
Monday 15 December 2014

Young woman suicide 15 years of marriage

Melaka: young age does not prevent students form three, Nurulain Mohammad, 15, decided to marry her boyfriend who was six years older than him. With family support both sides, combined with Zulhelmi Nurulain night Kaharudin, 21, a dealer shop eat already knew since a few years ago. The couple is then juxtaposed with 17 other couples in conjunction with the Premier Wedding 2014 in Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC) here yesterday.

The event organized by the Division Hill Bed was also attended by the President of the State, Tun Mohd. Khalil Yaakob and Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Idris Haron. According Nurulain family, both sides agreed to accelerate their wedding after finding out the relationship between the two of them seriously. "At first it's difficult for me to make a decision as some friends ask me to postpone until completed Form Five, but I decided to get married, "he said Kosmo!

The exact cause of Princess Raider actress grabbed a married man

Following the case seclusion Princess Raider Zainal Abidin, sources revealed that the pair grabbed the actress's husband persons.

Source who requested anonymity told, Princess Raider husband was grabbed by a man known as Shahrizam Abdullah and reliable first met since a year ago. "Shahrizam status of husband and had a daughter who was a child was 2 years old. "No doubt Shahrizam and his wife have marital problems and being 'fluctuations' court.

"Households where no ups and downs, but the wife should not be treated as such," reveal sources. Through 'WhatsApp' sent to Astro manhwa on Sunday, the source also revealed photos of alleged lover male actor is synonymous with horror movies. "Shahrizam or 'jump' ni active with sports car, it feels they met when the actor is in love with another man (single). "Arguably, the main actress timber three la ... In the back of her lover, she quietly relationships with 'jump'. "What we (friends) sorry, a mother and daughter Raider, he became the wife ... Surely he will be able to understand the feelings of another woman? Why not put himself in the place of the wife 'jump'? "Nauseating resources through Whatsapp voice notes. Earlier, Harian Metro reported that an actor is a widow aged 33 was grabbed by a team of enforcers after reliable seclusion with his partner in a condo, Ampang near here early this morning. The arrest was carried out by the Enforcement Division Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) at 3:23 this morning the actor's residence based on the information of the public. Sources said, the couple were detained after failing to show any documents showing they have any ties mahram.

The actress widow suspected him getting caught?

Harian Metro reported today that an actor is a widow aged 33 was grabbed by a team of enforcers after reliable seclusion with his partner in a condo, Ampang near here early this morning.

Arrests made by the Enforcement Division of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) at 3.23 this morning by the actor's residence information from the public.

Sources said, the couple were detained after failing to show any documents showing they have any ties mahram.

The actor has three children were reported to have starred in several films but more synonymous with horror movies and ghost character.

Through a comment on facebook Web Bread Like many actresses who stated above is Princess Raider, anything at all it's just gossip, they gossip.

Neelofa shopping home goods with Hans Isaac?

Oops! He really might kah love back or perhaps wrongly linked information. But if you want to say one, can not say this was also the reason for the stories that reached the ears warm all true.

I dunno, but Murai Batu think this is not new and it feels either fans or Neelofa Hans Isaac will certainly be glad to know they are back together.

Nak made into a story, a source Shama had bumped into a couple of popular respect in a department store in the heart of the capital.

He said the couple absurdly busy buying groceries at the supermarket store concerned.

Source Murai Batu tell, each seems to help each other and Hans Isaac handsome T-shirts with round upstream to downstream Neelofa find some stuff while waiting at the checkout counter.

Oh! So sweet couple.

Even before that, Murai Batu understand that the couple had been in the hardware store in the same building to buy something.

Whatever, it Murai Batu less sure, but sources Shama see them very humble listening to the explanation of one salesman in the place, regardless of passers-by.

Then they are to the supermarket to buy groceries and after that they go home.

Murai Batu not want to keep the edge of the fabric Neelofa or Hans Isaac, but if true love they have returned to sprout, then great.

Indeed, there is no harm they went out together to the supermarket.

But Murai Batu skeptical of their relationship, let alone no one else shared the couple at the time of the incident.

Because there are also voices that told Shama that the relationship between Neelofa and Hans Isaac now is just a close friend or as brother and sister.

If their relationship is like that now, Murai Batu also rejoiced.

However Murai Batu certainly would have been happier if true Neelofa and Hans Isaac back as lovers. Let us pray.

Photos romantic lover Nora Danish celebrates brithday

Indeed beautiful actress Nora Danish dah dah tak hide and seek conjunction with Nedim Nazri.
Every day there are only pictures of their latest shared Nora in his Instagram page.

The latest, Nora and good friends were famous holiday resort island in Indonesia, Bali to celebrate the birth anniversary of the 31's boyfriend.

Absurdly romantic pictures uploaded Nora even actress also gave speeches birthday eventful year for Nedim.

Indeed fortunate to be able Nora Nedim body, not only beautiful and cute, but also a romantic in love composing verses and beautiful to be addressed for the guy who was closest to him now.

Nedim Nazri Aziz, born on 9th Dec 1983 and that makes him a Sagittarius baby.
What can I describe about this gangsta lookin cutie?
He is definitely a ... Loving
Friend / bf. He's just perfect they way he is. Happy birthday to the man of my dreams, May u stay blessed and get everything u wish for. May God pour all His love and care on u. Remember that ur best years are still ahead of u and I'll be there to every ups, downs and in between God willing. Have a rockin 'birthday Bamm !!!

Each pun dah everything looks very compatible with, certainly fans of Nora wondered if ni nak pair stepped into the marriage phase also ye?

Schedule FA Cup draw 2015, Pahang meet again JDT

The big surprise occurred in the FA Cup first round draw in 2015 carried out today when defending champions and champions Malaysia Pahang has voted met Johor (JDT).

This meeting must be the mission of revenge The Southern Tigers to erase the disappointment of defeat at the hands of Tok Gajah in the Malaysia Cup final on 1 November. For Pahang, of course they want to repeat the success that saw Tok Gajah disappointing Felda United 2-1. It is not impossible, as they managed to maintain the Malaysia Cup championship. In addition Selangor squad to face the difficult task of being drawn to face last season's finalists Felda United. Operating squad Mehmet Durakovic should rise more potent this season when just reaching the second round last edition when defeat at the hands Sarawak . In the absence of Paulo Rangel, The Red Giants should expect new players to provide steady action. Prahara kickoff FA Cup in 2015 is still not diumumkan.

The dog on the phone, and how to change it

Puppy image issues associated with smartphone Samsung has become a hot issue many have heralded in social media, especially Facebook and forums. In fact there who are willing to issue a "fatwa" own related images.

This is what has happened to a woman in Johor Bharu surprised to see the photos stored on a hard dog in his cell phone.
Almaz Samsu, 34, said he was at awe with the things that make revisions in the same type of phone owned other partners.

He said his actions were shocking because their friends did not know this.

"I was surprised to see the child presses the code * # 0 * # then press the image sensor and then test out the picture of the dog.

"I do not believe that initially started pressing the same code in the same type of mobile phone friends and indeed legitimate stored images similar dog," he said.

Almaz said, drawing animals raises concerns regarding the status of the handset has a picture of a dog brought into the mosque.

According to him, various methods are used to delete the image, but was unsuccessful because the automatic inclusion in the mobile phone brand.
To solve this problem, here's my link to share how to change the image of a puppy in Samsung smartphone with another image, you can go HERE