
Thursday 8 January 2015

Emma insipid story Zizan real thing, he's not stupid?

And now begins the episode pointing fingers at each blaming the other side for what happened. As you know, the country is now in crisis ending a romance between Emma Maembong & Zizan Razak. This latest development.

Yesterday, Zizan Razak through the media, stating its intention to buy a luxury car to cause separation after Emma Maembong not agree with that.

Many people do not believe just because luxury cars relationships built up over the years this easily resolved just like that.  Emma Maembong  via Twitter for updates on the same day denied the ex-lover (too soon?) it.

Through the Twitter status, Emma Maembong seem challenging Zizan Razak tell the truth behind their separation. So, we have a second round?

Intimate picture Nonny (AF5) are scattered his party tried to sabotage yourself

Petaling Jaya:  Actor Nonny (AF5) suspects that certain parties do conspiracy to topple his career by finding ways to spread old photos savings.

Nonny Nonny Nadirah real name Zainuddin, 26, said that since the breakup last month, he could feel something was not right until the issue of the photograph.

"If possible, I do not want to accuse anyone, but since the breakup last month, there are those who are not satisfied with me.

"All of that comes after my ex-lover I reject the proposal on specific reasons.

"Then after that I found out there were people want to spread my pictures with my ex-boyfriend. I guess people were not happy to see even more of my art career is getting better," he told  mStar Online  when contacted here at Thursday.

Nonny said after asked to comment on a few photos with a man graciously received by  mStar Online from unidentified individual.

However Nonny admit that the photo was taken when he was still a relationship with the man.

He also apologized if there are those who are offended by the photo because it is likely it will spread widely soon.

In the meantime, Nonny also feel regret over his behavior not to mention she was determined to build his name as an actor and a singer again this year.

"Never mind my name just want to ride since been involved with drama  Istikharah Love  (currently airing on TV3).

"Suddenly there were parties who tried to impose on me. However, I submit, it is also for my mistake before taking photos friendly like that," he said.

Meanwhile, Nonny said, since drama  Love Istikharah  published, sustenance acting on the rise.

"Gratitude when some publishers began to trust my talent.

"Maybe because of the impact antagonist as Haiza in the drama that makes people easy to remember. What-what, it was all family sustenance.

"The only thing that got me excitedly when early years began with allegations about the photo spread," he said.

The Nissan Skyline is the cause of Zizan and Emma break

Emma Maembong not agree with her boyfriend intention to splurge buy luxury cars Nissan Skyline which is now owned by Zizan.

According to the latest statement  Zizan Razak  told Utusan Malaysia, there pergaduah erupted between them because the intention to buy a luxury car sport because Emma Maembong not agree with the view that because it is considered wasteful.

Actually, there is no serious dispute between us. Emma angry with me because they wanted to buy a high-powered luxury car because she does not like men who waste. In fact, my intention was also opposed by my own mother. It is the cause of our separation, "he said.

At the same time, Zizan Razak also dismissed the words that said that Emma Maembong a foot abrasion and their relationship ended because of the negative attitude.

Zizan Razak also recognize still love Emma Maembong. it is pendedehan Zizan who  opened his mouth about the source separation with Emma Maembong and it is much simpler than what we expect.

Photos Chacha swim in the beautiful beach while on vacation

We are actually interested in the attitude Chacha and friends Tasha Shilla not touting their vacation recently with loved ones believed in Thailand.

Not what, there are also some people who do not mind sharing intimate pictures during a vacation with your loved one will even realize themselves denounced.

At first we just thought Tiz only fun splashing around in the island with baby beloved, apparently Tasha and her lover, Han was also with them.

We were amazed, Tasha before it can be said quite frequently upload photos with Instagram but Han in recent dah dwindle.

Vacation photos they also got to share with fans directly and openly, even if there is only a piece of the island landscape photos uploaded last week.We were amazed, Tasha before it can be said quite frequently upload photos with Instagram but Han in recent dah dwindle.

Vacation photos they also got to share with fans directly and openly, even if there is only a piece of the island landscape photos uploaded last week.

The policemen abducted Abu Sayyaf ill with malaria

K ota Kinabalu  : Members marine police kidnapped the militant group Abu Sayyaf, Constable NMN Aleip which is now in the forest area on the island of Jolo in the southern Philippines, is faced with serious health problems.

A group of activists who oppose kidnapping, Prof. Octavio Dinampo said he had been told NMN, 26, was bedridden and could not get up out of bed since five days ago.

"He is suffering from malaria. I was also told she had diarrhea," he said on Wednesday.

Dinampo said Abu Sayyaf Group failed to bring the doctor to treat NMN.

"None of the doctors who dared to go to the hideout of the Abu Sayyaf group," said Dinampo, Mindanao University lecturers do, who lives in Luboc not far from the mountains, which is where Abu Sayyaf hideout.

He said the militants had been brought NMN out of their original hiding place twice a few weeks ago to evade detection Philippine authorities.

Malaysian authorities said they could not confirm whether the allegations are true or otherwise.

When contacted, NMN wife, Erna Sharifah Berson declined to comment on the circumstances of her husband, but he will only receive any information from the police.

NMN rescue efforts were not successful, because the militant group Abu Sayyaf often changes his mind and urged to demand ransom for the release of more policemen concerned.

NMN kidnapped when militant group Abu Sayyaf attack unit in Pulau Mabul Marine Police located in Semporna, on July 12 last year.

When the attack occurred, colleagues NMN killed and the incident led to several attacks occurring in the waters of Sabah.

Two sisters lost in JB assist their impact, spread it!

Two sisters, a man and a woman aged 11 and 9 years were lost in Johor Bharu.

Losing their last location is at Jalan Pinang 52 Taman Daya JB at 9:10 minutes Night on January 7, 2015.

Together we can spread the word and help locate them if anyone who looks can contact phone no 0177773985 (Father).

We wish them both safely met.

The story of five brothers share one wife

New Delhi: A woman called Rajo Verma revealed that she had five husbands. Do not stop there, the five men has a biological sibling relationship.

22-year-old housewife was living in a one room house with five husbands. Rajo running normal responsibilities as a wife in the daytime and sleep with her husband differ by rotation in the evening.

Sharing household of six individuals were blessed with a baby boy but according Rajo, he himself does not know who the father of the offspring.

"Many are asking, but in the beginning only feel a little weird, now that I honestly did not have a favorite husband," said Rajo.

Rajo married to her first husband Guddu, 21, according to Hindu culture which governed their families. However, in the village of indigenous women require it took siblings Guddu as a husband.

"We all have sex with her but I was never jealous. We are a happy family, "said Guddu.

Husbands Rajo include Bajju, 32, Sant Ram, 28, Gopal, 26, and most of all is Dinesh married two years ago when a young man had just reached the age of 18 years.

As a housewife to a large family, Rajo cooking, and taking care of his son, Jay, aged two years when all her husband worked in Dehradun, northern India.

"My mother was married with three children. When I received Guddu as a husband, I know that I have to accept all the siblings as a husband, "says Rajo.

Rajo family tradition practiced is called ' Polyandry '. This ancient custom practiced in ancient times to maintain the family farm.

"I sleep with them in turn. We have no beds, except for a few blankets. No jealousy arise even received more attention and affection than most of the other wives, "he added.

Seven girls surprised their actions were bathing nude recorded

Kuala Lumpur: A group of seven college girl did not expect the 'action' they were bathing nude in a bathroom of their male counterparts recorded using a hidden camera pen shaped.

The hidden camera that can record video clearly deliberately placed in a container brush toothpaste to prevent it being detected.

One of the victims who only wanted to be known as Tan, 24, said the incident occurred when they all followed the suspect returned to my hometown in Sibu, Sarawak.

According to him, the 24-year-old suspect was invited classmates went on vacation to his hometown during the holidays on December 24 last semester.

We recognize the suspect past five years due to our claim in the same college in the capital, the case is being investigated by authorities.

Celebrity beauties please the flood victims already cursed ..?

Know your long-haired woman who was cleaning the mud in the picture above?

Who else if not a new lawyer who is also a beautiful actress Nona, Fouziah Gous!

Fouziah and her husband were among the celebrities who are actively involved in the mission to help flood victims, especially in severely affected areas on the East Coast.

Needless to say, we were amazed by this actor concerns as willing to set aside public figure status and down the field in order to ease the burden of the villagers.

Likewise, there are also people who do not like to see Fouziah and viewed from a negative standpoint alone to go out issues 'crazy publicity' and 'veiled'.

There may be well-intentioned want to see celebrities are changing, but many more ways to be more polite rebuke.

No need to want to curse and blame others because we do not know, either, whether the condemned man was actually more generous than we are with Him who knows?

Council akikah baby Che Ta & Zain very beautiful and luxurious

Popular couples with Zain Che Ta and his throne Aaisyah Dhia Rana in specially designed for this baby shower ceremony.

With beautiful decor and charming Council Aqiqah Aaisyah Dhia Rana, daughter of the couple Che Ta & Zain Saidin seem very lively.