
Monday 6 April 2015

Sad expression 'Women' Photo Identity Card Spread

Some pictures of a 'woman' which included pictures of his MyKad become viral when actively shared on social sites and messaging application WhatsApp.

If you see his face, I'm sure you will not be able to recognize his identity because his face was just a woman.

Then many people who spread the information he supposedly wanted matchmaking by spreading some of his images in WhatsApp.

We're sure you also get a message like this right?

Recently, through a video, he expresses his deepest feelings and begging for his MyKad picture does not spread further in social media.

"Hello and greetings to all. I want to tell you all please do not remove my pictures and do not show my IC and IC edit me to sort it all, I was very embarrassed. Because I'm looking for a halal sustenance.

"I do not bother people, I got distracted people. But please, do not do me like that IC. Please do not say my stuff. I appeal strongly.

"I lost direction since I saw pictures of my IC made like that, my friends send them to me, click on my clients. I was very embarrassed. What have I done with you guys? I'm sorry, but please do not remove the IC I like that image. I appeal strongly, "he said.

Picture identification card was spread by irresponsible parties named Hafizal cause the victim is forced to bear the shame when he bombarded with many questions and messages from friends and customers work.

Aggravated when the individual is not responsible for editing the picture identification card that causes Hafizal thrown with bad words.


Very attractive man behind the name that appears on the identification card, and the picture looks quite charming is a person with hermaphrodite.

For general knowledge, hermaphrodite refers to individuals who have both types of male genitalia and female.

When a baby is born with the disease hermaphrodite, is difficult to determine the sex of the baby. At the same time, hermaphrodite can also have a body, voice and body shape like a woman.

Our responsibility to each other considering, but not our right to disseminate information and personal embarrassing others.

READ ALSO: Weird! Suddenly Being Transformed Women Men!


Much more attractive to our FB


Birthday celebrations Sarah, the daughter of Ashraf Muslim, Wan Noor Dayana Sakinah and held overnight

The ceremony was held simply by their family.

Interesting pictures have been recorded by their official photographer of ThePhotoLicious

Click image for larger size

Zara Aisha Not Ready To Be A Wife.?

The beautiful actress, Zara Aisha admits that he now wants to achieve success in his career before becoming his wife.

Zara has not escaped with questions regarding his relationship with the son Khalid Adib Datuk K, who is also the husband of popular singer Dato 'Siti Nurhaliza.

"Although almost one year to recognize him, but until now I want to think about marriage. I have not achieved much in his career. "

"Before going to be a wife, I want to succeed first in my experience," he told a magazine.

Zara also expressed their good relationship and recognize Adib is the closest male friend in his life.
Apparently Adib family very much an actor as he is also a great cook.

Anything, good luck and always advancing in a career that involved Zara.