
Friday 3 April 2015

Ramona Zamzam married May 1 instead of May 15

KUALA LUMPUR: Childhood actress Ramona Zamzam real name, Ros Ramona Qadir Mohd Zamzam personally admit more interested in foreign men than men Malay. Who would have thought propensity or choice he would eventually become a reality.

The fourth place winner Goddess of Youth league matches Neelofa, Zara Aisha and Anzali it is getting married on May 1 with a bachelor of Palestinians living in Malaysia, Rami Lashkar.

Some reports previously mentioned date of May 15 will witness the union of hearts with Rami lump sum equal marriage ceremony date with Lana Odin and Mohd Daud McKienzie.

Currently, the wedding ceremony is planned to be held in the Federal Territory Mosque. By Ramona is likely to change the location of the wedding because there has been no confirmation yet so far. Follow comments Ramona to BH Online.

"Yes, I will marry on May 1, on the day the Labor Day holiday. Obviously I do not date married overlaps with Lana marriage ceremony. So no problem there," said Ramona explains the confusion about the date of her marriage.

According to Ramona, did not originally planning the engagement ceremony and just want to keep a marriage. However, as agreed with the request of the family, the engagement ceremony will be held a few hours before the wedding contract.

"Include airless gonna do many occasions. I want a marriage ceremony only because he wanted to legalize our relationship. That was enough. But you know, I was born and the family, ..mama want to invent engagement ceremony as well. So I agreed," he said, ability to speak Mandarin as schooling from kindergarten to middle school in China.

Add Ramona again, he and Rami decided to phase marriage over the past year. Ironically, the name Ramona often implicated in a controversy that is labeled as a usurper. He said there were also partying feet, lesbian, chestnut diva and alternating switch boyfriend.

Several years ago, his name has been linked to the victim when her lover deprived of another actor. The actress is now happily married. Even Ramona also become victims of controversy until he was accused of meeting with the actor Amar Darman and Dazrin.

When rumors arose that, Ramona could only laugh because she was already in love with Rami past three years.

"Based on past experience, it taught me not to be too revealing or share personal stories. I hide a love story for a reason and deliberately so. Before, when I declare lovemaking, more lay people. It is used by the former first love and I regularly share in social networking sites, more criticism and criticism I received.

"There are cynics began to say, ..tak long breathed love, meet new ones and not to marry at all. It became like a prayer. So I've decided that this would happen, I should keep it private side (referring to his love for Rami). As long as no no binding legal, as long as I was not going to reveal, "he said.

Ramona story again, there is also a relationship with Rami media partners who smelled it but it was not hyped. Over the past year, he has uploaded images in both personal Facebook page and not on Instagram page as before.

In the meantime, said Ramona does not arise insistence on marrying the family otherwise agreed upon by him and love hearts.

Confronted the question of why he chose not Malay boy, Ramona explains bad experiences in love with a Malay man to make him a vengeance.

"As I said of course I prefer small foreign man. But I never close my heart to make love with a Malay man. I tried but got way too. Just unexpected regimen, I met with Rami excellent character.

"I'm happy and I like to think long again. To be honest he best man I've ever been solved. He's the most fun life and not for the problem. Many of the reasons I chose him and I am grateful for all of this," said Ramona, who took up the arts since the age of 14 years with starring Castello but due to a focus on learning Administration Diploma and he chose not to make art as a full-time then.

About Rami, Ramona described the man was simply perfect in his eyes.

"Our relationship is one of the most got to give me problems. We want to fight and earned him know how to handle me. I was kind of stubborn but he is cool and can understand personality.

"If I was hot, she cools me. From then, I realized, he was the candidate the ideal husband. If the other guys but perhaps we've quarreled with him otherwise. He can persuade me to my heart so soft," he said.

About dreams, Ramona is not too long for the extravaganza.

"Just do it quick and meaningful. If possible, I want a classic English style. But look at the situation. For now the marriage ceremony, I wanted to wear traditional clothes. I wanted to wear modern dress and she wore the Malays," he said.


* Derived from Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang and raised in Ipoh.

* Born on June 25, 1990

* The eldest of two sisters. His sister was studying in grade five.

* Also active as a commercial model

The iPad: 5 years of innovation

The very first iPad went on sale on April 3, 2010 in the US.

SAN FRANCISCO: April 3 will mark the five-year anniversary of the very first iPad's release in the US. Since then, we've seen the launch of 9 different tablets, 9.7 and 7.9 inches in size. The release of a tenth model is imminent.

-iPad (released in April 2010): on January 27, 2010, Steve Jobs presented the very first Apple touchscreen tablet device, a new revolution three years after the iPhone. In a 9.7 inch format (1024x768 pixels), it uses iOS and grants access to thousands of dedicated apps. It came out in the United States on April 3, 2010 before gradually conquering the rest of the world in both its wifi and wifi/3g versions.

-iPad2 (March 2011): the second iPad, much thinner and lighter than the first, distinguished itself with the addition of cameras on the front and back of the tablet, along with a model in white.

- The New iPad (March 2012): this next incarnation is marked by the arrival of the Retina display (2048x1536 pixels) but also by the integration of Siri, Apple's voice-activated assistant that debuted with the iPhone 4S. It was also the first 4G/LTE compatible iPad.

- 4th generation iPad (November 2012): besides a faster processor, a better frontal camera and a new connecting cable (Lightning), this tablet didn't present any new major improvements.

- iPad mini (November 2012): this 7.9 inch (1024x768 pixels) version of the iPad allows Apple to sync with Google (Nexus 7) and Amazon (Kindle Fire) at a moment when the small tablet market was in the spotlight. The iPad mini is also more affordable.

- iPad Air (November 2013): this iPad was much lighter and thinner than any before. Besides that, only its new chip and color (Silver or Space Gray) set it apart from the previous model.

- iPad mini 2 (November 2013): one year after its release, the iPad mini 2 transforms in turn and now it too boasts a Retina Display and A7 chip, the same as in the iPad Air.

- iPad Air 2 (October 2014): Lighter than ever, this iPad is the first to offer the digital fingerprint Touch ID, already present on the latest generation iPhones, and an anti-glare display. The processor and main camera's specs are improved, as is the RAM, now upgraded to 2GB. It's also available in a Gold color.

- iPad mini 3 (October 2014): offered in the same color options as the iPad Air 2, the latest generation iPad mini also boasts Touch ID. Other than that, it uses all the same technology as its predecessor.

- iPad Air Plus? (2015): There are constant rumors of a new 12.2 inch iPad that would complete Apple's range of tablets and directly compete with Microsoft's Surface Pro. Whether or not that size is in the works, the next-generation iPad is expected in 2015.

Triple Chocolate Brownies Most BAD!

Triple Chocolate Brownies is really good because rich chocolate flavor because using three types of chocolate in it.

Brownies ni is the easiest type of cake to do it for reasons we do not need to worry sodden cake, the cake did not want to ride because this type of cake brownies are dense and thick and heavy. Not light and fluffy like a regular cake. Only materials brownies ni quite expensive because if you want to get a taste of delicious chocolate tu to put on quality cocoa or chocolate. Besides tu touched and want to use pure butter taste better placed chocolate chips and nuts, if using.

Besides tu, brownies ni do not need to use a mixer (centrifuges), quite simply use wooden spoons. Tu eggs should not be shown at later, brownies ride kek Kebang very wide and there is no crack kat la shining on top of the brownies. Brownies are becoming pretty hit and no crack shining on it;)

Triple Chocolate Brownies recipe ni is from Anna Olson, but I dah custom Lama ingredients that keep the materials that exist in Malaysia. For example, the content of butter and sugar tu I subtract a lot of chocolate bars because we wear dah much fat and sugar content is dark chocolate though it is but still sweet and tender and the liquid is brown usual kinds of chocolates ... not outside the country. If outside the country they are more bitter dark chocolate, harder and less fat.

Brownies ni did not wear any riser agents, such as baking powder and baking soda.

Triple Chocolate Brownies recipe

Recipes by Anna Olson HERE
(For size reference terms tian 4 8 x 8 inches)

300gm Dark Chocolate (dark brown) - I wear brands beryls - Do not use milk chocolate sweet cause
100 gm butter - I wear brands Anchor
100 gm sugar
3 seeds egg size A
1 tsp vanilla Esen
125 gm of wheat flour
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup white chocolate chips (white chocolate)
1/2 tsp salt
If you like to be added chopped walnuts and almonds into the dough.


Preheat oven temperature of 160C

Cut chocolate bars and butter into small pieces and melt both once with kaedah double-boiler so that the liquid completely. Remove from heat.

Add the sugar, chaotic sebati.

Enter vanilla Esen

Add the eggs grain-by-grain. Every grain of entry, and then enter the grain screwed again. Create so exhausted. Chaotic heartbeat je disposable spoons.

Stir in the flour and salt. Average chaotic but do not over mix.

Enter the chocolate chips. Save a little to sow above

Pour in reference digris and then the base is attached paper (parchment paper). Paper pads for more Lama upwards so happy boy brownies pull of reference.

Loose excess chocolate chips above. May also add walnuts or almonds.

Burn at a temperature of 160C for 35-40 minutes or so prick cake tester comes out clean. Do not cook because later first rather dry and unpleasant. Taxable new Lama moist savory

Brownies ni savory eaten the next day.