
Monday 13 October 2014

Customs officials claim the POLICE strong lobbying?

Recently, a female civil servants upload irresponsible statement on the Facebook page that is considered intentionally contaminate the Inspector General and the entire staff of the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP).

Civil servant named Haslina Solomon or nicks on Facebook, 'Tone Tone, better known as a trusted Enot served in Putrajaya uploading statement claiming IGP, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid lobbying the Minister and the Prime Minister to raise the image of the police with hot news.

Statement Haslina Solomon

"Acually kne lobbying mcm kt police .. biau diorang Nostalgia amik hakikat..kt dr sk smallest police pown well-know national police chief for adalah..melobi with menteri..buat repo. .mintak dkt pm for up kannama police meletop2 news about the case even if you want well-customs dpt lg dr meletop polis..hahaha..cerita polis..wat good tv movie about police mcm kt gerak2 saw police from work la tu KJA best..padahal mcm lg best..awek2 customs customs customs kot..abg2 beautiful lg lg kt hensem kot..kuarters PLG gempak fd story..kt kann promotes intelligent org knal . "

As a result of the fact that the spread of screenshots, Haslina has restricted access public view his personal Facebook.

However, he appeared to give the following explanation:

"Actually it's a private group viewed fb msg department it TLH at screen shots n dihebabhkan general pd.
Hi sorry if it seems kasar..Insyaallah reviews sy sy will create enlightenment.
Sy x thought-in group departments are well-thorn-in daging..natijahnyer kan..hurmmm sy. "

Below is the full conversation that led to unfounded statements Haslina:

Is appropriate Inspector General to take action against these irresponsible allegations tarnished the image of the police observed that public servants like Haslina not arbitrarily remove defamatory statements without proof of this in the future.

Caution: Husband and wife are suspected of robbing a prudent

Rob prudent manner. A husband and wife will come to the house asking for something at home outdoors.

At the same time her husband asked permission to urinate and go into the house. When you go to the house, the husband will rummage room any valuable brg.

Their image as dipaparan. Only his wife managed to be photographed while her husband fled in a hurry. No plate car closed / blackened.

Their operations in Seremban, Nilai, KL. Thank you.

After students receive FUNERAL now SEMBANG hand

Two typo errors by TV 1 RTM become viral on social media, especially warm What Apps, this is the influence of their social media-wise they can smell everything done, especially that involve institutions like RTM.

RTM editor mistake about what is written during the news segment became a hot topic in social media where a group of students have received DEGREE yet been written FUNERAL and another on the Balanced Budget SEMBANG write .. so right there the state is today the day Typo world, this is the influence of social media.

Hire a new way to attract customers thigh (4 Photos)

Rental thigh for advertising. The new method used by an advertising agency to find customers.

They employ over 100 female students of a university and pay the girls for letting them walk.

In return, the advertising company may melekatkankan ad bar code on the thigh of the students involved.

In addition, students will also need to sit still if there is any customer who would like a bar code on their thighs.

"Initially, we expect difficult to find girls who want to lap rent. But finally we easily find those who want to take part, "said a spokesman for the product.

In the meantime, one of the students involved, Xia Yu, 19, said she agreed to participate in the advertising campaign because it is not something wrong.

"Only a small ad on the feet and I got the money, '" he said.

However, not everyone agrees with the action as it deemed to be the act of shame.

Yammer: the real story of the men raped brides fez

Within a few days ago commotion in the media pertaining to the two fez raped brides .

Now spread on social media  copy report made ​​at the police station Jaya Gading, Kuantan state actually raped the girl sek passing relationship with his own volition.

Refer to the picture above report states that the victim also had intercourse twice cursed with the consent of the men, so there is no issue raped if voluntary.

Video: WWE Pengusti Live in Malaysia 2014

Video click here

They play at WWE Live Tour 2014 in Kuala Lumpur at Putra Indoor Stadium Bukit Jalil on 10 and 11 October 2014.

Above is a little video on You Tube can admin WWE action accompanied by John Cena,  Seth Rollins  and the Big Show live in Malaysia.

Because the dark lover's wife is willing to run left husbands and children

Seremban: Due to fall in love with another man known on the Internet, a woman willing to leave her husband and three children aged 2 to 6 years.

Females aged 30 years is not just disappear without news over the past year, but never bother to know her husband, Sheikh Mahathir Hassan, 33, who married 11 years ago.

Sheikh Mahathir was still trying to find even a slim hope to meet, to ensure that their children, Saifuldin Hakimie, 6, Saifuldin Nazamie, 4, and Saifuldin Azimanamani, 2, gets his own loving mother.

Sheikh Dr Mahathir, who hails from Malacca, said their family life changed when he found his wife often talk on the phone and surf the Internet.

"I never asked him, but he denies. Until I found two sim card cell phone apparently used to get in touch with his dark lover, "he said.

According to him, the most miserable when she disappeared after giving a pretext to visit his father at home.

Sheikh Mahathir said, life is no longer manageable until forced to quit his job as a mechanic for his three children to take care of it.

"I have a few months left in the car with my children because no longer afford to pay rent," he said.

since moved in a new home, he has not been paying rent for not able, however, to understand the problems facing the host.

To survive, Sheikh Dr Mahathir said he took wages take the coconuts and the occasional village to work to support themselves and their children.

"If possible, I want to work but I'm still stuck thinking about who will take care of my children. Want to find someone, I was not able to.

"How now even if I go to work, I take them reason to worry if left at home alone," he said when met at his home in Park NZ, Jalan Seremban - Paroi, here yesterday.