contract was
Lid on the way to the right, his clothes tgk, tgk foot
Just beautiful on its own, especially, to see other people's clothes.
Restaurants, jenguk-jenguk ago
Many people find another store.
The road again
Dah ati..masuk satisfied.
Fish 2 to 3 minutes before the survey.
Carik2 plate, push plate
Belek yntalya- dishes, clean ?? Dirty? .. Eeeeiiii. ,
I pushed rice, satisfy my heart
Rice shrink a little bit pushed
If not shrink void 2/3 times
Remove nasi.banyak back. ,
Liver satisfied, very. (Longer beard) More lagi..buang
Godek2 little rice on the plate 2
The shredded fish. The first survey around the table. There acknowledge, admit it here
Jengok in a former fish, take a little sauce
Jengok other fish, container, then spoon a little sauce
Jengok again? Two people, leather, leather and tengok2
Take fish
Turning again
Shredded vegetables too!
After about 2 minutes to take a survey and vegetables
To checkout
Tgk2 rice on a plate
I only bring Ambika € â € œalaamak BYK friend whispers?
Up front counter œberapa €? â € ??
Open dompet..belek2 Bank NAD2 space, space NAD2 name, image 2 cracks.
Money to spend
Create a member only signals (such as rice prices)
Close wallet. Rice pushed
Review seater review.
Meet a duduk..alamak dirty !!!
Find other seating
Goodbye. Seating ..
Oops. I then ordered water
Tinjau2, shredded the correct configuration of the hood air..sambil
Order water
Take a spoon
Tissue pushed
Belek purse (step back)
Drinking water
Start eating
The see-saw people eating
Food separuh..kenyang
I drink water
Put a spoon, fork Park
At the plate edge
Kater Borak2 bad food theme
2, office.

Yikes! This is an expensive bicycle - YikeBike

Move, electric bike! Power cycle - here comes yikes.

YikeBike mini-farthing in congested cities is claimed to give people freedom. A Radical New Zealand electric bicycle in the world to change the lives of passengers has been set. With prices starting at more than RM7,249 and is available in Malaysia.

YikeBike mini-farthing available in the world's smallest and lightest electric folding bicycle.

Less than 12KG (Malaysia Version, carbon) Weight, urban passenger buses, trains, vehicles enabling people to take it from the congested cities to navigate and it is expected to change the way a table below or can be stored easily in a closet.

How much?

Perhaps the price of the larger cycle of the single biggest barrier to adoption. There are two variants:

1) YikeBike Fusion (Aluminium Composite) 14.7kg - RM7,249.00 + taxes
2) YikeBike carbon (carbon fiber) 11.5kg - RM13,149.00 + taxes

Such an expensive things!

NASA has a bad image of Mount Everest in India!

So, next time you make a mistake in the description, do not fret. Even NASA stupid mistake

And, it is not about outer space, just about anything on the ground level is known. With all the technology that we have, we still 'easy' to make mistakes. Or the 'crazy' to say? LOL

The US space agency NASA reported as error, not Mount Everest - This image shows the North India in the Karakoram range. Credit: Yuri Malenchenko / Russian Federal Space Agency

But the world's highest mountain, the US space agency NASA has admitted to the Mount Everest straddles the border of Nepal and China, for a summit in India should not be difficult to understand.

Agency International Space Station Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko image, 370 kilometers above the Earth, showed Everest lightly dusted with snow on its website said.

Photo spread quickly through Twitter and the US-based Atlantic magazine, the website Astronomers around the world including the US cable news channel MSNBC was raised by the media.

"Sorry guys, that's not Everest"

I smelt a rat and Nepali media have expressed their doubts. "Sorry guys, but the peak of Mount Everest is tall shade in between.": Journalist Kunda Dixit, an authority on the Himalayas, photos

NASA has made a mistake and that it had removed the image from the site confirmed on Thursday.

"It's not Everest. The Kashmir region of India in the Karakoram range Saser Muztagh, is," a spokesman admitted in an email to AFP.

"View looks northeastward mid-afternoon light."

The picture from the space station, the US, Russia, Japan, Canada and Europe, a joint venture, was incorrectly identified did not specify how.


Available in Malaysia iPhone 5: RM2,199

If you have been looking for iPhone 5 and you wait is over now.

Malaysia official Apple store now start at RM2,199 and RM2,799 for the latest iteration of the phone offers high-end.

IPhone 5 price in Malaysia:

16GB - RM2,199
32GB - RM2,499
64GB - RM2,799

Sabahan suspected serial rapist and killer charged

Sabah for the past few years a suspected serial rapist and say 'victim' is believed to have gone.

Their normal relatives from their West Malaysia Venture will return home after saving some money, while Tambunan man brings another story:

Published December 13.

BENTONG: suspected serial rapist and Rabidin Satir's (pic's) Bentong and Raub in the courts for murder, four counts of rape and unnatural sexual relations to a rape charge as well as a death Thursday Killer was charged.

Tambunan, Sabah, 42-year-old unemployed man Dusun next day, March 7, 2009 between 11.30am and 1.50pm on a 17-year-old girl here in Kampung Ketari was charged with murder.

They also suffer with the abused to death was charged in the Magistrate's Court on Thursday Bentong. No plea was recorded and the magistrate Nurliana Ismail was scheduled for January 17 next year.

Raub Later in court, heavily guarded Rabidin 9 July, 2009, between 2am and 3am Taman Sri Marong, Bentong a nine-year-old pleaded guilty to charges of rape.

He and three counts of rape and one count of committing unnatural sex trial for claims.

He alleged June 21, 2010 between 1AM and 3am on a house in Jalan Bentong kualalmpur- raped a 17-year-old girl.

Rabidin the April 29, 2011, between 12.30am and 1.30am Ketari behind a house at the edge of a river, an eight-year-old girl, Bentong was accused of rape.

Two other charges on October 12, 2011 1AM and between 2.30am Ketari, Bentong a house and sodomizing a 16-year-old girl were raped.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Atiqah Liyana Shahrir charges of RM20,000 bail for each offer. Rabidin he agreed with the offer told the court.

Murtazadi Amran judge on bail of RM15,000 for the four charges Rabidin pleaded guilty to a reduced but was refused bail.

He then referred to the January 31, 2013 set.


Birds and fish Fiji currency to replace the queen

A Autonomous Republic - - still picture will use its former coloniser of freedom after so many years, why a nation, I wonder.

Read for yourself:

The new Queen of Fiji $ 10 and $ 10 a chronic feature (bottom).

Pacific island state of Fiji replace it with local plants and animals, bank notes and coins on Wednesday unveiled a new range image of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II dropped.

Fiji President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau and the new currency became independent in 1970 after a military coup in 1987, declared a republic in the former British colony, is a milestone.

Coins flying foxes, parrots and the polymer banknotes offer banded iguana photos, rare kulawai lorikeet, Beli tagimoucia fish and flowers are included.


Woman caught with cocain in breast implants!

The following story you next time you see a woman with large breasts can change their way of thinking. No wonder many of his 'expanded' want to.

Spanish police released a photo of a Barcelona airport after a flight from Colombia stopped breast implants removed two bags filled with cocaine shows.

Barcelona airport and arrested a woman with implants cocaine

Spanish authorities breast implants 1.38 kilograms of cocaine hidden in arriving at Barcelona airport have arrested a woman says Panama.

Interior Ministry and border police bloody gauze fresh scars on his chest beneath his skin as well, he felt lighter patches.

She recently had breast implant surgery. The police were suspicious and implants removed and sent to a local hospital where he was found to contain cocaine.

Women Bogota, Colombia arrived in Spain.

European authorities to combat drug trafficking routine checks of passengers arriving from Latin America to submit hard.


Crocodile shows in Hong Kong's busy city

Fancy yourself getting a pet snake? Then in the urban jungle of Hong Kong crocodile adopt abandoned.

Here, it is a true story:

A live alligator in a garbage site of Hong Kong, a densely populated urban forest in Croc brand is the scene for the second time in nine years that I have been found dumped in a fish tank.

Media reports Monday 1.2 meters (four feet), five kilograms (11 pounds) Croc brand found it very difficult to handle by a pet owner was thought to have been dumped. The Standard newspaper, appeared unharmed and the animal care center was going.

Pet shop owners lack the space of seven million residents in the Chinese city to have a pet alligator as a pet reptiles like snakes or lizards, it is extremely rare to keep.

"People keep a crocodile before it is amusing to think," reptile pet shop owner told Dio Chan Standard.

Migraine symptoms and stages

General symptoms of a migraine attack 4 stages. Maybe you expect it and it can help you to cope better know who is good to know that:

Step 1: Preheadache, or prodrome

Preheadache migraine headache pain symptoms often begin hours or days before. These symptoms include the following:
Fatigue or other changes in behavior
Mood changes
Food cravings
Gastrointestinal problems
Sensitivity to light or sound

Step 2: migraine aura

Brightness usually headache phase (phase 3) begins with the first 20 to 60 minutes and usually fades before the start of the headache. Watching her suffer like visual symptoms may experience:
Flashing lights
Zigzag lines
Spaces in their eyes

Stage 3: Migraine headaches

This phase (called phonophobia) to sound the tone light, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity may be accompanied by pain (also called photophobia), and sensitivity is required.
As long as pain for several days can last anywhere from several hours
The pain may be on one or both sides of the head

Stage 4: Postheadache, or Postdrome

Headache following period. Some patients experienced 1 or more of the following symptoms may occur.
Head pain
Cognitive mental problems
Hungover / hangover feeling
Gastrointestinal symptoms

To reduce the impact of attacks you can learn more about how and what.

12-12-12 What? This is only a number!

I think people should have a good history which today to register their marriage on 12-12-2012 are lining heard on the radio. I also call DJ and audience share their special encounter today heard asking.

They number only once in 100 years will repeat itself.

But what's in a number? That's sake, is just a number. It does not control your destiny. You alone are the creator of your destiny are shaped.

So, stop standing in line at the National Registration Department, and come back tomorrow. LOL