
Monday 22 February 2016

Some Religious Groups Say GM Seeds are Immoral

There is nothing immoral about Monsanto's Terminator GM seeds, it seems to solve many problems. It does not hurt farmers in rural areas, they can still save some of their seeds, they can simply buy seeds that someone else makes or pay more for Monsanto's non-terminating regular seeds. It actually opens the door to small entrepreneurs and co-ops and the organic farmers if the consumers choose otherwise.

Small poor regions of the Globe may wish to save their seeds, nothing is stopping them from saving those seeds. This may very well be an incredible bonus for them and spur on a new seed business on top of their crop business. If they say their seeds are not worth saving, then do not save them. But if they are wanting to feed more people for less using the R and D efforts of Monsanto then pay for it. If they do not wish to pay for them then they can save their own, if they cannot meet the increasing hunger demands in some of these third world countries then STOP reproducing humans so fast. Or use GM Seeds and crops.

The world without GM Crops probably cannot be maintained more than two more decades and why start from behind in crisis, Monsanto has solved those problems now, done deal. These seeds use less water which is going to be a huge world wide issue in the next 25 years where over 5 Billion humans will be without the water resources they need.

The World Bank is looking ahead to try to curb this issue but the populations are rising and the droughts are shrinking supplies. Lets think this through before we condemn the free market efforts of Monsanto research in their quest to make a profit and feed the world shall we? Think about it, we are.

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West Nile Virus and Mosquitoes

You get West Nile Virus by being bitten by a little bug, one you hate, called a Mosquito. I personally would not mind deleting mosquitoes from the Earth, however this would be very difficult to do. We have a problem today because the hot weather expands the atmosphere and these little bugs and other insects can hitch a ride on the Jet Stream and fly high all the way across the ocean? Is it Global Warming, hard to say, perhaps a normal Earth warming cycle climate change. After all it was a hell of a problem from what archeologists have found in the old Chinese writings of pre-2700 B.C. in that area of the world.

Safe to say however these types of things will occur in greater frequency when temperatures are hotter during solar flares, space storms, El Nino years and of course Global Warming. However, no matter what you feel about global warming it beats the freeze out of global cooling. The most screwed up deal of West Nile Virus is certain mosquitoes hibernate and the damn virus can last within its hibernated host until Spring and go get more victims then. Great? Well such is life on Earth and probably Mars and other places, where we will find frozen species operating at the poles.

If you just love these little bugs raise your hands. Ah no one, so should we kill them all? We can't we. Should we reduce them? Probably, but if it hurts the bats, it will piss off the bats, who are our friends and help our farmers eat the bugs so they can use less pesticides, which is preferable to our food supply, cost to farmer and the environment as the pesticides run off into creeks, lakes and rivers and then to the ocean. Got Blood? That is what they are looking for and as they take your blood they leave that tiny little virus inside you which multiplies and causes havoc. Each year we are getting more and more West Nile Virus cases. The Middle Easterners have been dealing with it for as long as we can find written recorded history of their endeavors. For us in the United States it is a new problem but a serious one. So pay attention and learn how you might better reduce your risk of getting West Nile Virus.

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