
Thursday 3 March 2016

Has the Nobel Prize to Malala Yousafzai Lowered the Esteem of the Nobel Prize

I remember once reading as a child that a flock of sheep follow the shepherd. Similarly the adulations being showered on Mala Yousafzai in the Western press are a sign of this mentality. The entire Western press and media are gushing about the award of the Nobel Prize to Malala. I wonder how a prize can be given to a young girl for just getting shot by the Taliban and a great man like Mahatma Gandhi the apostle of non-violence was conspicuously ignored. Add to this the Nobel peace prize to President Obama and you have a picture of grave inconsistency in the award of the Nobel Prize. I have yet to understand how Obama is eligible for a peace prize after he had effectively tried to destabilize the nations of Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.

Coming to the award of the Nobel peace prize to Malala, I find it another example of the Nobel committee being dictated more by media hype than anything else. I am at a loss to understand what Malala has done or will achieve in future. She talks of peace but what about the oppression of her kin, the other Muslim women. What does she feel about the Sharia? Does she condone the fact that it states that the evidence of 2 women is equal to one man or she has any opinion that a Muslim man can divorce his wife by just uttering the word 'Talaq' 3 times. What has she to say about women not having rights in Muslim countries and many forced to wear the hijab.

Malala herself wears the hijab and is no way a liberated girl. The Nobel committee has greatly erred in this award. There are thousands of girls in Pakistan denied education and many are killed by Taliban. Malala is just lucky she survived, but the award for just getting shot makes a mockery of how the Nobel Prize is awarded.

It must be mentioned that in India the Nobel Prize does not have the same halo it has in the West. I think the same in China also. Many Indians still wonder how Gandhi who was a nominee 3 times (1937, 39 and 48) never was awarded the peace prize and a wisp of a girl is awarded one for doing precious little. A Nobel Prize is an award for life time achievement, but by giving this award the Nobel committee has sent out a horrendous message that there are extraneous conditions in giving this award. I have a lurking feeling the western press and media by overplaying this aspect of Malala have won and the Committee just swallowed the line hook line and sinker. The esteem of the Nobel awards is lowered by giving an award to Malala Yousafzai.

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