
Friday 28 November 2014

Wait two days girlfriend arrived at KLIA

So terrible if've fallen in love, even long-distance love, when to meet constantly in wait.

This is what has happened to a guy named  Sean Lee, 31, d ua times he had to KLIA  waiting for his girlfriend from the Philippines who is known online

Unfortunately, despite having to pay high ticket prices, girl dreams she failed to appear at the second - twice.

Lee met the woman known as Miss Vincess Sales via the website  'online dating'.

According to the Chairman of the Department of Public Service and Complaints China, Michael Chong, the woman had to convince Lee that his family was very poor and not able to get a job for life.

It is understood that Lee then gave the money of RM11,789 (S $ 4,580) to Ms. Vincess to help his girlfriend.

She also bought tickets for Vincess to Malaysia on August 15 and November 22 respectively.

But on both days, Lee spent time with the presence Vincess waiting at the airport KLIA.

The women did not show up until now.

According to Chong, "Only after I showed him my number of complaints received, Lee realized he had been deceived.

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