
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Abby blasts shaped Porn dealers selling food in this country

Abby Abadi through a post on his social media denounced some food vendors sell food in this country obscene.

The food is eaten in the form of mean male genitalia in selling to the public, which means selling it in like in the picture above and sold in Malaysia RM.

Abby through his social networking site also said the issue of male artists mememeluk KPOP girl melayu now pending issues will arise that will warm the talk of the country.

The m was the location of shops selling pornographic food is not in real kan in detail but it is very disgusting and humiliating people in this country.

Aaron Aziz rushed sent to hospital due to neck pain

Once complete premiere of husband Mr Perfect 10! At GSC Pavilion last night, popular actor Aaron Aziz was rushed to Prince Court Medical Centre at around 12 midnight.

Why was that?

Even some of the photos and video Aaron Aziz surprise visit to the hospital was shared by his beloved wife, Halik posing in Instagram account that also accompany the actress was phenomenal last night.

From captions written posing Halik, looked misery suffered by Aaron Aziz who could only lay on a hospital bed while waiting to be treated by a doctor on duty.

Portal have contacted Halik posing while ago to get a statement from him regarding the real situation Bintang Popular Berita Harian it.

"Not what, Aaron there just to get painkillers because not stand with neck pain that had happened over the past few days.

"It's been a long time actually felt pain in his neck Aaron because he is the impact of the accident that had ever happened before filming Fear Factor years ago.

"Just yesterday he could not endure the pain anymore. So finally I took him to see a doctor at Prince Court that he happened to have just finished premiere at the Pavilion, "he shared his story.

According posing Halik, her husband is always attacked neck pain as a result of the accident and Aaron Aziz yesterday apparently could not withstand the intense pain.

However, she said the actor, who is also the manager concerned, after getting painkillers, Aaron Aziz pain subsided a little, but she needs to see a doctor and get treatment follow-up on Friday.

"I do not know, since kemalamgan respect, Aaron Aziz has always suffered pain in his neck and he would have to undergo therapy.

"We'll see what the doctor says ascribe later on Friday," he said briefly that also told that her husband would be busy with the filming of a movie starting this February.

Singer Aishah allegedly Ning Ning

Maybe something strange when there are fans who've 'liked' by his favorite artist, or in other words confused with the identity of their favorite celebrities.

The same thing has happened to two more favorite singer Aishah and also when there is a Ning Ning fans have misplaced picture in his Twitter page recently.

Fans who use the name of Alexander the Great in his Twitter account had been uploading pictures Aishah while in his writings, he actually owned admired singers voice Ning Ning.

Here as written enthusiasts concerned "Excuse me ni dah Ning Ning married to? My favorite singer ni. My interests are very sound of her ... hehehe. Feeling excited ".

So which one is right now? The fans love the sound Ning Ning or sweet black face Aishah?

Amusing incident was shared singer Nurul Depp in his Instagram account (nuruldepp) which turned out to have the attention of many followers singer including comments that amusing.

Nurul said Depp who were briefly, he also often called Nuing baizura by some fans, probably because the skin is black owned them both.

So those incidents prove that the blacks have sweet Ning Ning, Nurul Aishah Depp and has made many fans were confused.

But the question now is, will the fans who had called Ning Ning confused as Depp or Nurul Aishah? Please answer a few Ning Baizura.

Wife wings keep the male genitalia sculptures made of gold

Male genitalia sculptures and statues of Buddha metal between the exhibits submitted in the case involving the singer Awie and his wife Rozana Misbun.

Through the report portal mStar Online on Tuesday, the Federal Territory Syariah High Court was told, the wife of the famous singer was superstitious practices during the nine years of their marriage.

Lawyer representing Awie, Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Zain told the court that his client had strong evidence that Rozana a practitioner things polytheism, superstitions with the discovery of some goods in their matrimonial home in Smart Heights, Ampang near here.

Obviously before Judge Mohd Zaidi Mohd Amran Mat Zain, his clients find items such as blood, hair and bones placed in a small bottle than the male genitalia sculptures made of pure gold and metal sculpture of Buddha.

Also found were a tree wrapped in black cloth and yellow and the umbilical cord and other items wrapped in cloth of the same color.

"Son of my clients have found some of these items before the respondent left their homes and some respondents found after leaving home.

"These items were hidden under the mattress, in the wardrobe, grown in pots of flowers and hidden in a piece of jewelry rack in the living room," he said.

Mohd Zaidi was speaking at a session of the trial submissions in reply to demands to cancel the ex-parte order for custody of children raised by Rozana on August 8 last year.