
Friday 7 August 2015

CEO 'salary alone' feeling sad now

And Price

SEATTLE - UNITED STATES. A chief executive officer (CEO) who rocked the corporate world by cutting his own salary three months ago are now beginning to feel sad because of his actions.

And Price, 31, told the New York Times that he had to rent his house to supplement his income now.

"I work hard to make sure that my decision was right," Price said, referring to his decision last April.

Price action cut his own salary raises to 120 employees and up to USD70,000 (RM267,750) a year, causing its Gravity Payments loss of customers and two employees capable.

One employee, Maisey McMaster, 26, told that the price raises to new employees on a par with the old workers.

"Price is a lot of pay rise for workers who are less able to do the work, and they are not capable of receiving a commensurate increase," said McMaster.

McMaster claims that accuse Price selfish when they discuss the matter.

McMaster resigned soon after.

Another worker, Grant Moran, 29, also resigned after claiming a raise is 'confusing'.

"The average worker also gets the same salary as me. It led to highly capable employees bound by a regular employee," he said in an interview.

Gravity Payments, a credit card processing company is losing customers because the company expects will increase charges to cover the salary increase.

To make matters worse, Price will be faced with a lawsuit after her brother, Lucas, which owns 30 percent of shares of companies accused Price produce millions of dollars in company money to implement the wage increase.

Not a penny of the money in your account Pru

Dr Mahathir

Shah Alam - former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad has revealed today that during his reign that went into his personal account, no money for election funds.

To verify the claim that their personal accounts to check for any unauthorized parties that were willing to give way.

"Speculation of the 14th (GE14) of RM2.6 billion for the election is to put the money in his personal account Najib (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) to justify the charges against, the same I was accused of. This is baseless accusations, just slander.

Put your donations to the election "not a dime. I do this to verify your identity by interested individuals of all my personal accounts are available for 22 years," the Personal Account ' The title of his latest post on his blog, the source said.

Umno while holding the presidency, according to them, especially in a trustee election all donations account held by three people including himself.

"Trustee and the shares owned by Umno was named as owners of properties. The party president at the time, is the headquarters of three trustees. I was one of the trustees. The trustees have a bank account. All donations, especially elections Included in the course of this account. Any of the three trustees to manage two accounts and withdraw money when the checks are authorized to sign headquarters.

"I resigned as Umno president, Datuk Abdullah Badawi, then the bank and (Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) property handed over to the shares and securities in the cash. Officer Yacob and Noordin Mohammad Nor was Bachik . The amount of cash over RM200 million. The shares and the total value of real estate for more than RM1.2 billion, "he said.

In the meantime, his dismissal and a second check 'Duplicate' RM300,000 to pay a penalty which causes it to discover the amount called for.

In 1970 when I was expelled from the party ", the Inland Revenue Department had searched the house and my office. They also check which was issued by the 'Duplicate' and he found its earnings report that did not fully claimed. He said, and I will be fined three times, went to the court by warning me fined RM300,000.

"I will not go to court. Instead, your account is included in the party's appeal to the money. But Umno headquarters of the amount claimed by the party. Finally, I fined RM130,000, "he said.

Elaborating, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has worked on accounts Najib questioned whether funds.

"The taxpayers have the right to question the country's finances as the 1MDB not want to touch me. As defined in the income tax on the money in my account and had to pay fines.

"I want to ask the IRB Datuk Seri Najib personal account? RM2.6 billion in cash to work with the authority granted to him or not," he said.

In fact, the money is charged for the election, then it should be reported to the authorities of each candidate's election campaign expenses for the account remains in violation of regulations and laws, and it is more than a certain amount I could be illegal, he said.

Community Shield win: Arsene Wenger have defensive solidity

Wenger tried to show in the curtain-raiser was happy with their new defensive line-up for the 2014-15 campaign can build on his stunning conclusion is expected.

Chelsea 1-0 to maintain the Community Shield defeat as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was delighted with his side's defensive display.

Community Shield on Sunday to take the first win on the record Jose Mourinho Wenger praised Arsenal's defensive solidity.

His former club Arsenal to keep a clean sheet against the Premier League champions Chelsea's new signing Petr Cech to keep the Shield with a 1-0 victory over Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain as the Wembley isolation I was decisive.

Wenger's curtain-raiser on the show and was happy with the effort led by Cech, the new defensive line-up, their outstanding at the end of the 2014-15 campaign can build hope.

"Today when we] have suffered physical damage, the pitch was not good," Wenger told the BT Sport. "We had a 1-0 lead, but probably many more fought to protect.

"But overall it's a nice place, we have been solid defense throughout the season, well ahead of the new Championship [be].

"Pre-season is built on the momentum of last season. We have a good spirit, that went very well."

Cech's performance Per Mertesacker, his assured displays of heaping praise on the new goalkeeper after the Arsenal central defender impressed.

Massive his contribution, he gives a huge boost before the season, he has more experience ", but let's not expect too much Mertesacker, added.

"We still have a decent pre-season play, a win, the first game [] is well prepared for. It does not say anything, but we have a title, it is high confidence. We are very happy with the performance. "