
Monday 11 May 2015

Rohingya victims cry

Ahmad Tarmizi (right) and Mohd Azmi (left) seen mass graves dug for the manufacture of a corpse.

Some graves were found in the bodies of Rohingya houses.

ALOR SETAR - "I am Muslim. We 'prayer' for you. GOD willing, Salamah, "said Vice President of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (Mapim), Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman to one of the victims of human trafficking are rescued Rohingya Thai authorities on Monday.

Season, Sultan Kalam placed in Nakharin Hatyai Songkhla University Hospital for further treatment was unable to speak because it is too weak, although his lips moved as if to say something to a group of representatives who visited him Mapim.

"Flowing tears when shaking hands with him lying in a very poor, weak and gasping breath. Once I greeted her, she was happy tears, "he said.

Ahmad Tarmizi said the Sultan of prey found in the woods near a camp on the Mount Khao Rup Chang in Sadao, Songkhla, which was raided by the authorities.

"There's been found wandering in the street after the exiled by the syndicate," he said.

According to him, this issue is no longer an internal problem of Myanmar but beyond regional boundaries.

"Mapim will apologize to the Government of Thailand to keep them entertained on the basis of humanitarian and refugee rights enshrined in the Geneva Convention. They should be given the opportunity to be in third countries so that they can safely return to Myanmar as the country's people, "he said.

Ahmad Tarmizi said Malaysia should become a key driver of regional discussions involving Myanmar and Thailand, to combat human trafficking and tighten border controls, in addition to granting humanitarian aid to the refugees.

Previously, the country was shocked by the discovery of dozens of bodies of Rohingya people who are victims of human trafficking cases, part of a syndicate brutally murdered after discovering more than 30 bodies from several mass graves, about 300 meters from the Thai-Malaysia border.

Some were rescued and treated in hospital in the south of Thailand.

Survivors told how they were stranded in a camp, in addition to being tortured or killed by the syndicate, who masterminded the events of that requested a ransom from the victim's family, if it does not want to look over his lifeless body.

With the arrest of the mastermind of that, it leads to the discovery of these camps where there are about 30 graves were believed killed Rohingya community.

Based on information from the survivors, they departed from Yakhai, Myanmar promised six months ago and brought in to work in Malaysia but instead detained in camps in Sadao.

Believed more than 500 Rohingya were killed in concentration camps in the Malaysian-Thai border.

According to the authorities and non-governmental organizations, is estimated thousands of Rohingya communities located along the Malaysia-Thailand border, waiting for ransom from the family or to be used as laborers.

Urges agreed Rohingya tackle trafficking

Mapim delegation, led by its President, Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid include representatives Mapim Thailand, Amin ensure, like the role of the three countries, namely Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia strengthened to investigate the killings and criminal trafficking are seen more and more severe, involving three countries.

The decision was reached at a special meeting last Thursday following the discovery of 30 bodies of Rohingya refugees at the border Padang Besar, Thailand and Malaysia.

Complex meeting in Songkhla Provincial Islamic Council is a joint initiative of the Human Rights Division, College of Islamic Syeikul Bangkok (Dr Tibrani), Jabim Yala and Mapim, also attended the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, Kessarin Tiawsakul.

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