
Thursday 8 January 2015

The story of five brothers share one wife

New Delhi: A woman called Rajo Verma revealed that she had five husbands. Do not stop there, the five men has a biological sibling relationship.

22-year-old housewife was living in a one room house with five husbands. Rajo running normal responsibilities as a wife in the daytime and sleep with her husband differ by rotation in the evening.

Sharing household of six individuals were blessed with a baby boy but according Rajo, he himself does not know who the father of the offspring.

"Many are asking, but in the beginning only feel a little weird, now that I honestly did not have a favorite husband," said Rajo.

Rajo married to her first husband Guddu, 21, according to Hindu culture which governed their families. However, in the village of indigenous women require it took siblings Guddu as a husband.

"We all have sex with her but I was never jealous. We are a happy family, "said Guddu.

Husbands Rajo include Bajju, 32, Sant Ram, 28, Gopal, 26, and most of all is Dinesh married two years ago when a young man had just reached the age of 18 years.

As a housewife to a large family, Rajo cooking, and taking care of his son, Jay, aged two years when all her husband worked in Dehradun, northern India.

"My mother was married with three children. When I received Guddu as a husband, I know that I have to accept all the siblings as a husband, "says Rajo.

Rajo family tradition practiced is called ' Polyandry '. This ancient custom practiced in ancient times to maintain the family farm.

"I sleep with them in turn. We have no beds, except for a few blankets. No jealousy arise even received more attention and affection than most of the other wives, "he added.

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