
Monday 11 May 2015

CEO Apple buka akaun 'Twitter' China, Weibo

BEIJING - The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple Inc., Tim Cook officially open an account on Weibo, which is equivalent to Twitter, Monday and attracts nearly 300,000 followers and more than 42,000 'likes' within three hours after making the first record in the 'microblogging' it ,

"Hello China! Glad to be back to Beijing, announced a new innovative program," said Cook message in English and Chinese at 3:06 pm today, and attracts more than 35,000 comments and more than 27,000 'share' by netizens as at 6.30 pm.

Many users of Weibo greet 'welcome to China,' while many who use the platform entirely with submitting a proposal.

For example, there is a message in English reads: "Cook Hello, I have a backup! Can you raise alarm settings? Sync every single problem (along with three crying emoticons) Please help me!"

Most ask for more promotion Apple and lower prices for its products.

"But Mr Cook, you can lower the price Applewatch? Too expensive! I did not have a lot of kidneys for sale," another message in English Weibo users who quipped.

Sells kidney for iPhone or iPad into a joke in China after China reported a teenager sold his kidney to buy iPhone only in 2012.

The report released market research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) today shows Apple is leading vendor of smartphones in China in the first quarter of 2015, with shipments reaching 14.5 million in the period January to March this year, an increase of 62.1 percent compared to the same period last year a market share of 14.7 percent.

"I hope Charlotte will want me when ill will" - Prince Charles

Prince Charles has high hopes for her granddaughter.

KUALA LUMPUR: Everyone knows besides Prince William, his father, Prince Charles also hoped that the four British heir to the throne who was born on May 2 were women.

Charles previously did not secretive when told the audience about his hope that law, Kate Middleton, after the birth of a granddaughter also has a grandson, Prince George.

And when the opening of the Cancer Institute of Poundbury in Dorset last week, Charles once again had unashamedly give reasons for expecting the birth of her granddaughter.

Charles said he was expecting Charlotte to guard when he was too old someday.

"Charlotte is very cute. I would not hesitate to spoil.

"I hope Charlotte also do not mind taking care of me when I was too sick and old," said Charles.

Alliance will command the country if Najib failed to tackle the issue of 1MDB - Tun M

TUN M: Pakatan will command the country if Najib failed to tackle the issue of 1MDB - files

KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat will be running the country after the General Election (GE) 14th if the government fails to address the issue of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) immediately.

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he was withdrawing his support of his own to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak effective.

"When I first heard about 1MDB, I feel the situation has become very serious. At that time not a lot of information. I had to make the decision to send the letter Najib said that I do not support yet.

"He just leads people close to him so I withdraw my letter. Because it does not reveal the withdrawal of support for me, I had to expose myself.

"I receive more information on 1MDB. I was surprised by the amount of the debt is so high. The government itself has never been so much debt. These debts are made in off-budget, ie without the approval of the Cabinet or Parliament," he said in a recent note his blog today.

READ: view, criticism of my father not weaken the party's aims - Mukhriz Mahathir

READ: Malay Muslims must unite or lost power - Tun Mahathir

READ: Give me a chance to explain why the 'attack' Najib - Tun Mahathir

However, Dr Mahathir said he could not accept a state governed by the Pact.

"Fundamentals of the parties in the coalition opposed to each other. DAP are more concerned with the interests of the Chinese people. PAS claimed it was not successful, and only Islam.

"Islamic PAS is not only to political Islam actually. So that UMNO, PAS for cooperating with the unbelievers but later converted pagans PAS. Anwar's Justice Party only to be Prime Minister.

"If a government coalition, chaos will prevail. The progress of the country would be affected and all the people will suffer," he said.

In a separate development, Najib had said that members of the Supreme Council (MT) UMNO wants the Auditor General's investigation results to 1MDB to be accelerated.

Najib ready to talk heart to heart with Muhyiddin

Council readings, prayers and thanksgiving prayer in conjunction with Umno 69th at PWTC here, today.

KUALA LUMPUR - The Supreme Council (MT) Umno today expressed strong support for the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as president and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as deputy president.

Najib said Umno line MT want to be the president and the deputy president and the supreme leader of the party united as a team and take positive measures to strengthen the position of the party and Barisan Nasional (BN) on the side of the people.

"With this decision, the MT (Umno) also said that there are outstanding issues, MT hope they are given the opportunity to contribute ideas and positive so that any outstanding issues can be addressed and given a proper solution," said the Prime Minister.

He was speaking at a press conference after chairing a meeting of MT in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here today.

The meeting, which begins 3:30 pm and ended 7 tonight, also attended by Muhyiddin, who is also deputy prime minister and two vice-presidents Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

The head of the General Women's wing of the party, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Chairman of Youth, Khairy Jamaluddin and Puteri chief Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin also attended the meeting.

In a brief press conference for five minutes, he said, he was also deeply appreciate the contribution of ideas given Muhyiddin at the meeting.

"I have met a heart to heart with him this morning and I acknowledge that we will always talk heart to heart to make sure that Umno kepimpnan at the helm in a comfortable and sturdy so that no party would break us apart, especially me with the deputy president ,

"So, what's up, what if the rumors were spread before the meeting, then, flutter those who spread false news," he said.

Najib said this when commenting on the news portal reports that supposedly support his dwindling.

On the Umno supreme council meeting today, Najib said the party also took note of factors arising on Election (PRK) and Rompin parliamentary constituency.

PRK Rompin on Tuesday, BN retain the parliamentary seat through its candidate Datuk Hasan Arifin who obtained 23,796 votes against Pas candidate Nazri Ahmad, 40, who got 14.901 votes, which saw a decline in the majority of 8,895 votes.

In the general election to the 13th, it was incumbent late Tan Sri Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis retain the seat he has held for almost six terms it by beating former Chairman of the Board of Women Pas, Nuridah Mohd Salleh with a majority of 15,114 votes.

PRK Rompin held following the death in a helicopter crash cho in Semenyih, Selangor on 4 April.

Investment in the PRK constituency last Thursday, it won parliamentary seats PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who won 30,316 votes against BN candidate Suhaimi Sabudin gets 21.475 votes, which also saw a decline in the majority of 8.841 votes.

Ingestion dead mother unhappy father dead, said Tun M

Dr Mahathir

SHAH ALAM - Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he was aware his actions constantly criticized Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak will 'eat' BN but he said, he had no other choice.

Dr Mahathir said if he did not attack Najib, BN will suffer a worse fate ahead of the general election to the 14th day, repeating his words before.

"I (also) know, if I do not support Najib opposition will grab the opportunity. Conversely, if the PRU14 Najib led BN, BN will lose. Unhappy mother died, my father was dead, "he wrote via his recent blog entry today.

In a paper entitled 'Election', Dr Mahathir said if Najib to be converted it should be done immediately.

"If the leadership of Umno and BN to be changed, it must be made before the time for recovery because time was too short before PRU14.

"Because of the irresponsible acts of this (issue 1MDB) He no longer deserves to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia," he wrote.

In the same article Dr Mahathir also criticized the move Najib who misuse public funds for personal political gain.

"He likes to rally the people who bear the banner small mercenary supplied them with the words' I love PM" and singing the song 'M4U'. They came because this was brought by bus from afar, fed and mercenaries.

"... I hope that Najib will take heed of the 13GE. But no. He continued with the grant money. It still retains its British advisers.

Level 4 expanded. PM's Office met with many members of a given task creation. Salary provided is in accordance with the system of government employee salaries, "he wrote.

He added that, in addition to the standard ministerial posts created to provide a place to which to retire.

"Established independent body which took over the work and duties of government departments such as the EPU. They are paid high salaries, which led to government officials feel frustrated.

"I was approached by many groups and individuals who complained against the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib. They came many times and asked me to do something that He stopped the policy and approach.

"That comes not only the Malays and Umno members but also the Chinese people. To receive calls from them I try to advise and criticize Najib. But to no avail. He believes the way, giving him money would captivate the public," he wrote.

Juice of papaya juice beverage alternative dengue treatment

ACROSS JAYA: Concerned with the more serious dengue epidemic in the country, a company, Al Faris Enterprise, took the initiative to produce juice beverages as an alternative for the treatment of dengue.

Based on papaya leaf juice was capable of producing blood platelets in the patient's body to treat dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever faster.

Advisory companies, Datuk Dr Shuib Saidin said products containing certain enzymes that can help prevent the duplication of virus and activate the healing process dengue fever.

"The leaves of this papaya enzyme Set to some of the most important of which is kymope. This enzyme 'induce' production of blood platelets rapidly.

"Dengue is no specific treatment, only dengue patients given a 'drip' and if severe enough, will run the process for adding a blood transfusion of platelets in the blood. But the percentage is very low.

"Jus encourages our body to produce platelets in the body. The result is fast and effective, "said inventions.

He added that the company has conducted a study in two to three months to produce juice and papaya juice obtained approval from the Ministry of Health.

Clearly, too, the company is also working with the ministry to conduct a study on two groups of patients with dengue fever in Tengku Ampuan Rahimah hospital in Klang, Selangor recently.

"The research, involving two groups of patients; one group was given normal treatment while the other was given the papaya juice. Available percent of patients who recovered quickly was that papaya juice, "he said.

Shuib said, in addition to the efficacy of alternative treatment for dengue fever, high fiber juice can also treat migraines, skin treatments and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

For starters, he said, it will move to the rest of Selangor and will sell it to the public directly before juice products may be marketed by wholesalers and retailers.

Prince Harry says he's looking for love, wants kids

The fifth in line to the throne made the comments in New Zealand where he is relaxing after calling time on a decade-long military career, saying he felt "at a crossroads". - AFP Photo

WELLINGTON: Britain's Prince Harry said Monday he wants to have children and would like a partner to "share the pressure" of royal duties, but is still waiting for the right woman.

The fifth in line to the throne made the comments in New Zealand where he is relaxing after calling time on a decade-long military career, saying he felt "at a crossroads".

He said the birth of brother William's second child Princess Charlotte last week had increased his desire for a family of his own.

"Of course, I would love to have kids right now, but there's a process that one has to go through," he told Britain's Sky News.

"Tours like this are great fun, hopefully I'm doing alright by myself. It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure. But, you know, time will come and whatever happens, happens I guess."

The 30-year-old, who split from girlfriend Cressida Bonas last year, railed against being labelled "the party prince".

"I never wanted that," he said, adding that he was looking for a role where he could "give something back" when he officially leaves the military next month.

The prince, who has won praise in New Zealand for his down-to-earth manner, admitted both he and William wanted to work alongside "normal people" and earn a living.

"Both of us feel we need to have a wage as well, to work with normal people to keep us sane and keep us ticking along," he said.

"Surely in the future, from our point of view, if we want to make a big contribution and be taken seriously, we need to work alongside other people."

- Team Ginger Ninja -

Visiting remote Stewart Island, New Zealand's southernmost settlement, Harry told schoolchildren about his love of flying and why he always has to follow protocol when talking about his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

In an informal question-and-answer session with the 24 pupils of Halfmoon Bay School, he fielded queries ranging from whether he has a crown (no) to his favourite food (spaghetti bolognese).

The prince, a favourite target for paparazzi, was also asked to name the best thing about flying a helicopter, and revealed it was the chance to get away from everyone.

"You have a moving office... there's only two of you in the office and no one else can bother you," he said.

One child wanted to know what he called the Queen: "I call her granny," he replied.

"But I refer to her as the Queen because I'm in the army and she's my boss."

The school visit came after he spent Sunday night at Stewart Island's pub, the South Sea Hotel, where he took part in a trivia competition.

However, his quiz team, "The Ginger Ninjas", were reportedly defeated by a team made up of his royal security detail.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said Harry had won over ordinary people in the same way William did during a trip last year.

"Both William and Harry, their capacity to engage with the public and put people at ease is remarkable," he told TVNZ.

"You can see that over the weekend. I think he's a real hit."

No dispute between me and Muhyiddin - Najib

UMNO president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak chaired the meeting of the Supreme Council (MT) UMNO in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today denied that he was in disagreement with his deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

"Those who spread rumors on false information before, they will be disappointed," he told reporters after chairing a meeting of the Supreme Council (MT) UMNO in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here.

Najib said he always talks heart to heart with Muhyiddin.

"I appreciate the ideas given by the Deputy President.

"This very morning I held a meeting heart to heart with the vice president," he said.

He said members of the MT in the meeting today expressed strong support to the president and deputy president.

He explained all the UMNO Supreme Council members wanted the president and vice president and top party leaders to work in a team to address the challenges.

Meet bag containing weapons 'hidden'

Kota Kinabalu - The High Court here was told today a bag containing a pistol, bullets and cartridges, were found as if hidden near Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu, namely the location of the occurrence of aggression by a group of armed men Sulu.

Staff Officer 3 5 Brigade Headquarters, Captain Kamarul Harith Abu Hurairah said, he seized items while on duty with the Ninth Battalion of the Royal Regiment in operations to track and arrest the intruder was armed Sulu.

Each item was found on 17 April 2013, at 1.30pm at the check in Tanjung Labian about four to five kilometers from the village Tanduo, he said.

"Beg behind the black clothing with the word 'EXTEAM'. It consists of a Colt .45 pistol believed to breed, which has the words 'UNITED STATES 796 352 PROPERTY-M1911 US ARMY' and two petals which of rusty bullets and one silver.

"The bag was also found 20 ammunition, each inscribed - five bullets written 'RAI 12 45 AUTO', written six 'A USA 45 AUTO', three words' AP 06 45 AUTO ', the two words' AP 08 45 AUTO ', two written' BM 08 45 AUTO ', the words' RAI 08 45 AUTO 'and one written '45 AUTO M-M', "he said.

Ford Mondeo launched in Malaysia: RM198,000 - RM203,771

Ford introduces the Mondeo to the Malaysian showrooms, but is it too late like our counterparts in UK said?

Ford’s latest addition to the Malaysian market is the car that sparked a few sarcastic tweets between Ford’s director of product communication and our UK managing editor Greg Fountain. Our UK writer CJ Hubbard had the gleeful opportunity to write all about it when he tested the Mondeo in the January issue. In UK that is, not Malaysia. Which begs the question: is the Mondeo dated since it took Ford to come up with a right-hand drive version three years after the official launch as ME Fountain tweeted?

Well the looks definitely did not look old, in fact the Mondeo resembles a sporty coupe more than the sedan that it should be with the low roofline and a side-profile sculpted to portray visual lightness. The most prominent features on the exterior are the ever-present Ford trapezoidal grille, a power-dome bonnet and adaptive laser-cut headlamp design.

The interior further enhances the sporty feel thanks to the cockpit-like cabin that features a symmetrical design accessible to both the driver and front seat passenger. Guess what, the Mondeo’s steering wheel also comes with paddle shifts for a sporty drive.

Power comes from Ford’s 2.0-litre EcoBoost engine that delivers a power output of 237bhp and 345Nm of torque. The EcoBoost engine is paired up with a six-speed SelectShift automatic transmission and thanks to the paddle-shifters drivers will be able to switch through the six gears smoothly and effortlessly.

The combination of the turbocharging, direct fuel injection and twin independent variable camshaft timing (Ti-VCT) in Ford’s EcoBoost engine delivers exceptional fuel economy of 8L/100KM. So in other words, the Ford Mondeo gives you a sporty drive and fuel efficiency all at the same time.

The Mondeo also comes with a host of smart technologies as well. SYNC 2 that comes with all Ford vehicles is available as well only the SYNC 2 in the Mondeo boasts a larger, eight-inch colour touchscreen to operate all entertainment in the car. Ford’s exclusive MyKey system allows drivers to programme various features such as setting the max speed limit, seatbelt reminder and max volume audio system.

Ford has also included futuristic features like the full LED headlamps with Ford’s Adaptive Front Lighting System to enhance the driver’s view of their surroundings and Adaptive Cruise Control.The interior further enhances the sporty feel thanks to the cockpit-like cabin that features a symmetrical design accessible to both the driver and front seat passenger. Guess what, the Mondeo’s steering wheel also comes with paddle shifts for a sporty drive.

Power comes from Ford’s 2.0-litre EcoBoost engine that delivers a power output of 237bhp and 345Nm of torque. The EcoBoost engine is paired up with a six-speed SelectShift automatic transmission and thanks to the paddle-shifters drivers will be able to switch through the six gears smoothly and effortlessly.

The combination of the turbocharging, direct fuel injection and twin independent variable camshaft timing (Ti-VCT) in Ford’s EcoBoost engine delivers exceptional fuel economy of 8L/100KM. So in other words, the Ford Mondeo gives you a sporty drive and fuel efficiency all at the same time.

The Mondeo also comes with a host of smart technologies as well. SYNC 2 that comes with all Ford vehicles is available as well only the SYNC 2 in the Mondeo boasts a larger, eight-inch colour touchscreen to operate all entertainment in the car. Ford’s exclusive MyKey system allows drivers to programme various features such as setting the max speed limit, seatbelt reminder and max volume audio system.

Ford has also included futuristic features like the full LED headlamps with Ford’s Adaptive Front Lighting System to enhance the driver’s view of their surroundings and Adaptive Cruise Control.

Safety features in the Mondeo includes Ford’s Lane Keeping Aid that alerts the driver that they are drifting out of their lane by vibrating the steering wheel. The car also comes with a rear-view camera as part of its parking assist system.

The new Ford Mondeo comes in four colours, Frozen White, Ruby Red, Panther Black and Tectonic Silver and priced at RM198,000 on-the-road without insurance or RM203,771 with insurance. And like all Ford vehicles, the Mondeo comes with Ford’s Extended Service Plan (ESP), a three-year or 60,000km maintenance programme that covers parts and labour free of charge.

It's a sporty sedan that comes with a sporty cockpit-like interior along with a spritely engine to match.

Public accounts committee to begin investigation into 1MDB on May 19

Nur Jazlan also said the committee was unanimous in its decision to begin its own investigation against 1MDB after a special meeting on April 30.

KUALA LUMPUR: Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will begin investigation into 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) on May 19, says Chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

He said PAC had agreed to call Ministry of Finance Secretary-General Tan Sri Irwan Serigar Abdullah and the Director-General of the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Dr Rahmat Bivi Abdullah.

On May 26, PAC would call 1MDB Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Arul Kanda Kandasamy and its predecessor CEO Datuk Shahrul Ibrahim Halmi who served the company between March 2009 until March 2013.

Nur Jazlan also said the committee was unanimous in its decision to begin its own investigation against 1MDB after a special meeting on April 30.

"During the discussions, all PAC members comprising of eight Barisan Nasional and five Opposition Members of Parliament were unanimous in agreeing to call all stakeholders involved in the management of 1MDB since its inception in 2009.

Steward stroke, emergency landing aircraft

Cathay Pacific

SINGAPORE - A steward is now in critical condition after suffering a stroke on a flight from Hong Kong to Frankfurt, May 7.

According Strats Times, Vincent Chee, aged 40's are on duty in the Cathay Pacific flight CX289 property during the incident.

The plane then made an emergency landing in Urumqi, Xinjiang in China and Chee was taken to hospital.

Flights resumed after a four-hour delay.

11 Malaysians join militants killed

IS militants started to spread their wings across the globe. - Merely decorative images

CROSS CITY - Eleven Malaysians were detected involved with militant groups IS (Islamic States) is now dead, with six of them 'suicide bombers'.

Confirming this, the Chairman of the Counter Terrorism Division Assistant Director, Special Branch, Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) Bukit Aman, Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said, their bodies could not be brought back because 'in Syria and some half involved the bombing in Iraq.'

"Six of them were suicide bombers, not suicide bombers.

"This IS militant groups exploit the term 'suicide bombers' to justify the use of suicide bombs.

"This concept of militant groups. They will change the term (terms) and the use of the term by saying it was a martyrdom operation and this justifies their actions, allegedly involved who will be martyred," he said.

He was speaking to reporters after presenting a paper 'The threat of IS Group of Countries' in the opening Multaqa priest, teacher takmir, Kafa teachers and state mosque committee Kelanatan 2015, here, today.

Present Kelantan Mufti, Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad.

Pert Khan said he had identified that there were about 80 people in the country who have joined militant groups IS in Syria so far.

"This figure is likely to rise and they represent a unique group of terrorists, judging from the way they recruit members and others.

"They also exploit women and many are tempted to join the group later turned into sex slaves," he said.

He said the group smarter IS exploit social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to spread their propaganda.

"They have thousands of cyber trooper (virtual officers) who will reply back whatever the reality of IS-related media.

"In addition, they are making a documentary and a lot more," he said.

Stacy wants to be careful talking about personal

Stacy is now more cautious talking about her private life. - Photo / Aziah Azmee

KUALA LUMPUR: Singer Stacy is now more cautious to speak about her personal story string statement made by him into a warm conversation recently.

Angie Stracie or Stacy Anam, 25, commenting on the disclosure of the singer Akim Ahmad who confirmed that they had an affair in secret for the past three years.

But Stacy's recent statement caused controversy when it was first manipulated some quarters, including the media.

"I do not blame them completely as to understand the situation in which they want to attract people to read. The title of the article that heat makes people misunderstand.

"But I am thankful that the fans are not directly point the finger at me. I will be more careful in the future when talking about personal things," said Stacy to BH Online.

Girls born in Sabah also expressed his excitement for its latest single titled Not For Sale successfully captured the hearts of fans.

STACY now come up with its latest single titled Not For Sale. - Photo by Mohd Khairul Helmy Mohd Din

In fact, he is now considering to venture into acting.

"I am happy because this experiment Altimet collaboration with increasingly captured the hearts of fans. I was excited to finally be able to work with such a talented rapper said.

"In addition, I was also considering a bid for the success of a telemovie but everything is still in the process of discussion. There was also a desire to try acting," he said.

Stacy will also come up with a song titled duet with Purple Group Friend Sepi who underwent recording process in Indonesia.

He was also considering the song will be used as its latest single.

Steven Gerrard takes swipe at Chelsea fans despite ovation

Steven Gerrard has paid tribute to Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, but refused to praise Blues fans for giving him a standing ovation at Stamford Bridge.

The former England captain scored as Liverpool secured a 1-1 draw on Sunday, a result that effectively ended their hopes of securing Champions League football next season.

Gerrard was withdrawn on 79 minutes, with a smattering of boos turning to applause as he made his way off the pitch.

But, moments later, the infamous slip song – poking fun at his untimely fall at Anfield last year, which allowed Demba Ba to race through and score – was echoing around the stadium again.

Mourinho has now claimed the chant is a compliment for an “old, dear enemy”, but judging from Gerrard’s dismissive post-match remarks it is not a mutually-held opinion.

Gerrard’s final match at Anfield is on Saturday against Crystal Palace before his switch to MLS side LA Galaxy in the summer.


“I was more happy with the ovation from the Liverpool fans.

“Chelsea fans have had respect for a couple of seconds today but have slaughtered me all game.

“I'm not going to get drawn into wishing Chelsea fans well. It was nice of them to turn up for once today.”


“I have huge respect for him. He's the best manager in the world for me and I'd have signed for him a couple of times if I wasn't a Liverpool fan.

“He's the reason why my head was turned on a couple of occasions but he understood why I couldn't do it.”


“The negative song Chelsea fans sing for him is respect for an old, dear enemy that fought so much against us in every competition.

“After that, the standing applause is amazing. To get it at Anfield he gets it week in week out, year after year but away from home it shows a lot.”


Stamford Bridge was awash with yellow caution slip signs. Barely a minute had passed before the first unsavoury chant was bouncing around the stadium. Boos were clearly audible before a belated ovation ensued.

So yes, Gerrard has every right to be annoyed. It was a near-constant barrage from strangers, ones who seem to have forgotten that a slip from John Terry cost them the 2008 Champions League.

But why vent it in a post-match interview? Here was the opportunity to show the stick hadn’t fazed him, to show he wasn’t interested in sinking to his critics’ levels.

Was it bitterness? After all, he could have joined the first Mourinho revolution and clinched that elusive Premier League title long ago. Did he have to justify his reason to stick at Liverpool – by slamming the Chelsea fans for turning up for once?

Even prior to his slip at Anfield, Chelsea fans have reserved special distaste for Gerrard. He was rival to Frank Lampard in central midfield, the alternative to Terry as England skipper, part of the side that knocked the Blues out of the Champions League with the infamous ‘ghost goal’ in 2005.

Which makes his outburst all the more strange – what else could he really expect on his final meeting with his great adversaries.

Sadly, Gerrard’s final season in the Premier League has been disastrous. His role at Liverpool has waned, each set of opposition fans have taken a pop at him, while his foolish stamp on Ander Herrera derailed his side’s Champions League ambitions.

He has every right to feel aggrieved with his treatment. After all, his slip was a complete accident. But his tetchy comments will only help stick that incident to him, when we should instead remember Istanbul in 2005 or the FA Cup final a year later.


Henry Winter, Telegraph: "This was Gerrard unplugged, unconsidered, undignified. His barb resembled the verbal equivalent of his battering challenge on Manchester United's Ander Herrera at Anfield on March 22. Take that. The twilight of his career almost carries echoes of his early days, the reckless challenges and heated moments."

PAS agree Wan Azizah was appointed Leader of the Opposition

Victory Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Ismail in the CRP Board constituency last week

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS Party agreed with the allies DAP to give up the post of leader of the opposition to the President of the People's Justice Party (PKR) Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

PAS information chief Datuk Mahfuz Omar said the establishment was reached at a meeting of the party's central committee, chaired by its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang last Saturday.

"We unanimously agreed to hand over the chief opposition party that has a majority of seats DAP.

"Given the DAP decided to hand over the post to Wan Azizah, we agree with the decision," he said.

Previously, the local news portal reported wants to Dr Wan Azizah DAP office Deputy Leader of the Opposition than he who is also Minister of Selangor Mohamed Ali James.

PAS annoyed Dr M kena attack when umrah cash

KUALA LUMPUR - Pas disappointed because Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak fixed to the stand will not resign.

General Information Center Pas, Datuk Mahfuz Omar visits insensitive when attacked statesman, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, who is now working on pilgrimage to Mecca.

"He was very regrettable action as counterattack was not timely.

"I am disappointed with the actions of Najib, who said he would not resign at once replied to criticism of Dr Mahathir when he is not in the country," he told reporters in Pas-General's Office, here, today.

He was commenting on a statement yesterday that Najib insists he will not bow to any pressure that he wanted to resign as prime minister and Umno president.

He said, as long as the people support him to lead the country's leadership as prime minister and Umno members continue to strongly support it, then he would not budge from the post now.

Meanwhile, asked about Dr Mahathir who wish to speak personally with Corporal Sirul Omar respect Altantunya Shaariibuu murder, he said, was let into the secret conversation between the three of them.

"Mahathir is currently pilgrims, let him calm to conduct worship in Mecca," he said.

After TH, KWAP also .. Which sounds KJ?

Rafizi Ramli

Petaling Jaya - Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar should be Umno voice that demands transparency in the management of 1Malaysia Developement Berhad (1MDB).

PKR vice-president, Rafizi Ramli said the pressure that needs to be voiced, including the listing of all the transactions with 1MDB including the holding of bonds, loans, land acquisition and such transaction had ever negotiated with 1MDB.

"I challenge Khairy became the voice in demanding transparency Umno's. If he does not get a satisfactory answer as required in the transaction listing und p TH, KWAP, EPF and PNB LTAT, it was natural that he take a principled resignation of cabinet, "he was quoted as saying in a statement today.

In the same statement, Rafizis also condemned the Retirement Trust Fund (KWAP), which reported the state pension fund also bought land in the Tun Razak Exchange of 1MDB.

"The purchase of the land, though reported at a lower price than that paid TH (TH) is another form of injection of funds to save (" bail out ") 1MDB," he said.

"The lands purchased by the TH and now KWAP is land owned by the Federal Government. In fact, the land was bought by TH initially devoted to Bumiputra Property Fund, but was eventually given to 1MDB at cheap prices," said Rafizis again.

He said that the federal government not only lost these lands but a large loss when 1MDB gain the upper hand in the sale of these lands.

"The advantage of the winds that diverted by 1MDB is ultimately used to pay benefits worth hundreds of millions of dollars that had to be paid several times a year while the original funds borrowed as much as RM42 billion is not known where it goes.

"KWAP RM4 billion already loaned to a subsidiary 1MDB in 2011 and the most recent audited financial statements state that a number of RM3.1 billion were investments that auditors do not have any information," he said.

In this regard, he called for any transaction to purchase the lands of the Federal Government granted at a low price to 1MDB is a saving action ("bail out") 1MDB stopped immediately

KWAP is reportedly buying property 1MDB in Tun Razak Exchange

KWAP reportedly purchased land in Tun Razak 1MDB Exchange at a price of RM1 billion to RM1.2 billion

KUALA LUMPUR: Retirement Fund (KWAP) is said to have made a deal to buy a piece of land and buildings that will serve as its new headquarters at the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) at a price 15 percent lower than what is paid by the Fund Board pilgrimage (TH) to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), The Star reported today.

Citing sources, the newspaper reported KWAP has agreed to pay between RM1 billion to RM1.2 billion for a 40 storey building and a plot of land for a price that was paid RM2,300 per square foot.

TH previously paid to 1MDB RM2,774 per square foot or RM188.5 million, to 0.64 acres of land located at TRX.

"The main agreement is a prelude to the sale and purchase agreement (S & P). Terms of the deal too tight where KWAP will only pay 10 percent in advance and the rest when the building is ready," The Star quoted an undisclosed source as saying.

READ: TH taxable profit selling 30 percent of TRX - Property Lawyers

In its report, the newspaper stated rationale KWAP bought the building as its headquarters is now rented d Menara Yayasan Tun Razak held by Yayasan Tun Razak and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF).

"KWAP want to be in an area where there is market, mainly it will be the center of Islamic finance," the source said.

The source told, S & P agreement has yet been signed, the terms of the agreement to purchase the building and the land it would be better than an agreement made between 1MDB and TH.

"KWAP will pay a deposit of 10 per cent and the money will be put into an escrow account," said one source.

The source also said that the new building KWAP would be contrary to the station Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) subway to be built at TRX.

The station said the biggest MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang which is under construction.

Last week, the decision to buy a plot of land of TH 1MDB The TRX has shocked many groups, including former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and UMNO Youth.

There are those who claim to act TH purchase of land of 0.64 hectares was because she wanted to save 1MDB burdened with heavy debts.

However, on Saturday, Chairman of TH Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim told TH will sell the land purchased at a price of RM188.5 million.

Brutal! Student killed, cooked dog

Dholjit and Michaeltion

BANGALORE - INDIA. Three students were arrested in India after the authorities accused of killing and cooking a dog.

India Today reported yesterday portal, three students were called Dholjit, Micheal and Romen were arrested after neighbors filed a police report.

According to the report, the neighbor weird smell coming from the students home before deciding to investigate the cause of the odor.

He was however surprised after finding that the students were their pet dogs bark skin in preparation for cooking.

"Students that buy these dogs in the last six months. They maintain and expand these dogs until last Wednesday in which they kill, skin and cook the dog, "he said as quoted by the report.

Action students involved drew criticism and criticism of society and the public.

The three accused students face legal action and could be jailed for up to two years.

Debate on social media can cause disharmony

                                 Tan Sri Joseph Kurup

KUALA LUMPUR - The debate issues of ethnicity and religion openly in social media can threaten the harmony of social life of the country.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup said the openness of society, especially the younger generation who often debate the sensitive issues without considering the sensitivity can invite dissatisfaction by some.

"I see a threat to national unity seems to have no boundaries anymore to people who are abroad could also threaten our unity," he said when opening a seminar on the United Nations Development Heritage, and the Watan Vision Ethnic Relations in Malaysia here today.

He said people need a paradigm shift that is a change in management style involves a new concept of national unity.

According to the construction of the nation's unity in multi-ethnic societies should be based on the principle of integration in order to foster and identity of each people to accept differences.

In the meantime, the letter said, the 11th Malaysia Plan (RMK11) that will be addressed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the next parliamentary session, to give more focus to the strengthening of solidarity among the younger generation.

"Therefore, I hope that the report will be prepared based on the discussions that have been conducted in seminar today so that we can use as the basis for an action plan of unity," he said.

According to the action plan will help the government practiced a stronger element of solidarity towards youth in implementing RMK11.

The Best! Billionaires take 6,400 workers went on vacation

Tiens employees in an attempt to break the world record for the longest human chain in the world in Nice, France. - Photo AP

CANNES - FRENCH. A book of Chinese billionaires 84 aircraft, 147 buses, 140 hotels and over 4,500 rooms and 6,400 employees holiday company, earlier this month.

According to, billionaire and CEO, Li Jinyuan of Tiens company also managed to record "the longest human chain in the world while in Nice.

Some shops are also reserved for exclusive or so employees of the company Tiens smell shopping safely.

Jinyuan workers also brought to the Palais Nikaia to watch cabaret, Moulin Rouge.

It is understood that the success of the trip is a symbolic company Tiens cooperation with the French government.

Apart from Tiens employees, there are several Russian tourists and Kenya in the mission.

Tiens all workers are given VIP treatment while the best workers are given VIP treatment.

'He said he supports lie Tun M'

Zainuddin Maidin

SHAH ALAM - A former Umno officials claimed that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in his speech in Tawau, Sabah yesterday regarding its support of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a lie.

Former Finance Minister, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin through his blog, writing, after Najib's announcement about the unwavering support of Dr Mahathir when the administration he received a message from former Umno officials.

"He was lying supported Dr Mahathir 1987. He began to support TR (Razaleigh) I still remember. It was her deputy, AI (Anwar Ibrahim). AI who came to her support Dr M, many witnesses are still alive." He is really desperate '(he really desperate). Dr M won with 44 votes.' He did not campaign at all. He is playing safe '(he did not direct the campaign, he played safe), "he wrote quoting former officials concerned.

Earlier in his speech, Najib said he was among those supporting Dr Mahathir administration in the party elections in 1987, at which time the existence of Team A and Team B, which at that time was Dr Mahathir almost failed to maintain his position as Prime Minister due to the nearly 50 percent urged Umno members he resigned.

"When in trouble we give him a permanent support. If we support leaders face test, Dr Mahathir should not remain 22 years as Prime Minister.

"So, do not forget, when he was Prime Minister, we fully support him. Now he is not the prime minister, supporters as well. If you can not support, do not sound so. But it's okay, do not spoil the party. We can explain (issues 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)), "Najib was quoted as saying.

Elaborating, Zainuddin said in his blog, Najib transformation brought more lead to the erosion of public confidence of added confidence.

"From the abolition of the ISA, the Sedition Act threat of cancellation, NS circumstances that inevitably fluctuate, lack of effectiveness majli consulting, crisis 1MDB, GST and last but not least the sale of land purchased from TH 1MDB.

"Evidently when he boasts millions of resale profits are not shared his feelings by contributors for non-profit contributors from TH.

"They are planting stock for Everlasting Life, not for profit millions in dunia.Najib remember the announcement would be proud hearts of the people instead add their feelings of anger and kelukasaan. Najib proud to wear glasses but people wear glasses mercenary divinity, "he wrote again.

PR opportunity to join TH if reformed

                               Mahfuz Omar

KUALA LUMPUR - PR opportunity to join the Pilgrims Fund Board if the top management of state-owned companies (GLCs) was immediately overhauled.

General Description Pas, Datuk Mahfuz Omar said, when restructuring the post was made, anyone can join qualified governmental entity through rigorous screening process.

"Anyone (can join TH) including opposition leaders, promises to meet the qualifications set MPs is an independent body.

"I do not mean so (the opposition wants to join TH), let reshuffle made by professionals, members of the board of directors and executive officers must be interviewed by an independent body set up by the Parliamentary Select Committee," he said at a press conference at the Office of the Supreme fit, here today.

Previously, TH confirm the purchase of land Tun Razak Exchange Phase 1 of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) at a price of RM188.5 million after leaked information about it in a blog by a particular party.

The transaction exposure is exacerbated when the price of the original land purchased 1MDB only RM7 square feet, while the TH pay 1MDB at 3,000 square feet.

In the meantime, Mahfuz also questioned the security of using the services of an interpreter outside the country to assess the current prices of land owned by 1MDB it.

"The investigation must be conducted either under the RCI or the parliamentary committee for security did not use an interpreter the present government," he said.

In this regard, he urged the transactions of sale and purchase of land owned by 1MDB was canceled immediately, rather than forcing TH resell the property to a third party.

"We ask the sales agreement between the TH to 1MDB canceled and the money refunded and not resold to other parties.

"The claim that the act of reselling the land will gain up to RM5 million, excluding taxes borne security," he said.

Cindy Crawford beauty child to be a reference to the social networking site

Perfect family portrait is recorded when they attended the premiere of the film in Los Angeles Tomorrowland on Saturday.

The name of the mother and child pairs were trending on social sites for Mother's Day today is the leading model, Cindy Crawford and her daughter, Kaia.

Indeed, the beauty of Cindy as the most beautiful woman in the world can not be denied, it is not surprising that very similar Kaia his mother's face at a young age into consideration.

Kaia, 13 years old, is the youngest child of a marriage with Cindy businessman Rande Gerber. They also have a son, Presley.

Perfect family portrait is recorded when they attended the premiere of the film in Los Angeles Tomorrowland on Saturday.

Kaia has started a modeling career three years ago when he was selected to showcase the brand Versace Young. Since then, Kaia faces often adorn particularly Teen Vogue magazine.

LPT second exit road of death

Info graphic shows the location of the exit of L PT II at Jalan Kubang Jela, Manir along the routes of the death of the user.

Kuala Terengganu - Almost a year villagers silence with what happened, hoping there are those who act to overcome the problem of frequent accidents occur in construction of the East Coast Expressway exit II (ECE II), in Jalan Kubang Jela, Manir, here.

But that does not like to wait for the fruit fall, a solution is increasingly blurred and now they come forward to feel anxious and unhappy because the exit is like the road of death.

Resident representative, Jamalludin Nordin, 50, said the road was pitch dark conditions at night due to no lights and reflective facilities are placed along the street no longer work.

"It's a danger to users, especially those outside as they will be confused and can cause accidents. Almost weekly there are accidents on this road.

"The authorities need to take immediate action either to make this a two-way street, or put more reflective light or warning light, especially under bridges LPT II so as not to confuse road users," he said when met at the Jalan Kubang Jela here ,

Jamalludin who is also Chairman of JKKK Taman Desa Putra, fear worse things happening in the area if the authorities do not think of an alternative to the safety of the public.

"Right now, many cones are placed to cause this way more and more crowded.

"Sometimes the vehicle from the direction of Manir and Batu Enam use the same road leading to their vehicles collided and increase the risk of accidents, but this can be avoided if the cone is removed," he explained.

In this regard, the authorities transferred Jamalludin suggest cone and only open two lanes at the intersection of the Entrepreneur Of Terengganu (KUT) and in front of the Masjid Al-Ikhlas, Young Master Bira.

"If the cone is removed and added reflective risk of accidents in this area can be reduced.

"If you sat here for about an hour or two longer, will see themselves faced various difficulties motorists here," he said.

The results of the survey to the location of the Daily Herald for almost an hour to find that many road users are having difficulties and are confused by the way the situation unmanageable even during the day.

Rohingya victims cry

Ahmad Tarmizi (right) and Mohd Azmi (left) seen mass graves dug for the manufacture of a corpse.

Some graves were found in the bodies of Rohingya houses.

ALOR SETAR - "I am Muslim. We 'prayer' for you. GOD willing, Salamah, "said Vice President of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (Mapim), Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman to one of the victims of human trafficking are rescued Rohingya Thai authorities on Monday.

Season, Sultan Kalam placed in Nakharin Hatyai Songkhla University Hospital for further treatment was unable to speak because it is too weak, although his lips moved as if to say something to a group of representatives who visited him Mapim.

"Flowing tears when shaking hands with him lying in a very poor, weak and gasping breath. Once I greeted her, she was happy tears, "he said.

Ahmad Tarmizi said the Sultan of prey found in the woods near a camp on the Mount Khao Rup Chang in Sadao, Songkhla, which was raided by the authorities.

"There's been found wandering in the street after the exiled by the syndicate," he said.

According to him, this issue is no longer an internal problem of Myanmar but beyond regional boundaries.

"Mapim will apologize to the Government of Thailand to keep them entertained on the basis of humanitarian and refugee rights enshrined in the Geneva Convention. They should be given the opportunity to be in third countries so that they can safely return to Myanmar as the country's people, "he said.

Ahmad Tarmizi said Malaysia should become a key driver of regional discussions involving Myanmar and Thailand, to combat human trafficking and tighten border controls, in addition to granting humanitarian aid to the refugees.

Previously, the country was shocked by the discovery of dozens of bodies of Rohingya people who are victims of human trafficking cases, part of a syndicate brutally murdered after discovering more than 30 bodies from several mass graves, about 300 meters from the Thai-Malaysia border.

Some were rescued and treated in hospital in the south of Thailand.

Survivors told how they were stranded in a camp, in addition to being tortured or killed by the syndicate, who masterminded the events of that requested a ransom from the victim's family, if it does not want to look over his lifeless body.

With the arrest of the mastermind of that, it leads to the discovery of these camps where there are about 30 graves were believed killed Rohingya community.

Based on information from the survivors, they departed from Yakhai, Myanmar promised six months ago and brought in to work in Malaysia but instead detained in camps in Sadao.

Believed more than 500 Rohingya were killed in concentration camps in the Malaysian-Thai border.

According to the authorities and non-governmental organizations, is estimated thousands of Rohingya communities located along the Malaysia-Thailand border, waiting for ransom from the family or to be used as laborers.

Urges agreed Rohingya tackle trafficking

Mapim delegation, led by its President, Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid include representatives Mapim Thailand, Amin ensure, like the role of the three countries, namely Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia strengthened to investigate the killings and criminal trafficking are seen more and more severe, involving three countries.

The decision was reached at a special meeting last Thursday following the discovery of 30 bodies of Rohingya refugees at the border Padang Besar, Thailand and Malaysia.

Complex meeting in Songkhla Provincial Islamic Council is a joint initiative of the Human Rights Division, College of Islamic Syeikul Bangkok (Dr Tibrani), Jabim Yala and Mapim, also attended the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, Kessarin Tiawsakul.

Sudirman Cup: Malaysia kills Korea 3-2

Chong Wei who received cheers from supporters uproar when she appeared in court exhibit energetic playing style and prove that he is still poisonous and energetic at the age of 33 years and eight months suspended. - File photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia surprising three-time champion South Korea 3-2 in the opening match of group 1D Sudirman Cup 2015 in Dongguan, China last night.

The first point medalists men's doubles pair Goh V Shem / Tan Wee Kiong surprising doubles world number one Lee Yong Dae / Yoo Yeon Seong.

V Shem / Wee Kiong who lost the first set 20-22 risen exhibit unusual patterns of games and more aggressively to win the second set 21-14.

In the deciding set, trailing 17-19 partner countries, pursuing opponents and leveled 20-20 before returning behind 24-25.

But made a couple of small mistakes in South Korea gave a dramatic victory to partner countries to end the match 27-25.

But the national team struggles stunted moment when the women's singles players Yin Fun Lim failed to block the greatness of South Korea's Sung Ji Hyun in the second leg.

Yin Fun ranked 111th world had to bow to the eighth ranked player in the 9-21 and 7-21, allowing South Korea equalized 1-1.

However debut of former world number one Datuk Lee Chong Wei after his suspension, it did not disappoint when he contributed two points for the nation.

Chong Wei who received cheers from supporters uproar when she appeared in court exhibit energetic playing style and prove that he is still poisonous and energetic at the age of 33 years and eight months suspended.

The emergence of the anticipated crowd did not disappoint when Chong Wei is currently ranked 46th subdue Lee Dong Keun 21-12 and 21-10.

Women's doubles pair Vivian Hoo / Woon Khe Wei were down in the fourth game after the country failed to add points to the couple bow Chang Ye Na / Jung Kyung Eun.

Vivian / Khe Wei are practically dominate the first set but had to contend with the agility partner's 12th, a ranking below partner country with 20-22 and 9-21.

But the mixed doubles countries Peng Soon Chan / Liu Ying Goh Malaysia completed the victory by beating Kim Ha Na / Sung Hyun Kong 23-21 and 21-13.

The national badminton squad to face India tomorrow to open up opportunities for the quarterfinals.

Meanwhile, Chong Wei said he was satisfied with his performance and happy with the spirit shown by the squad.

"I am satisfied with my ppestasi though the track has been seven months, but can still feel the atmosphere of the tournament. This is the first game, I hope you can play better.

"We played great doubles, and their first point I would make sense," he said in an interview footage Astro Arena in Dongguan.

In the Group 1C, the Danish creating their first win after beating England 4-1.

Sad: Shoot off their wives, because of migraine

Randy Janzen said she killed her daughter, Emily, 19, because upset with migraine disease which affects his daughter. - Pictures decoration

KUALA LUMPUR: A father in Vancouver, Canada, said he shot and killed his wife, his son and his brother-in-One status uploaded on Facebook on 7 May.

Randy Janzen said she killed her daughter, Emily, 19, because upset with migraine disease which affects his daughter.

Randy also confessed to killing his wife, Laurel, because according to Randy, a mother should not hear the news of his death.

While her sister, Shelly, was murdered because his brother Randy refused to feel responsible for the crimes he committed.

Police raided the home of Randy few hours after the upload status, but Randy was reported to have committed suicide when the police arrived.

In this status, stated Randy daughter Emily was very good but had to suffer because of a migraine.

"Emily is the daughter dream of any parent and I do not want to see him hurt.

"It was my own decision and I'm responsible for the deaths of my family members. What is important, they will no longer bear the pain and shame," said Randy.

Because men pervert gel 10, three strokes

The accused (left) will be sent to prison to serve his sentence Base Chepa.

CROSS CITY - Danger for the unemployed for robbing and molesting two children in the incident last January, he was sentenced to 10 years' jail and three strokes of the rotan by the Sessions Court here today.

The accused, Mohamed Khairul Ikhwan, 30, was sentenced after pleading guilty to both charges.

He was charged with another man still at large robbed a 56-year-old woman and 22-year-old daughter in the incident at a house in Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, here, at 3.30 am, 18 January.

Robbery involving losses of RM200,000.

For the second offense he was charged with crimes of violence against the girl with the intention of outraging modesty of the time, date and location of each.

The judge decided the sentence, Mohd Yusoff Yunus.

Earlier, Deputy Public Prosecutor Kelantan, Nordalina Ali asked the court to impose a deterrent sentence taking into account the accused committed a serious crime.

In the last incident, the complainant woke up from sleep to find two men in his room on the second floor and found himself tied to the feet, mouth and hands.

The complainant's daughter was with also tied the hands, feet and mouth.

They asked for money and jewelery to the complainant and searched the house.

The accused and his friend were armed with small knives and daggers pointed at the neck of the victim and her children.

They also act groped the victim and her son wounded in the cheek exposed blade referred to as thrashing when violated. They then left the house and the victim and her untied and ask for help.

The robbers also took away RM7,000; jewelery; handbag, wallet containing various cards, four mobile phones and a Toyota Vios car totaling RM200,000.

Najib: Statement Tun M convoluted

Tawau - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the statement Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) recent convoluted.

"..sekejap Said 1MDB lost RM42 billion after the word was not lost but 1MDB owe RM42 billion," he said in his speech in front of some 40,000 people who attended the program Solidarity with the People of Sabah, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in Padang Tawau Municipal here, today.

Najib stressed that the government has its own way to resolve the issue if 1MDB reprieved.

The Prime Minister explained that when TH (TH) bought a piece of land owned by 1MDB it is an investment and not a 'bailout' 1MDB as TH can gain up to more than RM170 million through the purchase but due to the matter at issue, he advised TH sell the land.

Najib said through the resale of the asset, TH can gain up to RM5 to RM6 million, but at the same time depositors TH own detriment because if the assets remain the property of TH, depositors can gain up to RM170 million.

"But because the issue has been rolled as a hot issue, people say 'you are shooting yourself at your foot', shoot their own feet. This is what I say irrational.

"We are doing something for what? For the good of the people. Divide the opportunity. Every problem we can solve. But given the opportunity to leaders to resolve the matter," he said.

The Prime Minister said after witnessing the strong support given to the people as can be seen in today's rally, he was determined to continue the fight even more excitement flared.

Kim Kardashian's hottest selfies ahead of her new book 'Selfish'

Just incase you had any doubts about the nature of Kim Kardashian's new book titled "Selfish," the reality star was quick to clarify, posting this steamy lingerie shot on Instagram just one day before the 352-page collection of selfies hits the shelves. "Don't think I didn't put lots of sexy pics in my new book #SELFISH," Kim K captioned the scantily-clad shot on May 4, 2015.

Jennifer Lawrence in 'X-Men: Days of Future Past': Hottest stars in the sci-fi universe

Jennifer Lawrence wearing nothing but a skin-tight blue bodysuit? We're sold! Fans got a sneak peek of the actress on set of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" thanks to the film's director Bryan Singer, who tweeted this snap of J.Law getting into costume. "First look: #JenniferLawrence as a vengeful #Mystique. #XMen #DaysOfFuturePast" he posted on May 20, 2013. Fortunately, she's just one of the stellar (or rather interstellar) beauties to be found in the sci-fi universe -- and she's not the first bombshell to dress up in blue ...

James McAvoy gets head shaved on ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ set to portray Professor X

 The Scottish actor had his head shaved on the set of “X-Men: Apocalypse,” the film’s director Bryan Singer revealed Friday on Instagram.

“Xavier reborn (in process),” Singer captioned the photo of the 36-year-old’s newly shorn head.

McAvoy had portrayed Charles Xavier in 2011’s “X-Men: First Class” and 2014’s “X-Men: Days of Future Past” with a full head of hair.

Jury likely to consider marathon bomber's sentence this week

BOSTON — After months of testimony, the jury in the trial of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is expected to begin weighing his punishment this week.

Jurors must decide whether Tsarnaev should spend the rest of his life in prison or should be put to death for the 2013 twin bombings that killed three people and injured more than 260.

The 21-year-old former college student was convicted of 30 federal charges, including 17 that carry the possibility of the death penalty.

His lawyers are expected to call their last witness in the sentencing phase Monday, followed by rebuttal witnesses from prosecutors, then closing arguments to the jury. Deliberations could begin mid-week.

Prosecutors have portrayed Tsarnaev as a heartless terrorist who placed a bomb behind a group of children, killing an 8-year-old boy.

But Tsarnaev's lawyers have said he fell under the influence of his radicalized older brother, Tamerlan, 26.

During the sentencing phase, the defense has portrayed Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the domineering and fanatical architect of the bombings who pulled his then 19-year-old brother into his plot. Russian relatives who testified about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's childhood recalled him as a kind, good-natured boy who made everyone smile.

The Tsarnaevs — ethnic Chechens — lived in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Dagestan region of Russia, near Chechnya, before moving to the U.S. in 2002, when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was 8.

Prosecutors have portrayed him as a willing participant and equal partner with his brother in the attack, which they saw as retaliation for U.S. actions in Muslim countries.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev died four days after the bombings after he was shot by police and run over by his brother during a getaway attempt.

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