
Sunday 21 September 2014

Sold loss pills content on your blog, FB to a stuck

Dumping the sale of drugs to abort fetuses that are advertised publicly through social sites into new issues is surprising when the story was first dealt with the sale of drugs over the last few days.

Based on the results from the Daily Herald, a lot of websites, social media and advertising space on the internet offers a variety of packages supposedly affordable price.

Without guilt, blog or Facebook page operator who sells drugs is also ready to provide advice and guide the use of drugs that sold them.

"pill to help 'clean' for women who are pregnant in the womb 23 weeks under only. Just follow the directions for the medication, and within 12 hours I'll be right 'wash'.

"Special for pregnant women at close range, stuck, unmarried and 'happy pregnant'," according to one ad found.

Sellers abort fetuses drugs also compare the cost of pill with abortion in a private hospital as an attraction of their products.

Not only pontificate, but there are ads that are willing to use the name of the Ministry of Health to gain the trust of their customers. 

"pill comes directly to you with the original packaging and the Ministry of Health registration number on the packaging. By purchasing from me, you will be taught how to properly and taking appropriate dosages. 

I will monitor each customer's progress while taking (drugs fall) until the washing process running, "according to another ad on the internet. 

Meanwhile, Director General of the Ministry of Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah confirmed the ministry was investigating the issue. 

"Selling drugs is still under investigation abortion ministry," he told the Daily Herald. 

Previously, some screen Facebook account to sell the pills fall the largest content in social media. 

Due disclosure of public criticism, one Facebook account that allegedly sold drugs had already been closed by noon on Wednesday. 

Pursuant to Section 312 of the Penal Code, abortion individuals could be jailed for up to three years or fine or both.

Whole football team of Cameroon became a Muslim in droves in Dubai

Each member of the Cameroon national football team, including the coaches and their priests had converted to Islam, according to the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Dubai (IACAD), United Arab Emirates.

Cameroon team members reciting the Kalima en masse after attending a training camp organized by the department in Dubai.

According IACAD, the decision was taken because they were impressed with the hospitality of the local people and the peace and tranquility that can be felt in Islam.

Cameroon team came from the academy shirt specially organized for the orphans, and the poor people geladangan.

IACAD Director General, Dr. Hamad Al Shaibani said, the department has seen many residents and tourists from different nationalities converted to Islam.

"Most of them embraced Islam, attracted by the values ​​of tolerance, i humane and Islamic principles and charity shown by the Muslims themselves," said Hamad.

IACAD many organized programs for the converts and non-Muslims in the introduction that propagated the message of Islam as a religion for all.

The department was founded by the late Sheikh Rashid Saeed Al Maktoum in 1969 to serve as the body responsible for managing the central memorize the Quran, supervise and maintain mosques, charities and associations to manage licensing of Islamic institutions and supervise administrative affairs, finance and affairs of the Fatwa.

So far IACAD has 17 Islamic centers and 38 centers memorizing the Quran in Dubai.