
Sunday 28 June 2015

Casino is no big deal as this scrap metal dealer, RM960,000 lost

Who said money supply only metal that glitters? Sale of scrap metal, can make you rich!

$ 400,000 is lost? Small thing.

South Korea from a scrap metal dealer in Singapore Marina Bay Sands Casino in S 20 seconds $ 400,000 (RM960,000) lost, China Press reported.

The casino subscribe to a diamond as wanted, however, only Yes, the man known as 40, is unperturbed.

Man as a member, he specialized for different types of outlets and merchandise discounts, free concert tickets, room upgrades, you can enjoy food that is claimed.

The stakes in the last two years S $ 13mil (RM31.2mil) and lost S $ 10mil (RM24mil) as part of the game was won.

He said that through gambling losses easily could be obtained through their business.

Bill Gates buys Lamborgini in a few seconds!

True, Bill Gates can buy a Lamborghini in just a few seconds.

Check it out:

Look, it's done!


Google programmers earn $ averagely 128.336 in 2012

Google does not seem to work is a bad place to be. If you are programmer, you are one of the lucky ones.

Mashable's Google $ 128,336 software engineers an average base salary for the most written. Facebook came in second with a base salary of $ 123,626.

Facebook Facebook is eager to close the gap with Google, showing an increase of $ 15,882, while Glassdoor, a career site, according to Google's base salary, 2011 jumped to more than $ 13,740.

By comparison, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the average salary of $ 90,530 a list of software developers. A comparison of the data Glassdoor is $ 92,648. In alphabetical order the following list of 15 hot salaries in firms, is

In addition to salary, Google also offers financial benefits for their employees is as follows:
Google will continue their education to any employee who pays $ 8,000 annually. The only condition: these classes must have at least a B grade.
You refer another employee to Google and the maximum stay of 60 days as bonus, Google pays $ 2,000.

While working at Google, if you adopt a child, adoption and legal fees that you pay by $ 5,000.
Based on your work experience, Google's paid holiday a year, for 25 days you will offer.
Great !!


Woman strips in protest

Poor soul. He is a victim of violence?

He stopped by the police and was taken to hospital before October 2012, a 39-year-old local woman naked for 200 meters in Keningau ran around the old town.

had returned to the state.

It's about some irresponsible quarters RM33,000 was learned that the production cut.

About 9.00am on Monday, a woman took off her clothes near Keningau goods and Kedai Telekom ran around before returning to the old town. He was arrested by police and sent to hospital for treatment.

Why nuclear waste can be sent into outer space?

Simple - it is dangerous and expensive.

The world's nuclear reactors, tens of thousands of tons of high-level nuclear waste is created, and only current solution is to store things.

It is not without its dangers: in 1957 Kyshtym, Russia mayak near Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear waste facility after an explosion, the worst nuclear accident in history remains.

Some studies using high powered lasers to blast into space capsule is seen likely, but economic, reliability and safety issues - plus the possibility of legal challenges - so far rejected this option.

How to tell if an egg is fresh

Put in a glass container filled with water, fresh eggs or otherwise, if it is possible to determine:

Very fresh: a very fresh egg will sink to the bottom and put it on the side.

Old week: a week-old eggs will rest on the bottom end, but the fat will rise slightly.

3 weeks old three week old eggs fat sticking to the end will be balanced with the pointy end.

Bad Eggs: Eggs old bobbing along the surface of the water will be floating. They are not any good for food as it should be thrown floaters.

Hope that helps.