
Thursday 3 March 2016

Has the Nobel Prize to Malala Yousafzai Lowered the Esteem of the Nobel Prize

I remember once reading as a child that a flock of sheep follow the shepherd. Similarly the adulations being showered on Mala Yousafzai in the Western press are a sign of this mentality. The entire Western press and media are gushing about the award of the Nobel Prize to Malala. I wonder how a prize can be given to a young girl for just getting shot by the Taliban and a great man like Mahatma Gandhi the apostle of non-violence was conspicuously ignored. Add to this the Nobel peace prize to President Obama and you have a picture of grave inconsistency in the award of the Nobel Prize. I have yet to understand how Obama is eligible for a peace prize after he had effectively tried to destabilize the nations of Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.

Coming to the award of the Nobel peace prize to Malala, I find it another example of the Nobel committee being dictated more by media hype than anything else. I am at a loss to understand what Malala has done or will achieve in future. She talks of peace but what about the oppression of her kin, the other Muslim women. What does she feel about the Sharia? Does she condone the fact that it states that the evidence of 2 women is equal to one man or she has any opinion that a Muslim man can divorce his wife by just uttering the word 'Talaq' 3 times. What has she to say about women not having rights in Muslim countries and many forced to wear the hijab.

Malala herself wears the hijab and is no way a liberated girl. The Nobel committee has greatly erred in this award. There are thousands of girls in Pakistan denied education and many are killed by Taliban. Malala is just lucky she survived, but the award for just getting shot makes a mockery of how the Nobel Prize is awarded.

It must be mentioned that in India the Nobel Prize does not have the same halo it has in the West. I think the same in China also. Many Indians still wonder how Gandhi who was a nominee 3 times (1937, 39 and 48) never was awarded the peace prize and a wisp of a girl is awarded one for doing precious little. A Nobel Prize is an award for life time achievement, but by giving this award the Nobel committee has sent out a horrendous message that there are extraneous conditions in giving this award. I have a lurking feeling the western press and media by overplaying this aspect of Malala have won and the Committee just swallowed the line hook line and sinker. The esteem of the Nobel awards is lowered by giving an award to Malala Yousafzai.

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Prosperity Or Tragedy In Human Society

A school 'Prince' shoots to kill

1. A school 'Prince' shoots in a school cafeteria in the US and kills/injures his friends. There is the usual noise by human rights activists to restrict sale of guns. It will be forgotten by media and public, after some time. The firearms mafia (Industrialists) quote high ideals: democracy, and freedom of choice, to retain status quo and cover up the real goal of enhanced business profits. Invariably the victims, belong to commoners in society. God forbid, if a similar tragedy occurs in a Gun-mafia family, it will change the gun-mafia outlook, towards social obligations. There is prosperity for gun-mafia and avoidable human tragedy for commoners.

2. The onus lies on US society to resolve the paradox. There is a division in US society, on this issue. The commoners want stricter laws for sale of arms, to put a check on such incidents. The gun-mafia opposes it as it would affect the business. Economic muscles play a vital role in the society. The old axiom - Might is right - holds good, even today. The US is a role model society for developing countries, worthy of emulation. God bless US society to live up to third world expectations - US is capable to police the world and is equally effective to police itself.

Trafficker's mafia sends SOS for illegal immigrants

3. The human smuggling between North Africa nations and South European countries is continuing unabated. It is a big business. 200 thousand illegal immigrants succeeded last year, having paid US $2000 per head to traffickers. 3,200 potential illegal immigrants died by drowning in the sea. Traffickers leave the illegal immigrants near Italian coast on small boats and send SOS to coastguards. European nations are not interested in rescuing the drowning immigrants. They are worried about increasing number of successful immigrants. They expect more drownings in coming years. The media and human rights activists will make the usual noise and humanity will continue to suffer the tragedy. The traffickers business will boom.

4. The commoners will continue to suffer. The mafia will continue to prosper. The poor illegal immigrants, from Africa and Asia can spend any amount, and take any risk - travelling in closed containers or small boats - to achieve their goal. The developed countries worry about reducing the number of illegal immigrants. They couldn't careless if there are more drownings of illegal immigrants.

5. A civilised society should be humane. With new technology - GPS, and identification protocols of boats and ships in international waters - we can resolved the issue, if there is a will. Let us find a dignified solution to the problem faced by the poor, who want to immigrate to greener pastures, but suffer due to unscrupulous traffickers mafia.

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Narendra Modi Must Realize a Nation's Standing Depends on Military Power

Narendra Modi is the Prime minister of India and after decades India has a young and fit man to lead India as compared to the earlier leaders, he is just 64. But his comparative youthfulness needs to be channelized properly. He must remember a nation's standing in the world polity of nations rests solely on its military strength and its ability to wage a war far away from home. Unless this dawns on Modi, there is every chance that he will fall into the abyss of Nehruvian concepts and lead India to look like an old and sick tiger.

Modi has to change his priorities. Firstly, to set up his ascendency over the military he must slowly but surely restore the old parity of the military vis-a-vis the civil authority. The order of protocol must be rewritten. A major should again be equated to a Superintendent of Police and all ranks structured so. This will restore morale now reeling down wards. The perks of office, which existed during the days of the Raj must be restored. A simple example is the use of Form D for rail travel. This allows an officer to travel by rail by paying 60% of the fare. Earlier there was no limit on this concession, but now it is limited to just 3 sets in a calendar year.

It is also important to expand the armed forces. Budget constraints cannot be cited to put expansions on a back burner. A strategic appreciation of the capability of China and Pakistan must be the only overriding reason to decide on the force level to fight China and Pakistan.. Never forget that China can throw 30 divisions for combat at a go.

Equipment must be procured for the creation of strike corps to face China. The defensive strategy needs must be replaced by plans to free Tibet in the long run. The Tibetans are looking to India for intervention for over a 100 years and the first man who let them down was Nehru. Despite the home minister wanting an Indian response to China 's invasion of Tibet in 1950, Nehru just watched. The Indian military policy must be pro-active and not reactive. Foreign policy also needs a re-vamp and active support to Balochis and Sind separatists is the need of the hour, not forgetting the Tibetan people who are ready to fight the Chinese. The Indian army has a great record of fighting along with Germany and Japan during World War well as subduing the enemy in China( boxer rebellion) and other places during the 19th and 20th century.

In the same breath I will add, that morale boosting measures like OROP, must be sanctioned at once. Money can never be a constraint if India is to be recognized as a great power. All this cannot be done by Modi alone, but the General staff which has shown no mettle or strength of character must get its act together. We cannot have another case of an Army Chief like General Thapar accepting orders from a Joint Secretary.

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Frustration the Root of All Evil

Rape. It's a heinous crime isn't it? Every morning in the newspapers we see reports like a kid, a young girl, an elderly woman, got raped. Age is no barrier after all, right?

Murder. Another crime which is always surfacing in the pages of the newspaper. Mother strangled daughter to death, son stabs father to death. Blood is always thicker than water, right?

There are many more crimes that I can mention, but we don't have all day. But these crimes are not crimes at all! These are results. Results of all the frustration everyone in this world is living in.

Before anyone starts to raise their voice against me, let me just state that I'm not supporting crimes or criminals, what's wrong is wrong indeed. But I'm just giving my view-point about these crimes.

In today's world everybody is frustrated. From students to the teachers, from the subordinates to the managers, from the children to the parents, everyone is frustrated with how life has become.

Rape is just a result of the frustration of those who are not satisfied physically. It's the frustration of those who don't have self-control. it's the frustration of those who are alone.

Murder is a frustration of those who are not able to deal with someone else's success. It's the frustration of those parents who are not able to deal with the inflation. It's the frustration of those youngsters who are not able to deal with the frustration of not having something that others have.

Basically what I've learnt is that we all are frustrated but we don't see everyone committing such crimes right. Self-control is the virtue that we all have to hope for. In today's world when black is called white, we all have to find crooked ways to get things done but we all need to know that there is a limit not to be crossed. Frustration is the evil behind the crimes. Self-control is the weapon to kill this evil.

You're frustrated, don't beat your wife up, beat up a pillow. You're frustrated, don't kill someone, beat up a pillow. You're frustrated, don't rape someone, beat up a pillow. Yes, beat up a pillow no matter how big or small the frustration is. Take deep breath, it might help. But as long as I know, frustration is something that gives me no patience to take deep breaths! Let negativity go out and your calm and composed self come in. At the end of the day, all you'll have is crushed, torn pillows and not broken, bitter relationships. Crimes are parasites which feed on our frustrations. Let us all have self-control and end the era of crimes and criminals.

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Candi Welan's Flea Market

If you happen to be in the downtown of Palembang, the Capital of South Sumatra Province, Indonesia, on Sunday morning, you will see a big crowd of people walking on the Candi Welan Street which spans from Letkol Iskandar Street up to the Cinde Market on General Soedirman Street. These people walk very slowly because the street is full of people. Some of them have to push the people in front of them if they need to go faster. This has been a regular sight on Sunday morning for years. Both sides of this street are fenced by the street vendors selling both new and second hand goods. Who are these people crowding this narrow street? These people are prospective buyers of the merchandises offered by the vendors on both sides of the street. Various kinds of goods are offered here, from second hand rocking chairs, toys, cell phones, electric fans, clothing, up to traditional herbal medicines. If you are not familiar with a concept of flea market, this will be a good example for you.

Why do people crowd this place every Sunday morning? Everyone has his own reason for coming to this place. This market lasts for 5 to 6 hours on Sunday morning. Many visitors come to this place as a part of their Sunday morning rituals: walking, jogging, and other types of morning exercises. They end their activities by sightseeing or shopping at this flea market. Some people come to this place because they can buy various goods at low prices. The cheap products sold here are not necessarily second hand products. They are cheaper because the vendors are not required to pay taxes for what they sell. Moreover, they do not have to pay for the place for selling their goods. The flea market has been in operation for years, which indicates that there is an economic value of this market. The vendors come again and again because they obtain profit. And the buyers are encouraged to come because they obtain what they need at lower prices.

The flea market at Candi Welan Street on Sunday morning has become a fixed feature of Palembang as a metropolis. For the general public, visiting this flea market has become an alternative recreation on Sunday morning. If you love to be among the crowd who walk slowly from one end to the other end of the street while observing people selling and buying products on both sides of the street, you will love this place. You do not have to carry much money to try to buy products on sale at this place because the products are offered at much lower prices than you can buy at an ordinary brick and mortar store.

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A Tragedy at the End of 2016

There is no situation comparable to the tense feeling which occupies the heart and mind of the living family members and relatives of the passengers of the aircraft AirAsia flight number QZ8501 en route from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore which lost contact with control tower after one and a half hour of flight. The aircraft was declared missing at 7.55 am Sunday Indonesian time. There were 162 passengers on board including 138 adults, 16 children and one baby. In addition, there were two pilots, including a French co-pilot, and five cabin crew on board. The missing plane departed at 5.35 am Indonesian time and was scheduled to arrive at 8.30 am Singaporean time.

The search for the missing aircraft had begun since the day it disappeared. However the search and rescue mission had to be stopped as dusk set in and the darkness prevented the operation from proceeding. The search and rescue mission would be continued the following day early in the morning. The SAR team expected better weather on the following day. As the clock keeps ticking and so do the people's hope for a miracle. This incidence touches the hearth and feeling of people across the globe, especially the people of the countries whose citizens were among the passengers of the missing aircraft and the neighboring countries of Indonesia. The passengers of the aircraft consisted of 149 Indonesian, 3 South Korean, 1 Briton, 1 Singaporean, and 1 Malaysian.

Until the third day of searching, the SAR teams have not found any clue as to where the missing aircraft had fallen. The family and relatives of the passengers and crew members of the missing aircraft who are still waiting at the Crisis Center at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia are still full with tense feelings and sadness while waiting for the news on the result of the search. It seems that we need longer period of time to obtain good news on the result of the search of the missing aircraft. Meanwhile, assistance and offers of assistance have been given to the government of Indonesia from neighboring and allied countries to help in the search. The general public can only pray for the best and show their sympathy for the family members and relatives of the crew members and passengers of the missing aircraft in any way they can. Many people sent their prayers and sympathetic statement for the family members of the passengers and crew of the aircraft via social media such as Facebook and twitter.

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History of the National Road

The National Road was the very first roadway to be funded with federal cash, and the first interstate highway in America. Congress allowed it to be built in 1806 under the presidency of Thomas Jefferson and it was built slowly over time in small sections beginning in Cumberland, MD and ending at Vidalia, IL. It served as the primary road for getting settlers and goods from the eastern section of the country to the west back in the early 1800s and essentially spanned a total of 300 miles that extended of six states: Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

By 1850, railroad travel eventually took over the National Road before and individual states put sections of the road into their control.

Why The Road Was Built And The Question of Funding

Going back to the history of the road, there were two challenges that first had to be overcome before it was capable of being built in the early 1800s. These were the precise location of where the road was to be built and the question of how to fund it.

The first problem was addressed based on the need for better transportation in a newly built country in dire need of it. Many settlers were complaining of the difficulties in transportation between the eastern and western parts of the country. After Revolutionary War veterans were provided with western tracts, the problem was further exacerbated. The nation had to resolve this critical issue with transportation in order to flourish and survive.

The Swiss-American linguist, Albert Gallatin proposed that federal land sales be exempt from taxation but to take a portion of their earnings to build the road. Farmers had no issues with these requests and hardly anyone protested about the building of the new road that would traverse through their properties.

Within a few short years, committee members began to put together the plans for the road and were hoping that it would be built using a very straight line with little deviation. Although Jefferson signed a document that allowed the National Road to run through the capitals of each major state along the route, it wasn't until 1811 that the real work really started.

All kinds of people used the road regularly including traders, settlers and individuals of all social strata. Some people even waited eagerly for the new sections of the road to open up with their horses and wagons. They immediately filled the road upon the slightest announcement of its opening. Many six-horse teams of wagons (kind of like today's modern truckers) also filled the roads allowing local business to become more profitable thanks to their ability to transport goods around the nation.

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When Freedom To Speech Hurts Others!

1. Muslim militant have killed the editor and cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine. What was their fault? They commented upon, and published caricatures of the Islam Prophet. In an ideal society, we are all a homogeneous group - educated, tolerant, and humane. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal society. The underdeveloped/developing nations, with illiterate or semi-literate population are vulnerable to illogical rhetoric of religious clergy. It turns a normal devotee into a fanatic. The fanatics are potential militants. They resent if journalists comment on their religion and rituals adversely. They consider it humiliating and insulting to their religion.

2. The remedy? Let's not laugh at them, their rituals and their culture. Let's not force them to accept our advice and amend their way of life. Religious beliefs and rituals are - more often than not - illogical, and anachronistic, in all religions. There are obsolete rituals in all religions, which are in use since long time - from few hundred years to couple of thousand years. There is always resistance to a change in religious rituals, beliefs, and cultural traditions.

3. Orthodox Hindus in India resent Valentine Day festivities in India. Talibans and ISI resent introduction of any Western education system for Muslim women. It means interference in their religious affairs. They are still clinging to old values and believe that women should stay at home, and do motherly duties. Nigerian militant organisation, Boko Haram considers any attempt by outside agencies to motivate local girls to learn a curriculum, other than Quran reading, as unsolicited interference in their culture and religion. Boko Haram means: 'Western education is forbidden'.

4. Let's not enforce our ideas on fanatics and militants of any religion, even if we are doing all this, in good faith. Then what is the solution?

(a) Onus lies on developed countries and enlightened leaders in developing nations, to explain new vision to the fanatic Muslim or Hindu population - who are all proud of their rich heritage. Hindu or Muslim clergy, will resist, as they will see it as a plot to spread Islam or Christianity, by offering direct or indirect benefits - free or subsidised education and other perks.

(b) There is a need to impose self-censorship by journalists. They should not create humor at the cost of other religions. They must remember the golden rule: 'Don't laugh at others; laugh with others.' Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is against this idea, as it implies a victory for militants.

5. There is vast scope of improvement in social status of women in Hinduism, and Islam in developing countries. There is a need for change. But the urge to change has to come from within. A forcible change will result in violence and militancy. 'Khap Panchayats' in India are enforcing Draconian illegal laws in villages, and are getting away with it.

6. There is a need to discuss religious issues proactively, in the interest of humanity. It is a great opportunity, God has given us. Let's not waste it out by insisting on achieving selfish goals - "my religion, is the best and it must have highest number of followers".

7. May God bless the departed souls of the staff of Charlie Hebdo. But, let us give a thought to imposition of self-censorship, and understand the limitations of fanatics and militants, who lack a balanced view of life. Let's not make fun of the obsolete and irrational rituals, when proponents are observing the rituals and it does not affect others.

8. Let's comment and laugh at our religious beliefs and rituals. Let's laugh with others and not at others.

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