
Saturday 9 May 2015

Microsoft plans to change Nokia retail stores


MICROSOFT plans to change the 39 Nokia retail stores across Malaysia to store Microsoft by the end of this year.

Sales Manager of Mobile Devices To Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Bruce Howe said, Malaysia was the first country in the Asia Pacific running the rebranding process.

"This transition is a big step for our brand as well as provide an opportunity to improve and expand the retail dominance of Microsoft products in Malaysia," he told Bernama at the launch resellers store at Suria KLCC in Kuala Lumpur today.

Chief Marketing and Operations Microsoft Malaysia, Rukmani Subramaniam said authorized resellers store the company has recorded strong growth for local businesses Microsoft.

"We received feedback from customers that they are difficult to obtain Microsoft Microsoft shop in Malaysia. Therefore we create this transition to provide more opportunities for them to visit and learn how to leverage Microsoft technology," he said.

Commenting on the impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Microsoft products, Rukmani said, GST does not have a major impact on the demand and sales of its products.

"I think the overall public sentiment is quite negative about the GST, but we produce devices for each stage and for each price point inherited some advanced features.

"With the GST, the price charged to the consumer has not changed much and the price of some products may go down," he said.

Why to kill when spoken to marry

Decoration picture

KUALA LUMPUR - The case of a single mother of four children who was killed by her lover as often urged her lover to marry, attracted the attention of many.

Not to mention that his girlfriend was a religious teacher unmarried and younger than her.

Also reported is the case of a woman who murdered her fiance by strangled and thrown from the bridge and in women also found a note telling his problems.

Asked to comment specifically on the case of murder due to talk of marriage, freelance preacher Rick Halim Din said without taking into account the specific factors with unknown cause, in general, the incidence may be due to emotional crisis involving internal problems.

"They sometimes not not have faith (in case of a religious teacher), but because of the passion of anger or lust boost animal (bahimiah)," he told Bernama.

He also said the distressed because of the cost and increasing the marriage expenses can also be a burden to couples who want to marry.

"But the fact is, if we go back to religion, the marriage should be simplified, not troubled by things such as high conductivity and so on," he said.

From a psychological standpoint, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Prof Dr Osman Bakar Che described the act of killing caused by human inability to control anger and emotion.

He said people with psychiatric problems will be easily angered and decided that it makes no sense.

"These (when failing to control angry emotions), can not even think that their actions will lead them to the 'noose'. This is what the 'impulse control disorder' which means moved to make things harmful.

"There are also people who do not know their identifying problems in anger. They have failed to control stress and anger, and this is associated with psychiatric problems," he said.

Osman does not rule out the current situation, especially involving the cost of living rising perhaps among the contributing factors to the problem, but it is not a concrete reason for anyone to act on the expectations that are willing to kill.

'Why TH is willing to pay such a high price for land 1MDB?' - Mukhriz

Chief Minister of Kedah Mukhriz Mahathir questioned the TH-1MDB transactions. -Image File

KUALA LUMPUR: Kedah Chief Minister Mukhriz Mahathir questioned the actions Pilgrims Fund Board (TH) the purchase of real estate owned by 1MDB with the RM188.5 million.

In a statement uploaded on his Twitter account, Mukhriz to compare the transaction between TH and 1MDB and Finance and the Ministry of Domestic 1MDB.

"If TH willing to pay such a high price for the land belonging to 1MDB, what is the reason the Finance Ministry on the selling price is so cheap to 1MDB first?" Asked Mukhriz.

On Thursday, the TH confirm the purchase of land for real estate investments in the financial center of Tun Razak Exchange (TRX).

This was revealed Deputy Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer TH, Datuk Johan Abdullah in a statement released earlier.

According to him, this step is in line with the real estate investment strategy TH focusing on the domestic sector.

"This investment is a commercial decision that meet the appetite for risk and has gone through all the internal assessment process in detail.

"The purchase of the property at the price of RM188.5 million is at a discount rate based on current market value and it has been evaluated by an independent professional valuer," he said.

Ability Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

THROUGH film The Devil Advocate in 1997, a girl born in South Africa, Charlize Theron began trying to make a name once stood the glittering world of Hollywood stars.

Cooking does not, as 'outsiders', Theron's ability to compete with a new cast of American States (US) is so painful.

In fact, he scoured the obstacles and try to show a remarkable ability to stand out from other young stars.

Once received an offer in the first film, he had to scrape its South African accent speech and began studying US accent.

For that, he was watching TV for hours a day and listen to the radio and sing songs as much as possible. Likewise, Theron still considers himself lucky to have a lot of culture.

Compared with US actors identity, he knows another culture than the culture around it and this makes it easy Theron got a chance to animate his character.

The actress, later in the film 2 Days in the Valley in 1996, the film Once spent, he continued to offer instruction in the Tom Hanks movie, That Thing You Do (1996), as Tina, the girlfriend of one of the members of the 1960s.

Continue to develop her acting talent and she began appearing in films such as Hollywood Confidential fragile stage (1997), Trial & Error (1997), Mighty Joe Young (1998), Sweet November (2001), The Italian Job (2003), Hancock ( 2006), The Burning Plain (2008), Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) and Two Eyes Staring (2013).

Apparently, Theron has made its name in the US until brought home many awards like Oscar Awards and Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress category.

The old fear?

Highlights Theron was when he was not worried about the common problem of aging to be faced by all women.

Although it will be at the age of 40, Theron admitted that aging is not a major problem and would not change a woman's beauty.

In fact, she always believed and believe in her appearance.

"Growing old is not a bad thing. Many women are too easy to judge other women just because of age. In fact, among his own people always think that women will be as cut flowers wilt and eventually will fall.

"My advice to all women in their 20s, so do not be afraid to be old, do not stress and not drinking Chardonnay (white wine) too much," he said.

He said the increase in the age occurs as the maturity in life and now is planning to marry his fiancee, Seann Pean.

"When I was in her 30s, I realized I could not satisfy everyone. But I enjoy life more.

"I do not know the mother of the late 30's was really fun, it gives you a new outlook," he said.

Bald head

After 30 years on, is now the fourth film in the franchise Mad Max back to the audience. Use the title 'Mad Max: Fury Road', the ever popular movie about the 1980s is back with new surprises aura and under the direction of a great director, George Miller.

If previously shouldered by the main character actor, Mel Gibson, for the fourth installment of this, it is filled by Tom Hardy wise shaping the character of Max Rockatansky in his own way. Similarly, Theron, who was committed shaping his character as Imperator Furiosa.

In fact, in order to fulfill his role, Theron throw when performing with blond hair almost bald haircut and smudgy.

He, however, seems very quiet with its latest appearance. Images seen during the recent Theron bring his adopted son, Jackson sightseeing in the area his home in Beverly Hills, US.

"In the beginning all the paparazzi almost did not recognize her as she hung her head with a cap, but after seeing her new Jackson mengendong we realized it was Charlize Theron," says the paparazzi who follow her.

Mad Max: Fury Road tells the story of Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) whose life is haunted by the past which led to the loss of loved ones. Max then decided to travel alone because it is perceived as the best way for him to survive.

However, in his journey, Max met with a group of rebels led by Furiosa (Charlize Theron) who was crossing the desert to escape the threat Citadel faction led by Joe Immotan. Imperator Furiosa and his followers are said to have taken something valuable from the faction. Because of the Road War took place between the two parties.

What happens next to them? They succeed in escaping? Get the answer by following these interesting films in cinemas nearby began May 14.

'Thanks to leaked information'

Kuala Terengganu - Terengganu Umno Youth to thank the individuals who leaked confidential information about the purchase of land 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) by TH (TH) amounted to RM188.5 million in the Tun Razak Exchange.

Its leader, Abu Bakar Mohd Johari said, if not for the individual, especially depositors TH people will not know about the purchase of a plot of land that now caused the dissatisfaction of all parties.

In this regard, he urged the management to respond quickly TH and concrete to defuse popular anger, especially depositors TH, because they have the right to know how their money is invested deposited.

"We understand the need for TH investment in the property sector to enable depositors TH returns in the form of dividends. The question is whether this strategy purchases saved 1MDB ?.

"This is because the land was sold to the federal government at a price of RM60 per 1MDB, but sold to TH RM2,860 foot," he said.

With various issues and problems right now, he said, the party president, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak must act immediately to clarify and resolve certain things so it does not continue to be a concern to the people.

The matter involves the issue of cost of living pressures as a result of price controls management, polemic issues 1MDB management, Felda second generation housing and the GST issue.

"The establishment of Terengganu Umno Youth, obviously. Honorable President must act immediately to clarify this matter to the people, so that it is no longer a problem.

"If anything needs to be restructured so organizations that focus on this point, if urgent investigation or audit process, the president must act now," he said.

As a youth wing of the party, the government also needs clarification as Umno deputy at that level to ensure Umno remains relevant.

Commenting further, the issues in question when it is a question of leadership integrity, trust and support of the people of Umno and the government.

Clearly, the policies make no sense either dijuarai Umno people just seen as a liability and being debated in the country's administration.

"We believe that as a father, Honorable president will not continue to let this continue and should act to restore people's trust in Umno and the BN government," he said.

Transvestite pageant in Miri banned

MIRI - Organizers Miss Pondan given a stern warning not to hold the contest in conjunction with Miri City any celebration, including the city, which is celebrated every year.

Miri Mayor Lawrence Lai said the Miri City Council (MBM) will not support any application to organize such events for understanding local religious and cultural sensitivities.

He also denied claims by some parties that the increasing trend here transvestite pageant is part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Miri City, celebrated on May 20.

"MBM never approve or authorize the organization of such events and it is not part of our Miri City Day celebrations," he told Bernama here today.

Lai commented on the competition Miss Miri Transuniverse 2015 scheduled to be held today at a hotel here that angered the local community.

Based on the review of its officers, Lai said no license or permit is issued for the event and MBM certainly never directly involved with the competition organizers.

On Thursday, the Organisation of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Malaysia Sarawak (MAPIM) Mohammad Fariduddeen Rosli issued a statement pleading media organizers to cancel the event.

"We received information that there was a Muslim participant in the competition, which is clearly the offense under Section 25 of the Syariah Criminal Offences Ordinance 2001, Ordinance 46 of 2001," he said.

He urged authorities, particularly Sarawak Islamic Affairs Department to take immediate action if such an event was being held.

Dayak Association Miri also shared the sentiments on the matter, especially when it involves the Iban traditional dress and want the state government to ban the event in Sarawak.

Boggy Budol president said pageant featuring queer groups using themes or traditional Iban clothing should be banned
immediately as it pollutes the culture, history and traditions of bygone innocence Iban in Sarawak.

TH selling land purchased from 1MDB

KUALA LUMPUR - Pilgrims Fund Board (TH) decided to resell a plot of land in the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) purchased from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) amounted to RM188.5 million previously.

Its chairman, Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Rahim Abdul Rahim said the decision was approved by the Board of Directors TH line after receiving advice from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yesterday.

"At the meeting last night all the members of the Board of Directors agreed to maintain the land. However, this morning the Prime Minister made a phone call and advise to sell the land to avoid TH continue maligned.

"Therefore, the Board met again this morning and agreed to sell the property.

"This decision is also made in order to maintain depositor sentiment TH worried with their savings since the issue raised since two days ago," he told reporters, here, today.