
Friday 28 November 2014

Figure 5: Rain posing with fans during his visit to KL?

Visits superstar of South Korea, Jung Ji Hoon or Rain in the capital seems to have found a warm welcome by his fans here.

While I had the opportunity to meet with popular celebrities in the world famous shopping center, Pavilion recently but all sorts of stories that have heard about himself.
Local celebrities were present at the ceremony was Awal Ashaari and wife as well as many others in the festive ceremony.

What is disappointing when the actor was said to behave diva so willing to forget the fans who are willing to wait a long time just to express his appearance in a fashion show recently.
But whoa. Before it is also rumored that actor drama My Lovely Girl has set aside the request of a fan who happened to catch the same flight with him from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur.
Initially did not want to think badly with stories like that because of the prevailing attitude is absolutely normal for any celebrity popular international standard. When it's one of ordinary popular.

H0T: Gara-gara pictures of topless Fizo and roses in criticism fan?

The popular actress and advocate fan criticism because of one picture Selfie self and wife who uploaded it on social sites.

The figure shows a naked Fizo rose while his wife took pictures when Fizo are conducting exercises to test his health with captions.
Fizo Omar ~
Medical check up .. Dah lame xbuat ni ne thing ..
Ordinary la when age is now 3 series dah ni la check here kot2 yg ade part2 xbrape nak ok.
Problem was one hal.bila eat food xigt dunia..bila ade disease bru nak pat forehead ..
ni ok.sihat HRI Alhmdllh result in good.
Just a slight decrease in stamina dah dah ..
So u tu not all fun here keep busy working je.kesihatan n skali scale here breakouts check n 'service' 'engine' tu. ..

Normal is what fans uploaded by a celebrity was there that they are not satisfied sorts of opinions and insults arise, they said lah-yer reportedly advised his celebrity is.

But their nature is to criticize or mock celebrity mengata involved in this dah tak kira kira nice and humiliate an individual, notwithstanding the opinion of their own. 

Celebrities and Relatives: Noktah melancholy love story Mazwin Hamzah @ Mazuin

The woman in this picture is Mazwin Hamzah former wife of His Royal Highness Treasurer Seri Maharaja Permaisura Pg Muda Haji Sufri Bolkiah Ibni Al-late Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien better known in Malaysia as Sufri.

Mazwin little love story and Pg Muda Haji Sufri.

Their first meeting in Vila Love Bersemi (Sufri residence in Jalan Ampang,  Kuala Lumpur) gave him the chance to be equally contradictory  points.

However, it is not a formal meeting by  Mazuin but on the contrary,  the group of Malaysian artists  who participated in Bloom bouquet invited to mingle with Sufri before the delegation  was invited  to Bandar Seri Begawan  to celebrate  the king after  his birth anniversary event  at  the end of July  1987.

Malaysia artist troupe get services  quite  impressive and he was  certainly get  attention Sufri  that ensure the response and  service  to the five-star.
Before he and his entourage of artists return  to  Malaysia, Sufri ventured to  hold a meeting with  Mazuin who  accompanied his mother, Maimon.

The office space Istana Nurul Iman, Sufri has  voiced his intention  to propose  Mazuin. According to a report issued  in the  magazine URTV, Sufri first  asked whether he  has the option  hearts before hand.

Stunned by the question by Sufri, Mazuin  shook his head.  Maimon who faithfully accompanied  her son was also asked by Sufri about
willingness to accept its presence as  law.

Maimon is happy to let the decision was made ​​by Mazuin  own as I feel,  at the age of 23 years is better if  Mazuin  alone which determines the future.

Once a consensus  is reached, the hose week  after the meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan,  Sufri  fly to Kuala Lumpur with his private jet  to apply  Mazuin.

Mazwin Hamzah married Sufri on 11.12.1987 at the age of 23 years and then split after 17 years together.

Another really face Maziun Hamzah now. This image was taken during Mazwin Powdery Hamzah attended the investiture ceremony held at the Royal Wedding Hall Singahsana Indera Buana, Istana Nurul Iman two years ago.

His Royal Highness Prince Haji Sufri married Bini Hajah Faizah Bt Pg Dato 'Haji Nasir in 1999 until now, Hajjah Faziah aunt celebrity starlets Alphard.

It is the story of  Mizun Hamzah who is one of  eight celebrity life story and relatives between two degrees  later admin tries story of celebrity life story of the others in the next entry.

Figure Jejai Edward Baring upper leg while bermanja

Oh nice to see couples who are married there is always something romantic and sweet that can be made as a couple.

Celebrities such as Sarah Vaughan and her husband jelitaFasha, Rizal Ashram, better known as Jejai which can sleep lie in the lap of Edward while flanked their eldest son, Prince Rayfal.

It is true that Edward was still in confinement, but the case is not directly prevent the couple to maintain harmony in their household.

Wait two days girlfriend arrived at KLIA

So terrible if've fallen in love, even long-distance love, when to meet constantly in wait.

This is what has happened to a guy named  Sean Lee, 31, d ua times he had to KLIA  waiting for his girlfriend from the Philippines who is known online

Unfortunately, despite having to pay high ticket prices, girl dreams she failed to appear at the second - twice.

Lee met the woman known as Miss Vincess Sales via the website  'online dating'.

According to the Chairman of the Department of Public Service and Complaints China, Michael Chong, the woman had to convince Lee that his family was very poor and not able to get a job for life.

It is understood that Lee then gave the money of RM11,789 (S $ 4,580) to Ms. Vincess to help his girlfriend.

She also bought tickets for Vincess to Malaysia on August 15 and November 22 respectively.

But on both days, Lee spent time with the presence Vincess waiting at the airport KLIA.

The women did not show up until now.

According to Chong, "Only after I showed him my number of complaints received, Lee realized he had been deceived.

Celebrities and relatives: children's faces Julia Rais and Tengku Mahkota

Have not heard Ms Julia Rais wife of Tengku Mahkota Pahang, so admin also dabble search on google but failed to see the latest pictures of her in the media.

Stumbled across it pictures of her children live with sharing the results of Tengku Mahkota, this picture was in 2011 already three years passed.

In the picture 3 daughter Julia Rais perkogsian his life with his Tengku Mahkota all women.

But children are very cute couple as her mother, they have now become one enters their lives large family.

Julia Rais is one of  eight celebrity life story and relatives between two degrees  later admin tries story of celebrity life story of the others in the next entry.

Aid: Hand slave trapped in the gap motorcycle rim father

Butterworth: A boy had to bear the pain for nearly 15 minutes after being stuck in the gap left hand motorcycle tire rim in Jalan Raja Uda Dedap Park here, this morning.

In the scene at 7:50 am, the victim Lim Han, 10, had to be rushed to a private hospital after his left hand and finger injuries.

Fire and rescue spokesman said, when the victim pillion riding jacket he wore his father before being stuck in between the rim.

"Women who wear fall winter quite large and makes it stuck in between the rim concerned.

"As a result he also fell and his hand caught in the gap rim," he said.

Hopper admits mistakes, resigned in divorce divorce three

On Oct. 27, the brother of Dato 'Siti Nurhaliza of Hedda Hopper legally divorced her husband, Saiful Anuar Ahmad Shafie after four years of marriage.

More surprising Hopper was divorced with three divorces in Kuantan Syariah Subordinate Court and khabarnya dissociation occurs on their wedding anniversary.

"Thank God, I'm still kind of normal life. My focus now is to children and growing business. After what happened, there was no pressure caused by the family in her hand and never stopped supporting me.

"Currently, children are under the care of her ex-husband and of course we took turns taking care of them. This is because sometimes I'm busy with work, so ex-husband took over care of them," says Hopper is now busy with business attire, City4u.

Asked about the cause of this part, silent Saerah take steps to avoid any speculation in addition to want to keep the hearts of many.

"For me it is not even applicable to divorce stems from the huge problem but this is the provision of God. Everyone does not want such things to happen, but when it happened I just think positive only.

"In terms of issues, each has its errors and shortcomings but I do not want to point fingers and blame anybody. Because I do not want this to be an issue," she said Hopper.

Do not forget to get the latest Media Entertainment, issue 22 to 28 November to learn more Saerah life after becoming a single mother.

Info: The new name 8 Main Street in Kuala Lumpur

8 Name the major highways around Kuala Lumpur, which is already known to have been given a new name by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).

In a press statement signed by the Manager of Corporate Planning of City Hall, Dr. Ismail Tapa, action renaming streets involved is named after kings who had instated as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

He added that the new names that will be in use today, 26 November.

H0T: Cambridge University Students join the prettiest buttocks contest (5 Photos)

Cambridge: A contest was held at the beautiful buttocks  University of Cambridge organized by the university studied the association has attracted the participation of many of the students.

This strange contest was held for the third time and this time 12 students have successfully entered the final round which involves six boys and six female students.

Those who participated in this competition consists of various departments and sported a "pose" an interesting position their backs to the vote as the most beautiful buttocks.

The pictures they later had disiarkn in the university's web in value and voted on by other students.

In much the picture is a picture which has attracted the attention of a student being 'pose' manghadap bull smoked but although he did not win.

The final result of this match was eventually won by a student who has sported the hairstyle nude actress Kim Kandarshian as in a table in controversy recently.

Although there are a handful of well received by many students feel that this is one game that will knock reputation renowned universities such as what made this more towards showing 'ignorance' students in situ.

Third  University of Cambridge  , however, refused to comment on the event when contacted by journalists from the country.

Video: Women conteng luxury car lover for cheating

Barranquilla : A woman sparked an Internet sensation after she scribble luxury car owned by her boyfriend cheating with another woman.

The woman, Maria Alejandra Samaniego, 25, was furious after he found her boyfriend, Nabil Muniz Quintanilla, 27, was having sex with another woman at their home in this city.

Samaniego angry with her boyfriend's attitude then scribble Mercedes-Benz owned Quintanilla with various words of contempt.
Since uploaded on the internet, the video was viewed more than 100,000 times and got a mixed reaction from users on social networking sites.

A friend Samaniego has recorded video and images scribble car the woman was her boyfriend before uploading those images on the internet recently.
"That is one great way to teach men who cheat," said one user.

Participants posed Ala Fizo use dirty tactics Mawar want to win RM 30,000

Fizo actor Omar describes the addition of several conditions for searching the winner of the competition posed Ala Roses Fizo which lasted from two months ago as a step to be fair to all participants. Fizo Hafizol real name is Wan Wan Omar, 29, said the matter was conducted after identifying a participant using dirty tactics to win the game with the easy way. "Originally we did for this contest are relaxed and do not expect to receive thousands of entries, so we had to make certain requirements in order to add the selected winner is really worth it. " We can know there using dirty and unhealthy way when they set their facebook accounts like your auto is getting like the picture automatically. It is not fair to other players who participate, "said Fizo when contacted here today. Fizo said this when asked to comment on a few people who are not satisfied with the changes and additions to the conditions prescribed for the winner.

Changes in conditions which are updated via facebook page Fareeda on Tuesday.

Comments from participants who are not satisfied with the action of the Fareeda which often make changes in requirements.

Some participants also considered a competition organized by the famous brand scarves Fareeda was unprofessional.

In the meantime, Fizo said the contest was originally calculated by the number like most accepted for posed pictures Ala Roses Fizo.

Obviously, the winner will be chosen from 25 finalists at the closing ceremony which will be held in the boutique Fareeda in Bangi, 30 November.

"Originally it was calculated based on the number of images like the most, but we added some further conditions shortlist of 25 players will be tested again in a ceremony held at Fareeda boutique in Section 9, Bangi on Sunday.

"They need to study about my background, roses and Fareeda. I am sure that the selected winner will be really worth because they will be judged by some local celebrities," he said.

Meanwhile, Fizo recognize touched by the participants who are willing to give the best action to win the contest.

He said, some are willing to ask permission to take photos in front of his house because of the competition.

"I have to be fair because there are players who really tried to give her the best. There is willing to find a horse, posing with the leaning tower of Teluk Intan merely imitate my style at the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.

"There is also a security guard asked for permission to take photos front of my house," he said.

In the meantime, according to Fizo, three winners will carry a cash prize of RM30,000 and Fareeda lid.