
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Accusations Against Me Tasha Only Publicity Murahan- Kaka Azraff

Tasha Shila charges alleging Kaka Azraff trying to seduce his girlfriend, singer Hans Not It makes me feel aggrieved. Kaka obviously, the statement issued by Tasha to the media without discussion and described it as an action to seek cheap publicity.

I did not think Tasha accuse me of such. I've talked with Hans in a ceremony, but our usual chat.
After that I never again want to mention regarding exchange messages with my lover dia.Bagi Tasha charges against me was extreme and just want to find cheap publicity.

Create Kaka, he was a great persecution against him but he will still be looking at it from a positive perspective and teach her to be careful in choosing a friend later.

Although it was defamatory unacceptable sense, I think it's a positive self-publicity to raise my name.
Furthermore I am now busy promoting the song Not That I am. And, importantly, when these issues arise, it gives a great lesson for me to be careful in choosing friends.

Tasha in a press statement last week revealed Kaka tries to take the opportunity to flirt and meet with her lover Hans when their relationship was in trouble. In fact, Kaka also said to often exchange messages with Hans invited his girlfriend to go out together.

Pilot Cafe Not Aiming Promote Child Symptom Nikah- Affairs Osman Ali

Not to mention playing in theaters, the film has received criticism Pilot Cafe many who claim it will only affect young people to do the wrong things.

Responding to the accusations, director Osman Ali admitted the storyline of the film, which portrays promiscuity until childbearing outside screenshot is not intended to encourage people to get caught up in illicit affair.

The adaptation of the popular novel Ahadiat Akashah work, he told the reality of the life that now is indeed happening in society and the fate of women who are abused after being used men.

Not intended to encourage symptoms of an illegitimate child or other negative things. Rather, it is the view of the prevailing realities of life among our society today left an indelible mark on the fate of many women who used men for the sake of themselves so that the woman was a victim of abuse and pregnant out of wedlock.

However, in this film also displays the outcome and consequences when someone was caught up in the act. For example Fahrin Ahmad character as a man kasanova and run from responsibly. Finally he realized and guilt before trying to redeem strictly he received the law of karma.
It is not easy for him to produce films Pilot Cafe because he did not want to run away from the storyline of the novel.

As a director, Osman has tried to give their best to get the audience can understand the message.

Depending on one's perspective to evaluate his work.

Pilot Cafe Ameer Reza tells the life of a pilot who has the attitude giddy and then repented after he lost a loved one.

Ameer opened a cafe called Cafe Pilot. Fate found with a village girl, Maya and everything starts up
Ameer started to fall in love with Maya.

People do not question the storyline of this movie, but some of them do not agree with some intimate scene in the film Pilot Cafe.

Hafiz Hamidun Disagree Lower Cross Holds Demo

After Wardina Saffiyah voiced his opinion that the sign of the cross at a church in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya were not revealed, celebrity Hafiz Hamidun also appears to have the same view.

Hafiz through its official Facebook page, expressed regret and do not agree with the actions of some people who still insisted on the cross is lowered by making demo. According to him, things like that are never taught in Islam or manners of the community.

Why should march lower the lift banner of the cross? Sorry. Islam does not teach this way too. Sorry, manners Malay people did not like this.

Gets mixed reactions from fans, there are individuals who suggest that Hafiz make the study of hidden motives behind the symbol of the cross, which was in the church where he was one of the

Christian agenda to pervert and proselytize Muslims around the area.

Richter 5.7 earthquake stricken Taiwan

KUALA LUMPUR - moderate earthquake with a magnitude of 5.7 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan at 8:15 tonight.

Malaysian Meteorological Department said in a statement explaining the epicenter was 141 miles southeast of Keelung, Taiwan and 1,993km northeast of Kudat, Sabah.

The quake posed no tsunami threat.

Male corpse wrapped for roadside

Body of a man wrapped in a cloth found in the street by the public, yesterday.

SHAH ALAM - The body of a man wrapped in white cloth found in the street near a lake in Taman Cahaya SPK here, at 7:18 am, yesterday.

Selangor CID chief Datuk Mohd Adnan Abdullah said the body was found the public through that area.

"The initial investigation, the dead man was found fully clothed.

"It was found wrapped in a white cloth and blue and bonded reliable disposed on the edge of the road," he said.

His body was sent to Hospital Tengku Az Klang to establish the identity and cause of the incident.

Protest in Taman Medan is seditious, says Zahid Hamidi

ZAHID: Anyone who touches on religious sensitivity, the Islamic religion especially or any other religion is subjected to the Sedition Act.

KUALA LUMPUR: Action may be taken under the Sedition Act against the residents who protested in front of a church in Taman Medan yesterday, said Home Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said, action would be taken against anyone who touches on religious sensitivity.

“It does not matter... it does not matter who. Anyone who touches on religious sensitivity, the Islamic religion especially or any other religion is subjected to the Sedition Act,” said Zahid in a press conference held today.

“Definitely...definitely, any action will be taken. Yes anyone. I’m 'color blind' (not racist), and so is the police. Action ill be taken on anyone,” he added.

When asked if any disciplinary action will be taken against any Umno members found to be involved in the protest, Zahid said Umno is a party that respected other religions, and the members involved in the protest will have to bear the consequences of their actions.

“Because they have gone against the law and as Umno we respect other religions. They have to face the consequences of their action,” he said.

READ: Taman Medan cross protest not seditious, says IGP

READ: Taman Medan rep says cross sign protest politically motivated

His statement however contradicted with statement given by the Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar where he stated that the protest did not show any element of sedition.

According to Khalid as reported in The Malaysian Insider, the protest was held to protest the location of the church and not the Christian religion itself.

It was reported yesterday that a group of 50 people had gathered to protest the sign of cross outside a shop lot used as a church in Taman Medan.

The group had demanded for the cross to be taken down and argued that the sign influence the minds of the younger residents there.

1990s star Natalie Imbruglia is back with new single

Australian singer and actress Natalie Imbruglia - AFP PHOTO / Anne-Christine Poujoulat

The Australian singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia, who made it big in the late 1990s, is releasing on Monday her first single in six years.

The new single "Instant Crush" is from her upcoming cover album entitled "Male," scheduled for release in July 2015.

Why has the female songstress opted for such a name? Like "Instant Crush", which was first sung by Daft Punk and Julian Casablancas, all of the titles were first recorded by male artists.

Imbruglia told Mashable that she didn't want to touch songs previously sung by other women.

"I found it was more interesting to hear my vocals on songs done by men because it's different right away," she said.

This is not the first time Imbruglia has pursued cover music. Her first international hit single, "Torn" was a cover of the 90s rock band Ednaswap.

Jakim's guidelines will only push Malaysia nearer towards extremism - Koh Chin

The second edition of the guideline was released by Jakim last week after being approved by the 107th National Fatwa Committee Conference recently. - Screengrab Photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Gender segregation at concerts will only push Malaysia nearer towards extremism, said Senator Koh Chin Han.

Koh in a statement today said he regretted the proposal by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) for gender segregation at concerts.

He added that the suggestion was seen as regressive and contradicted the core values of Malaysia as a multi-racial society.

“An individual's constitutional right to entertainment will be negatively impacted by the guidelines, which is unjust and unsuitable.

“Given the multi-cultural practices of our country, interaction among the races will be obstructed during any entertainment event.

“JAKIM's failure to see things from a wider perspective will certainly result in serious impingement into the rights of an individual, which also leads towards a divided Malaysian society along religious and/or gender lines. Such a situation ironically runs against justice which the religion itself calls for,” said the MCA Central Committee Member.

READ: Gender segregation at live shows: "why only now?" - Jennifer Thompson
READ : Jakim guideline can become a human rights issue - Event organiser

“An individual's constitutional right to entertainment will be negatively impacted by the guidelines, which is unjust and unsuitable.

- Senator Koh Chin HanHe said if JAKIM is adamant that the new guidelines must be adhered to, he feared that this will only bring confusion to the entertainment industry.

Earlier, the gender segregation guidelines issued by Jakim serves only as a reference and is not forced on anyone, said its director Datuk Othman Mustapha.

He added the guidelines are to help event organisers package their events according to Syariah requirements.

"We only want to instill the understanding among the people on the types of entertainment accepted in Islam,” he said at a media conference today.

He said Jakim had printed a second edition of the guidelines, an improved version of the one released in 2007 which takes into account the current entertainment world.

Too early for us to make love - Kamal Adli

KUALA LUMPUR: Since the end of last year they have already started spreading the love story supposedly exists between Kamal Adli location and Emma Maembong when they both starred in the drama Love Without Heaven.

String Kamal who have dropped out of love with diamonds Ladyana also been associated in the third person that the cause of the rift Emma and Zizan.

However when it was Kamal described the rumors he became the third person as the most adorable girly gossip closing in 2014.

Only this time many are starting to consider the relationship between Emma and Kamal more than ordinary friends. Pictures of Emma made a surprise birthday Kamal to-29 years recently in the pages seemed evident that strengthen Instagram assumptions they make love.

"We're just friends. Still at the level of friends. With insights and perceptions of people, I do not like being accused of trying to" say "their relationship and the situation" warm ", respectively.

"I never existed Zizan time Emma and love. It's too early for us to seriously phase," said Kamal, who is currently filming Wife For Sale teamed with Nora Danish.

About a surprise birthday regulated Emma and her friends to Kamal, the actor saw it was nothing more than the memory of a friend.

"Only I can know his fans also badly hit and angry she (Emma) when uploading pictures birthday surprise me in Instagram page. I'm sorry about the circumstances that befall him.

"I got to tell him they do not have to upload pictures involving me. In fact she just wanted to say happy birthday to me. Fortunately, I was a fan instead.

"In this situation I'm puzzled why he hated and scolded the fans. The room should be given to any artist even if they partner with anyone, not prolonged, ..andai about Emma and his old love still arise," said Kamal.

Already contacted Kamal, he also asked about the stories that arise when it comes to location filming through a program aired on Sunday inserts b * pop ago.

Kamal admits quite disappointed when out stories about the real situation is the opposite.

"I had to correct the situation. The day before recording program I actually had to cancel it because of the involvement bound by filming Wife For Sale in Putrajaya.

"But on the basis of friends, I also came to the recording in Shah Alam. I was given the release of the lunch break time. I'm slow as rush hour to get there from filming.

"Even when it gets to set the program, the recording has not yet begun. I was only given half an hour discharge and must be returned at 3pm location shooting. But the recording ends at 4 pm," he said.

By Kamal again, he did not know the recording program would involve the provision of time for other artists to give the impression of time shifting.

"I apologize for coming late and did not want to upset anyone intending from the outset because I've been informed there is a commitment film," he said.

Family bargaining RM18,000 reward to find Dennis Lee

Malaysian Foreign Ministry dam Malaysian Embassy in Kathmandu said they were working closely with the authorities in Nepal in SAR operations. - Photo of Dennis Lee Facebook

PUTRAJAYA: A reward worth 500,000 Nepali rupees (about 18,000) had been offered by the family of a missing climber Malaysia when participating in adventure climbing Annapurna circuit, Dennis Lee Thian Poh.

Reward points, which was made in the local media in Nepal is offered to any individual or group that can help find Dennis, 48, who has been missing since April 5.

In a statement today, the Foreign Ministry of Malaysia and the Malaysian Embassy in Kathmandu said they were working closely with the authorities of Nepal in search and rescue (SAR).

According to the statement, several meetings were held with the authorities of Nepal and the Embassy of Malaysia give its full support in efforts to find Dennis.

READ: Climber lost: Teams get ready to find a new location

Previously, the SAR operation has involved a group of soldiers and police with sniffer dogs Nepal. Villagers in nearby areas also jointly provide assistance.

On April 5, Dennis joined the adventure with a group of climbers from the Philippines but is said to have separated from the group members before disappearing.

Group members only realized loss on track Khopra Dennis Danda in Ghorepani area on Sunday, the first day of climbing.