
Wednesday 10 December 2014

Anuar Zain performances interrupted because fans want selfie

The famous singer Anuar Zain had to comply with the requirements of the fans and had to postpone the moment singing performance at the Dinner IJN PHC.

When Maher is being entertaining an audience, in front of the stage was mobbed by fans who wanted to take pictures. It caused the audience want berselfie with him.

Thus he is pleased to have been offered to attendees, those who wish to berselfie with Anuar please show up to the stage.

Then ran-ran Maher fans stormed onto the stage to not miss it. Such attitudes are so friendly with Maher and his supporters among one way to repay them Maher.

Performances took almost 2 hours, Anuar was singing his popular songs like Eternal Love, Teach Me and When the Restless.

The ceremony, attended by the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad and his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah only smile when he saw Anuar antics with his fans.

Among those present were fellow artists Jaclyn Victor, Misha Omar and Akon Nor is often teased as emcee jokes Anuar with stitches.

Themed 'tune I've managed to collect more than $ 800,000 of funds that will be donated to the PHC Support Group through its 32 corporate bodies across the country.

Received not only help defray the cost of treatment of cardiac patients who require assistance even from the emotional, psychological and pendidikan.

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