
Monday 11 May 2015

Alliance will command the country if Najib failed to tackle the issue of 1MDB - Tun M

TUN M: Pakatan will command the country if Najib failed to tackle the issue of 1MDB - files

KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat will be running the country after the General Election (GE) 14th if the government fails to address the issue of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) immediately.

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he was withdrawing his support of his own to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak effective.

"When I first heard about 1MDB, I feel the situation has become very serious. At that time not a lot of information. I had to make the decision to send the letter Najib said that I do not support yet.

"He just leads people close to him so I withdraw my letter. Because it does not reveal the withdrawal of support for me, I had to expose myself.

"I receive more information on 1MDB. I was surprised by the amount of the debt is so high. The government itself has never been so much debt. These debts are made in off-budget, ie without the approval of the Cabinet or Parliament," he said in a recent note his blog today.

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However, Dr Mahathir said he could not accept a state governed by the Pact.

"Fundamentals of the parties in the coalition opposed to each other. DAP are more concerned with the interests of the Chinese people. PAS claimed it was not successful, and only Islam.

"Islamic PAS is not only to political Islam actually. So that UMNO, PAS for cooperating with the unbelievers but later converted pagans PAS. Anwar's Justice Party only to be Prime Minister.

"If a government coalition, chaos will prevail. The progress of the country would be affected and all the people will suffer," he said.

In a separate development, Najib had said that members of the Supreme Council (MT) UMNO wants the Auditor General's investigation results to 1MDB to be accelerated.

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