
Tuesday 9 December 2014

Wife husband always dreamed of consummate spirit

Question: Rick, my husband passed away about three months ago. However, since lately there's something weird happened to me, that every night the spirits to come and hang out with me. My concerns;

i) Can a husband who passed away, come back and hang out, as they live on the night the day before his death?

ii) Can the spirit of my husband to visit her family members, visiting homes or homes?

iii) What is the true spirit dead, can enter the body back family members, as if to interact with the living.

Hamimah Abdullah
Banting, Selangor.



Answering the first question, here there are two episodes of this question, first, went to his wife after her husband died of 'sleeping together', may apply to be a sweet dream or both, really occur in conscious and convinced that it was her husband who earlier .

If accepted it on behalf of a dream, of course it's something that might, moreover happen to my wife who loves her husband, who had gone to meet God before him.

The wife went to the point he really aware and convinced that it was her husband, then this probably is not and can not happen because the person who has died has moved into the realm of baqa '- Salamul khulūdi - starting from the tomb.

Prophetic call (which means), "Natural tomb is a place of temporary residence, place a stop of places that will be passed, leading to the nature Hereafter, the grave is part of the barrier, which was then put into the grave will were in it until the Day of Judgment is not possible to return to the natural world. "
As happens after that is claimed by many people, especially to me, madam must be sure that it's not a real husband.

If applicable vast, it will happen, but not from her husband. But it was done by a creature named Qareen. Qareen exist, in al-Karim Qurannul, there is a term Qareen 12 times. For example we refer to Surah as-Shaffaat, paragraph 51, which means, one of which has passed the face of God replies, acknowledged by saying that, is there myself once Qareen.

Qareen in interpretations such as al-Qurtubi and al-Maraghi, referred to as a friend or a friend so close. That is, people who make Qareen as his close friends he has got the worst companion. Qareen is one type of species or Devil Jin.

In general, when people are friends with the devil and asks for help from it and many other things, and he was Qareen. Therefore, after the death of a man, Qareen this will do a lot of bad things can disrupt family including her deceased husband went to his wife as a way earlier.

Because it is not supposed to believe that 'she' is your husband, because your husband is actually passed away.

Regarding the second question, the person who has died, his soul returns to God who termed the sentence will be, it is the nature of the Hereafter. Thus people who have gone to him impossible and can not be returned to the natural world because it means separating sentence or barrier. It is like a strong wall separates the two worlds.

Those who have returned kerahmatullah or go back to this sentence, he can not go back. In Surat az-Zumar, verse 42 which means, "God with dead soul separates from His creatures and that was definitely hold off on this by not allowing it to return to the world."

Ayat al-Quran and others have mentioned, "That after death, they will be returned to the sentence until the day of resurrection."

Many verses of al-Quran and al-Hadith, which shows that the spirit of the deceased were in an enclosure that sentence will not be able to return to the natural world. As to the nature of the world we can not get into the sentence (without any reason).

Logically we can see, if the spirits of the dead can come back to the world, can do various things, of course, those who had died was as if no punishment of the grave, and no consideration as if they were free to go there to mari.

Therefore, we must be sure that the spirit of the deceased can not come back to visit his family, his home or the like.

To the third question, on my dead can not come back to the world. Remains are relics of the past, so he called back to his death. Whether he (the deceased) are in a state full of nice sentence that starts from the grave, or start with grave punishment like a crescent in the texts of al-Quran and as-Sunnah are obligatory to believe in the existence of grave punishment.

In both cases, the deceased was not likely to return to this world because he is in the sentence.

However happening in this world, people say the spirit of the dead, back into the world and borrow certain bodies, so just like people lost their minds, talk with tone, rhythm and behavior of people who have died.

From my experience, there is also a medakwa his Prophet Khidr, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Wali Songo and so on. There are also certain parties who treat patients, teach sciences nigth allegedly taken from the dead.

Overall this is not true and is rejected by Islam.

As if the existence of affiliation to restore the soul, in the Arabic expression called tanasuthil spirit - reincarnation -. This belief in Buddhism, Hinduism and ancient beliefs. Islam is net of all faiths.

Muslims must believe that the soul is to him alone and can not be entered in others. The body of the soul, when separated, the body will stay in the natural world, the soul back into the sentence.

Upon arrival later in the last days, the body will be made whole again and will look for imputed by God Barzakh is an environmentally sealed.

Therefore in my opinion does not arise at all man who has died, his soul may disturb or injure people.
And Allah knows best.

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