
Wednesday 10 December 2014

Prayer Syazreen right now battling lives due to rat urine

Seremban: Players national sepak takraw, Mohd Syazreen Qamar Salehan, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar (HTJ) here, after a reliable virus yesterday.

Players wedge left it at first fever last Thursday when training at the National Sports Council (NSC) in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.

His father, Salehan Rashid, 51, said Mohd Syazreen, 21, complained of fever when undergoing training at MSN sepak takraw and seek treatment center before being given clearance to return home in Taman Desa Wira Seremban, near here.

He said his son came home on his motorcycle from Bukit Jalil headed to her grandmother's house in Labu, near here.

"However, on the way to Labu, he was involved in a traffic accident when his motorcycle crashed in the area KLIA Quarters value but only suffered minor injuries.

"He then sought treatment at a private clinic in KLIA Quarters value but the fever did not recover and last Friday, he returned to Seremban before getting further treatment at a private clinic in Taman Lavender Height, Ns.

"Seeing the situation, I brought him down to HTJ Saturday morning and held in Ward 5B, the hospital," he said when met at HTJ, yesterday.

Salehan said that the second child of four siblings, however, worsened when admitted to the ICU at 4 pm today.

He said he was not sure his son was suffering from the disease despite initially telling the HTJ associated with dengue fever.

"I do not think his medical condition worsened as initially thought Mohd Syazreen ordinary fever," he said.

Also visit Mohd Syazreen, today is the Director of the State Sports Council Negeri Sembilan (MSNNS) Fouzee Abd Aziz and President of the Alumni Club Players Sepak Takraw Malaysia (KAPSTM) Rommi Suhendra Orsal.

Mohd Syazreen Qamar between players who represent the country at the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea last October and the latest action in the Super Series Championship International Sepak Takraw Federation (astaf) 2014 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, last November.

The latest face criticism Pian Cecupak so fans

Through entertainment media facebook has posted a recent photo Pian CecTo strenghten the surprise of the fans entertainment.

Pian face barely recognizable by wearing a pair of clothes ala-ala The pink bride with her handsome male partner was surprisingly crowded party.

Pian normal is always in the bud before this controversy seems to have injections in her face and various others including the acceptance of Future Primary Datuk title.

What is certain pictures Pian these outfits are victims of criticism and condemnation fans on average between them surprised with what Pian created.

But the truth is not in this picture we certainly may kah Pian plays as in the picture we certainly do not belong.

Activists in action blasts a giant anaconda snake swallowed

Peru: Millions of viewers in the United States (US) who watch the action an environmental activist, Paul rosolina swallowed alive by a giant anaconda snake disappointed after the action was not valid.

Rosolina past few weeks promoting the action will be swallowed alive by a giant python anaconda published in Eaten Alive program on Discovery Channel in the US on Saturday night.

In m program, rosolina wearing a special protective clothing let himself be swallowed alive by a giant python female anaconda during six meters in an Amazon jungle in Peru.

However, rosolina just let himself entangled by python anaconda concerned before canceling the action because it feared for her safety.

"Although I was wearing protective clothing but it twisted my python with a very strong and I had to ask for help because my breathing is difficult," he said.

Cancellation action has caused many viewers use social media to criticize the program, which is regarded as cheating and they just want to get people's attention.

Celebrities and Relatives: 6 Last Manohara which creates a

Methinks you are familiar with Manohara Odelia Pinot, which has been accused of defaulting / nusyuz around in 2010 at her ex-husband, Tengku Temenggong Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Sultan Ismail Petra.

Since then, she involves herself back into acting and modeling in her native country of Indonesia.

The latest pictures Manohara party was spread on the Internet, he does not seem to realize what dilakuher and her pictures are being taken.

Manohara appearance has changed a lot now he looks so sexy and beautiful with attractive body shape is appropriate with his self as a modeling and acting.

Malaysia face a suicide bomber killed in Syria

Kuala Lumpur: Police have revealed the identity of the suicide bomber who killed two of Malaysia in Syria, which is associated with the militant group Islamic State (IS).

Members of the militant, identified as Ahmad Affandi Abdull Manaff, 27, is believed to have been driving a truck laden with explosives into a military camp in Homs, Syria, killing about 50 soldiers of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.
Sources revealed that Ahmad Affandi, who is single, has gone to Syria on April 23 to join a terrorist group IS.

Believed that the suicide bomber, also known as Abu Zakaria, derived from Mersing, Johor, and has SPM.

Principal Assistant Director of Counter Terrorism, Special Branch Bukit Aman Datuk Ayub Khan confirmed the death of Ahmad concluded.

"Based on intelligence gathering, we confirmed that he died in the attack.

"We believe he did the same attack there on November 8th or 9th of November," he said when contacted on Monday.

Previously reported that Ahmad Tarmimi Maliki, 26, was given the dubious honor as the first suicide bombers from Malaysia associated with IS.

He is said to have been detonated 25 elite Iraqi troops in Iraq SWAT headquarters in al-Anbar province on 26 May.

The report states that Ahmad Tarmimi, who received militant training in Port Dickson at the end of last year, driving a military SUV filled with several tons of explosives into the headquarters of SWAT and blew himself up.

Bombardment preceded the attack on the mother to officials by the IS command. So now, six Malaysian militants have died fighting in Syria and Iraq.

Anuar Zain performances interrupted because fans want selfie

The famous singer Anuar Zain had to comply with the requirements of the fans and had to postpone the moment singing performance at the Dinner IJN PHC.

When Maher is being entertaining an audience, in front of the stage was mobbed by fans who wanted to take pictures. It caused the audience want berselfie with him.

Thus he is pleased to have been offered to attendees, those who wish to berselfie with Anuar please show up to the stage.

Then ran-ran Maher fans stormed onto the stage to not miss it. Such attitudes are so friendly with Maher and his supporters among one way to repay them Maher.

Performances took almost 2 hours, Anuar was singing his popular songs like Eternal Love, Teach Me and When the Restless.

The ceremony, attended by the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad and his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah only smile when he saw Anuar antics with his fans.

Among those present were fellow artists Jaclyn Victor, Misha Omar and Akon Nor is often teased as emcee jokes Anuar with stitches.

Themed 'tune I've managed to collect more than $ 800,000 of funds that will be donated to the PHC Support Group through its 32 corporate bodies across the country.

Received not only help defray the cost of treatment of cardiac patients who require assistance even from the emotional, psychological and pendidikan.