
Sunday 1 November 2015

Soraya Hanez children reluctant Gender Reveal

Already eagerly expected later this year, which is awaiting the arrival of their first child Hanez certainly beautiful actress Suraiya.

Fans, too, the actor will want to know the sex of their beloved son.

However, Hanez their public announcement about the sex of the baby is not ready to be revealed to the media.

Artistic activity slowed for the moment, Hanez unforgettable experience of her life pregnant recalled.

"My situation is under control now, thank God, but sometimes it is a little uneven, the child was in the womb, with great power began to kick my stomach. Sometimes I take a breath shortness. But the same Leisure time fun antics. to be honest, pregnant'm very happy to go through this stage, "he told the Daily News.

Hanez Putra Mosque, Putrajaya on March 14, a widow with two children Romie Razin Adilha married.

Labour Hanez hope, God willing, to walk safely in the future.

Dec 2 increase passenger fares

Kuala Lumpur - KTM commuter rail fares would rise from December.

KTM chairman Datuk Ahmad Nawawi increase in passenger fares on routes starting December 2, with new fares, will be announced on Monday confirmed it.

The current fare per passenger kilometer to 11 cents, 15 cents per kilometer cost is expected to apply.

Nawawi Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) will announce the details, but the increase KTM Intercity train.

In the past, the chairman, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar, LRT and monorail has shown signs that it will be extended.

He suggested that infrastructure would rise before the end of October.

Syed Hamid SPAD fare increase was approved by the Cabinet said.

SPAD and Infrastructure (LRT and monorail KLANG Valley work) could not be reached for comment.

In July, 2002. KTM passenger Infrastructure was last revised in 2003, the LRT has remained unchanged.

Remand prisoners, female students over 7 days associated

Georgetown - closely examining women in Teluk Kumbar was found dead in their family home, which helped form five students detained for security guards, remand was extended for seven days starting tomorrow.

A police spokesman said Sunday after the discovery of the body of 20-year-old man who was arrested a few hours before and during the ending was remanded for seven days.

"Police investigating the case to the full seven-day remand till November 8 command dial achieved," he told reporters here today.

During this period the police investigation of the case was completed and the papers presented in the Legislative Assembly for further action to be sure.

Georgetown boyfriend this morning was taken to court and the court registrar Rehah Ismail seven days to allow for further remand suspects who police suspect.

A police spokesman case was being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code is.

Intan Suraya body Mawardi, 17, a student at a secondary school in Teluk Kumbar and came home at 7.30pm by his father was found lying under a blanket on the bed.

Teluk Kumbar from their family home Form Five student who was found dead woman before killing her boyfriend was raped.

Penang CID chief Datuk Zakaria Ahmad suspect students had other boyfriends told police he committed the act of jealousy.