
Saturday 10 January 2015

Rawalpindi private hospital involved in organ smuggling

A private hospital of Rawalpindi is found to be involved in kidney smuggling operation, while two female and four male doctors have been taken into custody.

According to media reports, the fateful incident that took place in Gulzar-e-Quaid hospital where the kidneys of three patients had been removed for smuggling and surgery was being done on the fourth when police conducted the raid.

During the raid two female and four male doctors were arrested and taken to police station for further interrogation.

20 Characteristics of People Who Love You

Anything related articles that I will share the following very attractive associated 20 Characteristics of People Who Love You.  Maybe you no longer list than that I will share my screen but what caught my attention, I was intrigued to find out. In this life, you do not realize what is done by a person against yourself is a sign that he loves you. Some people are very shy to confess. So, he showed it through actions.

Here are 20 characteristics or act done by a person who shows that he loves you.

20 Characteristics of People Who Love You

1. People who love you so much, never force you to give him a reason and the reason for what you do, even if his struggling wanted to know, because he did not want to burden you with her ​​antics. When you asked him gone, she went without blame you, because he really understands what love is. These are the characteristics of those who love you!

2. The person who loves you never able to give a reason why he loves you. That he knew in his heart and there's only you only.

3. The person who loves you always accept you for what it is , at heart and your eyes are always the prettiest though you may feel you've gained weight.

4. Even if you already have a special friend or lover, she does not care! Important to him that you are happy and you remain a dream.

5. People who love you always wanted to know about what you are going through this all day, she wants to know you activities.

6. If you are celebrating a birthday and you did not invite him to the event you set up, at least he will be calling to congratulate or send SMS.

7. People who love you will send SMS / whatsapp like ' good morning ',' good-day week ',' goodnight ',' take care ', and others again, even if you do not reply to his SMS, SMS mails kerana it was he declares his love, expressed in differing ways, not the "I LOVE you", but hide paragraph other than the word love.

8. If you look at his cell phone then your name will adorn the greater part of his INBOX. He still save text messages from you even if you send it for months or years ago. He also kept the letters you in a typical and all giving you become valuable objects for him.

9. People who love you will give her things that might make you think it is something normal, but it's a very special thing for him.

10. Those who love you will always remember every incident that he spent with you, maybe even your own events already forgotten, kerana when it is something valuable for him. and then, his eyes glazed definitely. kerana when it should not be repeated with you always.

11. People who love you always remember every word you say, maybe even the words that you never forget to express themselves. As he put it in his heart to your words, how many words full of hope that you speak to him, and eventually you destroy? Surely you forget, but not someone who loves you.

12. People who love you often do things like calling you SENGAL 100 times in one day. Or surprise you in the middle of the night by sending an SMS. Actually when he was thinking about you.

13. People who love you sometimes miss you and do things that make you dizzy head. But when you say his actions make you annoyed he would apologize and never do it again.

14. If you ask him to teach you something, he will teach you patiently even though you might be the dumbest person in the world! In fact, he was so excited kerana can help you. He never dodged fulfill your request as difficult even where your request.

15. People who love you always want to be around you and wants to spend his days just with you. 

16. If at any time you have to move to another area, he was always giving advice that will alert you with persekitaran may be a bad influence on you and away. dihatinya he really afraid of losing you, ever heard of 'distant eyes, close to the hearts? '

17. People who love you will learn to prefer songs that you love, maybe even borrow CD yours, because he wanted to know what your favorite - you favorite passions as well, although difficult admires you prefer, but he finally succeeded.

18. When was the last time you see you might be cold, or cough, he will always send an SMS or call to ask your state - because he worried about you, care about you. And he does have the characteristics of those who love you.

19. A person who loves you act more like brothers than like a lover.

20. And if you try to stay away from it or reacting to reject it, he will notice it and disappear from your life, even if it kills her.  If at any time you miss her and want to give him a chance he will be there waiting for you because he never actually find people another, he always waiting for you.

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Money Is not Everything ...

Colleagues Assalammua'laikum wabarakatuh Quran ...

All thanks to the grace of God because MU Ya still breathing on this blessed land ... And thanks for still more likely to spend the next Ramadan and Shawwal welcome in a harmonious and peaceful ...

This time I want to express an opinion regarding those who are conscious of money to set aside the things that they think is small but the truth is very valuable in their lives ...

A friend of mine, a woman who was very concerned about money, but admits that he is indeed a materialistic ... He prioritizes money so in search of life partner, he just wanted a guy who had a better career than her ... her life motto is "Money is not everything but everything needs money" ...

I do not blame her because in our modern life now, everything that we do need the money, even to urinate even though we need at least twenty per cent if you're in a public place ... However, the problem is when we are put money until we are willing to sacrifice the happiness of ourselves just because we are not equal partner with us ...

That's what happened to my friend ... He was able to set aside the love and receive love living alone than men whose status is lower than her ... She is a beautiful and there are some men who want to make her special friend, but because of the position of the not equivalent, quite difficult for him to accept the presence of men in her life ...

For me, what means a lot of money or abundance if we do not get happiness ... ??? Maybe the world is now, whatever we do need the money but the fact that money can not buy you love ... Money can not buy happiness. ..Wang not afford to buy honesty ... Money can not buy loyalty ... And many more things that are not actually able to be bought with money ...

Even my best friends is always possible partner states no to the question why still solo even have a beautiful face and a great career ... maybe the right answer but also to look for a mate, rather than just waiting and waiting for it to ... Why am I said so ... ??? Because there are some men who are serious about establishing a relationship with her but was rejected for the same reason ... Everything for status and money ...

Each wedding, Allah has promised each sustenance ... And that's the promise of God ... living not only in the form of money but maybe happiness, harmony, children, and so on ... So no need to worry in case our partner status lower than our economy because we never know what will happen in the future ... What is important is that we always strive to provide the best in our lives ...

I want to take some words from a friend who he put in his book advance status recently ... Status sounded like this:

"Believe me ... money is not everything ... if you become a slave of money that you yearn, often only to lose you ... regardless of the key moments and beautiful human with whom you love ..."

That is the real truth in this life ... When we are too obsessed pursuit of money and other things aside, we will certainly end up missing the moments that we should cherish with the loved ones ...

But honestly, I have great respect for people who have this kind of thinking ... Dewi (not her real name), owner of status I borrowed this from a man who is very loving and beloved man always appreciate ... The husband has always been a priority for her and now with her husband into something too precious that can not be bought with money or the value of the dollar or maybe rupiah in selurub this world ... There is actually a special story that I want to show on this very special friends, but not in views this time ... God willing next time will show if I get permission from the owners of the body ...

For me, every moment that passes is very valuable ... Do not waste any moment of time ... Of course we need money in life but never become a slave to money we do not appreciate people who love us and we love ... seconds elapsed probably will not go back ... Treasure every moment with your loved ones because we never know when they or we would be picked up by the Angel of Death to "go home" ...

Colleagues Wassalammua'laikum wabarakatuh Quran ...


Ramadan is the month of mercy that has a lot of wisdom for everyone.

Among create children who are going through a lot of experience satisfying as playing fireworks, feel much delicious food during iftar, brought his parents to buy baju raya and many more are sure to be memorable when they grow up.

For a child, a girl named Princess Rania (NIA), Ramadan mercy for him is able to eat and pray with my parents coming home early from work compared to a normal day.

Knowing it was almost to the end of Ramadan and his parents will be back on the original routine, this little boy writes a letter to God so as not to end this month because he did not want to go back to eating and praying alone.

It does not matter if this was just a fictitious letter circulated in social sites or indeed written a child, it is actually a prayer many children out there who thirst for love.

Dear parents, please take the time occasionally to talk and understand what is in the hearts of children so that they do not keep a sense of sadness as Nia.

Dealing Malay Shoes Seized ... China Business CD Piracy Anyone Catch son? CD Pirated more noble From Shoes PBT view? !!!

This case occurred in Selayang when MPS had stormed and transport all goods transactions amounted to 1000 pairs of shoes ... this is the name of the Authority Tempatan..dapat public complaints continue bertindak..beri last warning ... tu default continue to carry ...

I continue to wonder why so many traders soon VCD piracy along the sidewalk and no one dared to sell before 7E shop ... apparently no public complaints coat ... if there is a complaint may have been bribed ...