
Monday 29 June 2015

NASA has a bad image of Mount Everest in India!

So, next time you make a mistake in the description, do not fret. Even NASA stupid mistake

And, it is not about outer space, just about anything on the ground level is known. With all the technology that we have, we still 'easy' to make mistakes. Or the 'crazy' to say? LOL

The US space agency NASA reported as error, not Mount Everest - This image shows the North India in the Karakoram range. Credit: Yuri Malenchenko / Russian Federal Space Agency

But the world's highest mountain, the US space agency NASA has admitted to the Mount Everest straddles the border of Nepal and China, for a summit in India should not be difficult to understand.

Agency International Space Station Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko image, 370 kilometers above the Earth, showed Everest lightly dusted with snow on its website said.

Photo spread quickly through Twitter and the US-based Atlantic magazine, the website Astronomers around the world including the US cable news channel MSNBC was raised by the media.

"Sorry guys, that's not Everest"

I smelt a rat and Nepali media have expressed their doubts. "Sorry guys, but the peak of Mount Everest is tall shade in between.": Journalist Kunda Dixit, an authority on the Himalayas, photos

NASA has made a mistake and that it had removed the image from the site confirmed on Thursday.

"It's not Everest. The Kashmir region of India in the Karakoram range Saser Muztagh, is," a spokesman admitted in an email to AFP.

"View looks northeastward mid-afternoon light."

The picture from the space station, the US, Russia, Japan, Canada and Europe, a joint venture, was incorrectly identified did not specify how.


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